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Everything posted by On4r

  1. Guys pragmatika einai o kaliteros pvp server p exo dei...gi 'auto loggarete oso einai nwris prin bgoun oi hero ;) ;) ;)
  2. ;) ;) ;) Yes man in two days we had over 200 players!!!!
  4. yes of caurse man....dont forget you must craft them :P
  5. Now he has 23online players....but the server hasn't activated yet from voting sites and especially from hopzone!!!Join guys!!!!! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  6. i modifided it....all are ok now !!!!Thanks a lot
  7. L2 FreeMasons MID RATE SERVER http://l2freemasons.webs.com Exp:x35 Drop:x20 Spoil:x30 Sp:x50 Adena:x100 Party Exp:x2 Enchant Safe:+6 Enchant Max for weapons:+16 Enchant Max for armors and jewels:+15 Normal Scroll enchant:80% Blessed Scroll Enchant:90% All buffs duration:60minutes {songs, dances, prophecy of fire etc..} No GmShop No custom Gk Npc Buffer in towns Hero every 2 weeks Sieges every 2 weeks Merchant and Blacksmith of Mammons in Giran Mana potions in grocery storegirl (next to adventure guide in giran) Npc class changer with 1st 2nd and 3d class change Sublcass free without quest Noblesse with quest ALSO NPC WITH FULL VITALITY FOR 2HOURS!!!!!! Offline Shopping All quests from Freya working normally Join us and have a great TIME!
  8. we will end the Beta period at 10/1 8PM GMT +0 things that will change: more events runing lesser downtime new events passive/active spoil will go from x10 => x15 some new npc's Opening Event New forum New homepage (is under construktion) 22 fixes to quests (so far, will maby be more) improved geo data (for freya areas) new easy way to connect (we will still be 100% leagal) and we will have NO WIPES ...there will also be alot more of changes to, but thoes aren't listed yet!
  9. New npc with vitality potions was added at giran...you can pay one adena to buy them!!!
  10. thank you man....Try the server if you want!!!We work hard about it to fix all the buggs and to put a lot of other items...Also guys we fixed the problem about the pailaka 73-77lvl,you can go now to kill it!!!
  11. Guys at the site there is a poll about the lvl up zone...you can vote [yes]for to stay the instant zone and [no] to delete the instant zone....Go vote guys we need your votes about the future of server!!!!
  12. News: New lvl up zone was added...Lvl mobs 10-85!!!!You can drop elemental stones from 85lvl mobs there!!! Good Farm
  13. guys to connect to our server is very easy....we have and tutorial guide for newbies who don't know what he must do to log in... this is the link to read how to connect at server http://yeti-spawn.page.tl/How-2-connect.htm :P :P :P :P
  14. New fixes was added to the server!!! Join Us
  15. what you mean man???i didnt understand you!!!who are the pokemons?? :o
  16. the enchant rate changed : safe enchant +5 max enchant +20 Enchant Chance 66% it's not only a new freya server, its a new way of life. play the game like never before, fight your way 2 fame and glory Join us today!
  17. no there aren't blessed enchants!!!and the max enchant will changed because and other people doesnt like this...the video will come at live stage with all the fixes ;)
  18. no man the shiny weapons were before the update!!! :S omg and the enchant rate is 80% :D
  19. i forgot to write: Enchant Safe:5 Max Enchant:30 it's not only a new freya server, its a new way of life. play the game like never before, fight your way 2 fame and glory Join us today!
  20. some things fixed....you need to download now the hosts to log in at the server!!!! GG ::) ::) ::)
  21. on the 29/11 we will go down for one beta update and for moving of the server machine to an higher internet connection the update will change: Fixes: Fix the bugged Gk Fix the Squash event fix the bufftime fix some errors in the core add: etc event shop A-grade recipie shop new locations for the global gk 1 vs 1 event pvp/pk list common item trade elemental farm zone adena farm zone Remove: Enchanted weapons on the npc/mobbs bugged gk destinations alot of lagg some buffs from the buffer You will need: A new Host file, it will be added to the homepage during the down time Planed downtime: 1h
  22. thank you...gl too to your server!!!
  23. ~YetiSpawn~ Server Features: L2 Freya exp:x25 sp:x50 spoil:x5 Quests drop rate:x5 Quest Reward x1 Raid dropps x5 Special raid dropps x1 autoloot mobs (not raids) auto lean skills (you still need forgotten scrolls) Anti-cheat engine dualbox allowed (not in events) 100% leagal, no custom client modds 1h buffs shops to B-Grade auto events offline shops Other information: there will be NO wipe's from the Beta 1.0 there is NO need 4 a custom system folder 2 play on YetiSpawn the only thing you need 2 have is a fully upp-2-date l2 Freya Client and our host file. http://yeti-spawn.page.tl
  24. geia sas paides na kanw mia erwthsh epeidh se auta eimai ligo asxetos??to OOG se ti diaferei apo to IG???kai pio prepei na katebasw gia ton l2azrama??
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