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About Djinn

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  1. care to explain? id love to use walker over l2net not cus i think l2net is bad but cus l2net is more a bot for some1 who can script or has the time to sit down and figure things out while im more of cupcake switch on few things and let bot hacknslash which is what walker provides me :P
  2. so i got it all workin etc i can run around i can make it auto kill mobs but as soon as i target something the server stops me from doing anything with in 30 seconds while other ppl are still runnin around me etc so i was like ill try to target nothing and nothing happend was sittin 5 mins in giran then i targeted a shop and same stuff happend again with in 30 seconds it made my client freeze :x is it gameguard? cus as far i know they dont use bake ice cus for bake ice u need launch l2 tru a launcher right? which is not the case here and if its gameguard can some1 tell me how to kill it or way around it i tried alot been readin forum for hours but cant really get around it
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