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About er4s12345

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. any one have antibackstab and autobackstab..?:P
  2. True i go back to l2 rise...
  3. HAHA on online after restart serwer brutal drop from 2,700 to 13,324
  4. adr ? link adrenaline 20 usd haha or 20 euro i to much
  5. i have the ronin bot but he stilll not update for dragon u know any free bot work on this dragon?
  6. ye sry for my english i from poland hehe .idk where i can play, any one good serwer on this moment ? for me l2 rise best but all go to this dragon shit
  7. this dragon be for 1/2 weeks u see man :) but ... still all go on this shit lagged serwer.
  8. i like l2 rise, online 3k + no lags stability serwer...
  9. bot says 17k , this is cant be real man . i dont have bot but on this screen is 1,7k no 17k :D and this laag... and any free bot not working hahha
  10. this dragon shit serwer 3k max online full fake and lag.
  11. hello any working bot for this serwer 25x ? http://l2e-global.com/
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