Help me pls, this is the my problem:
22:26:45 »¶ÓĘąÓĂĐĐŐߡŁ
22:26:45 Link LoginServer Succeed.
22:26:49 Login LoginServer Success.
22:26:49 服务器[01]当前在线率:62.00%,能否登陆:能
22:26:52 Link GameServer Succeed.
22:26:58 ->Enter Char[1].
22:27:01 There are no GMs currently visible in the public list as they may be performing other functions at the moment.
22:27:01 There are no GMs currently visible in the public list as they may be performing other functions at the moment.
22:27:39 ->Enter World Timeout.
Pls help, fast people!