some server Have time to disconect in my l2world 5m and your char log out... when your network down try on your maybe help u, and in character screen u dont get dc Quick, but your client safe ip before u close net,..
Hi Guys i will tell u a good idea, cant open dualbox on server? your server have vote reward for ip?
Use my idea, everything what u need, is variable Ip. Log your char to character window, Quick Close your internet and open again, and u get new adress. works on alot servers
All What u need, is a just Quest in Crypt of disgrace, near Spawn stay Npc karuda, he will give you 2 guests, for the first u get 240 animal bone, for the 2nd Quest u get cbp or steel, 2 Quests in 5minuts,
you can kill this mobs whit lvl 76 and mobs give you normal Q items..