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Everything posted by kissas

  1. how?
  2. but the program not is free :S and can be done trougth l2walker.
  3. http://www.postpacific.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3404 Anyone knows how exploit this?
  4. i'cant buy from my clone, is patched? another way? P.D.: What about random party ? this work? adn the clone when disconect? when server is down? :(
  5. i'tried to dupe but no luck, how work? need to buy from the clone? drop the item to dupe? Cheers. EDITED: i'tried to buy, but not luck, how is the procces to dupe??? Another pj buy medals, but hi never see the medals in the inv, and the medalls are on the ground for testing ...
  6. i'play in one server where "FIX 1 Bypass" is working, how to dupe one item or dupe medals ? Cheers.
  7. what is "multiproffession bug " ?
  8. i'play in one non java server, no more acc, but i'have one to test and have set.ini, send this info via pm? Cheers.
  9. Hi all, is posible to use in one server where work walker 10.2.3 another version? i'get protcol error :(
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