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About Katsumi-chan

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. i get a error when i try to add. can someone help? -.- i'm using l2jdb.
  2. Em nenhum momento falei que não gostei do share, muito pelo contrário, achei muito legal. Mas eu coloquei tudo certinho e nada, nenhum item apareceu, diz que não existe. Só falei que poderia completar sua resposta, dizendo qual rev vc usa. Em nenhum momento faltei com respeito; Newbies como eu agradecem um sql pronto.
  3. I tried to put on my server but the sql is f.ucked up. I put 1 by 1 and nothing What rev is that? l2j? l2jfree? l2jemu? i'm using l2j and nothing happen with your share
  4. Its me again xD I read every single post and i couldnt find it. I want gracia pt 2 skills and i cant find it -.-' I tried search and nothing >.> I'm using l2j
  5. damn :/ thx anyway ^^
  6. Hi all, i saw all posts and i couldnt find it. I'm trying to make buffs duration like 9 hous, do i have to make 1 by 1 or there is an TxT to edit all once? I'm using l2j. Thx.
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