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Posts posted by SirrSquirtlle

  1. You guys are correct there is A LOT going on with this issue, I am not using ACIS as mobius pointed out this is on hi5 part5 sunrise pack but all of the flood protection is turned off, I have not messed with threadpool at all. I do notice it more on PHYSICAL skills like stunshot & multishot, also if you spam bleed on mobs it is noticeable as well.. oof this seems like a major issue to be having I just wanted a server for 5-10 ppl to play on (old clan mates)

    Thank you all for the input I guess I will just keep trying to find the issue one bit at a time >.<

  2. Hello Max Cheaters!

         Today I come with an issue that a friend of mine pointed out while playing on my test server. while fighting and using skills sometimes there is a delay in usage of the skill, even with cooldown of 1 second on a skill if you use it multiple times eventually you press the skill (or f2 f3 etc) and it will not use the skill until 2-3 seconds after the button press. Any ideas on why this might happen? My server is pretty close to us (70 ping) and has good stats, 6 core processor @ 2.8 ghz with 16gb ram & 400mbps down/up. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. Also I am using the l2jsunrise hi5 pack.

  3. Looking for a way to get a custom box setup that has the ability to pull ONE raid jewel when used but 100% of the time 1 item is pulled from the list, I do know how to put items into boxes and setup the skills but sometimes there is no drop when the box is used. Is there a simple way to make it so the box will pull 1 item from a list 100% of the time? I have done this in the past on a previous server I was working on but that was YEARS ago 😢 

  4. I have 2 GS on 2 separate servers. They are both running the same Hi5p5 and They both show up in the Login. The problem is that the Login server only creates an account on one of the servers (the one on the same machine as one of the GS). Anyone able to walk me through how to get the SQL to talk to each other? Or just how to get login to create accounts on both of the DB. Any help would be appreciated 🙂

    I figured it out, all the guides say to change GS port on 2nd machine but when I change to different port other than what is set on first machine it will not login, just hangs. 

  5. this buffer is so old and always have problems..... if you cant code in java then you SHOULD NOT BE USING this buffer.. I've fixed it 3 times, people have sent me links numerous times with "updates" cause L2j programmers always changing handlers and commands and shits... break down and buy a pack with a working buffer if you cant figure this shits out

  6. I Know where to find/change the amount of hp regenerated by a monster but is the rate at which it regenerates (ie 1 second, 3 seconds, etc) in the core? or is there an interget line I can add in stats/npc? I want to make a party farm zone and I want the mobs to regenerate say 2k hp every second but i dunno if or where i can change this at Y_Y, Any help is appreceated.

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