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  1. Uhm sry, didnt get it. What should I copy into the walker folder? Erm - help me to remember - don't know who you are ;)
  2. Hi, I have a problem: after using the step by step guide of zoom ( [GUIDE] ByPass Bake-Ice Step By Step (Works For Dragon-Network) [iG] ) I still can't login. If I entered my acc data into the walker-window and press "log in" nothing happens. There's no server selection screen. Just the login-screen. My notebook runs Windows Vista and I'm sure, that all the settings of the Proxifier are correct. Can somebody help me pls? Thanks
  3. Thanks :)
  4. Thanks emir0n, just one more question: where to add the "set(fightstart)": "behind JMP(baium)"? So the script would looks like this: LABEL(baium) NPCDLG(Angelic Vortex[iD=12571]) DLGSEL(Go where the angelic vortex leads.) JMP(baium) SET(FIGHTSTART)
  5. Hi there, I found this script to enter the baium room: LABEL(baium) NPCDLG(Angelic Vortex[iD=12571]) DLGSEL(Go where the angelic vortex leads.) JMP(baium) My question: how can I auto-attack baium to receive the retail-quest item? The problem is well known: camping baium for days(!) isn't nice. With the help of the script above I can enter the room easily...but baium dies within 5 minutes on my server, so it would be really helpful to have a script wich ports me in and also hits baium without my presence - otherwise I have to sit behind my PC for days again... Thanks a lot for your help
  6. Hi there, if I start the walker like in the how-to of Zooom, it doesn't work. I can login as usual, but the walker don't do nothing: neither taking pots nor auto attack. L2asrv.exe usually says: account xyz logged in etc - this time it says nothing. I've re-done it several times - always with the same result: walker does nothing. During the last weeks it works very well - were there any changes during the last days and most important: how can I use the walker again? :) Thanks in advance Shire Edit: Problem solved: like in most cases the real 'bug' is in front of the display...I was so dumb to inject the hosts of another server >.> Sry for trouble...next time I double-check T.T
  7. Last time I looked into this thread it was a 2-PC-solution - nevermind: Thanks a lot - now it's working. Great work =)
  8. I don't really understand it: Where do I need to install the Proxifier and L2fork? I've done it in this way: proxifier on my "Clean PC" and L2fork, L2asrv on my "Walker PC". But if I try to login, I see my character selection screen on the "Clean PC". What's my mistake? Thanks in advance €dit: 1-start proxifier (on clean PC) and l2fork and l2asrv (both on walker PC) 2-start bake ice client (on clean PC) 3-extract hosts (on clean PC) 4-start walker client (on walker PC ofc) 5-login walker client and select the Dragon(15x) server (PRESS OK). (done) 6-login bake ice client and select your server . (done) 7-go back to walker client .(done) 8-select your character . (isnt possible - the character selection is on the clean PC >.>) 9-Enjoy botting Grin . (I would like to T.T)
  9. Thanks for your reply :) I'm not a programmer and I have absolutly no clue about this issue, but isn't it possible to create a program, that checks after e.g. 10 minutes if the client still receives packages? And if not to start the game again, login and setup the shop? Thanks in advance your Shire
  10. I played Kamael on a L2j. They are worse in PvE, but if you are experienced they are great in PvP. Their normal damage isn't special, but their skill attacks are great. With full working skills and some practice, they kick asses :)
  11. Hi there, I would like to ask you if there's a program wich auto re-login my character after server restarts and maybe set up a sell-shop too. I play on Dragonnetwork and it is really annoying to check my potion-selling shop all the time. Today there were 7 restarts during the last 10 hours. Thanks in advance Yours Shire
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