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Posts posted by Syrus

  1. ask me about java - can help you with almost anything, but software/hardware related issues, not really my thing, i know what i can google :P


    i guess you can set it in your graphics card options, like in nvidia, but thats if you got nvidia, not sure of other graphic cards, also i don't think you can set anything in-game to limit fps, no such setting - unless someone can prove me wrong, not into client editting on that level either


    so yea, external software or graphics card settings, thats all i can think of myself

  2. like someone already mentioned, most issues like that are not server related


    there are two things that can be done in this matter, client side and server side


    client side - limit your fps to 60 by external software, problem's gone

    server side - do position validation check whenever player is falling, to compare Z position, in case of a difference, send validation packet to the player, this will not remove the falling effect though, just fix the client position shortly after sinking occurs

  3. 17 hours ago, SweeTs said:

    It uses social action to show animation and skill 5017 to grow up.

    true, for 'morphing' to winged state, not true for third stage which i referred to

    private class SecondMorph extends RunnableImpl
    			weakScarlet.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(weakScarlet.getObjectId(), 1));
    20 hours ago, SweeTs said:

    No, it's not another npc. At least on interlude. It's using a skill to grow up. If there is 3rd form npc, tell me the ID. 

    don't know if you looked up this particular code, but first of all, its h5, not interlude, also:

    	private static final int _weakScarletId = 29046;
    	private static final int _strongScarletId = 29047;
    	private class ThirdMorph extends RunnableImpl
    						NpcLocation loc = new NpcLocation();
    						loc.npcId = _strongScarletId;
    						weakScarlet = null;
    						strongScarlet = spawn(loc);
    						NpcLocation loc = new NpcLocation();
    						Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5017, 1);
    						skill.getEffects(strongScarlet, strongScarlet, false, false);

    i hope you clearly see now that deletion of old npc and spawning new one in it's place is what is going on here, true, after that it's forced the grow skill, but i don't have much time to dig into all that messed up code to find the fix, as many things seem off in this pack

  4. 9 minutes ago, L2J NexuS said:

    So the answer to this guy is?
    Which sources should he use?

    there aren't many options when it comes to packs designed for interlude, thats the problem

    only a hand full of projects kept developing server files for that chronicle, all of them have flaws, all of them got bugs in some departments (some don't have basic features, some messed up datapack etc.)


    none of the packs available for free, or even paid ones are suited for opening a serious server

    and by serious i mean one that you won't have to fix stuff for several months, as you won't be able to compete with the 'big guys' on the market, unless you aim at a server which won't make money and it's goal is to be set for fun


    summarizing on source to use: without skills to edit code, it doesn't really matter


    ill summarize some of the things pointed out about acis, note that my goal here is not to spread hate towards the project or point fingers on people, but to let some of you realize your wrong approach to comments like mine


    now, not gonna quote vampir on his list of acis bugs, but that's' just the tip of the iceberg, there are dozens of minor/major bugs, missing features, or things, like usage of geoengine is poorly utilized (geoengine itself is fine, it's just how it's used in some aspects of the game)

    7 hours ago, Tryskell said:


    Not sure what you speak about, my revert amount is extremely low compared to L2JFrozen and alike.

    reverts are not the issue here


    3 hours ago, Tryskell said:

    Download the pack, read the changesets and make your own opinion instead of reading rumors. And compare with other packs.

    i don't read changesets, i analyze the code between releases to know exactly what was changed and how


    3 hours ago, Tryskell said:

    L2J is huge, it can't be fixed by a single guy. I code what I can and what I want, for the leftover I count to others to fix it and share it. If not, I will simply move to my "single-man" speed.

    as sweets mentioned, i understand if you do it as a hobby and spend an hour or two a week, but it can be fixed by a single man, even in his free time, in much shorter period than few years


    7 hours ago, Tryskell said:

    Don't forget, if you can do better than me, with the same tools I got (= L2J IL sources and time), simply do it. If you don't, why are you speaking ? You got no rights.

    i am doing just that, working on my private project which partially bases on acis aswell, which has few dozen of minor and major fixes, that is why i know some of them are just silly, some more complicated but still doable


    7 hours ago, Tryskell said:

    I invite you to report those famous issues/flaws you speak about and to share adequate fixes, since you seem enough skilled to say that I'm either lazy or unskilled. Until that time comes, maybe better shut your mouth instead of freely insulting people who are working to keep alive this community.

