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About thalestvn

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  1. Any script for auto target and hit players?
  2. ME TOO! HAHAHA IF U GET, SEND ME ON thalesvnn@gmail.com please! Tks
  3. HI @adr.bot, how are u? I hope fine. I'm trying to farm using my spoiler, but it does not always use the sweeper skill. I'm playing l2 lionna, classic 2.8. Would you have some script to spoil and use sweeper? Or something like that, because I feel like I'm losing a lot of farm (I'm trying to farm eab / ewb). Thanks in advanced
  4. Someone have auto captcha scripts? Not a alarm, but auto put the correct captcha?
  5. Hello, how are you? I need help editing this script for the char to get close to gk, but starting with all goddard respawns, can anyone help me? Just to go next to the GK, which is where the npc buffer is, the rest I've done. The script is pretty basic, but all the "if" commands I tried to add made me have a runtime error! Thanks in advance! __________________________________________________________________________________________ var Figth_Flag:boolean; Item: TL2Item; Npc: TL2Npc; Obj: TL2Buff; IdBuff: integer; Buffs:TL2Buff; var L2Skill: TL2Skill; procedure toVillage; begin Print('To Village'); Delay(100); if (User.HP=0) then begin Delay(2000); Engine.GoHome; Engine.Facecontrol(0,False); Buff; end; end; procedure buff; begin Print('Go Buffer'); Engine.Settarget(30361); Delay(1500); Engine.Settarget(30361); Delay(1500); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(1500); Engine.DlgSel(1); // BUFFS Delay(800); Engine.DlgSel(1); //Wind Walk Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(3); //Shield Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(5); //Bless Body Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(7); //Mag Barrier Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(8); //Concentration Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(9); //zerk Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(11); //Acumen Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(12); //Empower Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(18); //G. Shield Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(20); //W magic Delay(400); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(1500); Engine.DlgSel(2); //SONGS Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(1); //Song Earth Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(4); //Song Warding Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(5); //Song wind Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(7); //Song Vitality Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(9); //Song renewal Delay(400); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(1500); Engine.DlgSel(3); //DANCES Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(3); //Dance Mystic Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(6); //Dance Concetration Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(8); //Dance Siren Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(16); //Malaria Delay(400); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(1500); Engine.DlgSel(4); //PROFECY Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(4); //Magnus Delay(400); Engine.DlgSel(19); //Seraphim Delay(400); RunTo; end; procedure RunTo; begin Print('Go Teleporte'); Engine.MoveTo(146952, -70120, -3664); Delay(500); Engine.SetTarget(31031); //Target do NCP GK Delay(1500); Engine.DlgOpen; // abre chat combat npc Delay(1500); Engine.DlgSel(4); Delay(1500); Engine.DlgSel(3); Delay(1500); Fight; end; procedure toBuff; begin IdBuff:=1204 ; //Check BUFF while not User.Buffs.ById(IdBuff,obj) do begin Print('Check Buff'); Engine.UseItem(736); //Scroll Escape Delay(7000); buff; end; end; procedure Fight; begin Print('Fight zone'); Engine.MoveTo(146952, -70120, -3664); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(146872, -70424, -3560); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(145624, -73352, -4336); Delay(500); Engine.LoadConfig('1'); //Íàçâàíèå Âàøåãî êîíôèãà Engine.LoadZone('zona2.zmap'); //zona de combat Print('Ôàðì'); toVillage; Engine.Facecontrol(0,True); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin //repete novamente o script Print('repete novamente'); repeat toBuff; toVillage; until Engine.Status = lsOffline; Delay(5000); end.
  6. Hi, would someone have some auto captcha script? Or can you help me with this? Thank you
  7. Hi, someone can help me with a script to go for gk in dwarven village? I need this because NPC buffer is next to gk. My script is: var Figth_Flag:boolean; Item: TL2Item; Npc: TL2Npc; Obj: TL2Buff; IdBuff: integer; Buffs:TL2Buff; var L2Skill: TL2Skill; procedure toVillage; begin Print('To Village'); Delay(1000); if (User.HP=0) then begin Delay(2000); engine.gohome; Engine.Facecontrol(0,False); Buff; end; end; procedure buff; begin Print('Go Buffer'); Engine.Settarget(35458); //target npc buff Delay(15000); Engine.DlgOpen; //abre chat npc Delay(1500); Engine.Settarget(35458); //target npc buff Delay(5000); Engine.DlgOpen; //abre chat npc Delay(1500); Engine.DlgSel(34); Delay(800); Engine.DlgSel(4); Delay(800); Engine.DlgSel(21); Delay(800); RunTo; end; procedure RunTo; begin Print('Go Teleporte'); Engine.SetTarget(31114); //Target do NCP GK Delay(1500); Engine.DlgOpen; // abre chat combat npc Delay(1500); Engine.DlgSel(2); Delay(1500); Engine.DlgSel(2); Delay(1500); Fight; end; procedure toBuff; begin IdBuff:=1204 ; //Check BUFF while not User.Buffs.ById(IdBuff,obj) do begin Print('Check Buff'); engine.facecontrol(0,false); Engine.UseItem(736); //Scroll Escape Delay(30000); buff; end; end; procedure Fight; begin Print('Fight zone'); Engine.MoveTo(144792, -174168, -1525); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(145480, -174792, -1525); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(146008, -175528, -1525); Delay(500); Engine.LoadConfig('1'); //Íàçâàíèå Âàøåãî êîíôèãà Engine.LoadZone('coalb.zmap'); //zona de combat Print('Ôàðì'); toVillage; Engine.Facecontrol(0,True); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin //repete novamente o script Print('repete novamente'); repeat toBuff; toVillage; until Engine.Status = lsOffline; Delay(15000); end.
  8. I need change engine.gohome in script for this? Only this? Do u have script for Forbbidden? To farm aa? Mine is not working very well, I put it in the 4 or 5 room, but the char sometimes does not give to village, sometimes it keeps walking without stopping, it comes close to the farm place and is killing mob and going back the way ... Half crazy hahahah, I have 10 days just using adrenaline, and I learned to edit some things about script, but I'm totally noob in that: / Thanks for the support again, you're amazing!!
  9. Hi, I need something like this: procedure toVillage; begin Print('To Village'); Delay(100); if (User.HP=0) then begin Delay(100); Engine.GoHome; Engine.Facecontrol(0,False); Buff; end; end; But to go to the clan hall, how? Thank you in advance ...
  10. Hi! Thank you very much for this, but is it already edited for the respanws? Or i need edit?
  11. Hello everyone! I'm playing on a pvp server, and the farm area is in Field of Silence, I have only one problem: when my char dies, he goes back to town, but I can not rebuff because of Heine's random respawn. What I need: a script for the char to go near the normal gk, because the npcs buffer and global gk are very close, so I can rebuff and teleport to the farm zone. Please help me, already tried to edit with Engine.MoveTo but it is kind of complicated because it always hangs somewhere. Thanks in advance!
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