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  1. I found an external and internal solution, external I made an exe to close the error form, and internal I made a plugin that is called by the script
  2. after getting some of the Scripts from this Post and making mine based on what we have here, I'm here to post my contribution. var Figth_Flag:boolean; Item: TL2Item; Npc: TL2Npc; Obj: TL2Buff; IdBuff: integer; Buffs:TL2Buff; var L2Skill: TL2Skill; procedure toVillage; begin while true do begin if (User.HP < 1) then Engine.GoHome; if (User.HP=0) then Engine.GoHome; Delay(1000); Engine.GoHome; toVillage; Delay(5000); CheckQuest; end; end; procedure RunToKT3; begin if not User.InRange (143384, -77384, -4720, 2000) then //Ketra3 begin engine.sendtoserver('21 47 00 6F 00 54 00 6F 00 5F 00 4B 00 65 00 74 00 72 00 61 00 4F 00 72 00 63 00 4F 00 75 00 74 00 70 00 6F 00 73 00 74 00 33 00 00 00'); end else delay(15000); Engine.LoadConfig('SPS K3'); // switch to your character seting Delay(1000); Fight; delay(2500); Engine.Facecontrol(0,True); Print('RunToKT3_Ok'); //test if CheckQuest; end; procedure RunToFW3; begin if User.InRange (83992, 214232, -3600, 900) then begin Engine.MoveTo(82936, 214968, -3672); Engine.MoveTo(81592, 216024, -3760); Engine.Facecontrol(0,True); //Print('RunToFW3_Ok') //test if Engine.LoadConfig('SPS FW3'); // switch to your character seting Fight; delay(2500); CheckQuest; end else begin Engine.Facecontrol(0,False); engine.sendtoserver('21 47 00 6F 00 54 00 6F 00 5F 00 46 00 69 00 65 00 6C 00 64 00 6F 00 66 00 57 00 68 00 69 00 73 00 70 00 65 00 72 00 73 00 33 00 00 00'); end; end; procedure Fight; begin Delay(1500); Print('Fight_Ok'); Engine.Facecontrol(0,True); CheckQuest; end; procedure GiranBlue; //Start Quest begin Print('GiranBlue_O'); if (engine.queststatus(761,1)= False) then begin Print('SemQuest_Ok'); Engine.MoveTo(82440, 14848, -3464); Delay(1000); Engine.MoveTo(82446, 147522, -3464); Delay(1000); if User.InRange (82472, 147544, -3464, 90)then begin Delay(500); Print('Nicholas_Ok'); //test if Engine.SetTarget(31597); // Nicholas[id: 31597] Delay(1000); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer ('npc_268436779_Quest'); //npc npc_268436787_Quest Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer ('npc_268436779_Quest Q761_ObtainBlessedBlueCrystal'); //Quest Blue nichols npc_268436787_Quest Q761_ObtainBlessedBlueCrystal Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer ('Quest Q761_ObtainBlessedBlueCrystal getquest.htm'); //Quest Blue Quest Q761_ObtainBlessedBlueCrystal getquest.htm Delay(1500); end; end; begin if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(9528, Item) = True) and (Item.Count = 1 ) then begin Print('Letter_Ok'); //test if Engine.MoveTo(81800, 148056, -3464); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(81192, 148488, -3464); Delay(1000); Engine.MoveTo(80840, 148648, -3464); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(80200, 148648, -3528); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(79176, 148632, -3560); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(78200, 148664, -3592); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(77976, 148616, -3592); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(77544, 148536, -3592); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(77512, 148424, -3592); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(77608, 148216, -3592); Delay(500); Engine.SetTarget(30512); // Kusto[id: 30512] Delay(500); Print('Kusto_Ok'); Engine.DlgOpen; Engine.BypassToServer ('npc_268466115_Quest'); //Quest Blue Missao Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer ('npc_268466115_Quest Q761_ObtainBlessedBlueCrystal'); //Quest Blue Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer ('Quest Q761_ObtainBlessedBlueCrystal 31002-03.htm'); //Quest Blue Delay(1000); if (engine.queststatus(761,2)= True) then begin RunToKt3; end; end else begin engine.sendtoserver('21 47 00 6F 00 54 00 6F 00 5F 00 54 00 6F 00 77 00 6E 00 6F 00 66 00 47 00 69 00 72 00 61 00 6E 00 00 00'); Delay(12000); GiranBlue; end; end; end; procedure EntregaC; var QuestItem: TL2Item; Item: TL2Item; begin //Print('EntregaC_O'); //test if if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(9267, Item) = True) and (Item.Count = 20 ) then begin Print('Entregar Crystal'); // print quest stage Engine.Facecontrol(0,false); delay(1500); engine.sendtoserver('21 47 00 6F 00 54 00 6F 00 5F 00 54 00 6F 00 77 00 6E 00 6F 00 66 00 47 00 69 00 72 00 61 00 6E 00 00 00'); //Giran Delay(15000); Engine.MoveTo(81192, 148488, -3464); delay(1500); Engine.MoveTo(80840, 148648, -3464); delay(1500); Engine.MoveTo(80200, 148648, -3528); delay(1500); Engine.MoveTo(79176, 148632, -3560); Engine.MoveTo(78200, 148664, -3592); delay(1500); Engine.MoveTo(77976, 