    I work for a community and my community (is supposed to) works for me, but people like you don't seem to understand, and probably never will.


    It's not my fault if you are all lazy bas**ards waiting for (almost) free fixes. The behavior of this community would be different, all chronicles would be already completed.


    I wait your fixes, I would be glad to include them if they fix things.

    are you gonna make all (including the newest) revisions public? if you start from now, i'll be glad to report what is bugged and give you solutions to them, so we (like you wrote yourself) can work for the community sake, otherwise its like you expect us to work for you and your own sake, that's not how its gonna be


    noone is a lazy b... waiting for free fixes, as you don't offer free fixes yourself


    to prove my rights i could list you my changelog from my project, but sadly thats private work for now

    but be my guest, look into elemental vulnerabilities passive skills, skill id 4279-4282, empty

  5. mantosh, if i would be interested in money, i'd suggest it myself, but i'm not


    sweets, its not a 'transformation', third stage of halisha is a completely different npc, that is spawned, he cannot simply remove it


    what he can do (if he would know how), is to take X/Y position of the npc prior to 'transformation' (which is npc swapping), and put a static Z coordinate with higher value than the original has

  6. 7 hours ago, NaughtyGlad said:

    i did, he didn't  know how -_-

    you paid someone without the knowledge to fix things? well


    what i can tell you is that whole "private class ThirdMorph" in frintezza.java is messed up


    code is messed up and partly rubbish, and like i already said, despawning weak halisha (before i wrote frintezza, but obviously i meant halisha) and something about spawning the 'stronger' version is the cause of npc sinking in the floor


    7 hours ago, NaughtyGlad said:

    just fix this sh!t for me


    sorry but no, with that attitude you either pay someone or fix yourself

  7. its hard to give any tips, you need to learn the structure yourself by reviewing the code and what it refers to, taking in mind name of the file which usually suggests what it belongs to

    to write a full manual on what belongs where or whats responsible for what in acis, or any other pack, would be too time consuming


    btw, what exactly did you change to 500? whole formula? or just getmatkspd


    and also, it needs to have an effect unless you didn't update your server, note how that function works and where it is used



    private void beginCast(L2Skill skill, boolean simultaneously, Creature target, WorldObject[] targets)
    		// Calculate the casting time of the skill (base + modifier of MAtkSpd)
    		// Don't modify the skill time for FUSION skills. The skill time for those skills represent the buff time.
    		if (!effectWhileCasting)
    			hitTime = Formulas.calcAtkSpd(this, skill, hitTime);
    			if (coolTime > 0)
    				coolTime = Formulas.calcAtkSpd(this, skill, coolTime);

    so, when creature (including players) begin cast, and as the guide says, hitTime of a skill refers to formulas.java to calcAtkSpd, so if you modify it, it has to return a value of your choosing



  8. answer is quite simple, AI responsible for frintezza behavior is poorly written, probably from some cheap pack that didnt check the code properly


    its necessary to give us your pack name/source for anyone to be able to help you 


    or, if you know a thing or two about coding, review frintezza AI from other packs and yours, maybe you can identify the problem yourself, here i can only say that player special camera function has too long of a timer, plus frintezza is being moved/teleported etc to a location with lower Z (up/down) position, hence it goes under the floor, if that pack does not have geodata

