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Posts posted by Muppets

    1. Class Spectral Master Dark Elf Summoner!
    2. -Skill Named: Summon Nightshade pet that needs to be able to be enchanted in skill enchanter
    3. a pet that spectral master use vs duelist and gk this pet is the only hope of this class having a
    4. chance to win tyrant,gladiator! O and increase this pet's HP it should be having around 9k hp
    5. Class Paladin Phoenix Knight
    6. -Skill Sacrifice, this skill in interlude retail works wit payer,heal empower aggu heals more then
    7. it cost hp if you wount add heal empower or payer change remake the skill to heal hp and cost less
    8. hp to heal
    9. -Skill Angelic Topic should be able to be casted before the match and to not dissapire 
    10. This will giv the class a fightng chance vs all classes
    12. Class Warcryer Orc mage 
    13. -slightly increase in pdef,mdef and atk speed it needs it baddly
    14. -Skill name: Chant of life increase it's healing ability now it does not heal at all!
    15. This changes will giv warcryer chance to win Duelist,gk,ee,prp,summoners 
    17. Class SwordSinger 
    18. -Slightly increase in P.atk and atk speed !
    19. -Skill name: Elemental Heal slightly increase in the healing ability and the casting of the heal
    20. This will make Sws able to win Summoners,ee,prp,titan
    21. Class Duelist 
    22. Skill: Force Barier to be able to be casted before the match now it dissapires :( 
    23. Skill: Battle roar,roar,aggument roar, should be able to heal in force barier this will make
    24. the game play of the class more natural and playble 
    25. Class Tyrant GK orc fists
    26. Skill: Force Barier should be able to be casted before the match 
    27. Skills: Like battle hero aggu,cp active aggu should be able to heal in Force Barier 
    28. Nerf: The Tyrant normal hit dmg at momemnts its to high 2 fists each deal 150 dmg that means 
    29. 2 hits 150+150= 300 normal hit w/o crt :( 
    30. Arcana lord,Spectral Summoner,Elemental master 3rd class pets 
    31. -Slightly nerf in the dmg they deal its to high at the moment 
    32. -Increase 3rd class pet's Hp and nerf the damage
    33. Item's 
    34. Angel Slayer HP Drain does not work the ability to heal hp when u hit does not work u need to increase it
    35. Class: Silver Ranger Moonlight Sentinel 
    36. Increase slightly the damage of all skills of the class 
    37. This will giv the class a chance vs all TANKS,SWS,Summoners,warcryers
    38. Plus in retail l2 this class is verry good at oly bcz its dmg in skills and atk speed is high here its kinda ussles
  1. yeah total kid he says share i will reward and unbann you :D ROFL he is all day online hunting ppl that bot in pvp srv bcz he has no balls to try to fix anything all lets say old players that play 3 4 years know bugs vote bugs sub class bugs buffs wit reflect skills to get 2x mights etc all of this is online he cant fix it but he is banning ppl for botting :D WIT INTERFACE!

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