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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TBotEngine.FindTarget; var I: Integer; L2Live, Target: TL2Live; Prior: Integer; Dist: Integer; NpcFilter: PNpcFilter; begin try with Parser do if AutoAtk and not BasicSet.MTarget and (not PauseFight_) and (not PartySet.Assist or ProtectMA) then begin CheckCombatZone; // Поиск комбат зоны с мобами Lock; try Target := nil; fTargetInUD := False; if (CurTargetOID <> 0) and (User.fTarOID = CurTargetOID) then Target := User.fTarget; if Assigned(Target) and Target.Dead then if (Target.L2Class <> lcNpc) or not ProcessFight(False, -1, True) then // Обработка мертвых begin Target := nil; CurTargetOID := 0; end; /////////////// Verify //////////////////////// { if fObjectClearDelay_Vrf2 = 0 then fObjectClearDelay_Vrf2 := GetTickCount; if Wait(fObjectClearDelay_Vrf2, 1700 * 1000) then CheckControlData_th2;} //////////////////////////////////////////////// if CurTargetOID = 0 then CurTargetLvl := 0; if Assigned(Target) then fTargetInUD := TargetInUD(Target); NeedProtect; if Assigned(Target) and (CurTargetLvl < 3) and IsAgroIFor(Target, True) then CurTargetLvl := 3; // Если мы напали на моба, то желательно не переключатся на ближних if ((MobSet.FindAgro or (FaceState = fsCAttack)) or MobSet.FindTargetMe) then if TargetLvl(2 + Byte(MobSet.FindNear)) then if not User.Sitting or RelaxSet.StandAtk then begin FindEnemyGroup(User, Target); for I := 0 to PetList.Count - 1 do // Отбиваемся от агров и прислкдующих FindEnemyGroup(TL2Pet(PetList.Items[I]), Target); if PartySet.ProtectParty2 then begin for I := 0 to Party.fChars.Count - 1 do FindEnemyGroup(TL2Char(Party.fChars.Items[I]), Target); for I := 0 to Party.fPets.Count - 1 do FindEnemyGroup(TL2Npc(Party.fPets.Items[I]), Target); end; if PartySet.ProtectParty2 then if PartySet.FriendList <> '' then begin for I := 0 to CharList.Count - 1 do if TL2Char(CharList.Items[I]).DistTo(User) > 1500 then break else if Filter2S(TL2Char(CharList.Items[I]).Name, PartySet.FriendList) then FindEnemyGroup(TL2Char(CharList.Items[I]), Target); for I := 0 to NpcList.Count - 1 do if TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[I]).DistTo(User) > 1500 then break else if TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[I]).fIsPet then if Filter2S(TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[I]).fTitle, PartySet.FriendList) then FindEnemyGroup(TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[I]), Target); end; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if not Assigned(Target) then fLastTargetOID := 0 else begin if not InRangeCZ(Target) or not InRangeZ(Target) then // Объект вне зоны боя if not IsAgroForMe(Target, True, True) or PathSet.AttackInRangeOnly then // Агрессивный или агрится begin OMgr.Time(owSkeepOffZone, CurTargetOID, PathSet.CAtkV * 1000); CurTargetOID := $FFFFFFFE; end; if (Target.L2Class = lcChar) and (not Target.fPvP and not Target.PK) or IsMyFriend(Target) or IsMyGroup(Target) then // Пвпшник вышел из режима пвп CurTargetOID := $FFFFFFFF; if Target.L2Class = lcNPC then begin if MobSet.NoAtkInCombat and (not MobSet.FullCombat or (CurTargetLvl < 2)) then // Начали бить одновременно и моб сагрился на другого то уходим if not IsAgroForMe(Target, True) and NpcIsBusy(Target, 2500) then CurTargetOID := $FFFFFFFF; // Цель занята другими, не трогаем if MobSet.NoAtkInTarget and (not MobSet.FullCombat or (CurTargetLvl < 2)) then if not IsAgroForMe(Target, True) and NpcIsBusy(Target, 2500, True) then // Цель сагрилась на кого то, не трогаем CurTargetOID := $FFFFFFFF; if (MobSet.SkeepTarget or MobSet.SkeepRange or MobSet.SkeepRange2) and (not MobSet.FullCombat or (CurTargetLvl < 2)) then if not IsAgroIFor(Target, True) and not IsAgroForMe(Target, True) then if LeftChar(Target) then // Цель кто то выделил(в определенном радиусе) CurTargetOID := $FFFFFFFF; if GetNpcFilter(Target, NpcFilter) and (CurTargetLvl < 2) then // Фильтр не прошел, меняем цель if not CheckNpcFilter(Target, NpcFilter) then if not IsAgroIFor(Target, True) and not IsAgroForMe(Target, True) then CurTargetOID := $FFFFFFFF; if not CheckNpcLvl(Target.fLevel) and (CurTargetLvl < 2) then // Лвл не подошел CurTargetOID := $FFFFFFFF; if MobSet.SkeepInv and (Target.fInvLvl > 0) then // Пропуск невидимой цели (но не чаще чем раз в 5 сек) begin if Wait(fSkeepInvDelay, 10000) then // Даем возможность подойти к невидимым begin OMgr.Time(owSkeepMobInv, CurTargetOID, MobSet.SkeepInvV * 1000); if CurTargetLvl < 2 then CurTargetOID := $FFFFFFFF; end; end; if (MobSet.SkeepChamp) and (CurTargetLvl < 2) then // Пропускаем чемпионов if Target.fCurHP > MobSet.SkeepChampV then CurTargetOID := $FFFFFFFF; if MobSet.SkeepHP then // НР не меняется begin if (Target.HP < fLastTargetHP) or (CurTargetOID <> fLastTargetOID) or // Отмена счетчика (CheckUserPosition > 350) or fTargetInUD or fMoveDebuffs then begin fTargetHPTime := GetTickCount; SaveUserPosition; end; fLastTargetHP := Target.HP; fLastTargetOID := CurTargetOID; if (fTargetHPTime <> 0) and (GetTickCount - fTargetHPTime >= 20000 * Byte(not ((CurTargetLvl < 2) or (CurTargetLvl >= 10))) + MobSet.SkeepHPV2 * 1000) then begin OMgr.Time(owSkeepMobHP, CurTargetOID, MobSet.SkeepHPV1 * 1000); if IsAgroForMe(Target, True) then begin OMgr.Time(owSkeepMobAgroHP, CurTargetOID, MobSet.SkeepHPV3 * 1000); CurTargetOID := $FFFFFFFE; end else CurTargetOID := $FFFFFFFF; end; end; end; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if not User.Dead and not PartySet.Assist and not User.fSitting and not fNeedRelax and (FaceState = fsActive) then // Поиск новой цели if CheckTargDelay(MobSet.TargetDelay) then begin if MobSet.AttackPK and fCharAtk and (CurTargetLvl < 1) then // Поиск ПК for I := 0 to CharList.Count - 1 do with TL2Char(CharList.Items[i]) do if not Dead and PK and not IsMyGroup(TL2Char(CharList.Items[i])) and not IsMyFriend(TL2Char(CharList.Items[I])) and InRangeCZ(TL2Char(CharList.Items[I])) and InRangeZ(TL2Char(CharList.Items[I])) then begin CurTargetOID := fOID; CurTargetLvl := 1; end; Prior := -10000; L2Live:= nil; Dist := MaxInt; for I := 0 to NpcList.Count - 1 do with TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i]) do if not Dead or (fSpoilAtk and fSweepable and (fMyAtkTime > 0)) then if not fIsPet and InRangeCZ(TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i])) and InRangeZ(TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i])) then if (fAttackable and fMobAtk) or (not fAttackable and fNpcAtk) then if not MobSet.NoAtkResp or (GetTickCount - fSpawnTime > MobSet.NoAtkRespV * 1000) then if GetNpcFilter(TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i]), NpcFilter) and CheckNpcFilter(TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i]), NpcFilter) then if (not MobSet.SkeepTarget and not MobSet.SkeepRange and not MobSet.SkeepRange) or not LeftChar(TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i])) then if (not MobSet.NoAtkInCombat) or not NpcIsBusy(TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i]), 5000) then if (not MobSet.NoAtkInTarget) or not NpcIsBusy(TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i]), 5000, True) then if (not MobSet.SkeepChamp) or (fCurHP <= MobSet.SkeepChampV) then if (not MobSet.SkeepChamp2) or (fTeam = 0) then if not MobSet.NoAtkTitle or not Filter2S(fTitle, MobSet.NoAtkTitleV) then if (not MobSet.NoAtkLvl1 and not MobSet.NoAtkLvl2) or CheckNpcLvl(fLevel) then if OMgr.Time(owSkeepMob, fOID) = 0 then if OMgr.Time(owSkeepMobHP, fOID) = 0 then if OMgr.Time(owSkeepMobInv, fOID) = 0 then if OMgr.Time(owSkeepOffZone, fOID) = 0 then if OMgr.Time(owSkeepMobAgroHP, fOID) = 0 then if (Dist > GetDist(GetAttacker(TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i])), TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i]))) or (NpcFilter.FPriority2 > Prior) then begin L2Live := TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i]); Prior := NpcFilter.FPriority2; Dist := GetDist(GetAttacker(TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i])), TL2Npc(NpcList.Items[i])); if fSpoilAtk and Dead and fSweepable then Prior := 3; //Inc(Prior); // Заспойленым приоритет выше