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About L2Posidonia

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  1. sorry i forget it :D
  2. Rates, Enchantment & Augmentation x500, each Monster increases your level by 1. Safe enchantment: +4 Max enchantment: +16| +20 Normal scroll chance: 60% Max: +16 Blessed scroll chance: 100% Max:+16 Crystal scroll chance: 100% Max: +20 High Grade Lifestone: 5% Top Grade Lifestone: 10% Max Augmentations: 1 active & 1 passive Fast Augmentation & Enchanting Augmentation If you double click on the Lifestone, your equipped weapon gets augmented. If you get a skill, you get an announcement on screen and the weapon gets unequipped automatically. The retail augmentation system is still working for old school players. Enchanting You can enchant your equipment faster (Enchant window remains open). General Information Auto loot for monsters, dropped loot for bosses. Available buff slots: 48 ( only buffer's buffs count ) Subclasses per character: 5 If you are hero, you have only Heroic Valor on sub classes. Automatic potions (HP, MP, CP) by pressing right click & retail usage by pressing left click. (1) Pressing shift & click on monsters or raids, you can see their droplist. All accessories not increase special stats Event Engine Event Engine is scheduled to running every 1 hour with current events TeamVsTeam Capture The Flag DeathMatch RaidInTheMidle LastManStanding UltraRapidFire Sieges & Clan Ranking Available castles for the moment: Giran, Aden, Innadril,Sieges are scheduled every Sunday at 17:00 (GMT + 2). In order to register any siege required your clan be level 7 at least Champion System + Blessed Enchant Box Monster's have 15% chance to become a champion what drop champion? Blessed Scroll Enchant Box 70% Chance to drop, give you random scroll bless from B to S Grade Posidonia Arena (1v1 Battleground) Posidonia Arena is scheduled to start in time's ->17:30 | 00:30 | 3:30 Duration: 30 Minutes Reward: x10 Arena Medal use Special Merchant to exchange them with unique items Dynamic PvP Zone PvP Zone Changed every 1 hour (Primeval Isle,Giran Fortress,Bandits Stronghold) Restricted to teleport healer class 20% to be pvp zone blessed increase pvp points by x2 Website | Forum
  3. Rates, Enchantment & Augmentation x500, each Monster increases your level by 1. Safe enchantment: +4 Max enchantment: +16| +20 Normal scroll chance: 60% Max: +16 Blessed scroll chance: 100% Max:+16 Crystal scroll chance: 100% Max: +20 High Grade Lifestone: 5% Top Grade Lifestone: 10% Max Augmentations: 1 active & 1 passive Fast Augmentation & Enchanting Augmentation If you double click on the Lifestone, your equipped weapon gets augmented. If you get a skill, you get an announcement on screen and the weapon gets unequipped automatically. The retail augmentation system is still working for old school players. Enchanting You can enchant your equipment faster (Enchant window remains open). General Information Auto loot for monsters, dropped loot for bosses. Available buff slots: 48 ( only buffer's buffs count ) Subclasses per character: 5 If you are hero, you have only Heroic Valor on sub classes. Automatic potions (HP, MP, CP) by pressing right click & retail usage by pressing left click. (1) Pressing shift & click on monsters or raids, you can see their droplist. All accessories not increase special stats Event Engine Event Engine is scheduled to running every 1 hour with current events TeamVsTeam Capture The Flag DeathMatch RaidInTheMidle LastManStanding UltraRapidFire Sieges & Clan Ranking Available castles for the moment: Giran, Aden, Innadril,Sieges are scheduled every Sunday at 17:00 (GMT + 2). In order to register any siege required your clan be level 7 at least Champion System + Blessed Enchant Box Monster's have 15% chance to become a champion what drop champion? Blessed Scroll Enchant Box 70% Chance to drop, give you random scroll bless from B to S Grade Posidonia Arena (1v1 Battleground) Posidonia Arena is scheduled to start in time's ->17:30 | 00:30 | 3:30 Duration: 30 Minutes Reward: x10 Arena Medal use Special Merchant to exchange them with unique items Visit Website Visit Forum Visit Discord
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