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Everything posted by baryzupa

  1. Hi every1. Ok so there is my problem.. Some1 is using bot normal on this server... Well he send me it, I start game normal with this.. I can login etc.. But when i set bot and try to start it kick me from server : Any idea why it happen's? If some1 is using bot normal.. And it work's so why it dont work for me? BTW I have Kamael and it's Gracia Final.. Maybe that's why? Pls Help =x
  2. Nope.. I just use waLker 2.05... I did try to log only with waLker, didn't try to log without it.. Let me try ;)
  3. Ok, thx man :) weLL if I guess there is new AntI-bot.. Cuz i didn't change anything, and after back to home it happen's...
  4. Yea I did.. well I just ask ppl from my clan, and they can't use it too.. I read somewhere that IP server is changed, is it important? I must change something? Like IP in host ?
  5. No... First of all it gived me Critical like on Screen... But i reinstalled Lineage and now Game normal start's... I type password and Login -> click ''Login'' and it write me ''U have been logened in. Please wait a moment''... It's this moment before u chose server :P My english is terrible sry ;D
  6. No oO I have original system of Reloaded >.>. Now game start's but when i type login and pw and lick login, then it\s always same ''U have been logened in. Please wait a moment'' And it stop here. Nothing's more happen. :)
  7. HELP HELP HELP HELP ;O Ohh C'mon guy's! I can't belive that no1 know what happened, and that no1 know's how to fix it... >.>
  8. Well I just back after... 1 week Inactive and what i see ?=O Look that : Pls help me Guy's... :((( I've read some thread but... Can't understand it >.> ''
  9. Hi, I have a problem... Pls help me how to configure l2Walker to Sell in Manor Blue Coba ? Cuz in 3 second's all is selled ( In my serwer Manor is populared... VERY Populared ).. So i want BOT to sell my Blue Coba :) Pls some1 help me how to configure them :( Serwer is Hellbound. Thxxx
  10. heLLo every1 :) Ok so.. I'm searchin a NEW serwer.. On which BOT work's OFC ;D Serwer should be low rate... from x5 till x25 :) It can Be.. Interdlue, Kamael, Gracia or Hellbound :) I wanna New serwer which is Online max 2month's :P So if any1 know serwer like this Pls give me link to page and Best will be if u'll give me Link to BOT which work's there :) THXxxxxxxxxxx ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  11. SO any1 can help now ?;>
  12. heLLo every1... So I have a problem... I am using l2waLker on heLlbound. I play on dualbox and i want my both char's to attack... I mean My spoiler is attacking mob and how to set other char to help him everytime ? I set ''Follow party member'' and ''follow active atk'' or smth like that and it won't work :S:/ Help pls some1. Ty
  13. dzieki :P English : thx :):)
  14. Is there anyway to Update Kamael to Hellbound ?
  15. Ok so lat question... Can I do Update from Kamael to Hellbound ? Cos i have only Kamael on CD... And with my connection i will download hellbound in 3 days :S:///... ( 60kb/s ) :////
  16. Be serious man... -.-'' I serach server on which I can bot without any problem's like jail/ban or something like that... :P
  17. It's hellbound :S:/
  18. Awww... :D Ok so thank's :) Didin't know on Dragon work's any bot :o If any1 has more server's on which i can bot so pls post it here :)
  19. Hey... Ok so... I Serach a low/mid rate server and i wanna use BOT there, so IG must woooork.. Something about from x15 - x50 max.. The best will be if server has none Custom armor's/weapon's etc.. GM shop can be, buffer too ( but i don't need it so... ). AHH and the server MUST be INTERLUDE :). If any1 know server like this what i write so pls give me link to page ^^. I wanna BOT ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ;D Thank's for every answer. !
  20. heLLo... Well i have a problem :S First time when i download IG Walker 1.79 ( fixed for interlude ) my AVG detected a virus ( i know it's not )... It did work's.. I did BOTTing... But later i deleted walker and didnt play L2.. Now I start it again and when i downloaded this bot unpack it.. And i don't have this file -> "l2asrv.exe" !!!:((( whyyy?:S Should i uninstall my AVG? :S:/ help me plssss
  21. slow down :P It's my first serwer so... I am newbie. Well "execute the sql file of the preconfigure pack" U mean open navicat > right click on "l2jdb" > execute (...) > and open all the sql files? OK all work's fine. Thank's for help man :)
  22. oO. Very thx then Man... Some1 told me that if I download Custom serwer pack and I'll install DB then it will destroy all custom NPC's ( buffer etc. ). LOL then i was wrong all the tme:) Very thanks. EDIT Ok so... Login work's 100% but game serwer still show's same... It can't load ID's. When i tryed to install DB it say's : '' Name ' "w:\usr\local\mysql\bin\mysql" ' It is not identified as internal errand or external. "
  23. Before i check it.. Hm some question... I downloaded this pack and i didn't install DB cos it will destroy all what is in serwer pack right? I Mean it will destroy custom item's or not?
  24. Well i make serwer but there is something wrong :S look screen's ( I use L2jArchid Interlude pack ) Tell me what i did wrong?:X
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