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Everything posted by Grymyr

  1. My statement was "2) using modern tools like ORMs (EF core) with ability to use different DBMS (I already switched from MySQL to PostgreSQL)". No words about PostgreSQL specific features, just the ability to use various DBMS via EF core. Moreover using PostgreSQL specific features would prevent having this ability. Now switching to another DBMS is as simple as replacing DBMS provider Nuget package. All plain SQL has been replaced to EF core queries in the code.
  2. I don't feed trolls. He even haven't had a look at the code.
  3. Thanks! @BumbleYou have developed the interesting app. I also have the library to extract data from the client (including latest versions): textures, icons, and data from dat files.
  4. For many reasons: 1) modernizing code base, increase maintainability and reduce effort for development of new feature: split code into business layers, for example data from datapack, npc/item templates, world objects; remove circular dependencies between layers; create API-like objects; remove duplicated code (copy-pasts); using external libraries to replace some part of the code 2) using modern tools like ORMs (EF core) with ability to use different DBMS (I already switched from MySQL to PostgreSQL) ; generators for in-game interfaces (L2 html's) I'm thinking also about using Akka (agent) library in the future for world objects and their interaction. 3) optimizations: for example reducing memory usage and memory allocations with C# structs
  5. Hi everyone, I'm working of the new L2 Classic server in .NET. Basically I ported the L2J Mobius Essence 7.3 server sources for the new 447 protocol. Currently the project sources can compile and able to run. I'm able to create characters, enter the world, walk, fight with mobs, etc. There are still some bugs present after porting and I'm working on them. My goal is to modernize the code base and do performance optimizations after fixing the bugs. I see big potential here. .NET was chosen because I have huge experience working on high-load projects in .NET and C++. I don't know Java good enough for this. I'm looking for people who might be interested to take part in the project. I promise to take care of the core part. I would appreciate any help with the datapack and geodata, this is my lowest priority for now, I need to fix bugs first. Best, Grymyr https://github.com/ax-grymyr/l2dn-server
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