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  1. Thank you for your time and effort that you put in order to reply in this topic. Please do not bother other people that want to express themselfs. Kindly thank you very much!
  2. We totally agree with you and everyone else but for now we collect information about Lineage2 in general. We want to know which rates are more likely to get choosen and for what reason then what is the most attractive event/future or whatever but this things has to come slowly in order to keep the "balance" of the information and flow so we don't drown in it. What we want it to touch every aspect of the game that is popular and possibly improve it to the point that is easy to understand even to the "dumbest" person and make it even more attractive than all the half-baked futures and... you know make everything as clean as possible.
  3. Thank you very much for your response but we do not want to bombardment every single aspect of the game in one topic so we go stage by stage. If you don't have any opinion about the game or if you can't type it it's okay too we are not here to fight with anyone we just need general information about the game we all love. What's to come is something different and i beg your pardon but it's up to us on how we are going to reach it. Again thank you very much for your time and effort in order to type this message. You are well appreciated. Side note: If it's not that hard can you also vote for which rate is your preferred one in order to join a new server?
  4. For now we are going globally here and in other forums which i will not name in order to gather as much information as we can in order to have the best possible outcome(s) but again thank you very much for the time and effort you put forth to help us understand your logic behind your vote.
  5. Thank you very much for your comment and yes currently we are gathering information about every single aspect of Lineage2 in order to produce a better outcome in the near future. Note: If you could please also vote in the poll so we can have the numbers at any given point of time would be awesome.
  6. Thank you very much for your vote and your opinion.
  7. Choose your preferred server rate and if possible write a comment with the reason of your choice.
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