First post, but I recently stumbled onto a new fake enchant method. I know fake enchants are pretty much useless, but maybe people can figure out a way to make good use of this towards an actual enchant exploit. First off it has to be on a server where you can drop enchant scrolls (so a server like l2x won't work anymore). I find this to be useful if you don't have a friend nearby and you can fake enchant by yourself.
1. Buy a scroll of enchant and keep it on the very first box of your inventory (top left most box)
2. Drag and drop the scroll out of inventory, you will then get a message box asking if you wish to discard this item. Do NOT click anything yet.
3. Drag your inventory box over the message box and align the "OK" button of the message box with the most top left box of your inventory (area where your scroll is)
4. Click the back of the message box to bring it back to the front, proceed to click the "OK" button of the message box and quickly right click.
Since the server thinks your enchanting with the scroll you can click the item you want to upgrade (you will have a different item selected, just use it and click the weapon as if it were an enchant scroll). DO NOT USE ANOTHER ENCHANT SCROLL FOR A "REPLACEMENT ITEM". This DOES work, I have done it several times, try it yourself (it may take some practice)
Some precautions to watch out for. Do not pick up the scroll before you do the fake enchant, if you do it will act as a REAL ENCHANT. Be careful for item server lag, if you pick up the scroll and click your weapon during item server lag sometimes it WILL enchant and since the scroll is in your inventory it will be a real enchant.
Now, this is pretty much the method I used to "fake enchant", please note this is by no means a method to get 100% enchant rate. However if anyone can figure out a method to use this method towards a more efficient exploit I would appreciate if you would post here or if anything PM me.