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About Falling

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    You Gutta hit it, You cant Babysit it

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  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=197226.0
  2. You sir are far from accurate. This particular but occured at the live as it was only a multissel misstype, the tokens got fixed aswell so I really dont see any poin of you resharing this video. Server is nice, community is nice and its growing day by day. I am enjoying L2Revenge.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/l2revenge
  4. Unique features: * L2Revengetory ( Online inventory ) * Raid map * Monastery of silence ( Party area ) o Raid Token drops o Epic weapon drops o Adena zone o Boosted XP * Varka ( Solo/duao area ) o Raid Token essence drops o PVP stealing area ( L2R PVP coin requiered ) o Boosted XP * DVC ( Mid-lvl PVP/ High lvl Raid Boss area ) o Boosted XP o Boosted Adena o L2Revenge Raid Boss Area ( 4 of L2Revenge deadliest Raid bosses spawn in the caves ) * Spawn protection * NPC Buffers - 1h buffs * AIO buffers * Global Gatekeeper * Auto learn skills * Anti Buff Shield (toggle skill that blocks all unwanted buffs), * Giran as Main Town * Class Changer * Titanium Armor * Olympiad armors / weapons * Epic weapons * Dusk Shield * Custom Token system o 70+ lvl Raid bosses drop Raid Tokens o MOS Party mobs drop Raid Tokens o Varka Mobs drop raid Token essences that can be exchanged for a Raid Token * Castle skills * Hero Tournament (Monthly) o L2Revenge Hero skills * Special olympiad system * Class Balance * Customized Subclass and Nobless System: o Quest items in Misc shop * Offline shopping system o 1st step: Set up a BUY / SELL shop o 2nd step: Use the command /shop_offline o Your shop is now registered as a offline shop
  5. Everything is fixed now. Take a look http://www.l2revenge.us/forum/index.php
  6. These replyes just show your lack of knowladge.
  7. Jan 02, 2011 - 7:00 PM - by Tyler Unfortunate Temporary Setback It seems someone has connected to our forums and deleted various threads. While most unfortunate, this is merely a temporary setback. Our server itself is 100% fine and our beta test is only hours away. Perhaps we should even consider thanking this "little prankster," as he helped us separate old news (which will be irrelevant once the server goes live) from the fresh, current, very clean posts we'll be having from now on. --- It is believed that this attack was from another server who decided to model l2revenge similar to how we decided too. I've had people on the forum message me over msn and aim actually advertising another l2revenge style server. This is quite unusual as they know I am Tyler; the moderator of l2revenge.us. After looking further into the l2 server website that was linked, I have concluded that the owner is BBanHammer of the failed l2forever I'm sure you all remember. I've decided to write a short post about BBan and my relationship with him. I know him; briefly, as I tried to help him with his last server. Most unfortunately for him, however, I was never given a spot on his staff. I tried my best to help him save his server which was fighting against constant ddos attacks, allegations of corruption, and overall bad administration. BBan had no ideas for the future, everything he did was on impulse. His last server had an item; a tattoo of dusk I believe. It was obtainable from some raidboss, and was supposed to compliment a full custom set of armor. However, instead of giving a set bonus the item just gave you 600 p.def. You may remember l2forever as the server where archers and daggers with donator gear could solo party mobs. Maybe you remember BBan's l2forever as the server where level 15s ran around pking everyone, hitting for 15k damage a shot with weapons that should not have existed. Perhaps, maybe, you remember l2forever as a server with a high population that decreased exponentially every second it went online. Maybe you remember it based on the event that BBan promised everyone, a free for all pvp event to kick the server off. I know I personally don't, because that event never happened. On top of that, BBan seems interested in playing with our server too. We hope he can do something beyond erasing the forums, otherwise he won't be much fun to play with him since we've already reset most of our passwords. Only time will tell, though I am certain this will be the dominant l2revenge remake. I hope you have fun posting on our new, clean forums!
  8. Rofl what is special about a server run by a scamm artist BBan? It goes to show he even used some data from l2rebound and its funny becoue l2rebound will fail...guess another money making attempt! Actions speak louder than words you see!
  9. You twat! You go around insulting admins! Look at you! After faking L2forever for the money here is your L2Revenge attempt?
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