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About kombains

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  1. Maybe someone can shere servitors buffer? Not for pets like wolf or stryder. I need buffer for servitors :) Please help me :)
  2. Maybe some1 have servitor buffer(buff only summons like Panther)?
  3. Yes, they will be at the shop.
  4. Up
  5. Big update. Update list you can see in forum!
  6. Common items drop like retail, not custom drop. Some buffs time(improove buffs) time changed. TvT now in test mode.
  7. PTS started. Download system patch.
  8. Also all clans with 15+ ACTIVE members will get benefits.
  9. No... everything is okey. Also... Today at 8:00 PM +2 GMT will be started PTS.
  10. UP
  11. So if i can't adv here, so how i should adv my server?
  12. We try to do the best. So we hope that in server won't be dissbalnced classes.
  13. You can look at the topic ^^. Ok.... Server Starts on June 21.
  14. Thanks ;)
  15. Lol... System will be available when we will launch server in PTS mode
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