  9. On 7/7/2018 at 3:23 PM, xxdem said:

    what a bad stereotyped answer lol. "lucera" dude you have illusions if you think acis is bad or that lucera is something good, lucera is russian and all russian packs are just words and full of shit

    and your statement is, without a doubt, with no research background whatsoever, you clearly did not work on that files or even reviewed them well enough


    honestly after working with l2j packs available on the internet, i can say few things for sure, to people that are interested in using both acis and/or lucera

    acis has few things done well, mostly code organization, but honestly has a lot of flaws

    no hate tryskell, but you are either lazy or unskilled, as even your most recent packs come with so many flaws, so many basic bugs that i am amazed how this is being 'fixed' for the last few years

    lucera has its flaws, but many things work, and boy they work well


    BUT, for amateurs playing with server hosting and people that are into learning/doing small changes to the code, imo acis is the way to go from these two

    if you want to have more functional code without anything touched, lucera is the way to go, that's assuming you got the files from somewhere, as IMO it's not worth to pay for them, and i'm sure if you look hard enough you can find them somewhere :)

  10. On 7/4/2018 at 8:41 PM, eddyteh said:

    -Features only play a small part of interest in nowadays community.

    -Retail with some tweeks here and there is enough to gain a decent audience.

    - (...)( there is nothing to be proud of having a 2 year w/o wipe(...)


    lets start from the bottom

    - well, right and wrong, depending whose perspective you review

    there is a lot to be proud of if one can keep even that '200' online for two years and is willing to, that shows his guts, dedication and care for the players, not the money or 'fame' on the block

    i would say even the numbers add up, if you deduct all the quitters, jumpers and whiners that can't fit anywhere then you are left with 200 people that appreciate your work and enjoy the game, especially if you constantly develop it to the players needs


    now, rearranging the order, to say a word or two about what i just bolded, first argument

    - sure, players are mostly not into features, especially new features, like some mentioned already, players are skeptic and scared of things that can potentially ruin the experience they already know, UNLESS you prove and show them otherwise, but what influences the community interest nowadays if not features or 'fame' that some servers already have? well, the answer is, what i wrote in bold

    constant development, updates, tweaks and necessary, smart changes are the key to gaining interest over time, instead of having a boom at the start and linear loss of players over time

    players that would like to join need to know that there's gonna be something new by the time they reach top levels that they might get first, or fight for to own before guys playing since the start

    but for obvious reasons, that's not a simple task and i would say, you need to have them planned for first few months of servers lifespan


    now, the middle theory

    - if one's goal is to gain players and keep them for donations sake, or for numbers sake, im fed up with servers like that, i know whats their purpose, hence im not interested in '100%' retail like servers for some time now, especially the popular servers right now, full of crap honestly


    think for yourself as a player, do you want to be listened to once in a while? or rather be treated as donation fodder?

    do you want to play the same chronicle, do exactly the same every 2 months or more often than that? or you would rather stay somewhere for year or two with periodic new content and improvements to things that work wrong and you point them out?


    from a developer perspective i rather have less, but more intelligent people which can enjoy the game more in their own company, that gonna stay with you for months or years, rather than 'paid' clans that gonna ruin solo players experience and eventually lead to server falling apart due to bad atmosphere


    back in the days i happened to enjoy playing on a server with stable, 500 online instead of 2-3k bots, which honestly was terrific experience, never bored, never out of party, never denied help, never called names in pvp


    now a tip:

    if you are that kind of player, that would rather enjoy the game rather than trying to 'own' it, go with my thoughts, give a go to fresh, new and interesting projects instead of old, constantly advertised everywhere you can see, as they are clearly investing money to get the money back

  11. 16 hours ago, Anarchy said:

    the player base left in l2, especially EU, is garbage - so you get garbage servers

    whoever is aiming only in eu community is doomed to fail - for several reasons


    15 hours ago, AlmostGood said:

    pretty much time wasted, classic will replace current int position, sooner than later

    classic will not replace anything, classic just proves that people want good old days in a bit fresher state, sadly classic is going towards the path that led l2 newer chronicles to f2p and massive loss of population - if my guess is right, classic is doomed to share the same fate

