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Everything posted by dzumara

  1. ive changed their type to L2Merchant. shops are fully functional but i wasnt able to more hp/mp bars
  2. I've made several new merchants with using l2monster textures and now i have a hp bar is still showing below npc name. can this be solved somehow? its obviously client side issue just tell me where to look? thanks
  3. I couldn't find this code on forum so i've decided to share it. I took it from L2jServer rev3008, but it wasn't implemented on interlude, so whoever had that problem like me here it is Go to net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util.FloodProtector.java and find this array private static final int[] REUSEDELAY = new int[]{ 4, 42, 42, 16, 100 } edit it to look like this private static final int[] REUSEDELAY = new int[]{ 4, 42, 42, 16, 100, 20 } if you have more numbers here np, just add ,20 at the end. now find this variables public static final int PROTECTED_USEITEM = 0; public static final int PROTECTED_ROLLDICE = 1; public static final int PROTECTED_FIREWORK = 2; public static final int PROTECTED_ITEMPETSUMMON = 3; public static final int PROTECTED_HEROVOICE = 4; and after them add 1 more line public static final int PROTECTED_MULTISELL = 5; now go to net.sf.l2j.gameserver.clientpackets.MultiSellChoose.java find @Override public void runImpl() { function and add this line just after { L2PcInstance player = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (player == null) return; if (!FloodProtector.getInstance().tryPerformAction(player.getObjectId(), FloodProtector.PROTECTED_MULTISELL)) { player.sendMessage("You can not use shop that fast!"); return; } if you have L2PcInstance player = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (player == null) return; somewhere later in that function, eclipse will warn you about error, so just delete that lines. tested, its working on l2jserver latest rev
  4. L2jServer interlude pack, latest rev. i have it written like diabaths said, but i have more ingredients (only 1 wep tho).
  5. that doesnt work for me, if i put ingredient enchant = 6, and have it in my inv, it doesnt allow me to trade, telling im having incorect item count
  6. kOzA, if u do it like that, it would only work with specified enchant right? real deal would require adding some new functions in core
  7. i've solved all my problems about this, so topic can be closed
  8. I made this acc in 2008... ive checked all that AIO topics, most of them are buggy or simply doesnt work on L2jserver interlude pack :/ i made that 2nd npc buffer work but (exAH one), but still getting null pointer exception when i want to take buffs for the first time. btw thx for ur effort
  9. i dont care about posts so i dont see a problem? edit: but ok, i understand
  10. Hey i have 1 small problem. Ive added custom item to my database and under skill_id ive put 9903, and everything is ok, item gives bonuses i wanted, but problem is that item icon doesnt show up in passive skills. this is code for skillgrp 9903 1 2 0 -1 0 0.000000 0 icon.accessary_necklace_of_valor_i00 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 and ive added description in skillname-e. anyone knows whats the problem? thx
  11. do you maybe know some simple npc buffer that will work on l2jserver files?
  12. ye i saw that but i wasn't sure if any of that fixes actually still works. I guess i have to check it out
  13. ok i can see it now, can someone give me links for essential protection from phx etc? thx
  14. Hey, i have latest rev l2jserver for interlude and i was wondering what protection do i need to add? and can someone send me codes via email or something since i dont have enough posts to see anything.. and i dont rly want to spam forum just to be able to see some sections.. Thanks
  15. I have the source but i don't see that file? I want to remove it only for security reasons
  16. hm now it didnt change times of several buffs, like wind walk, bless the body.. but in log it says its changed hm
  17. I would like to remove the licence from showing up in system messages after log in. ShowLicence = False didnt work so i need some other solution. Also i couldnt find java class responsible for that so any info is welcome. Im using L2jServer interlude pack. Thanks
  18. ok :) ty for ur work, at least it changed times for ~10 skills for now :)
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