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Everything posted by xmallorx

  1. No rules. Any OGG rules in l2j gracia?
  2. Good evening. I have the grace to L2Walker OGG 10.9.3. I connect fine, but upon entering I get the "packet error". Game on a l2j. How do I fix this? Thank you very much for the help ^ ^
  3. the best...... dark elf!!
  4. yeah
  5. I would happy if you put him here plis!! :) :)
  6. If someone has a solution to use og l2 walker or a version that works in Hellbound, which post please. Thanks:)
  7. Hi, any solution for the walker og problem: "enter world timeout"? Thanks :)
  8. Thank you. Waitting any person post it: og rules!! :):)
  9. Any l2 walker og rules in kamael hellbound? I have 10.9.0, but dont conect it. Verify ok, enter char ok, but 40 seconds stop and tell my "enter world timeout". Any solution? P.D.: sorry for my english
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