Please can any1 tell me how to use l2phx?
I've searched other posts,but they tell me that i have to find it myself.
I'm not good in programing,so can any1 help me to learn? ???
Sorry alla dn exw IDEA apo programatismo enas friend m eipe gia to programa auto oti einai hack.
Prospa8w na to katalabw alla dn exw idea pws stelnoume ta scripts ktlp ktlp.
An mporouse na m pei kapios ta basika gia to pws to xrhshmopoiw 8a to ekthmousa. :)
To mono pou 3erw einai oti to l2phx douleuei pia gt adikatesthse to hLaPEx.
Twra apo kei k pera einai 8ema srv dioti oi perssoteroi exoun prostasia enadias l2phx!
Stous perissoterous dld an pas na sthleis packet trwss crit :(