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About dinketur

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  1. i delete gameguard,problem persist....¿the problem is l2jfree-rev3843?
  2. Hello After Created character i get Critical error but after relog Char work perectly , but it's angry that Crytical Message : General protection fault! History: UObject::GetFullName <- UObject::IsValid <- UObject::GetFullName <- ULevel::DestroyActor <- UObject::GetFullName <- UL2ConsoleWnd::ResetSelectCharacterInfo <- NConsoleWnd::ReceiveCharacterInfo <- b <- CharacterSelectionInfoPacket <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=CharacterSelect <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop I use this l2jfree version: l2jfree-Rev3843 how i fix this error?any help me? i try : reinstall game check files change system ¿the problem is gameguard?i dont know...
  3. well,i dont speake englis,but plz check this and help me. [Err] REPLACE INTO `merchant_buylists` VALUES ('2369', '138', '5000', '1'), ('1', '768', '5000', '2'), ('3', '12500', '5000', '3'), ('738', '18500', '5000', '4'), ('1510', '25500', '5000', '5'), ('743', '33600', '5000', '6'), ('975', '33600', '5000', '7'), ('66', '54100', '5000', '8'), ('67', '54100', '5000', '9'), ('122', '54100', '5000', '10'), ('3029', '54100', '5000', '11'), ('1142', '116000', '5000', '12'), ('1295', '136000', '5000', '13'), ('1296', '136000', '5000', '14'), ('1297', '136000', '5000', '15'), ('1298', '136000', '5000', '16'), ('2', '136000', '5000', '17'), ('120', '136000', '5000', '18'), ('121', '136000', '5000', '19'), ('2915', '136000', '5000', '20'), ('68', '244000', '5000', '21'), ('123', '409000', '5000', '22'), ('69', '644000', '5000', '23'), ('126', '644000', '5000', '24'), ('128', '644000', '5000', '25'), ('83', '716000', '5000', '26'), ('143', '716000', '5000', '27'), ('144', '716000', '5000', '28'), ('127', '967000', '5000', '30'), ('130', '967000', '5000', '31'), ('129', '1400000', '5000', '32'), ('2499', '1800000', '5000', '33'), ('72', '2290000', '5000', '34'), ('73', '2870000', '5000', '35'), ('74', '2870000', '5000', '36'), ('131', '2870000', '5000', '37'), ('133', '2870000', '5000', '38'), ('84', '4300000', '5000', '39'), ('145', '4300000', '5000', '40'), ('75', '4300000', '5000', '41'), ('76', '4300000', '5000', '42'), ('77', '4300000', '5000', '43'), ('132', '4300000', '5000', '44'), ('134', '4300000', '5000', '45'), ('6307', '7300000', '5000', '46'), ('6308', '7300000', '5000', '47'), ('6309', '7300000', '5000', '48'), ('6310', '7300000', '5000', '49'), ('6311', '7300000', '5000', '50'), ('6312', '7300000', '5000', '51'), ('6313', '7300000', '5000', '52'), ('6314', '7300000', '5000', '53'), ('6315', '7300000', '5000', '54'), ('135', '6130000', '5000', '55'), ('5800', '6130000', '5000', '60'), ('5801', '6130000', '5000', '61'), ('146', '8680000', '5000', '62'), ('148', '8680000', '5000', '63'), ('136', '8680000', '5000', '64'), ('137', '8680000', '5000', '65'), ('138', '8680000', '5000', '66'), ('139', '8680000', '5000', '67'), ('140', '8680000', '5000', '68'), ('141', '8680000', '5000', '69'), ('142', '8680000', '5000', '70'), ('79', '13100000', '5000', '71'), ('85', '18300000', '5000', '72'), ('147', '18300000', '5000', '73'), ('149', '18300000', '5000', '74'), ('150', '18300000', '5000', '75'), ('5638', '21300000', '5000', '76'), ('5639', '21300000', '5000', '77'), ('5640', '21300000', '5000', '78'), ('80', '18300000', '5000', '79'), ('5635', '21300000', '5000', '80'), ('5636', '21300000', '5000', '81'), ('5637', '21300000', '5000', '82'), ('151', '21300000', '5000', '83'), ('5641', '25800000', '5000', '84'), ('5642', '25800000', '5000', '85'), ('5643', '25800000', '5000', '86'), ('2500', '27000000', '5000', '87'), ('5647', '30000000', '5000', '88'), ('5648', '30000000', '5000', '89'), ('5649', '30000000', '5000', '90'), ('981', '25500', '5001', '1'), ('1333', '54100', '5001', '2'), ('3027', '136000', '5001', '3'), ('5284', '186000', '5001', '4'), ('5285', '485000', '5001', '5'), ('124', '967000', '5001', '6'), ('70', '1800000', '5001', '11'), ('71', '2290000', '5001', '12'), ('5286', '2950000', '5001', '13'), ('6347', '5950000', '5001', '14'), ('6348', '5950000', '5001', '15'), ('6349', '5950000', '5001', '16'), ('78', '8680000', '5001', '17'), ('4723', '11680000', '5001', '18'), ('4724', '11680000', '5001', '19'), ('4725', '11680000', '5001', '20'), ('81', '27000000', '5001', '21'), ('5644', '30000000', '5001', '22'), ('5645', '30000000', '5001', '23'), ('5646', '30000000', '5001', '24'), ('6', '138', '5002', '1'), ('2370', '138', '5002', '2'), ('7', '768', '5002', '3'), ('4', '768', '5002', '4'), ('152', '8070', '5002', '5'), ('5', '12500', '5002', '6'), ('153', '18500', '5002', '7'), ('747', '25500', '5002', '8'), ('1511', '25500', '5002', '9'), ('154 [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully -------------------------------------------------- this is me original merchant_buylists : /* MySQL Data Transfer Source Host: localhost Source Database: l2jdb Target Host: localhost Target Database: l2jdb Date: 01/06/2008 02:23:05 a.m. */ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for merchant_buylists -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `merchant_buylists`; CREATE TABLE `merchant_buylists` ( `item_id` decimal(9,0) NOT NULL default '0', `price` decimal(11,0) NOT NULL default '0', `shop_id` decimal(9,0) NOT NULL default '0', `order` decimal(4,0) NOT NULL default '0', `count` int(11) NOT NULL default '-1', `currentCount` int(11) NOT NULL default '-1', `time` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `savetimer` decimal(20,0) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`shop_id`,`order`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `merchant_buylists` VALUES ('1', '-1', '3000100', '0', '-1', '-1', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `merchant_buylists` VALUES ('4', '-1', '3000100', '1', '-1', '-1', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `merchant_buylists` VALUES ('11', '-1', '3000100', '2', '-1', '-1', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `merchant_buylists` VALUES ('13', '-1', '3000100', '3', '-1', '-1', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `merchant_buylists` VALUES ('3', '-1', '3000100', '4', '-1', '-1', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `merchant_buylists` VALUES ('152', '-1', '3000100', '5', '-1', '-1', '0', '0'); .......etc And i need insert this other : REPLACE INTO `merchant_buylists` VALUES ('2369', '138', '5000', '1'), ('1', '768', '5000', '2'), ('3', '12500', '5000', '3'), ('738', '18500', '5000', '4'), ('1510', '25500', '5000', '5'), ('743', '33600', '5000', '6'), ....etc but this error is fuc...me [Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 how to fix this pls?
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