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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Nah we're not leaving, plus i know those guys, in max two weeks they will come back begging for unban.
  2. Try to use proxycap
  3. la magaki eu i-am dat unban, m-am certat cu Grisom pentru el, era un tip de treaba, la fighterboss i-a fost furat accountu si nimeni nu l-a crezut doar eu, mi-a trimis omu 10 sau 20 k adena de bucuros ce a fost ca i-am luat accountu bac, acu vreo sase luni eu si maxtor am dat vreo 20 de banuri la grecii care faceau figuri ca acum astia ce au primit ban, mai vreti ? :))
  4. eu nu-l cunosc azi am invatat la biologie cum se numesc mai multe grupari de celule [glow=#EECCCC,4,300]teroriste[/glow]
  5. neatza ezact
  6. mere sa tragi prin perete daca n-ai wall?
  7. Erol you still didnt anwered to my pm.
  8. oh nais times, i've banend some :D
  9. nu stiu daca ma crezi, dar eu am fost pana acum la o singur inmormantare.
  10. n-are rost ma..e prea scump!! eu plateam un milion si descarcam cu 400 kbps, ti se pare normal?
  11. ;)
  12. cui ii pasa ?
  13. i meant the first youtube link nvm now.. lyrics translated with google translate, i'm bored to translate it citeste-ne genele, dezechilibru germene din entitati gemene ce-ncep sa semene temere-n genere, legendele rele ce-si cer templele perene-n eternele gemete, cu blesteme deci teme-te de tente demente, cand rasare atacu, ca-s tare dat dracu, cu nepasare-ti crap capu, vlastare cad acum, lasand sfere sterpe, n-aud strada cand cere jertfe, dupa scancete-ncepe sa le zboare sange din cefe, ai crancene cete, secte cu sete de secete, am sceptre septice-ntre cele zece degete, cel mai rece rege ce trece de lege cert, cere tacere-n cer prin cerebel si vede placere-n fier, fost preot din cler storc durere-n ser s-otrava invart globu-n cerc si-l innec in ger si lava, asa ca, cine sapa cui groapa? rime crapa mui cioaca, n-au stiut ca asta nu-i joaca ! Read our genes, germ imbalance in twin entities begin to resemble what I fear, generally, what evil legends and perennial-temples in eternal heaven groans, curses the canopy so afraid of crazy, when rising atacu as-s very devil, you carelessly head carp, now fall offspring, leaving barren areas, I hear you ask sacrifices street after you start whining, they fly blood collars, of the fiercest bands, sects eagerly droughts, we Sceptre September between the ten fingers, the coldest king passing the law certainly requires silence, seeing the sky through the cerebellum and in iron-pleasure, pain was a priest of clergy squeeze -n-poison serum and blood-n spin circle and drowning him in cold and lava, so who bolt hole digging ?faces crack Cioaca rhymes, they did not know this game!
  14. nah, he's ok
  15. Cool flow. But watch the difference between the link that i gave you and wich you gave me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGblePUSFC4 Erol read my pm :|
  16. FIghterboss
  17. What happened with those users?
  18. plus he have hard lyrics
  19. because your english saks
  20. era setat deja
  21. Raule


    let the mods do their job..stop being a pain in the ass -.-
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