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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Warning - while you were typing 55 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post. 3 vs 4 ( 3 of them were heroes)
  2. forget to show you.. http://extremeportal.hi2.ro/show-image.php?id=41a7ec4daf40d45f2f9029e50da4249e
  3. l2java.com :-L
  4. ce-o da pe beat micuta lol!
  5. http://www.220.ro/video-news/1-Pentru-Bani-Si-2-Pentru-Ciobani/yTA4tlOJG0/
  6. l2java
  7. busy people
  8. Spera sa iti pice lucea farul :))
  9. You can make what rules you want..kids are kids. Ban>new acc>ban this is the cycle..even they said all leaving, they are back.
  10. GrisoM will delete it.
  11. Ce pot sa va zic este doar bafta.
  12. though today im gonna test some exploits in seth's server and soon will be online :D
  13. YEah, i putted 200 stones and nothing.
  14. i just ate and im still hungry :S
  15. augumenting...
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e7-fl8AcAM&feature=related
  17. Muma padurii si-a bagat internet
  18. hi spammers
  19. plus referee
  20. lool Hernandes scored from offside France 0 - 1 Mexic
  21. not gud weap...
  22. do we grown together ?
  23. last spam from me..
  24. mosquito on my monitor
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