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About zec88

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  1. this is a problem and I can not correct it. Is it possible to create the code;
  2. i'm so sorry but i speak in greek because my english is freak :( Sorry.
  3. Realy Cool I like it... is good, reward for event. :P
  4. Otan mpaineis o opoiosdipote character xwris na einai lord to leei... kai na exeis kastro leei lord of castle with nane nocastle logged in to the game. Alla den kserw na to ftiaksw egw :-\ EGw exw dei Otan mpainei kapoios Lord Leei Announcements: Lord of (castle) (name char) has just logged in. EDIT: Den pisteva oti einai toso duskolo sto na ftiaxtei to code gia lord announce. :P
  5. To exw dei se arketous server auto pou sou lew :) kati vrika sto forum tou l2jserver an leitourgisei tha to postarw kai edw na uparxei kai gia ta max cheaters member!!! :P EDITED: Telika auto doulevei men.. alla oxi swta. An kapoios mporei na to "diothosi" as to kanei http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/thread.php?threadid=24690&hilight=lord+announce Thanks.
  6. Kalimera. Tha mporouse na voithisei kanenas me ti Java(code) wste otan mpainei enas Clan Lord Leader Na To leei se announce px. Announcements:Lord of Aden hus just logged in. ENdiaferomai Gia L2J Server Interlude Pack. Thanks. EDIT:Lathos section nomizw, mperdeutika an mporei kapoios as to kanei move.
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