end; if Assigned(L2Live) then if ((CurTargetOID = 0) or (CurTargetOID = $FFFFFFFF) or (CurTargetOID = $FFFFFFFE)) or ((Prior >= 3) and (CurTargetLvl < 10)) then begin CurTargetLvl := 0; CurTargetOID := L2Live.fOID; if Prior >= 3 then CurTargetLvl := 10; end else {if wait 7000} // Поправка переключения на ближних зацикливаетсjlkjя if GetTickCount - fNearTime > 3000 then if MobSet.FindNear and ((CurTargetLvl < 1) or ((Prior >= 3) and (CurTargetLvl < 11))) then if Assigned(Target) and (Target.fOID = CurTargetOID) and GetNpcFilter(Target, NpcFilter) then if not IsAgroIFor(Target, True) and not IsAgroForMe(Target, True, True) then if (Prior > NpcFilter.FPriority2) or ( (Target.HP = 100) and (Prior >= NpcFilter.FPriority2) and (GetDist(GetAttacker(Target), Target) > GetDist(GetAttacker(L2Live), L2Live) + 150) ) then begin fNearTime := GetTickCount; CurTargetLvl := 1; CurTargetOID := L2Live.fOID; if Prior >= 3 then CurTargetLvl := 11; end; end; finally UnLock; end; CheckTarget(PartySet.Assist); end; except HistoryMsg('Ошибка в блоке ProcessFindTarget', hmError); end; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PipeServer.OnPipeConnect := OnPipeConnect; PipeServer.OnPipeDisconnect := OnDisconnect; PipeServer.OnPipeData := OnPipeData; s := GetKey; // fPrivateVersion := True; if ActivateAdvWinMax(s) then begin PipeServer.Active := fKeyList.Count > 0; end else begin // CrashMessage('Необходимо активировать программу'); while True do begin // if s <> '' then // Main.OfficialSite1Click(nil); CrashMessage(PChar(GetLng(63))); Application.Terminate; end; end; Caption := Caption; if fKeyList.Count > 0 then fBotList := TBotList.Create(PipeServer, Handle); fCaptS := Copy(s, 9, 5); // if IsX64 then CheckControlData_1(Main.ControlData); s := GetMyIP; if s <> '' then begin if Pos('81.169.145', s) > 0 then BanKeys(1); if Pos('109.105.134', s) > 0 then BanKeys(1); if Pos('193.164.131', s) > 0 then BanKeys(1); if Pos('109.105.130', s) > 0 then BanKeys(1); if Pos('', s) > 0 then BanKeys(1); if Pos('', s) > 0 then BanKeys(1); if Pos('', s) > 0 then BanKeys(1); if Pos('', s) > 0 then BanKeys(1); if Pos('', s) > 0 then /// Greg Sldc (23:20:57 7/08/2016) i think it's IP of person connected with ScriptsGuard BanKeys(1); end; N17.Checked := I = 1; English1.Checked := I = 2; InitLng; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetCPUSerial2(HashLen: Integer = 16; xorv: Cardinal = 0): string; var c: array[0..15] of Byte; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax, 1 cpuid //shr ebx, 24 //mov byte [a], bl and ebx, $00ffffff xor eax, $6d3547e2 add eax, $31134 xor ebx, $f32a5345 add ebx, $54635 xor ecx, $28734649 add ecx, $3535 xor edx, $342b765c add edx, $1001 mov dword [c], eax mov dword [c + 4], ebx mov dword [c + 8], ecx mov dword [c + 12], edx pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; if xorv > 0 then begin PCardinal(@c[0])^ := PCardinal(@c[0])^ xor xorv; PCardinal(@c[4])^ := PCardinal(@c[4])^ xor xorv; PCardinal(@c[8])^ := PCardinal(@c[8])^ xor xorv; PCardinal(@c[12])^ := PCardinal(@c[12])^ xor xorv; end; Result := HashM(c, Length(c), HashLen); end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
----------Chapter 6: Cheat portal aka dream Akuma or is it your server will open?---------- [spoiler=portal Cheat aka dream Akuma or is it your server will open?][4/15/2014 3:27:22 AM] Alexey: but speed PPC) [4/15/2014 3:27:51 AM] Akumu: [4/15/2014 3:28:00 AM] Akumu: I write the cheat [4/15/2014 3:28:07 AM] Akumu: sell for 3K a month [4/15/2014 3:28:08 AM] Akumu: [4/15/2014 3:28:25 AM] Alexey: http://SSMaker.ru/7f644760/ [4/15/2014 3:29:18 AM] Alexey: Yes FL not purely fun thing to experience on the bot finished, you can sell is the norm [5/27/2014 10:51:52 PM] Alexey: MB your serv doing better [5/27/2014 10:52:08 PM] Akumu: I'm more sysadminday part [5/27/2014 10:52:20 PM] Alexey: have standards [5/27/2014 10:52:27 PM] Alexey: I programmers and Assembly I find a good [5/27/2014 10:52:31 PM] Alexey: have friends [5/27/2014 10:52:33 PM] Akumu: I'm not actually the author of the project to consider not mastered [5/27/2014 10:52:51 PM] Alexey: in fact everything is there) [5/27/2014 10:52:56 PM] Alexey: need protection only from BTC for a nice surprise [5/27/2014 10:52:59 PM] Alexey: think [5/27/2014 10:53:12 PM] Akumu: OVH, I think the eye will now [5/27/2014 10:53:27 PM] Akumu: but it really depends on how big the project) [5/27/2014 10:53:51 PM] Alexey: well DDoS, a bunch of friends were killed at the start of the XA [5/27/2014 10:54:18 PM] Alexey: filthy with deguardia and proxy barely dwell [5/29/2014 2:14:39 PM] Akumu: no, I told you about my Frisco to do [5/29/2014 2:14:43 PM] Akumu: you said yesterday that you [5/29/2014 2:14:50 PM] Alexey: ahh [5/29/2014 2:15:05 PM] Akumu: I'm just telling you that nobody will open fresco without protection [5/29/2014 2:15:14 PM] Alexey: the theme is good, can talk for Assembly today [5/29/2014 2:15:24 PM] Akumu: and in terms of the implementation of the content - there is nothing to do almost, to take C4 l2j [5/29/2014 2:15:36 PM] Akumu: to lower, to raise, to bring pacatku [5/29/2014 2:15:38 PM] Akumu: and ready [5/29/2014 2:15:42 PM] Alexey: yeah [5/29/2014 2:16:00 PM] Akumu: and immediately the protection to organize our [5/29/2014 2:16:05 PM] Akumu: that's the recipe for borscht [6/2/2014 12:25:34 AM] Akumu: we will be with you in the future to look towards the new-old Chronicles of L2? [6/2/2014 12:40:56 AM] Alexey: new this year+? [6/2/2014 12:41:50 AM] Akumu: New this is a classic which [6/2/2014 12:42:11 AM] Akumu: I am warm the idea project to do [6/2/2014 12:45:13 AM] Alexey: new, in fact there is not much to remake, it's not Protocol to pick) [6/2/2014 12:46:35 AM] Akumu: Well, the packages will have to pick [6/2/2014 12:46:58 AM] Akumu: the Server also to make the customer to translate [6/2/2014 12:47:30 AM] Akumu: translation won't be a problem ID think if things will be the same [6/2/2014 12:48:21 AM] Alexey: Yes [6/2/2014 12:48:34 AM] Alexey: Yes, this would stir up [6/2/2014 12:48:36 AM] Alexey: PPC online [6/2/2014 12:48:39 AM] Alexey: release n e is [6/2/2014 12:48:47 AM] Alexey: this is a new breakthrough in rush D [6/2/2014 12:49:11 AM] Alexey: are you in Korea looked like there then [6/2/2014 12:49:14 AM] Alexey: cut [6/2/2014 12:49:17 AM] Alexey: added [6/2/2014 12:49:19 AM] Alexey: ? [6/2/2014 5:57:46 AM] Akumu: well, I played there a little [6/2/2014 5:58:01 AM] Akumu: something different from the family Chronicles) [6/2/2014 5:58:11 AM] Akumu: there really at the level of C3-C4 [6/2/2014 5:58:14 AM] Akumu: closer to S3 [9/21/2014 11:04:59 PM] Akumu: server you were serious yesterday? [9/22/2014 12:55:53 AM] Alexey: seriously [9/22/2014 12:56:00 AM] Alexey: I'm always honest I say [9/22/2014 12:56:14 AM] Alexey: I'm ready to participate [9/22/2014 12:56:30 AM] Alexey: you can after starting your servo to raise this [9/22/2014 12:56:34 AM] Alexey: what would cron were different [9/22/2014 12:56:40 AM] Alexey: as time and experience will be [9/22/2014 12:56:48 AM] Alexey: what do you think? [9/22/2014 6:47:54 AM] Akumu: I agree [10/20/2014 4:12:15 PM] Alexey: what's new, what's up? [10/20/2014 4:12:21 PM] Alexey: how's your GF? [10/20/2014 4:12:26 PM] Akumu: Yes business rules, work [10/20/2014 4:12:30 PM] Akumu: gfsh?) [10/20/2014 4:12:32 PM] Alexey: yeah [10/20/2014 4:12:41 PM] Akumu: http://glorywars.ru/ [10/20/2014 4:12:45 PM] Akumu: the loot is poured [10/20/2014 4:12:56 PM] Akumu: guy turns on the server, I'm not particularly engaged [10/20/2014 4:13:05 PM] Akumu: the advertising gave people there, they do [2/15/2016 6:24:14 PM] Akumu: we have not yet solved the question of how to sell [2/15/2016 6:24:41 PM] Alexey: you left the wallet to make or through the boutiques of some [2/15/2016 6:24:54 PM] Alexey: because the bags usually strikes about the old developed [2/15/2016 6:25:22 PM] Alexey: find the most popular boutiques in this area and negotiate with them about selling [2/15/2016 6:25:26 PM] Akumu: need WebMoney for a man of the left [2/15/2016 6:25:30 PM] Akumu: personalku [2/15/2016 6:25:34 PM] Akumu: and connect unitpay [2/15/2016 6:25:36 PM] Akumu: IMHO [2/15/2016 6:25:45 PM] Alexey: here with a passport no problem left [2/15/2016 6:25:47 PM] Akumu: all bills asking for a personal certificate [2/15/2016 6:25:50 PM] Alexey: but what would the PCs do [2/15/2016 6:25:55 PM] Alexey: we need people that would be there [2/15/2016 6:25:58 PM] Alexey: and this is a pain in the ass) [2/15/2016 6:26:01 PM] Akumu: no [2/15/2016 6:26:07 PM] Akumu: it is necessary that person to the notary went [2/15/2016 6:26:10 PM] Akumu: assured signature [2/15/2016 6:26:17 PM] Akumu: and all the mail is sent [2/15/2016 6:26:33 PM] Alexey: so, the notary will look at the passport left) [2/15/2016 6:26:35 PM] Alexey: and hell will do [2/15/2016 6:26:51 PM] Alexey: it is necessary corrupt notary) [2/15/2016 6:27:12 PM] Alexey: or just do bitcoin push [2/15/2016 6:29:46 PM] Akumu: Marginal to find some [2/15/2016 6:29:57 PM] Akumu, who for a box of vodka, anything will do [2/15/2016 6:30:09 PM] Alexey: yeah [2/15/2016 6:30:13 PM | Edited 6:29:53 PM] Akumu: and then from it in fact does not need anything [2/15/2016 6:30:28 PM] Akumu: really can on the forums to sell finished [2/15/2016 6:30:28 PM] Alexey: a webcam once the data requests? [2/15/2016 6:30:43 PM] Akumu: Yes, if there are no questions for you, she will not be in the process [2/15/2016 6:30:45 PM] Akumu: that only once [2/15/2016 6:31:45 PM] Alexey: well, the rules then we have to dig the forums will be. in a pinch, if not we have a friend from Ukraine who will do [2/15/2016 6:32:18 PM] Alexey: I through it AA now I want to spend, because it is soap annoying the last time) [2/15/2016 6:32:41 PM] Akumu: let's do the purse under such vsek themes [2/15/2016 6:33:37 PM] Alexey: yeah. I wonder if ready to buy, can tricolici purse [2/15/2016 6:33:46 PM] Akumu: I can probably [2/15/2016 6:33:56 PM] Akumu: just don't store large amounts [2/15/2016 6:34:13 PM] Alexey: Yes [2/15/2016 6:35:08 PM] Akumu: by the Way VM is HWID [2/15/2016 6:35:18 PM] Akumu: you Can watch [2/15/2016 6:38:21 PM] Alexey: well, that's when theft navreno [2/17/2016 1:25:32 PM] Akumu: https://darkmoney.cc/prodazha-koshel-kov-svyazok-koshelek-karta-17/ [2/17/2016 1:25:38 PM] Akumu: that's where to look [2/17/2016 1:25:43 PM] Akumu: there is a guarantee of services [2/17/2016 1:25:47 PM] Akumu: so, wait [2/17/2016 1:26:05 PM] Akumu: NAV sing and I'll be flipping [2/17/2016 1:54:12 PM] Akumu: https://darkmoney.cc/prodazha-koshel-kov-svyazok-koshelek-karta-17/personal-nyi-attestat-109275/ (confuses Ukraine) https://darkmoney.cc/prodazha-koshel-kov-svyazok-koshelek-karta-17/pers-98883/ (second post from bottom) https://darkmoney.cc/prodazha-koshel-kov-svyazok-koshelek-karta-17/uslugi-po-qiwi-webmoney-dh-d-contact-yunistrim-i-drugim-eps-karty-simki-29000/ https://darkmoney.cc/prodazha-koshel-kov-svyazok-koshelek-karta-17/personal-nyi-attestat-wm-59086/ [2/17/2016 1:54:19 PM] Akumu: in short there suggestions fuck [2/17/2016 1:54:23 PM] Akumu: 180-250$ [2/17/2016 1:54:29 PM] Akumu: excluding guarantor [2/17/2016 1:55:48 PM] Alexey: there is a chance that tremolat? [2/17/2016 1:56:18 PM] Akumu: well, there are people who work for years [2/17/2016 1:56:28 PM | Edited 1:56:05 PM] Akumu: I hardly think so they will do [2/17/2016 1:56:47 PM] Akumu: well, so of course there's a chance that the person who decorated the VM will try to restore it [2/17/2016 1:57:11 PM] Akumu: nothing prevents us to use it as a duct [2/17/2016 1:57:22 PM] Akumu: and withdraw once a week, say, or more often [2/17/2016 1:59:08 PM] Alexey: what read the reviews of those who bought already [2/17/2016 1:59:12 PM] Alexey: what you write is interesting [2/25/2016 9:08:24 AM] Akumu: https://darkmoney.cc/prodazha-koshel-kov-svyazok-koshelek-karta-17/personal-nyi-attestat-wm-59086/index16.html [2/25/2016 1:20:15 PM] Alexey: I found wmku? [2/25/2016 1:20:55 PM] Akumu: Yes, that's 10 pages revered [2/25/2016 1:21:01 PM] Akumu: this +- TS clear [2/27/2016 12:40:49 PM] Alexey: vmom what to do [2/27/2016 12:41:09 PM | Edited 12:40:38 PM] Akumu: vmom I would have found it so purchased, a SIM card need left [2/27/2016 12:41:14 PM] Alexey: in fact, everything is ready for sales) [2/27/2016 12:41:26 PM] Akumu: in fact, Yes, just as there is no one to sell) [2/27/2016 12:41:36 PM] Alexey: you have already taken, without incident passed, all the rules? [2/27/2016 12:41:52 PM] Akumu: no, I say I would take would be a SIM card left [2/27/2016 12:42:12 PM] Alexey: how to prepare, I'll tell the guys that is organized to sell will find someone) [2/27/2016 12:42:12 PM] Akumu: the transition for $ 100 to buy you freaked out because maybe she'll die in a week and all [2/27/2016 12:42:17 PM] Akumu: then will not restore [2/27/2016 12:42:46 PM] Alexey: more e-rooms where the saw sold on the website [2/27/2016 12:43:02 PM] Alexey: remember to fogeym average demanded SIM cards [2/27/2016 12:43:05 PM] Alexey: so all it took [2/27/2016 12:43:14 PM] Alexey: who know [2/27/2016 12:43:21 PM] Akumu: Yes they are the same reliability as the SIM card in the transition [2/27/2016 12:43:41 PM] Alexey: Yes, there seems to major office) [2/27/2016 12:43:46 PM | Edited 12:43:26 PM] Akumu: if it is encrypted in full, then you need a phone to buy separately, for IMEI [2/27/2016 12:44:11 PM] Akumu: fortunately there are plenty of devices simple for 1K [2/27/2016 12:44:45 PM] Alexey: yeah, and even with the SIM card already) [2/27/2016 12:45:15 PM] Alexey: by the way in Ukraine on every corner sell Sims without a passport [2/27/2016 12:45:40 PM] Akumu: Yes sold everywhere, it's just unclear how many will work [2/27/2016 12:46:17 PM] Alexey: if the SIM card will fall off the purse kerdyk, not preprepared it then? [2/27/2016 12:46:45 PM] Akumu: well, in fact use them we can [2/27/2016 12:46:51 PM] Akumu: rebind but no [2/27/2016 12:50:23 PM] Alexey: https://sms-reg.com/ [2/27/2016 12:50:49 PM] Akumu: it is possible to buy a dedicated room for a long time? [2/27/2016 12:51:01 PM] Alexey: yeah [2/27/2016 12:51:13 PM] Akumu: well, in principle it is possible [2/27/2016 12:51:20 PM] Akumu: just how much you can trust them) [2/27/2016 12:51:47 PM] Alexey: all the rules, the office checked, guys have yuzayut problems was never [2/27/2016 12:52:14 PM] Akumu: well, let's try this ) [2/27/2016 12:54:46 PM] Akumu: what soap do not care? [2/27/2016 12:54:51 PM] Akumu in their system [2/27/2016 12:55:24 PM] Alexey: yeah [2/27/2016 12:55:26 PM] Alexey: doesn't matter [2/27/2016 12:58:59 PM] Akumu: for a week only can [2/27/2016 12:59:05 PM] Akumu: no longer gives [2/27/2016 1:04:18 PM] Alexey: hmm how so [2/27/2016 1:04:24 PM] Alexey: and then what number will? [2/27/2016 1:04:35 PM] Akumu: clearly then it will not be) [2/27/2016 1:06:23 PM] Alexey: MB then it is necessary to extend [2/27/2016 1:10:27 PM] Akumu: I have to check with them [2/27/2016 1:23:39 PM] Akumu: contacts do not see it anywhere [2/27/2016 1:35:46 PM] Alexey: it is said there is a separate service [2/27/2016 1:35:52 PM] Alexey: rent rooms for rent [2/27/2016 1:35:57 PM] Alexey: but I don't know what's there [2/27/2016 1:36:10 PM] Alexey: it is easier maybe to buy a SIM card) [2/27/2016 1:37:56 PM] Alexey: they account that person was an Internet, this room, and then passed into other hands [2/27/2016 1:38:10 PM] Alexey: for our case does not fit that) [2/27/2016 2:34:16 PM] Alexey: survarium has been updated by the way, not looking cheat plows out there right now? [2/27/2016 2:34:27 PM] Akumu: nope, not seen) [2/27/2016 2:34:37 PM] Alexey: hard updated [2/27/2016 2:34:44 PM] Akumu: Ah)) [2/27/2016 2:35:08 PM] Alexey: you got a lot of things to rule? [2/27/2016 2:35:13 PM] Alexey: all sorts of timing [2/27/2016 2:35:25 PM] Akumu: yeah [2/27/2016 2:35:29 PM] Akumu: well, will come with time [2/29/2016 9:24:18 AM] Akumu: hi, resolved the issue in the evening there's a SIM card, the handset took [2/29/2016 9:24:41 AM] Akumu: just in time for the evening Moscow will finally Wake up, contact sellers to buy Yes purse [2/29/2016 1:57:52 PM] Alexey: hi, super! [2/29/2016 1:57:54 PM] Alexey: found chela, who sell SIM card? [2/29/2016 1:59:36 PM] Akumu: the