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Posts posted by ECroFX

  1. after reading the whole topic it appeared to be kinda fake .

    1)- its not a bug at all , its just a passive skill that all mage have and this skill increase patk about 44% .

    2)- if u dont have a nice weapon u wont get that 50k patk .

    3)- not mentioned that u can stuck this skill 2 times which means u can get 1.44(old patk)*1.44(old patk)

    4)-AW passive skill is a bad skill cuz of the way it work .

    it only increase patk (with a low value(static one)) when a crt hit occures , means it dont work like AI that double all the crt dmg and nor like zeolet also .



    that leads to

    u can make a pal/ty/de/ol

    or u can make a pal/de/ol/bp


    in some servers there are crt rate tattos that can work instead of bison buff , in this case use hawk totem (in some servers it works with all weapons) and if it didnt work then try bear .

    bison is not so good cuz u have to play on low HP and incase u pvp with some one who have a reflect damage buff a lower hp will be much bad thing to do (EX: u have 3.3k HP and ur target have 70% damage reflect , u hit him for like 20k damage u get 14k reflect ,u die instantly , if u have full hp u will have like 1k hp remaining which will give u chance to fill ur hp again)


    for the second sub , its only good for servers that have a crt rate tattoo , u can have the additional mage weapon mastery from the bishop and also use bishop skill BOA , greater battle heal to keep ur slef alive (battle roar + BOA = 70% HP recovery , u still have TOL with a better effect from prayer)



    thnx for reading :)

  2. i tryed on some gracia server to kill QA with a Destroyer subbed for tyrant with zeolet and and frenzy and bison totem with dragon hunter axe weapon +10 :)

    i used force barrier , but i dealt zero damage on it :( donno why .

    any way u could test this also :)


    thought i didnt read the topic because of this post number thing , but i think that it sayed that you can prevent the riad curse by the prophet mystic immunity skill , also u can cure it with the bishop skill , but it is fixed in some servers .

    i tryed mystic immunity with some raid and i got cancel :D then raid cursed :)

    and lately the bishop cure doest cure the raid curse .


    it can be good to kill barakiel . (its not so useful with QA because it will have a low chance of dropping ).

  3. nice jop , but i hope that u dont mind my opinion .

    1st i think that green colour is good when it is supposed to make the eye feel rested .

    so i think u should change the green coulour into yellow/golden colour .

    2nd . i think its a light set , try not to make it thin in the waste area .


    and thnx for just reading :)

  4. what is the maximum posts that i need to post so that i can see the main post in any topic ?

    is it 200 or some topics will require more .

    and if i say thnx after smth , will this be considered as a spamm ?






    then ty ;D


    there is no maximum count( no share is so big or so secret) the biggest hiden post have 600-700 but those are top secret xD , the half hided are 200 and the rest are 100 or less


    look man why would u go to a post and just say thnx :S or why do u go to a post and complain about the post count ... (-1 karma 4 sure)


    dont spam (that includ say thnx - ty - etc etc u can look on report spammer post on off topic section)

    if u dont have something to add to the post, keep it to your self (even donators get - karma)

    if u want to thnx send pm xD and if u have question ASK and after say ty


  5. Hello.

    Today I would like to share with you with one little secret. I kniow how to make 1H frenzy (yes yes 1h frenzy) on full buff. It means that you can on your own kill all Raid Bosses. Lest begine:

    You need Destroyer (32 lvl or above)and buffer oh and of course someone with nobless. You buff your destoyer, give vampiric rage, nobless, dances etc.

    You start hitting your destroyer until its HP points are 30%. Then you press frenzy. Then you hit town guard and wait until he kills you. When you are lying on the ground you wait 1 minute until frenzy is over and then press to village button. After you respawn in the town you have 1h buffs including frenzy. (COPY and Paste from website) I gave a try on my server but it didnt work maybe someone of you on your server it might work.


    u didnt say any thing about buffing ur slef nobless .

    and u can not buff ur slef vampiric type buffs/dances and die and then get nobless and use it again , it might be good :)

  6. thnx for attention ,

    but i noticed that there are some posts that i can't read , and it needs certain number of posts or become a platimum/donator member .

    does that means that there are some posts that i cnt access it , unless i am donator member or a platinum member ?


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