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  1. laRoja's post in Fake Death was marked as the answer   
    You can check if the skill ID is FakeDeath and if the effect is in use: in this case you exit the effect.
    L2PcInstance.java #useMagic, find the toogle skill check inside the method and add the following code.
    if (skill.getId() == 60)
  2. laRoja's post in vip for script.l2jfrozen was marked as the answer   
    isDonator() return probably a boolean value, so you should check like that:

    if (player.isDonator())
    whatever you want to do
  3. laRoja's post in Adapt To acis 398 one more was marked as the answer   
    // Increase the participated in tasks    
      -      int participates = PlayerMemo.getVarInt(player, "participated_automatic_events");
      -     PlayerMemo.setVar(player, "participated_automatic_events", participates+1, -1);
      +    int participates = player.getMemos().getInteger("participated_automatic_events");
      +    player.getMemos().set("participated_automatic_events", participates+1);
  4. laRoja's post in limited Clan in Zone was marked as the answer   
    can I ask you more specific what do you need?
    If i understood, you managed to remove a player without clan from the zone, so basically you have a zone where only a player with clan can enter.
    If this is the situation, on teleport event  you can simply check :

                if (player.getClan()== null)
                    player.sendMessage("Only clan member can teleport to this zone!");

    I think you probably want some more, so that's why I asked you if you can provide some more details.
  5. laRoja's post in Offline Shop Adaptation for aCis within the last year or so? was marked as the answer   
    Here we go: a most recent basic code for offline shop (based on aCis398).
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