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Everything posted by Raule

  1. esti un pepe lepe ma ilariant ?
  2. esti un pepe lepe ma ai vazut-o ?
  3. :)) ezact si amre au intrat in spamatica
  4. a si inchis topicu si mi-a sters postu :))
  5. Raule


    ok give awards for spamming 4k posts, lol. Though i didnt said for 2-3 guides, i just gave examples. When i was global mod none had award priv.
  6. Raule


    the forum goes down, lol. Only spam section is alive.
  7. sterge-ti ma semnatura aia :))
  8. baga o noua variabila JAVA_HOME si dai targetu la java
  9. well you dont have to report them, i warn them i smite them.
  10. Raule


  11. Raule


    rezise image is not a magic trick
  12. instaleaza jdk
  13. Raule


    Well i had this idea since i was in staff So the first thing that we must do is, global moderators to have award priv. And we can resurrect a little the forum by giving to users awards wich fits, example: Finito created guides lately, he can get Award for Creating tutorials X user helped lots of people award for helping etc.. Andronix Signatures maker ASdasd most active user etc..
  14. ahahahaha
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e2d8dNS8WU&feature=related dinastea ascultam cand eram un putulica :))
  16. foarte bun raspuns, esti acceptat.
  17. gtfo next reply here, smite.
  18. da fara dinastea, ori spam amre ori pleci acas :)) tiunchi intra pe mess sa iti dau ala
  19. liciars
  20. ba voi stiati ca astia traduc tot ce scriem noi ? :))
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