familiar is has contacts, he gave me a couple [2/29/2016 2:00:50 PM] Alexey: and they nonami, or is there someone in the binding there? [2/29/2016 2:33:27 PM] Akumu: I don't know really, I think are the same as in the transition sell [2/29/2016 2:33:45 PM] Akumu: but there are friends that long chase with such love and norms [2/29/2016 2:34:03 PM] Akumu: I have written here several dudes who sells the Persians, but yet everyone is silent [2/29/2016 4:27:34 PM] Akumu: I have a way that will not injected cheat absolutely or in арму2 nor арму3 [2/29/2016 4:31:10 PM] Alexey: Oh now check, MB after serverima broken [2/29/2016 4:31:54 PM] Alexey: love nonam think you can drive, the main thing is to periodically use them to top up the balance, then vryat will remove them [2/29/2016 4:32:08 PM] Akumu: yeah [2/29/2016 4:32:14 PM] Akumu: they still pereodicheski can change [2/29/2016 4:32:26 PM] Akumu: I have two immediately took [2/29/2016 4:32:33 PM] Akumu: one activated, the second lies [2/29/2016 4:33:38 PM] Alexey: BME if possible 2 to tie, it is better to do both [2/29/2016 4:33:47 PM] Akumu: two don't know [2/29/2016 4:34:18 PM] Akumu: survarium look PPC apnulsya [2/29/2016 4:34:25 PM] Akumu: the code is still not really watching [2/29/2016 4:35:06 PM] Alexey: yeah, even the interface is slightly altered) [2/29/2016 4:35:20 PM | Edited 4:34:48 PM] Akumu: it will be necessary to correct [2/29/2016 4:35:38 PM] Akumu: VM anyone who is writing or has not responded or is not available [2/29/2016 4:38:10 PM] Akumu: by the way occasionally there are VM + card immediately [2/29/2016 4:38:15 PM] Akumu: to remove [2/29/2016 4:39:25 PM] Alexey: I think it is easier to spread to another VM, map a hell is temporary, and it is easy to lock owner [2/29/2016 4:39:34 PM] Akumu: yeah [2/29/2016 4:41:49 PM] Alexey: text wait 1 call to a support card and count slyamzili all) [2/29/2016 4:42:55 PM] Akumu: that just sell loans [2/29/2016 4:43:05 PM] Akumu: gaining credits on the exchanges for 100k [2/29/2016 4:43:14 PM] Akumu: remove and throw graduation [2/29/2016 4:43:54 PM] Alexey: heh, good adventure) I wonder who then collectors looking for XA) [2/29/2016 4:44:10 PM] Akumu: marginal Petya looking for) [2/29/2016 4:44:19 PM] Akumu: that long ago horses probably threw somewhere in the thread [2/29/2016 4:44:39 PM] Alexey: yeah [2/29/2016 4:45:39 PM] Alexey: not just VM this evaluation thing made [2/29/2016 4:45:47 PM] Alexey: I got sidemo such cheapskates))) [2/29/2016 4:45:56 PM] Akumu: some political? color BL? [2/29/2016 4:46:14 PM] Alexey: creditworthiness this [2/29/2016 4:46:17 PM] Alexey: you threw the link [2/29/2016 4:46:19 PM] Akumu: yeah [2/29/2016 4:53:35 PM] Akumu: 490$ to offer, but it hurts too much [2/29/2016 4:53:39 PM] Akumu. VM+ corn map of reg for almost a year. photoid, resale, factice. full set + warranty 2 months do not sell loans! 490$ you can do something extra to it [2/29/2016 4:58:23 PM] Akumu: Santa Claus (17:54:49 29/02/2016) Yes, the price is a little expensive. I do not argue. and the Persian month. but guarantee the quality. in case of any problem.. but anything can happen.. drop on my leash. SIM card restore, docks, notarially. I do not sell GE for which I can not answer. Santa Claus (17:55:06 29/02/2016) and card so, a gift is Santa Claus (17:56:32 29/02/2016) can of course be found for 200-250. but you know what guarantee you nobody will. and ban pers can fly the next day. or drop pers vastavit again. my sales this does not happen. [2/29/2016 4:58:31 PM] Akumu: actually, this is what writes, what do you think? [2/29/2016 5:02:00 PM] Akumu: the forum dude, this is from 14 years, a lot of transactions after the guarantors [2/29/2016 5:10:44 PM] Alexey: if 2 years running and no negative reviews that I think everything is OK [2/29/2016 5:11:00 PM] Akumu: 10050005 (18:03:29 29/02/2016) guarantee 2 months for what? 10050005 (18:03:59 29/02/2016) what actually schitaetsa warranty Santa Claus (18:08:01 29/02/2016) firstly, and most importantly. the Persians no one will not return back.. it will be only you. and the second, force majeure cases: lost my SIM card - lost, support asked for some additional Doc, or a regular photo with your passport in hand, to send some thread notarialna and so and so.. shit happens. and it was. 2 months is I conditionally give. and in most cases - if that - even after one year, all you can do. all the drops that I work with on similar projects (not cheap) I have the manual. [2/29/2016 5:12:13 PM] Akumu: https://darkmoney.cc/prodazha-koshel-kov-svyazok-koshelek-karta-17/attestaty-webmoney-prodavca-personal-nye-nachal-nye-formal-nye-psevdonima-uslugi-vydacha-fakt-adres-i-drugoe-46798/ [2/29/2016 5:13:54 PM] Akumu: what do you think in General, take this or looking for cheaper? says actually people nicely, I do not know in fact, but the forum profile like white. [2/29/2016 5:14:23 PM] Akumu: of course you can still haggle [2/29/2016 5:18:25 PM] Alexey: well, a mind is OK painted)) [2/29/2016 5:19:32 PM] Alexey: 17K worth of PCs from him? [2/29/2016 5:19:59 PM] Alexey: you can torhoutse a bit and chip in to take [2/29/2016 5:20:53 PM] Alexey: but ideally would communicate with his clients, at least a couple to interview, learn how was sdelaka and that purse now [2/29/2016 5:23:51 PM] Alexey: not enough of course feedback, 14 years working, and real reviews on the fingers to count can [2/29/2016 5:25:35 PM] Akumu: 490 he's asking is 37k [2/29/2016 5:25:36 PM] Akumu: Santa Claus (18:18:47 29/02/2016) complete package includes : estesno not myself Persian . all passes, anti-theft and so on. SIM card. a contract for the SIM card. scans. fresh receipt utilities (posleduyushim if need be, make another fresh). and warranty which is above it. [2/29/2016 5:26:33 PM] Alexey: here's how AA is because of SIM cards it turns out the price is higher [2/29/2016 5:26:56 PM] Akumu: I do not think, it positions your we in when I first saw that, not for the credits [2/29/2016 5:26:59 PM] Alexey: corrected the client, check Armu [2/29/2016 5:27:13 PM] Akumu says they say people years use [2/29/2016 5:27:47 PM] Alexey: and the fact that 17K is a temporary, not reliable purse? [2/29/2016 5:27:56 PM] Alexey: I would like to understand the difference [2/29/2016 5:28:06 PM] Akumu: no one gives a guarantee [2/29/2016 5:34:19 PM] Alexey: he asks a lot I think, although it may reliably and quickly, but the homeless can be found much cheaper) My friends with Ukraine promised to make the man-to-man, he was there the wife will make it, but there's time still have a week somewhere, max and a half now by the way, to clarify call. I told him soft in the AA two when soap is having problems, people promised personalku namutit [2/29/2016 5:34:49 PM] Alexey: if you do byro, can work through it yet [2/29/2016 5:34:59 PM] Alexey: and the costs do not nuzhno no [2/29/2016 5:35:18 PM] Akumu: I only if it will be more reliable [2/29/2016 5:36:01 PM] Alexey: much safer than the leftist to take. I know for a long time already, people adequate [2/29/2016 5:36:26 PM] Akumu: what if questions then his wife starts? [2/29/2016 5:36:29 PM] Alexey: Yes, and in Ukraine, I think vryat who's going to understand [2/29/2016 5:36:59 PM] Alexey: there its in the village you will find let try))) [2/29/2016 5:37:28 PM] Alexey: all disassembly only from the rush can be, Ukraine is now a mess, I think they are unlikely to turn up [2/29/2016 5:37:41 PM] Akumu: well, only in my experience people without the stimulus, especially not in a hurry to do anything, he can for a week+ to do? [2/29/2016 5:38:06 PM] Akumu: can he throw it for the stimulus [2/29/2016 5:38:07 PM] Alexey: Yes, I have already paid all the costs of PCs [2/29/2016 5:38:17 PM] Alexey: well I download it and do so for free) [2/29/2016 5:38:19 PM] Alexey: so everything is OK [2/29/2016 5:38:38 PM] Akumu: well, okay, I'll have a third phone then [2/29/2016 5:38:44 PM] Alexey: I'm going to call know at what stage there all [3/2/2016 12:47:50 AM] Alexey: purse assured pipeline [3/2/2016 12:47:57 AM] Alexey: sent to Kiev data) [3/2/2016 12:48:03 AM] Alexey: will be ready soon [3/2/2016 12:48:10 AM] Akumu: super [3/2/2016 12:48:13 AM] Alexey: and there dig to make you [3/2/2016 12:48:22 AM] Alexey: AutoPay in common [3/2/2016 12:48:49 AM] Akumu: yeah, it would be enough [3/2/2016 12:49:31 AM] Alexey: I wonder whether just the cases of assaults on developers cheats [3/2/2016 1:02:36 AM] Akumu: I have not heard of such [3/2/2016 1:02:52 AM] Akumu: from the point of view of law, there is no more, I'm sure [3/2/2016 1:05:18 AM] Alexey: I think if cheat free, they can't do anything, but if Chita on a commercial basis, then there is reason to file a lawsuit for loss of income [3/2/2016 1:05:32 AM] Alexey: at least I'm that way with soap a year ago) [3/2/2016 1:05:46 AM] Alexey: they softiny for cheats trailer [3/2/2016 1:05:49 AM] Akumu: probably just scared [3/2/2016 1:05:49 AM] Alexey: there's also the radar is the same [3/2/2016 1:05:59 AM] Alexey: maybe [3/2/2016 1:08:23 AM] Akumu: a lawyer could find in this area [3/2/2016 1:08:29 AM] Akumu: consultation [3/2/2016 1:12:14 AM] Alexey: yeah, but we have to worry about that, they're for a purse cling and it will calculate the seller cheats) [3/2/2016 1:12:36 AM] Akumu: poor your friend from Ukraine [5/14/2016 3:13:15 PM] Alexey: not figured out how to bring the VM? ) [5/14/2016 3:13:36 PM] Alexey: I'm just here method n ashel and they zalochili his bastards [5/14/2016 3:13:50 PM] Alexey: but there is another [5/14/2016 3:13:50 PM] Akumu: while you have the option of only paying taxes [5/14/2016 3:14:04 PM] Alexey: OO how much is it? [5/14/2016 3:14:15 PM] Akumu: well, like SP pay 6% tax [5/14/2016 3:14:22 PM] Alexey: Oh damn [5/14/2016 3:14:34 PM] Alexey: + the Board of the SCA [5/14/2016 3:14:37 PM] Akumu: well, Yes, for white [5/14/2016 3:15:23 PM] Alexey: in General, the bucks can withdraw) I've experiment was conducted, the day before yesterday sent, tomorrow should come the idea is [5/14/2016 3:15:35 PM] Alexey: loss of about 2.6% [5/14/2016 3:15:42 PM] Akumu: on the card or what? [5/14/2016 3:15:47 PM] Alexey: on a Bank account [5/14/2016 3:16:18 PM] Alexey: Yes to map more precisely [5/14/2016 3:16:29 PM] Akumu: I understand [5/14/2016 3:17:11 PM] Alexey: it is still possible to bind a map, but I don't have time( service closed [5/14/2016 3:18:21 PM] Akumu: I hold while you look will improve [5/14/2016 3:18:50 PM] Alexey: yeah, poison kiwi has no such problems [5/27/2016 12:04:18 PM | Edited 12:02:05 PM] Akumu: PPC, went to the exchange and bitcoin saw log current trisakti [5/27/2016 12:04:43 PM] Akumu: the people just there, I sold bitcoins on 141к bucks [5/27/2016 12:04:50 PM] Akumu: another bought 41к [5/27/2016 12:04:58 PM] Akumu: one on 46к [5/27/2016 12:05:05 PM] Akumu: all this for a couple of minutes of operation [5/27/2016 12:05:24 PM] Akumu: I'm not talking about all kinds of translations for 20-30K [5/27/2016 12:23:15 PM] Alexey: tin [5/27/2016 12:23:29 PM] Alexey: they're not monitors, no one even? [5/27/2016 12:23:58 PM] Alexey: before, people were buying cards and generate the currency house ) [5/27/2016 12:24:17 PM] Akumu: yeah [5/27/2016 12:24:31 PM] Akumu: I have a botnet was before [5/27/2016 12:24:33 PM] Alexey: it was all about the video card, now some sort of flash drive makes even mosinee iron [5/27/2016 12:24:35 PM] Akumu: that mainil me coin [5/29/2016 6:16:37 PM] Alexey: in law, he immediately milesaustin went to put her [5/29/2016 10:06:18 PM] Alexey: downloaded VF, darkness here on AA almost, tomorrow I will make some protection against bans and client cheat for this game [5/29/2016 10:06:27 PM] Alexey: I think it will be possible for the public to upload promo [5/29/2016 10:06:35 PM] Alexey: but how long to the cheat XS tinkering [5/29/2016 10:43:48 PM] Akumu: soap will not irritate it then? [5/29/2016 10:43:52 PM] Akumu: ATO will come as you have with AA [5/29/2016 10:44:08 PM] Alexey: and the left the data after all) [5/29/2016 10:44:14 PM] Alexey: let's go to Ukraine) [5/29/2016 10:44:21 PM] Alexey: they the wallets to me [5/29/2016 10:44:26 PM] Alexey: but the website of IP watch by the way [5/29/2016 10:44:42 PM] Akumu: and website me all) [5/29/2016 10:44:54 PM] Akumu: okay, think of something) [5/29/2016 10:44:54 PM] Alexey: well, you don't sell personally because [5/29/2016 10:44:56 PM] Alexey: so do not care [5/29/2016 10:45:01 PM] Akumu: well, Yes [5/29/2016 10:45:05 PM] Alexey: just ordered a website and all [5/29/2016 10:45:15 PM] Akumu: yeah [5/29/2016 10:45:24 PM] Akumu: and money I throw down for these services [5/29/2016 10:45:37 PM] Alexey: yeah, there is no reproach in any way [5/29/2016 10:46:03 PM] Akumu: I could really use your experience of the reverse [5/29/2016 10:46:12 PM] Akumu: lacking to add new features in cheats [6/16/2016 11:57:10 AM] Alexey: I wonder whether there is for this article) [6/16/2016 11:57:11 AM] Akumu: especially if you create a new currency that [6/16/2016 11:57:12 AM] Akumu: there is a difficulty now easy [6/16/2016 11:57:26 AM] Akumu: the people even on the cards mainit read [6/16/2016 11:57:32 AM] Alexey: illegal use of foreign resources towards R PC [6/16/2016 11:57:34 AM] Akumu: profit on electricity more [6/16/2016 11:57:48 AM] Akumu: Yes [6/16/2016 11:57:48 AM] Akumu: this is 100% a felony [6/16/2016 11:57:55 AM] Akumu: but don't credit pussy [6/16/2016 11:58:05 AM] Akumu: hardly someone begins to stir up trouble [6/16/2016 11:58:17 AM] Alexey: Yes [6/16/2016 11:58:20 AM] Alexey: Yes, and to prove not just [6/16/2016 11:58:42 AM] Alexey: MB software yuzal video, individuals agreement to do [6/16/2016 11:58:45 AM] Alexey: well [6/16/2016 11:58:48 AM | Edited 11:55:32 AM] Akumu: you have the source code of miner in C++ [6/16/2016 11:59:12 AM] Alexey: on this new currency? [6/16/2016 11:59:12 AM] Akumu: in General there is everything for botnet, including experience [6/16/2016 11:59:16 AM] Akumu: Yes [6/16/2016 11:59:29 AM] Akumu: read about it, write a lot like in the news now [6/16/2016 11:59:40 AM] Alexey: yeah it is necessary to look [6/16/2016 11:59:45 AM] Alexey: so far these drives have not yet invented [6/16/2016 11:59:59 AM] Alexey: on vidyuhi profit to remove [6/16/2016 12:02:54 PM] Akumu: I was C#, actually wrote the bot [6/16/2016 12:03:17 PM] Akumu: who launched child process miner and his controll [6/16/2016 12:03:27 PM] Akumu: received the command arguments to run [6/16/2016 12:04:02 PM] Akumu: worked extremely crooked, some 10% of the botnet mainile hochtl something [6/16/2016 12:04:09 PM] Akumu: but about a month about 4 bitcoins namimili [6/16/2016 12:04:45 PM] Alexey: why so few [6/16/2016 12:05:05 PM] Akumu: curve setup miner was [6/16/2016 12:06:48 PM] Alexey: well, the main thing worked [6/16/2016 12:06:51 PM] Akumu: yeah [6/16/2016 12:07:07 PM] Akumu: it is possible to calculate even the approximate exhaust [6/16/2016 12:07:17 PM] Akumu: say my gtx 970 should vidwat around 25 Mh/s [6/16/2016 12:08:00 PM] Akumu: well, let's say the average slot machine will vydate 10 Mh/s [6/16/2016 12:08:06 PM] Akumu: if we have these will be 100 [6/16/2016 12:08:14 PM] Akumu: it's already 1000 Mh/s [6/16/2016 12:08:46 PM] Akumu: it's somewhere 173$ per day [6/16/2016 12:10:09 PM] Akumu: well, actually not bad money [6/16/2016 12:10:29 PM] Akumu: very not bad, even if 1,000 computers have [6/16/2016 12:10:35 PM] Akumu: minimal attention [6/16/2016 12:10:44 PM] Akumu: and profit from 1.5$ per day [6/16/2016 12:18:42 PM] Alexey: yeah is not even bad)) [6/16/2016 12:19:09 PM] Alexey: and the attention will draw, will burn think fast? [6/16/2016 4:09:09 PM] Akumu: well, if 1-2K computers? it's a drop in the ocean [6/16/2016 4:09:18 PM] Akumu: attention to antivirus software and other it will not attract [6/16/2016 4:09:46 PM] Akumu: you can make a loader which will help us to upload the old PC, and only suitable to run the miner [6/16/2016 4:10:03 PM] Akumu: the rest something else, скокс5 server for example [6/16/2016 4:31:52 PM] Akumu: https://cryptochan.org/microsoft-unichtozhili-botneta-dlya-majninga-bitkoinov-sefnit/ [6/16/2016 8:17:32 PM] Akumu: 19.2$ already ----------------------------------------------- epilogue: We are all human and cool as they can. However, there are zapreshennye relationships that lead to large-scale deception. According to our data, together to pcoder earn more than 1.5 million rubles per month - in your humps. Selling pointless and meaningless protection bots (if you are VIP Alexei). You were cheated out of at least 13.10.13. The lies, the forbidden contract, fraud and much that you read with theses messages. You can go and read everything, it can take over 5 full days, because they talked almost every working day behind you. Decide for yourself what to do with it. Execute not pardon. Place commas alone! Mail.ru sent me an offer ;)
