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About edwinbarbosa

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    Nothing Else Matters

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. JapanBuffer one prophet for support the friend who have show for me the lineage 2 -.- serious tense =/
  2. im try'in to override gameserver in l2net, but with my donator key, l2net isnt bypassing i think, i need to override the gameserver port to 7776, but the l2net still listening port 7777 after define this in advanced login options =(
  3. work fine for me in windows 7 x64, only opened l2walker and run l2.exe, with no issues.. but i have one question, have a method to login with l2net ingame instead of l2walker ig ?
  4. cant download, link only for premium members in RS, and now? :( sit and cry ? :///
  5. Hi, I have a question about the program called L2Net. I used it on the old server that played, L2inc, but i'm trying to use on the server called Kosglad, but the server uses the BakeIce, and I do not know how configure it to work there. Someone could give me a hint or a tutorial on how to operate in Kosglad? The server is retail, not l2j. edit: Sorry for post here, im new in this forum, and dont know all rules for posting, please move it.
  6. cool tips i'm looking for it too almost all that i tried didn't worked
  7. 65% :O
  8. Try use a shining bow and a draconic bow, the shining have a little quick recovery in reuse of arrow, try it. but shining bow cant apply sa =[ ;D
  9. Still working?
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