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About ziol

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  1. 18:27:06 :[############################# 18:27:14 :[############################# 18:27:14 :[ERROR: SCRIPT ERROR: LINE 0 : INCLUDE 18:27:14 :[############################# 18:27:14 :[############################# 18:27:14 :[ERROR: SCRIPT ERROR: LINE 49: INVALID VARIABLE TYPE 18:27:14 :[############################# 18:27:14 :[############################# 18:27:14 :[ERROR: SCRIPT ERROR: LINE 50: INVALID VARIABLE TYPE 18:27:14 :[############################# 18:27:14 :[10 seconds ======================== 18:27:14 :[== AIO Auto Enchant Script v1.1 18:27:14 :[================================ 18:27:15 :[############################# i have this error :/ what is this
  2. Ok its great L2net its work :D but now i need scripts for farming Hawkeye ^^
  3. I have this massage: 14:23:11 :[loaded interface 14:23:13 :[############################# 14:23:13 :[ERROR: INVALID PRODUCT KEY - Running in Degraded Mode 14:23:13 :[############################# 14:23:14 :[Hello jakubowski! 14:23:14 :[it takes a lot of time and effort to make and maintain this program. 14:23:14 :[so far this program has been provided for free to everyone. 14:23:14 :[Please help to keep it stay that way! 14:23:14 :[Go to http://l2net.insane-gamers.com/donate.php and click on "Make a donation" 14:23:14 :[Your donations help to improve L2.Net! Thank you for your help, and happy botting! 14:23:17 :[loaded saved server list 14:23:17 :[loaded saved blowfish list 14:24:21 :[waiting for client -> bot loginserver connection 14:24:21 :[waiting for client -> bot gameserver connection 14:24:21 :[############################# 14:24:21 :[ERROR: ingame listener manager crashed 14:24:21 :[############################# 14:24:21 :[############################# 14:24:21 :[ERROR: Crashed starting the login server tunnel 14:24:21 :[########################## Error ?? :( how edit l2.ini
  4. I dont know how i can configure l2net for this server http://l2-just.net/home.html and i dont know how i can boting and use autofighter and more pls tell me !! :)
  5. How i can use L2net can you tell me POLISH :D
  6. I play in http://l2-just.net/home.html but my l2walker is don't work. I run l2w and play 10 sec and l2 is off i dont know what is wrong. PLS HELP ME and sorry for my english :)
  7. 17:25:50 - Debug build 17:25:50 - Using Proxy: False 17:25:50 - Starting... SOCKS[1999] LOCAL[2106] OOG[2107] 17:28:10 - New local connection[2106] 17:28:10 - Local LS connection->Handle 17:28:30 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '2106' 17:28:30 - New SOCKS connection for 17:28:31 - Proxy LS connection->Handle 17:28:43 - Removed a SOCKS:LS connection 17:28:43 - Local listen thread exit 17:28:43 - Remote listen thread exit 17:28:43 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '7777' 17:28:43 - New SOCKS connection for 17:28:44 - Proxy kicked~ 17:28:44 - Proxy GS connection->Add to queue 17:28:44 - Error! No remote connection is waiting why in FORK i have ERROR ?? i cant play with L2W pls help ;]
  9. Yeah :D i know what's happen :]. I have in my computer 1.06.2008 date i rest to 30 or 31.05.2008r. :D IT'S WORK!!!! try in your computer different date.
  10. Hmmm but now i have this stupid FRAME :/ and there is written Cargando Interfas... Espere . :[
  11. Hy ;] this program is dosen't work i have this msn. [ Failed to load control 'cInet' from. Your version of may be outdated. Make sure are using the version of the control that was provided witch your application ] PLS help me :p
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