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About oElaToS

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Evosmos city

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. ego otan dokimasa na kano ti dikia mou clan lvl5 oi drakoi pou sou dinoun ta eggs dn edinan tpt. skotosa kamia 20aria apo autous alla tpt kai meta sikothika kai efiga
  2. can someone explain me what's this topic about???
  3. to diorthose o static. ekane kai announce kai edose lista me atoma pou efagan ban gia stuck buffs
  4. man tha mporousa na se rotiso kai kati akoma? blepo olous autos (ston THEGAME PvP panta) me ta +16 kai pano opla kai trelenomai ;). exo diabasei edo sto forum kapou oti paizete kati me ta stone of purity. kses tpt. pls apantise (edo i se pm) ty
  5. I saw a guy in THEGAME PvP svr who talked to an NPC and told me smthing about some codes that he uses to buy cloacks, underwears and tattoos. if you know the codes and the way to use them pls tell me paides eida enan ston THEGAME PvP pou milise se enan NPC kai mou eipe kati oti xrisimopoiei kwdikous gia na agorazei cloacks, underwears kai tattoos. an kserete tous kwdikous kai ton tropo na tous xrisimopoiiso pls peite mou
  6. nai re c maxtor pes kati parapano re c na xaroume kai meis pou paizoume thegame ligo ;)))
  7. it's the first time i make a post and i don't know how i double posted it. i'll learn some day ;)
  8. hi guyz. i need some help here. i've heared of a hack for adena. if i'ts real will you give me the site i can get it??? pls. and another thing. i've also heard of stuck buffs but i can't find them. pls give me the sites. i NEED them :P
  9. hi guyz. i need some help here. i've heared of a hack for adena. if i'ts real will you give me the site i can get it??? pls. and another thing. i've also heard of stuck buffs but i can't find them. pls give me the sites. i NEED them :P
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