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Posts posted by hakerboy

  1. file mou, elpizw na ksereis ti einai to multisell, se periptoisou pou dn ksereis einai kati arxeia pou vriskonte ston server, kai etsi doulevoune ta perisotera shop, einai volika, kai mpwreis na ta diaxiristis, se parakalw poly, pigene sto html arxeio tou npc sou kai kane post tin grami edw pou se kanei redirect sto buylist/multisell tis katigorias pou einai to bsoe.

  2.       <dropRate val="A" /> <!-- 100000 for 100% -->

          <duration val="B" /> <!-- in minutes -->

          <durationLost val="C" /> <!-- in minutes -->

          <disapearChance val="D" /> <!-- in % -->

          <stageKills val="E" /> <!-- Integer -->


    A= to drop rate ton weapon, gia paradigma 1% simenei oti ka8e mob ston xarti exei 1% chance na ta droparei,


    prosoxi, to 1% dn einai 1 alla 100, diladi polaplasiase to pososto pou 8es x10



    paradigma an 8es 50% na to valeis 50000(peninta xiliades)


    B=gia posi wra 8a menei ston katoxo tou, gia paradigma 300=300 lepta, o xronos ipologizete se lepta opote an to 8es na krataei mia vdomada ipologise 24x60x7


    PROSOXI: o xronos mionete me ka8e kill, dn 8imame kata poso alla mionete


    C=NOMIZO dn eimai sigouros giati exw kairo na asxoli8o, oti einai posa 8a lepta 8a xanonte me ka8e kill, gia paradigma otan einai 3, gia ka8e kill pou perneis 8a xanonte 3 lepta apo ton sinoliko xrono tous.


    D=Chance na eksafanis8oune apo ton katoxo xwris na pesoune sto edafos gia ton epomeno


    E=ana posa kills 8a anevenei level to ka8ena



    Ta cursed weapons exoun merika stage/lvls ta opia einai 10, me ka8e level afksanonte kai ta status tou katoxou pou pernonte apo ta cursed wep, gia paradigma cp/p att/m att/p deff/m deff.

    to ka8e level anevenei me 10 pk/kills otan exeis ta cursed, kai ftanei mexri lvl 10 diladi 90 kills(dioti arxizei apo lvl 1)


    me afto alazeis to ka8e posa kills 8a anevazoune to lvl tou zariche.



  3. an 8imame kala ap otan asxoliomouna me l2, mpwreis meso enan editor ton ini arxeion tou system sou mpwreis na ta vreis, dokimase me to fileedit na anikseis ena arxeio sto system sou p prepei na leei


    skillname-e(english) h kapos etsi, kai 8a ta deis. exei mazi kai tis plirofories mou fenete, tou ka8e skill, kali epitixia

  4. @frozen, gt perimeneis na paizoun atoma mias kapias ilikias se enan server san ton mafia?


    @all, ginete na anikseis inventory ka8os kaneis trade,se olous tous private, se ola ta chronicle.


    2 pragmata exeis na kaneis, anigis to inventory, patas tin elaxistopoihsh p exei, kaneis trade, kai patas sto eikonidio tou INV pou exei emfanisti kai voila, pianei se oles tis periptosis pou den se afinei na anikseis inventory, dokimazmeno pantou, pianei pantou!

  5. Kalisperes, exw to eksis problima, aniksa ton server, exw komple ta panta, ip's kai ta lipa, anigi, dixnei oti einai on, alla otan prospa8o na mpw, me to system tou tenki no shekai pou einai patched m vazei mexri to login server, meta m exei light kai ping 9999, mipos mpwreite na me voi8isete? kserw oti einai to protocol, alla exw to sosto pistevo, :) efxaristo ek ton proteron

  6. Kalispera mxc, xreiazome ena script gia OOG l2net, to opio opote pe8enei o paixtis 8a pigeni aftomata sto xorio, kai 8a sinexizei tin douleia tou.


    P.S. to lew dioti ston server an pe8aneis sto farm zone, se vgazei pali sto farm zone.


    p.s.2 dokimasa me auto clicker alla exw 9 para8ira opote dn ginete me auto clicker, 8elw ena script.


    efxaristo ek ton proteron.


    dn 8elw script me teleport oute tipota paromoio

  7. @interpid hm not really, most of the daggers don't touch them at all

    @interpid (2) no, you forgot one zero ^^

    @weidsituation yes i'm sure


    about stuns, well, you will either have to be a blow jober, or a stun resister, in my opinion i preffer making BLOW dmg than resisting couple of stuns, plus, archers won't stun you, since they won't risk to eat backstab if you hunt them and delay that much, and if they stun, it's 50-50 the risk that you are taking.

    about tanks, well that's a diffirent story, and you won't stay to 1v1 with tank, it's pointless, except if you are going in oly, when i should suggest to remove your dyes at all if the opoenent is tank, but you can't know this from before!

  8. Interlude



    +wit-men or int, which of them is possible to cut





    +nothing-nothing or you can add int for success rate of Hex/CW in case you are AW/GH


    well, str is not about skill dmg, although it affects them it's rarely seen on the dmg, and you won't see it except if you are playing on a lolfailjava server.

    how will you understand? hit 2 times with blow, if the dmg is the same then the server fails.

    dmg is random, you could make from behind 1k on the first hit, 870 the second,1.4k the third hit, if in your server you always make the same dmg then download this http://tinyurl.com/23rm5wb


    so, with +str you got some dmg extra, and more chances on 1/1 lethal success, not lethal success generaly, i mean, if you have 10% chance to get lethal on stock, and 90% from this is to take lethal on cp and 10% on 1/1 lethal, then with +str you get 20% to get 1/1 and 80% to get cp lethal, it might affect it some, the general lethal chance, but it won't be seen as a BIG diffirence. only like 3?5? how much? don't even know (numbers are randoms)

    also the MOST IMPORTANT that makes STR NEEDED is the double dmg, STR is slightly increasing the chances to get a double dmg on your skills (double dmg is daggers critical (although they all say critical they are not)

    also G might and generaly p attack increase the dmg, not that much but it increases, at least those are for pvp servers,in retail it's diffirent, the whole story. the point that they always have the dagger blows nerfed on private servers is happening coz they are OPED on retail too, you might see a dagger dmging a mage for 15-20-30k with one stab without hex/cw (you don't want to imagine the dmg WITH hex/cw) also this depends on the elements too. anyway that's the story about daggers.

  9. Re paidia dn kserw ti simvainei alla otan paw na open tn Game server mou m vgazei auto to error!!!!!!!!!!

    Starting L2J----- Game Server.


    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/l2j/gameserver


    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer

            at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

            at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)


    VOITHISTE ME! TI PRP NA FTIAKSW??????????? :S Prokatavolika! Euxaristw para poli!



  10. kalispera, exw ena pack, l2j, ekana monos m compile kai dokimaza to phx, einai gracia final, lepon, epsaksa gia ta codes gia punisment ktlp, dn iparxoune ston server ta path p exei edw, piramatistika alla tipota, dioti dn kserw ti prepei na blockaro, an blockaro ta packets dn 8a mporoune na kanoun tipota ston server, oute na kouni8oune, an logaroun, mporei kapios na m pei ti prepei na blockaro oste na ftiaxw ena diko m script h kati paromio? :) efxaristo

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