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Posts posted by Obesession

  1. People please behave your self and help me to sort this out and yes i have download the l2j mobius but the free download version is not that 4 years ahead of l2j server files. i am not trash talking in any other way and i am saying this with all do respect to all project. i am in search for a project files, and dear L2j Mobius maybe there is a other way that we can communicate about your files?

  2. Yes i wil , if you want add me on skype as 'Psomasweb.net' Also i have created a skype group for support.

    AWESOME! Thanks man, I'll be adding You right away!


    I see money in this, not kidding :D FREE MONEYZ


    Wait, can I sell coins for real money to someone? Like with bitcoins? I know there is a website ( I heard it on the news ) www.localbitcoins.com and I can find people to buy/sell for cash

  3. You have to download a cpu or gpu miner.


    Your production depends of the pool you are mining on , coin diffuclty and computer power.

    I don't have a strong PC. GPU= Graphic Card You mean?

    So, if I have a good graphic card I can make more coins than someone who doesn't have a good graphic card?

    I'll give it a try. Going to google about that ''miner''. I'll join that ''pool'' You told me and check what's going up.


    Are You going to be around here to help if I get stuck?


    Thanks in advance

  4. I am "ignorant" because the server is up for 4 days and he's able to make a full impression of the server and its balance on pvp.Besides that,it's clear that he's looking for a server to farm for 1 day and get full gear.That's not the case on L2nexus,so i dont really care if he likes that or not.Surely most people dont wanna play on a server that is gonna last a week or so.




    Farming for few days to just get Tier 1.5 come on men! Please it is a pvp server (i am still talking about solo farming)

    And what you call "balance" i think few of has have their doubts. But as i said ireally like the server and i am still playing their!

  5. We only deleted the useless skills and added a ton of new, the little bit of pvp experience you may have lost was replaced by the many new things we added


    farming solo is possible, there are zones for it too. And if you want, I coded a Party Matcher which makes it easy to get a party to farm. It's way more fun to farm in a party.


    oh come on, it's only been 4 days since the server went online, and as we stated many times, you can't expect perfection right from the beginning. With the ammount of changes, it takes time to make things perfect. But still I would say that in the current state, all works pretty nice and it will only get better.

    Please dont get me wrong i really liked your server, but as i say "in my opinion" 


    Farming solo is possible i never denied it! But its hard!


    I am stil playing in your server.. and i still believe that it willl get beter!


    Do we get skills from 85 -90 ? when we level up?

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