  12. On 6/14/2018 at 4:23 AM, Azizka15 said:

    Why are EU servers so poorly developed?


    few reasons for that, there's fault lying on creator's side, and community side (as a bonus, last but not least, issues of the game itself)

    lets start with former


    1. lack of time to develop proper files

    2. lack of passion for the good old times in the game

    3. lack of skill and knowledge to do what needs to be done

    4. lack of ideology about what a good server is and no ideas how to actually IMPROVE the game itself (improve is a keyword here, more later)


    now problem on the community side (on the sad side, they are both connected and dependable on each other)

    1. lack of dedication to play on one server (server jumpers)

    2. lack of support and understanding for unexpected events

    (which honestly can sometimes happen, lets give as an example playInera, where there was that event with overlooked high drop rate from certain mobs which ruined the market and server economy in general)

    3. servers lifespan, which because of lazy and bored community is shorter and shorter due to high rates

    4. this may sound bit ridiculous, but because of forums like this and people supporting other creators, which have no idea about java or developing anything in general, there are sh*t ton of crappy servers because people think they can make a pvp server from free files and make some money. because of the easily accessible files for the game, it became a challenge to find and appreciate well developed server without wasting much of our precious time

    people now and community itself is older than it was when we all began in 2004+ (as i did), we got families, jobs to do, can't spend time on testing servers to play on, hence we choose servers that are well advertised through paid banners and popups. but its OBVIOUS that if they paid for such things they want the money back, thats how you get safe enchant scrolls or full items from donations, blame on you


    bonus content: game issues

    1. chronicles differences, some people don't like newer chronicles because of their features or content, the other way around people don't like eg. interlude because graphics, lack of some features which players got fond of, or lack of content and quick boredom, which some players here already mentioned



    let me address some of that issues that can be addressed, as commenting on community mentality is pointless and won't change anything. what can be changed though is the server creators approach and ideology, and as myself, which develop files for some time now, i can tell you few things


    1. you cannot have a good server without investing your free time in it as a developer

    as i already mentioned, i am developing files of my own for some time now, and no, you never heard of me, despite me having an account here since 2008 (can't use it for this purpose though). key to success is first to develop and test your files, to then release a server and not have thousands of bugs which admins didn't bother to look for prior to launching

    2. you cannot have a good server with developer that does not care for the game and sake of players playing on it

    that is putting full items in donation shops and imbalancing the game, which a good dev would never do, because it's like stabbing your own kid

    3. lack of skill

    some devs do care about their creation, but simply do not have enough knowledge and skill to do what needs to be done, and despite their determination, they cannot overcome bugs

    4. the most important part, lack of ideology and general grasp of what NEEDS TO BE DONE to the game itself for it to become playable and enjoyable

    im sure most of you guys will agree that there are some aspects of the game that despite being retail like, you would love to see them changed, the same thing goes for new content


    let me give you an example - in my opinion, bsoe or cp potions are just pain in the arse and unnecessary, they make pvp unpleasant, not to mention all that cp potion bots etc.

    why i've never seen a server with these things REMOVED? wouldn't you agree that server without cp potions would be a better and more competitive place?


    well, as a conclusion, i will tell you this

    I am the main developer of a new, unannounced project that will change your perspective of l2 servers and java itself. You can expect:

    - pvp improvements (no cp potions and such)

    - most of l2off features, with improved elements

    - balanced classes (actually balanced, which means tweaked unused skills, improved old skills and implemented NEW skills for worse classes)

    - improved supports role and importance in active pvp

    - plenty of QoL (quality of life) changes

    - new challenges, new monsters, new areas, new items, alchemy, new unique items - simply saying more content


    For now i can tell you it's gonna be low rate interlude (but trust me you've never seen interlude like that)

    Soon i'll be posting more information with invites for Closed Beta (you heard me right, we gonna launch closed beta first and pick people from this forum that will be willing to test our server, reason for that being we don't want other devs to look up our features)

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