148616, -3592); Engine.MoveTo(77544, 148536, -3592); Engine.MoveTo(77512, 148424, -3592); delay(1500); Engine.MoveTo(77608, 148216, -3592); Engine.SetTarget(30512); // Kusto[id: 30512] Delay(1000); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer ('npc_268466115_Quest'); //Quest Blue Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer ('npc_268466115_Quest Q761_ObtainBlessedBlueCrystal'); //Quest Blue Print('blueCrystal_Ok'); Delay(4000); engine.sendtoserver('21 47 00 6F 00 54 00 6F 00 5F 00 54 00 6F 00 77 00 6E 00 6F 00 66 00 47 00 69 00 72 00 61 00 6E 00 00 00'); //giran Delay(20000); end; end; procedure AntBan; begin delay(2500); while true do begin delay(2500); //Print('AntBan_0'); //test if if User.InRange (80392, 217000, -3656, 2000) then begin Engine.Facecontrol(0,True); engine.sendtoserver('21 6E 00 65 00 78 00 74 00 74 00 61 00 72 00 67 00 65 00 74 00 5F 00 53 00 68 00 6F 00 72 00 74 00 00 00'); delay(500); engine.sendtoserver('21 41 00 75 00 74 00 6F 00 48 00 75 00 6E 00 74 00 69 00 6E 00 67 00 5F 00 4F 00 4E 00 00 00'); //Print('AntBan_FW'); //test if delay(500); end; if User.InRange (143384, -77384, -4720, 2000) then //Ketra3 begin Engine.Facecontrol(0,True); engine.sendtoserver('21 6E 00 65 00 78 00 74 00 74 00 61 00 72 00 67 00 65 00 74 00 5F 00 53 00 68 00 6F 00 72 00 74 00 00 00'); delay(500); engine.sendtoserver('21 41 00 75 00 74 00 6F 00 48 00 75 00 6E 00 74 00 69 00 6E 00 67 00 5F 00 4F 00 4E 00 00 00'); //Print('AntBan_KT'); //test if end; end; end; procedure CheckQuest; var QuestItem: TL2Item; Item: TL2Item; begin while true do begin //Print('CheckQuest_Blue_not_W'); //test if Delay(15000); if not user.inrange(77656, 148104, -3592, 4000,300) then begin //Giran if not engine.queststatus(761,1) and not engine.queststatus(761,2) then begin if (engine.queststatus(761,3)= False) then begin Print('CheckQuest_Blue_not_0'); Engine.FaceControl(0, False); GiranBlue; Delay(2000) end; end; end; if (engine.queststatus(761,3)= False) then begin if not engine.queststatus(761,1) and not engine.queststatus(761,2) then begin if user.inrange(82504, 148136, -3464, 4000,300) then begin GiranBlue; //Engine.MoveTo(82504, 148136, -3464); end; end; end; //if not engine.queststatus(761,1) and not engine.queststatus(761,2) then begin if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(9268, Item) = False) and (Item.Count = 20 ) then begin Print('CheckQuest_Blue_not_1'); if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(9267, Item) = False) and (Item.Count = 20 ) then begin //while not user.inrange(77656, 148104, -3592, 4000,300) do begin //Giran Print('CheckQuest_Blue_not'); GiranBlue; end; end; //Print('CheckQuest_RunToKT3_0'); //test while if (engine.queststatus(761,2)= True) then begin if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(9268, Item) = False) and (Item.Count < 20 ) then begin //if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(9268, Item) = True) and (Item.Count = 20 ) then begin while not user.inrange(143384, -77384, -4720, 3000,300) do begin Print('CheckQuest_RunToKT3_1'); RunToKT3; end; end; end; if (engine.queststatus(761,2)= True) then begin if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(9268, Item) = True) and (Item.Count < 20 ) then begin //if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(9268, Item) = True) and (Item.Count = 20 ) then begin while not user.inrange(143384, -77384, -4720, 3000) do begin Print('CheckQuest_RunToKT3_2'); RunToKT3; end; end; end; //Print('CheckQuest_RunToFW3_0'); if (engine.queststatus(761,2)= True) then begin if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(9268, Item) = True) and (Item.Count = 20 ) then begin if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(9267, Item) = True) and (Item.Count < 20 ) then begin if not User.InRange (81176, 216520, -3736, 3000,300)then begin while not user.inrange(83912, 214120, -3624, 4000,300) do begin //fw3_resp delay(15000); RunToFW3; Print('CheckQuest_RunToFW3_1'); end; end; end; end; end; //Print('CheckQuest_RunToFW3_1_0'); if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(9268, Item) = True) and (Item.Count = 20 ) then begin if not (Inventory.Quest.ByID(9267, Item) = True) and (Item.Count < 20 ) then begin //Print('CheckQuest_RunToFW3_1_1'); //test if if not User.InRange (81176, 216520, -3736, 3000,300)then begin //Print('CheckQuest_RunToFW3_1_2'); //test if RunToFW3; while not user.inrange(83912, 214120, -3624, 4000,300) do begin //fw3_resp //Print('CheckQuest_RunToFW3_1_3'); delay(10000); RunToFW3; end; end; end; end else CheckQuest; end; end; begin //repeats the script again Script.NewThread (@antBan); Script.NewThread (@toVillage); Script.NewThread (@CheckQuest); repeat EntregaC; until Engine.Status = lsOffline; Delay(1000); end.
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