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Everything posted by Macintosh

  1. ATTENTION EVERYONE: I would like to announce that i have enough Event GM Applications now. I only need 3 Event GM's and those who have sent me a message for Event GM- Please send me the information telling me if you can have anyone else join. People you know so my community is larger. Second i need now applications for a Head GM and a Server GM Watchman. Then someone who is able to fix and edit the website. Anyone who has more information for me AND WANTS TO APPLY NOW Please send me an EMAIL (evanramge@yahoo.com) With the title of what you will be looking for. I will review it and reply. Thanks all- Brazer Shadow Lineage2 Max Server Owner.
  2. I'm looking for a New GM TEAM- I need someone who knows how to code- 5 GM's to be online - and 1 Event Manager- Second I need someone who knows IRC and someone who knows how to use a Website This is for a custom server with custom items. Shadow Lineage2 Max. It has around 78 People online at all times. If you would like to apply please reply to this message, and i will review your information. Please remember to spread the word about Shadow Max L2 and we can have a very large community. Thanks Shadow L2 Max Owner- Clemit
  3. Yes Sorry for That www.shadowl2.com is down for Hellbound Updates that we are applying once that is up I will upload your Auto Update for the Server. Please Note: If you want to play before then please contact me via PM on this forum.
  4. Custom's -Custom's Npc's -Custom's Armor's / Weapon's -Custom's Tattoo Stat's -Custom's Weapon Glow's -Custom Dwarf Skills [-Goddard Castle Gatekeeper Fixed] Custom's Npc's -[Npc Change Name color] -[Custom GM shop] -[Custom Buffer] -[Custom Tattoo Manager] -[Custom Gk] -[Custom Npc Change Sex] -[Custom Npc Selling Hero Status] -[Custom Npc Server Info] -[Custom Npc Selling 3Special Skill] -[Custom Npc Change Name] (i don't give id's all Npc's spawned in Giran castle town) Custom's Weapon's/Armor's -Epic Armors -Dual Dragon Slayer -Illuminati Dark Weapons -Dusk Weapons -Dual Forgotten Blade -Twin Lidia's Sword -Epic Weapons -Duals Of Fatality ;D ;DWebsite: ;D ;D www.shadowl2.com Connection information: # Copyright © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol. # # For example: # # rhino.acme.com # source server # x.acme.com # x client host localhost l2authd.lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com
  5. Im tired of waiting i dont know how to do it and i have tired and messed things up. Please someone give me the download link for a Gracia New Addition for this game. The latest version of Lineage2 and i need you to give me the patched system. Its for Gracia the Newest Updated Patch. Please someone help me. Thanks so much Macintosh
  6. Hello, Every time i download L2 FileEncdec its the latest version of 2.92 and i click on patch it tells me to use +++ ct1.exe and i do and it just flashes on my screen. So i dont know what is wrong hopefully someone can help and tell me what to do. Basically what im trying to do is i want to patch my system for gracia ct2 and i dont know how to do this. I know most of it but can someone please give me a little noob help ive been looking for many hours now and can not find what i need. So please someone help.
  7. I know most servers with their GMShop and Buffer and most of all there Teleporters! In most servers they all find the buffers,teleporters and gmshops that have every item and every single thing possible. And they have the rates set to 1000 and you will be level 85 in 10 seconds. I dont know about you but that can be boring. So on our server you have to work a little more and you have to level and kill monsters work for more then a little money and you can buy things, yes we have a GMshop and a buffer along with a Teleporter but it does not have everything and the buffer does not give everything. Everyone will have to work a little more with a fun community. The rates are not 1000 but enough to level you in a little while its 82 for Exp and 82 for Sp your adena start is 150kk and the drop rate is 700 %. You will have custom events and custom items. Since ShadowL2 has just opened we dont have alot of people and i know why because once you log on and see only 3 then you log off, please stay on and more will come once they see you. For anyone that joins from this fourm i will give you 500 Million Adena and your choice of Name color. You will also get 1 donation token worth 100 dollars. Website: www.shadowl2.com Server Host File: # Copyright © 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol. # # For example: # # rhino.acme.com # source server # x.acme.com # x client host localhost l2authd.lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com
  8. Hello All, I need help with one of my programs. Its called L2 File Edit. The one you use to decrypt and encrypt. Well i have figured out how to decrtpt the file and turn it into notepad and change what is in the file but i do not know what to do once i am done. I click on save and encrypt but it has an error saying that the system can not find the path selected when all it is, is my desktop i just need help with knowing how to encrypt the files i have changed. If someone could help i would appricate it. SS Are Below
  9. Sorry it was its just at the very Bottom. www.shadowl2.com
  10. Welcome to Shadow L2 ShadowL2 Is Proud to Introduce Lineage2 Custom Mod Weapons. Remember the Servers you played on and seen they have only normal Weapons and Armor, nothing special just a fun server. Well now You have a server that is Above and Beyond all of that. ShadowL2 Has Full Custom Items and Weapons, GM Dual Dragon Slayer - Dual Forgotten Gods Blades - 10 Wings for Final Forum (Can Be Equipted with Armor on) - Baium Armor (All Classes) - Gold Bar System - Farming in Custom Area for Gold Bar. - Custom Drops - Leveling Set to Have Fun - No Lag and 100% Uptime Join Today to See all The Items and Fun. Rates: 75 SP: 75 and Adena 750 Custom Mob Drops for Adena and Items - Items Sold in Main Town (Giran) www.shadowl2.com JOIN NOW
  11. Hello This is what i need since no one wants to help me. Im using the new packet for Lineage2 This is it. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27311.0 Now can someone please tell me why i can not get this to work? I get a critical error every time i try to start L2 its because of the system folder files. Please help me. IM A NOOB SO BE CLEAR AND GIVE ME STEPS I NEED HELP
  12. I dont quite understand, can someone or you be a little more spacific by like step by step im a real noob
  13. So can you do me a favor? I have HellBound and i was going to try the Fire Ice Duals from the one Guy. well i dont know what to do to make them show up in my inventory. It says i spawned them but it dont show the picture. I know you know what your doing please help me. Heck upload the 3 .dat files for me so i just copy and paste make this alot easier. Please help
  14. What do i do with the client side files? Please help where do i put them.
  15. Hello Im Macintosh and im the Owner of ShadowL2 i have a post i need help with its under client mod section of forums
  16. Hello, I need help im new to this site and i need some help. What i need help with is what do i do with everything on here, i know how to execute batch files and stuff into navicat and how to paste xml files in the stats folder in my gameserver file but when it comes to the client side i dont know what to do. Can someone please help me. I have 2 files here 1 labled system and the other system textures and in there are the system textures files and in system somthing called itemname-e and weapongrp and in the game it says i spawned the items in my inventory but there is no picture. Can anyone help me or send the post to me to show me how to do it i need step by step
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