Agahnim the walker would not work on offcial server directly u must pay to get an access im asking u for a way to cancel the verify thing and connect cose when i pass the verify thingy i have the time out to login server u see? plz can u check in the matter?
Agahnim i didnt understand what u have said what protovol or ip? im playing on official and want l2walker 10.6.4/5 work for me the l2aserv doesnt work with these two version plz help me
so u think that there is no way to play with l2walker 10.6.4/5 in official server Agahnim? cose im searchin for any patch but now i have no clue what to do !!! plz guys if u can think about my problem plz
hi guys i wanna know if there is a way to let l2walker 10.6.4 or 10.6.5 work on official servers plz ive tried many patchs but it was only for private server i think. could u help me plz