----------Chapter 5: peace in the world. Akuma and Coder make an Alliance.---------- [spoiler=peace in the world. Akuma and Coder make an Alliance][3/31/2014 3:04:02 PM] Akumu: you don't need an unemployed prover to help with AA bot? [3/31/2014 3:04:11 PM] Akumu: very hardworking and ideological [3/31/2014 3:06:52 PM] Akumu: just loves automation projects things [3/31/2014 3:14:36 PM] Alexey: packages worked? [3/31/2014 5:32:31 PM] Akumu: I do a lot of L2 worked on server and client [3/31/2014 5:32:45 PM] Akumu: including packet part [3/31/2014 5:32:59 PM] Akumu: engaged in the development of client-server protection for a client L2 [3/31/2014 5:34:00 PM] Akumu: have experience and knowledge in: java, C#, c/c++ [3/31/2014 5:34:49 PM] Akumu: AA. quickly if there is work to do [3/31/2014 5:35:44 PM] Akumu: just a little experience in reversing [3/31/2014 5:36:30 PM] Akumu: Well, I'm a man of ideas. When the task, I rasarus in order to not become. When I'm interested in the project day to live. [3/31/2014 5:39:24 PM] Akumu: So there is litsuha VMProtect Ultimate [3/31/2014 6:05:41 PM] Akumu: I would be very interested to participate in this project. Now due to lack of work a lot of free time. [3/31/2014 9:46:19 PM] Alexey: I see, well then the ideal now to examine the packages [4/1/2014 3:06:23 AM] Akumu: I really hope that will work [4/1/2014 3:06:31 AM] Akumu: tomorrow actually [4/1/2014 3:08:11 AM] Alexey: BB [4/3/2014 1:16:56 AM] Akumu: tell me can I participate in the development of the bot along with you and someone else, if any? just specifics you want [4/3/2014 1:18:44 AM] Alexey: what is meant by direct participation? [4/3/2014 1:20:07 AM] Alexey: assistance in developing need, at the moment of the batch analysis [4/3/2014 1:21:14 AM] Akumu: well, I mean the part on a permanent basis [4/3/2014 1:21:15 AM] Alexey: spoke with you about the port, now he misdials with a proxy, a client redirect is necessary) [4/3/2014 1:21:53 AM] Alexey: [2:21:14] Akumu: well, I mean the part on a permanent basis not excluded [4/3/2014 1:24:07 AM] Alexey: redirect would be 5 sec Affairs) replacing' [4/3/2014 1:24:12 AM] Alexey: proximityout [4/3/2014 1:24:15 AM] Akumu: clear [4/3/2014 1:24:55 AM] Akumu: it is possible just would be a shame to promulgates a week with packages, shake hands and go on to look for something to do [4/3/2014 1:25:49 AM] Alexey: I hear you, how much do you want for the job? [4/3/2014 1:26:01 AM] Akumu: proximityout than the same PROXIFIER not suitable? [4/3/2014 1:26:35 AM] Alexey: PROXIFIER is not suitable, because it works on all computer [4/3/2014 1:28:06 AM] Akumu: no, you misunderstand, I'm not asking for any payments at the moment, I just would like to take part in the project, and subsequently for their work to have some part [4/3/2014 1:28:48 AM] Akumu: and just to get a new experience [4/3/2014 1:35:38 AM] Alexey: if you are good with analysis of traffic make friends, you can continue to participate in the development and help to develop the project, getting a specific part from it [4/3/2014 1:36:03 AM] Alexey: you n write and what by the way? [4/3/2014 1:38:13 AM] Akumu: he wrote also: java, c#, c/c++ [4/3/2014 1:38:28 AM] Akumu: no knowledge of asm and reverse [4/3/2014 1:38:44 AM] Akumu: quickly master the new [4/3/2014 1:40:18 AM] Akumu: syntax Delphi understand, but the software never wrote. [4/3/2014 1:40:39 AM] Alexey: OK understood [4/3/2014 1:46:05 AM] Akumu: [4/3/2014 1:46:22 AM] Akumu: I am in your protection, too, it is LSP [4/3/2014 3:00:30 AM] Akumu: I did GEODATA in L2, headername, have experience in this [4/3/2014 3:00:35 AM] Akumu: algorithms for finding paths [4/3/2014 3:00:39 AM] Alexey: mm PTS will come in handy) [4/8/2014 1:56:31 AM] Akumu: I'm Vlad by the way [4/8/2014 1:57:48 AM] Alexey: yeah, I'm Alex [9/15/2014 3:56:57 PM] Akumu: if my defence will start to interfere with your bot status [9/15/2014 3:57:12 PM] Akumu: so maybe somehow arranging, if there is such [9/15/2014 3:57:29 PM] Akumu: ATO is not a kosher situation) [9/15/2014 5:14:55 PM] Alexey: let's [9/15/2014 5:15:20 PM] Alexey: I still soft not public so the admins think you will not fumble [9/15/2014 6:49:20 PM] Akumu: I recently wrote [9/15/2014 6:49:24 PM] Akumu: and off this site) [9/15/2014 6:49:42 PM] Akumu: how is it) [9/15/2014 6:50:03 PM] Akumu: http://l2bot.eu/ [9/15/2014 7:41:22 PM] Alexey: this is for pendosov) [9/15/2014 7:47:55 PM] Akumu: well, Rudy and interested) [9/15/2014 7:48:13 PM] Akumu: well, actually, let's make a deal, if something write, and not silently apply) [9/15/2014 7:48:17 PM] Akumu: mutual agreement) [9/15/2014 7:57:09 PM] Akumu: today, the way you said that LH is very relevant) [9/15/2014 7:57:13 PM] Akumu: what do you mean? [9/15/2014 8:37:57 PM] Alexey: let's agree who the customer is you? when start? [9/15/2014 8:38:06 PM] Alexey: and what do you offer [9/15/2014 8:38:58 PM] Akumu: nothing specific yet, just want initially to place all points above I [9/15/2014 8:39:12 PM] Alexey: I understand [9/15/2014 8:39:12 PM] Akumu: intervalis the guys from dragon-network [9/15/2014 8:39:21 PM] Alexey: it is a major project [9/15/2014 8:39:30 PM] Alexey: I have half pendosov probably [9/15/2014 8:39:35 PM] Alexey: buyers bot [9/15/2014 8:39:58 PM] Akumu: :( [9/15/2014 8:40:02 PM] Alexey: although now I know [9/15/2014 8:40:16 PM] Akumu: Yes, one hell of a jamb out [9/15/2014 8:40:20 PM] Alexey: yeah [9/15/2014 8:40:44 PM] Akumu: they live exactly for you asked [9/15/2014 8:40:51 PM] Akumu: does your bot protection [9/15/2014 8:40:58 PM] Akumu: and will there be updates if there is a bypass [9/15/2014 8:41:02 PM] Alexey: because you asked apparently) [9/15/2014 8:41:15 PM] Akumu: yeah [9/15/2014 8:41:18 PM] Alexey: OS chnogo there he uses bot [9/15/2014 8:41:36 PM] Akumu: I came, I understood [9/15/2014 8:43:39 PM] Akumu: it's easier not to sell them) [9/15/2014 8:45:19 PM] Alexey: here again, even we will discuss with you how this thing squirreled away underground, there will be another somebody and will begin on the public to put [9/15/2014 8:45:27 PM] Alexey: let the Euro climb better [9/15/2014 8:45:31 PM] Alexey: everything is a pancake) [9/15/2014 8:52:33 PM] Akumu: I came up with the compromise with protection [9/15/2014 8:52:35 PM] Akumu: xDDD [9/15/2014 8:52:53 PM] Akumu: in short sawing share 50: 50 in the bot and protection [9/15/2014 8:52:55 PM] Akumu: and everyone is happy [9/15/2014 8:52:56 PM] Akumu: [9/15/2014 8:53:28 PM] Alexey: OK) [9/15/2014 8:53:40 PM] Alexey: what type can see the availability of Parking? [9/15/2014 8:53:50 PM] Akumu: Yes are you kidding) you are not profitable) [9/15/2014 8:54:18 PM] Alexey: I even offer a 100% you for your work [9/15/2014 8:54:19 PM] Alexey: it's simple [9/15/2014 8:54:25 PM] Alexey: do encryption [9/15/2014 8:54:27 PM] Alexey: in the bot [9/15/2014 8:54:38 PM] Alexey: you saw the script landing fee is the same [9/15/2014 8:54:48 PM] Alexey: and you can sell people a lot of PTS asked [9/15/2014 8:55:00 PM] Alexey: in fact I have all [9/15/2014 8:55:02 PM] Alexey: templates [9/15/2014 8:55:08 PM] Alexey: even ready-made options) [9/15/2014 8:55:22 PM] Alexey: but underlying all, a good formula is not implemented [9/15/2014 8:55:23 PM] Alexey: as you [9/15/2014 8:55:28 PM] Alexey: optimal that would be [9/15/2014 8:55:49 PM] Alexey: I saw in Adra do? [9/15/2014 8:55:54 PM] Akumu: the formula is a pain in the ass [9/15/2014 8:55:58 PM] Akumu: I do not see where) [9/15/2014 8:56:11 PM] Akumu: I saw if