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About wishformore

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  1. Which truth has been revealed exactly ? That there was a corrupt gm who recently joined the team and decided to be rogue. A GM that was exposed 2 weeks after he started doing shit. You’re so blinded by your hatred for being exposed. oh, I almost forgot. After Riku found out about your “business” you wanted to keep playing and you tried to blackmail him with “disclosure”, so when that didnt work you started disclaiming the project. hypocrites.
  2. But why did you start all this only after you got caught ? Is it purely because you want to discredit the project who was vigilant and threw your money into oblivion and you could not take advantage of bragging being “the best” with 50% boost from those items. It shows nothing but frustration. until then you happily played on the project for 2+ years well played I’d say
  3. FA cp is nothing more than a mid tier CP with big wallets and good interface. So calm your titties
  4. And i said, you're on rampage just because you lost tons of money you invested for nothing. Biting the hand that fed your lineage 2 career for the last few years out of spite. Proves nothing!
  5. If you wouldn't be exposed and loose all your "investment" you wouldn't even make this post and keep playing hapily on Dex project. But since it happened you're just trying to discretid them for doing their job and threw your in the garbage can.
  6. You did nothing more but to expose a corrupt GM who: 1. Joined the project around 1 year ago 2. Started doing stuff around 2-3 weeks ago (according to the conversations you just posted) 3. Was discovered in less than 3 weeks for what he did. How does that discredit the project ? Or the future projects they might have ? It just proves the vigilange of the Dex team in order to fix things on such short notice and their transparency. But i guess you're nothing more but a frustrated member for FA CP who wasted tons of cash on a project which you played for years and also lost all of your "investment". Kudos to that
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