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Everything posted by mikollek

  1. PP and BD sold, still have fully geared 62 tyr with arthro and pl set for 20 euro, skype bangers94
  2. 62 tyr(full gear with arthro nail + pl set) + 55 pp(148 xp scrolld haste 2) for 35 euro total, skype bangers94
  3. bump bump I sell them cheap, not playing l2 anymore =) send offers to skype bangers94
  4. hi wts my accs tyr 62, bd55 and pp55. havent played on them for 6 months, safe accounts=) tyr 62 full geared including arthro nail and PL set pp 55 with 148 super xp scrolls, 126 fruit buffs, haste lv2 contact skype bangers94 or discord Mikhael#4646
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