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  1. Hello all. I'm proud off that i can say our brand new project "L2Paradox" is now launched! We had an really good start! Everything went better then planned! I hope you will like and join our server! We worked hard for it and still working hard on it so you can have the best Lineage experiance! Register on our forum and have fun! http://l2-paradox.info/forum/index.php 20xp/20sp/20adena/15x spoil/2x party/15x drop/2x quest/2x boss drop/10x pet ================== Retail subclass ================== All buffs / songs / dances / chants etc is retail! ================== No NPC buffer ================== No gm shop ================== Offline shop ================== Offline craft ================== Auto events like tvt etc ================== All time events like glittering medals ================== Auto Event's = Hide and seek / Deathmatch and Team Vs Team ================== Gatekeeper only with towns (Town GK) ================== Retail Enhance system ================== Auto Loot ================== No Auto loot herbs ================== No Auto loot raid drops ================== Class change = NPC (spawned at all starter towns + Giran). 1st class = 100k , 2nd = 2kk , 3rd = 20kk ================== Dual box allowed ================== Blacksmith and Merchant of Mammon will be announced when they spawn ================== Full Anti-Bot system ================== Donation will get on but you will never donate for and get items. You will resive an worthless item. With worthless i mean you can't trade it. And it will just be an example, "Donation hat". only something like that. Again. You will NEVER get items that can help you with the ingame play! ================== Retail Olympiad ================== Retail Nobless ================== No Auto Learn skills (No books) ================== Wedding ================== If you got any suggestions or anything feel free to post it on our forum Hope you will like our server and will stay with us. Regards Ambusher www.l2-paradox.info
  2. Ah ok, i dident even know that :) But anyway. we had this paradox server before prob 1 year ago and at that time we dident look on any servers too. I hate those who steel and take other server's ideas -,-
  3. Ah and btw :) They got 80 min buffs / songs / dances + its interlude + its an 10x rate :)
  4. Thanks :)
  5. lol? we dident look of ANY other servers. this is actually from our old server, we wanted to reopen it because pretty many liked it. So if anyone copyed it was them. The paradox server we had before is about ½ - 1 year ago.
  6. Hello all MaXc's. first of all i wanna wish all a happy new year! We has worked on an new server that we came up with now. This is the beta test and we will be testing for about 1 week or so. If you got ANY questions please go to our forum at www.l2-paradox.info. Here goes the server info as it is now (we can still edit a little in the things, not rates tho) 20xp/20sp/20adena/15x spoil/2x party/15 drop/5 quest/2x boss drop ================== Subclass is not decided yet. ================== All buffs / songs / dances / chants etc is retail! ================== No NPC buffer ================== No gm shop ================== Offline shop ================== Auto events like tvt etc ================== All time events like glittering medals ================== Auto Event's =Hide and seek / Deathmatch and Team Vs Team ================== Gatekeeper only with towns (Town GK) ================== Retail Enhance system ================== Auto Loot ================== No Auto loot herbs ================== No Auto loot raid drops ================== Class change = auto (when you reach lv 20 there comes an (?) in the corner, click that and you will see the class change. 1st class = 100k , 2nd = 2kk , 3rd = 20kk ================== Dual box allowed ================== Blacksmith and Merchant of Mammon will be announced when they spawn ================== Full Anti-Bot system ================== Donation will get on but you will never donate for and get items. You will resive an worthless item. With worthless i mean you can't trade it. And it will just be an example, "Donation hat". only something like that. Again. You will NEVER get items that can help you with the ingame play! ================== Retail Olympiad ================== Retail Nobless ================== No Auto Learn skills (No books) ================== Wedding ================== 20xp/20sp/20adena/15x spoil/2x party/15 drop/5 quest/2x boss drop ================== Subclass is not decided yet. ================== All buffs / songs / dances / chants etc is retail! ================== No NPC buffer ================== No gm shop ================== Offline shop ================== Auto events like tvt etc ================== All time events like glittering medals ================== Auto Event's =Hide and seek / Deathmatch and Team Vs Team ================== Gatekeeper only with towns (Town GK) ================== Retail Enhance system ================== Auto Loot ================== No Auto loot herbs ================== No Auto loot raid drops ================== Class change = auto (when you reach lv 20 there comes an (?) in the corner, click that and you will see the class change. 1st class = 100k , 2nd = 2kk , 3rd = 20kk ================== Dual box allowed ================== Blacksmith and Merchant of Mammon will be announced when they spawn ================== Full Anti-Bot system ================== Donation will get on but you will never donate for and get items. You will resive an worthless item. With worthless i mean you can't trade it. And it will just be an example, "Donation hat". only something like that. Again. You will NEVER get items that can help you with the ingame play! ================== Retail Olympiad ================== Retail Nobless ================== No Auto Learn skills (No books) ================== Wedding ================== If you got any suggestions or anything feel free to post it on our forum :) Hope you will like our server and will stay with us. Regards Ambusher www.l2-paradox.info
  7. Lineage][Avalon http://www.l2avalon.com *Rates = 50xp/50sp/200adena/2xdrop/5xspoil/2xraid drop/2x quest *Auto pickup *NO HERBS *Auto Learn Skills *Crystal enchant scrolls *GM Shop to with C/B/A/S grade (NO S80 And boss jewels) *NPC Buffer (No 3rd class buffs) *Custom new city "Atlantis" with clan halls / event rooms / market and more *Custom areas for enchant scrolls *Retail subclass quest *Retail enchant rates *All quests retail *Class changer in giran and starter towns *Global GateKeeper *Voting events (Vote and write it on forum, at every 50 vote the admins find a random winner of the event - you can only win if you vote and post it on forum) *Custom events by GM's *TvT event at fantasy island *Underground coliseum event *Hellbound area *No client modding *NO DONATIONS FOR ITEMS!!! *Good / active and friendly staff! *Good / active and friendly Developing team *Good upcomming communtiy TRY US OUT!! http://www.l2avalon.com Regards Judge L2Avalon Head Admin
  8. Hello all. I'm looking for a good developer to our new project. www.l2avalon.com we are going for an 50x rate and already got much working. Like hellbound island (fixed with all mobs / stats / drops etc) and more. We got a dedi server. Please contact me on l2avalon@hotmail.com if you maybe are interested. Im not looking here much. Regards Judge
  9. omfg. how the hek can you upload a GK that ax3l made? Pff, sure you can share it with others, but not giving the credits to him. Omg, what a noobish thing! Credits goes to www.cubenetwork.co.cc/forum - Ax3l , admin of server www.l2avalon.com. Try credit him and THEN upload it! Argh i can be so pissed on such noobs
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