you are under the classics did) [9/15/2014 8:57:26 PM] Akumu: tipo scripts to sell? [9/15/2014 8:57:36 PM] Alexey: Yes, the demand will be PPC) [9/15/2014 8:57:53 PM] Alexey: and you're doing the binding and all will be pokupki only you [9/15/2014 8:58:19 PM] Alexey: ie will not be able to exchange for free) [9/15/2014 8:58:24 PM] Akumu: understood [9/15/2014 8:58:50 PM] Akumu: well, et is not a partnership it turns out, just a script to do a for sale) [9/15/2014 8:59:21 PM] Alexey: it is possible and common to stir up will be the interface [9/15/2014 8:59:22 PM] Akumu: and everything in Delphi) [9/15/2014 8:59:26 PM] Alexey: scripts as supplements [9/15/2014 8:59:28 PM] Alexey: sell [9/15/2014 8:59:35 PM] Alexey: Yes, there's just all [9/15/2014 8:59:41 PM] Alexey: understand for 5 seconds) [9/15/2014 8:59:54 PM] Akumu: Yes I agree, but definitely added crap) [9/15/2014 9:00:28 PM] Akumu: generally I agree), but documentation as well, no?) [9/15/2014 9:09:29 PM] Alexey: what dragons do I don't know, mine is extra pain in the ass for both of us, as averia))) [9/15/2014 9:09:40 PM] Alexey: I propose now all efforts to put the Euro [9/15/2014 9:09:48 PM] Alexey: this is the second roof starts count [9/15/2014 9:10:03 PM] Alexey: especially since the whole base has to work [9/15/2014 9:10:30 PM] Akumu: well, the current rasklade my efforts are limited to the scripts and Things [9/15/2014 9:11:39 PM] Alexey: we need to think like your With to tie what would using that sort of interface engine [9/15/2014 9:11:56 PM] Akumu: AOP? [9/15/2014 9:12:12 PM] Alexey: the teams would not be a problem but the structure as to convey [10/4/2014 10:01:50 PM] Akumu: the certificate will be [10/4/2014 10:02:04 PM] Akumu: driver order for the outsource, found the guys intelligent [10/4/2014 10:02:35 PM] Akumu: I really miss good companion to protect, to develop and Refine [10/4/2014 10:02:49 PM] Akumu: but I understand that you have a conflict of interest goes, you're a bot-maker [10/4/2014 10:06:16 PM] Alexey: if bots will disable this protection to anyone and do not need a will, on L2 no one makes bots more. [10/4/2014 10:06:20 PM] Alexey: it is not safe I think [10/4/2014 10:07:11 PM] Alexey: attachments darkness and constant refinement and need a little help, and to do if protection for some one honest [10/4/2014 10:08:04 PM] Akumu: I have no such ties to one project to make some [10/4/2014 10:08:32 PM] Akumu: and to "the street" came to you a big project, when is it? [10/4/2014 10:09:04 PM] Alexey: only filthy still less was and RPG like the rules, the rest of the sharashka) [10/4/2014 10:09:19 PM] Alexey: your need to stir) [10/4/2014 10:09:54 PM] Akumu: and we can do a major project? [10/4/2014 10:10:00 PM] Akumu: here we have the command to assemble the calipers [10/4/2014 10:11:05 PM] Alexey: well, attachments was about 250-300K [10/4/2014 10:11:07 PM] Alexey: at the start of averia [10/4/2014 10:11:31 PM] Alexey: the main thing that DDoS is not put) [10/4/2014 10:11:34 PM] Akumu: do you want to facetime there is an option there is not a bad [10/4/2014 10:11:39 PM] Akumu: very lazy to paint everything [10/4/2014 10:15:45 PM] Alexey: but Atiku either now or in the morning on Skype, my here to sleep lay down ) [10/4/2014 10:16:04 PM] Akumu: how are you more comfortable [10/4/2014 10:18:45 PM] Alexey: in the morning it would be better [10/4/2014 10:19:05 PM] Akumu: well come on, get up early [10/20/2014 4:13:37 PM] Alexey: you do not know what a Root-tm ? [10/20/2014 4:13:56 PM] Akumu: very aware of that, I [10/20/2014 4:13:58 PM] Akumu: [10/20/2014 4:14:00 PM] Akumu: the Borg? [10/20/2014 4:14:09 PM] Alexey: Yes neg the hell which I have written a complaint [10/20/2014 4:14:26 PM] Alexey: I think let me ask, not if your handiwork [10/20/2014 4:14:32 PM] Akumu: my coming out [10/20/2014 4:14:47 PM] Akumu: the Borg today set [10/20/2014 4:15:18 PM] Akumu: a lot of complaints? [10/20/2014 4:15:22 PM] Alexey: Yes [10/20/2014 4:15:50 PM] Akumu: what to do [10/20/2014 4:16:08 PM] Akumu: I did not add in Detecto adrenaline with shaggy times [10/20/2014 4:16:14 PM] Alexey: http://lineage.ru/ and then ты7 [10/20/2014 4:16:21 PM] Akumu: no [10/20/2014 4:16:25 PM] Alexey: mm [10/20/2014 4:16:29 PM] Alexey: also someone wrote) [10/20/2014 4:16:30 PM] Akumu: I do not have it [10/20/2014 4:16:47 PM] Alexey: there is also the protection has changed or what [10/20/2014 4:16:51 PM] Akumu: Yes, like [10/20/2014 4:16:52 PM] Akumu: today [10/20/2014 4:17:03 PM] Alexey: damn hassle [10/20/2014 4:17:07 PM] Akumu: haha [10/20/2014 4:17:08 PM] Alexey: we need to come up with something) [10/20/2014 4:17:10 PM] Alexey: global [10/20/2014 4:17:11 PM] Akumu: just forget about frishki) [10/20/2014 4:17:19 PM] Akumu: you have won ruffy is)) [10/22/2014 10:31:08 AM] Akumu: Hello again) [10/22/2014 10:31:19 AM] Akumu: it is necessary to solve something! [10/22/2014 10:31:26 AM] Akumu: I have dragon networ protection want [10/22/2014 10:31:31 AM] Akumu: how many other major projects [10/22/2014 10:31:41 AM] Akumu: you say they have a bypass promised [10/22/2014 10:32:06 AM] Akumu: so, you have to invent something to each other problems not to create [10/22/2014 12:55:16 PM] Alexey: hi [10/22/2014 12:56:06 PM] Alexey: let's think. Dragon network you said not going to do? [10/22/2014 12:56:42 PM] Akumu: the fact that I became a hostage situation [10/22/2014 12:57:07 PM] Akumu: And without explanation to refuse will not be able [10/22/2014 12:57:33 PM] Alexey: on Melk I did, there's basically not much n AROD [10/22/2014 12:57:40 PM] Alexey: but days have [10/22/2014 12:57:49 PM] Alexey: there's a major contingent of Botero I( [10/22/2014 12:58:43 PM] Alexey: how much are they paying markups [10/22/2014 12:59:04 PM] Akumu: Yes standard all, not much [10/22/2014 1:00:43 PM] Akumu: it is necessary to find a middle ground [10/22/2014 1:00:48 PM] Akumu: that will suit us both [10/22/2014 1:01:17 PM] Alexey: Can be mutually beneficial to negotiate, make, the protection they give, I after a while update the software, then you are asked to apnut protection, you update I wait for some time and also APAU), etc. [10/22/2014 1:01:52 PM] Akumu: I thought about it, each other around all the time? [10/22/2014 1:02:11 PM] Akumu: Or come up with some mechanism [10/22/2014 1:02:12 PM] Alexey: offer your options [10/22/2014 1:03:02 PM] Alexey: just here it will be beneficial to all [10/22/2014 1:03:06 PM] Alexey: do you do protection [10/22/2014 1:03:12 PM] Akumu: I generally like the idea, Yes [10/22/2014 1:03:14 PM] Alexey: I software update [10/22/2014 1:04:24 PM] Akumu: Blind update will be? Vsmysle to look where the dog is buried in Detecto [10/22/2014 1:04:25 PM] Alexey: otherwise, they have lost the need of updates, and in software in General, and my quack less will have to wait for the fixes) [10/22/2014 1:04:41 PM] Akumu: Or will create some kind of interface [10/22/2014 1:05:24 PM] Alexey: I'll find somewhere [10/22/2014 1:05:31 PM] Alexey: I was straining some soft [10/22/2014 1:05:34 PM] Alexey: in addition to your [10/22/2014 1:05:42 PM] Alexey: on some servers put [10/22/2014 1:05:51 PM] Alexey: but there is another [10/22/2014 1:06:18 PM] Alexey: neg AA finished the update will look [10/22/2014 1:06:24 PM] Akumu: this conversation raises one point that I would like to discuss [10/22/2014 1:06:51 PM] Alexey: what [10/22/2014 1:06:53 PM] Alexey: ? [10/22/2014 1:07:48 PM] Akumu: You have a cool reverser know more of my, that's a fact. Would you like to work for the protection of the key difficulties to avoid it, you have a lot of experience. [10/22/2014 1:08:39 PM] Akumu: would You be at all interested in the protection key to work together? [10/22/2014 1:08:50 PM] Akumu: ATO I suggest, maybe you isn't interesting at all [10/22/2014 1:09:46 PM] Alexey: in free time will help what I can. [10/27/2014 11:35:27 AM] Akumu: heh [10/27/2014 11:35:41 AM] Akumu: here by the way write that adrenaline apnulsya [10/27/2014 11:35:51 AM] Akumu: and smart now works [10/27/2014 11:36:41 AM] Alexey: it's all about the classics this crack now) [10/27/2014 11:36:56 AM] Alexey: but