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About warTAGG

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  1. Leaving a feedback seemed like the only option, since he's deleting posts and locking his own threads. But it turns out that he can delete his own feedbacks, and also ban people for 1 year with no warning as well. It seems to me that he will do everything in his power just to save his reputation, and sad part is that no one cares.
  2. I can't leave feedback? Where I live having a word agreement means something, but if he needs money to actually work then fine. I get it. No money = no responsibility. Cool. I am not getting this part: Why I am not allowed to even post a reply on his topic about him not being responsible? Why he is allowed to delete everything negative about himself? I am also not getting the part why I get banned for a year without any messages/text or warning from him or other moderator? Does this mean that in this forum moderators can do whatever they want if they are in a bad mood?
  3. What are you talking about? I wrote him in skype, he accepted the work, told me it costs 15 EUR. I agreed and sent him the designs. I asked him how long will he take to do the work, he said by the end of the day. End of story. What part are you not getting? :D
  4. You dont understand. 3-4 days means that I waited 3-4 days for him while he finally answered. I don't know how long it takes for him to do his work. He told me one day but then disappeared. You see the problem? Like breaking his word? Like deleting my posts? Like deleting feedbacks about himself? Like banning me for 1 year for writing the truth? I am not demanding anything from him, just want to get unbanned and forget him.
  5. It's funny how you keep bringing up rules but completely don't see the full picture. All you care is how to be on Designatix side, but you don't see my side. Just like @Constantin3 who appeared from nowhere with 1 post defending Designatix. He accepted the order and promised me that he will finish work in one day. Instead he dissapeared for 3-4 days and ignored me completely. First thing I did I wrote in his topic, but he deleted posts. That's why I wrote a feedback, but he deleted feedbacks too. Can you please show me the rule where global moderator can break his word, delete negative reviews in topic about himself, then delete negative feedbacks about himself and then ban unhappy client for 1 year? Can we stop applying double standards and let's apply some rules to Designatix as well eh?
  6. I placed an order (which he accepted) and sent him the required design files and waited 3-4 days for him to complete his work. It was a simple work, price was only 15EUR and from my experience designers to that kind of work fast and we pay after. It's not a huge task that would cost hundreds of euros so we would need to arrange an uprfront payment (obviously if he asked I would have paid upfront, no problem). Instead he basically wasted that time while the work could have been already done. I'm loosing time and money + I had to spend time looking for him. He needs to understand that he needs to inform clients instead of disappearing. Worst part is that he doesn't understand, keeps blaming me and now banned me for 1 year. About "abusing" privileges, why are you comparing being banned from community for 1 year versus getting a negative feedback? These are two different things. Also the funny part is that I am the one who suffered all damages here (wasted time, need to look for a new designer and got banned from forum for 1 year). What did Designatix suffer? He deleted all my posts and reviews. He doesn't care. Who are you? You registered your account more than 1 year ago, your first post was related to interface decryption and your second post 1 year later is defending Designatix. Coincidence?
  7. My username is zemaitis (I am currently banned). I ordered some design work to be done by moderator Designatix. He said he will do the work on same day but didn't do the work and disappeared, ignored me on skype and ignored my PM's on maxcheaters. After 3-4 days he finally responded when I posted in his design services topic in maxcheaters forum and got answer that "I am not a serious client" and I should have paid him upfront (even thought he didn't ask me to pay upfront). Also for some reason he was mad that I was talking with other designers. Discussion ended when he locked his design services topic and deleted all my posts from his design services topic. I left him him a negative feedback on maxcheaters, so that everybody would know that he doesn't care about his clients. However after 1 day I noticed that he is also deleting feedbacks from his profile, so I left another feedback. Result: First he deleted my feedback and banned me from posting for 2-3 days, later I got ban for 1 year. Yesterday I contacted Maxtor, provided all information he needs and he said that he's waiting to hear from Designatix side, so I'm still waiting for answer. I am an old member, been here since 2012 and bought vip status as well. My reputation is good and I never had problems in maxcheaters. @Maxtor How can a moderator abuse his power in this forum so much? Why he is untouchable and can do whatever he wants: treat his clients like shit, then delete all feedback about himself, then ban me for 1 year? Is there any justice on this forum or is this just some anarchy where mods can abuse their power?
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