PTA. em( [10/27/2014 11:37:06 AM] Alexey: while the inside of the server have [10/27/2014 11:37:36 AM] Akumu: all shifts? [10/27/2014 11:38:14 AM] Akumu: terms) [10/27/2014 11:39:17 AM] Alexey: no, not really, but annoying that the time is right and they do not put on the PTA) [10/27/2014 11:41:15 AM] Akumu: what about adrenaline? [10/27/2014 11:43:52 AM] Alexey: here is how will the BSA make) [10/27/2014 11:44:01 AM] Akumu: no, I'm not talking about that) [10/27/2014 11:44:04 AM] Akumu: I mean smart) [10/27/2014 11:44:25 AM] Akumu: I've been writing all that the bypass is [10/27/2014 11:44:42 AM] Alexey: Yes got rid of some but I'm not lecturing [10/27/2014 11:44:56 AM] Alexey: it is not specifically on your behalf [10/27/2014 11:44:59 AM] Alexey: under it all) [10/27/2014 11:45:09 AM] Alexey: where the scanners [11/4/2014 2:29:25 PM] Akumu: I then say more what, update Adrenaline was public [11/4/2014 2:29:34 PM] Akumu: source take and sculpt your something если above X50 Yes) [11/4/2014 2:29:35 PM] Alexey: what kind of update? [11/4/2014 2:29:46 PM] Akumu: you know, I have it is not present) [11/4/2014 2:30:11 PM] Alexey: not your I have not posted in public anything, so don't worry) [11/4/2014 2:30:21 PM] Alexey: handed out to friends only [11/4/2014 2:30:28 PM] Akumu: well, to me that says the admin of the server [11/4/2014 2:30:34 PM] Akumu: that he sampl protection [11/4/2014 2:30:39 PM] Akumu: Abogados smart [11/4/2014 2:30:48 PM] Akumu: they say peace comes through to the server to yourself [11/4/2014 2:31:10 PM] Akumu: driver frost I look there) [11/4/2014 2:31:15 PM] Alexey: hmm, the Updater version I have not updated much month or more [11/4/2014 2:31:31 PM] Akumu: well, it means that admin one of your friends) [11/4/2014 2:31:36 PM] Akumu: or are you lying to me)) [11/4/2014 2:31:47 PM] Alexey: duck you can check it out [11/4/2014 2:31:57 PM] Alexey: you have Updater [11/4/2014 2:31:59 PM] Alexey: and the bot [11/4/2014 2:32:03 PM] Akumu: the Updater is not present) [11/4/2014 2:32:06 PM] Alexey: why would I lie [11/6/2014 10:51:19 PM] Akumu: hi [11/6/2014 10:51:49 PM] Akumu: I don't know what happened, I still hard to write about the Adrenaline that was released on the game which bypasses the protection [11/7/2014 5:15:03 PM] Alexey: hi [11/7/2014 5:15:18 PM] Alexey: do nothing, who writes that? [11/7/2014 5:16:04 PM] Alexey: I'm here for the classics work diligently authorisation has been cut already, today, access will do [11/7/2014 5:17:07 PM] Alexey: I can Updater to lay out by the way the check sum added already, you will Apache module and your bot will stop working) [11/7/2014 5:20:06 PM] Akumu: Pref [11/7/2014 5:20:25 PM] Akumu: Yes friends write to me, server admins are complaining, saying the players throw them a video with robotsim bot [11/7/2014 5:20:52 PM] Alexey: that damn humans, do nothing) [11/7/2014 5:21:15 PM] Akumu: your "private" new dress hand went generally [11/7/2014 5:21:50 PM] Akumu: now if I post an update with the checksum the sense will not be sorry, because without checksums walking on his hands [11/7/2014 5:22:37 PM] Akumu: so our system need to metal add this private new clothes [11/7/2014 5:27:26 PM] Akumu: going back to the bot, there, Yes, I have 10 admins wrote that they are worried about this situation, people yuzayut this update [11/7/2014 5:27:54 PM] Alexey: he uses a lot of writing? [11/7/2014 5:28:00 PM] Alexey: how they define it [11/7/2014 5:28:45 PM] Alexey: it is the public does not was where it got interesting [11/7/2014 5:29:01 PM] Akumu: I do not know the exact numbers, but I write to the admins of major projects, saying they are misleading and demonstrate the work of this update [11/7/2014 5:29:11 PM] Akumu: even the archive is already two admin took off with the bot so I say, will I need to do metal this new things private, which will not affect public updates [11/7/2014 5:34:34 PM] Alexey: so I have an hour or two of AFK, I'll come help fix private version) [11/7/2014 5:35:13 PM] Akumu: I sleep NAV, Vladivostok NAV) [11/7/2014 5:35:18 PM] Akumu: how to back solve) [11/7/2014 5:35:23 PM] Akumu: to) [11/15/2014 12:58:51 PM] Akumu: I just sooner or later will start to use these questions to deepen [11/15/2014 12:59:29 PM] Alexey: Yes you can [11/15/2014 12:59:31 PM] Alexey: but it's hard [11/15/2014 12:59:57 PM] Akumu: I suggested to you and in this way to cooperate, I give you green light on the software as we agreed, and you tell me what to improve in defence [11/15/2014 1:00:10 PM] Alexey: OK ) [11/24/2014 8:13:09 PM] Alexey: have you done today? [11/24/2014 8:13:13 PM] Alexey: today gave [11/24/2014 8:13:20 PM] Akumu: one night, today was the update [11/24/2014 8:13:24 PM] Akumu: now I will [11/24/2014 8:13:34 PM] Alexey: OK [11/24/2014 8:13:46 PM] Alexey: schA will calculate the nits who are there merges all) [11/24/2014 8:14:06 PM] Akumu: you'd Loginova in the server. [11/24/2014 8:14:10 PM] Akumu: versions of bot clients [11/24/2014 8:14:17 PM] Akumu: and it would be possible for the logs to look [11/24/2014 8:14:34 PM] Alexey: Yes, it's expensive for everyone to do their copy [11/24/2014 8:14:41 PM] Alexey: or something unique [11/24/2014 8:14:43 PM] Akumu: I am the way, the gash in the protected back-connect to your server [11/24/2014 8:14:54 PM] Alexey: what is it [11/24/2014 8:14:57 PM] Akumu: collected hashes of the libraries have 10K+ users [11/24/2014 8:15:14 PM] Alexey: AA [11/24/2014 8:15:17 PM] Alexey: data collection [11/24/2014 8:15:18 PM] Alexey: I understand [11/24/2014 8:15:20 PM] Akumu: well, as in frost, the losses can be done waitlist modules [11/24/2014 8:15:46 PM] Akumu: current there BEA 18K+ unique modules [11/24/2014 8:15:47 PM] Akumu: [11/24/2014 8:17:14 PM] Alexey: PPC [11/24/2014 8:17:17 PM] Alexey: many [11/24/2014 8:17:43 PM] Akumu: if you have any idea what the old can still be assembled - write [11/24/2014 8:17:50 PM] Akumu: collect, share [11/24/2014 8:17:55 PM] Alexey: well, inovi there is also not a small [11/24/2014 8:18:00 PM] Alexey: file [11/24/2014 8:18:18 PM] Alexey: more like filter them, it is not clear [11/24/2014 8:18:25 PM] Alexey: MB part of the people with virem sitting [11/24/2014 8:18:39 PM] Akumu: well duck, I have everything filtered already [11/24/2014 8:18:48 PM] Akumu: it is possible to make selection by popularity [11/24/2014 8:19:02 PM] Akumu: how would if this DLL have >1k customers, welcome [11/24/2014 8:20:02 PM] Alexey: signature checking as an option [2/9/2015 11:07:47 PM] Akumu: I have to ask, as the adrenaline in two hours updated every time [2/9/2015 11:07:51 PM] Alexey: since we've got trouble, the old version of the bot odds and its no detected [2/9/2015 11:08:08 PM] Akumu: which one is that? [2/9/2015 11:08:24 PM] Alexey: the old version which did not take account of the protection [2/9/2015 11:08:29 PM] Alexey: it is stupid to hide and yuzayut all [2/9/2015 11:08:38 PM] Alexey: we need to fix urgently [2/9/2015 11:09:05 PM] Akumu: you have I understand the thought is there [2/9/2015 11:09:14 PM] Akumu: how to direct the client to shoot [2/9/2015 11:09:16 PM] Alexey: Yes, I'll give you the method [2/9/2015 11:09:35 PM] Akumu: come on [2/9/2015 11:09:44 PM] Alexey: Hyde tools yuzayut all this bitches) [2/9/2015 11:10:10 PM] Akumu: and let probably make some reference pause a day or two after updating [2/9/2015 11:10:15 PM] Akumu: how your and my part [2/9/2015 11:10:32 PM] Alexey: Yes, and so I wait, here was the update I whined 3-4 days probably as much as [2/9/2015 11:10:40 PM] Alexey: today is showered with complaints [2/9/2015 11:10:47 PM] Alexey: what agecold [2/9/2015 11:10:49 PM] Akumu: no, I update in the morning made only [2/9/2015 11:10:57 PM] Akumu: until two months it worked, I didn't touch [2/9/2015 11:11:18 PM] Akumu: it turns out that I'm two months "hard done metal", and you walked 12 hours) [2/9/2015 11:11:22 PM] Alexey: there seems to be different frishki simple different versions [2/9/2015 11:11:51 PM] Alexey: I already agecold about 3-4 days brain endure [2/9/2015 11:12:07 PM] Akumu: AAA [2/9/2015 11:12:15 PM] Alexey: if not more [2/9/2015 11:12:22 PM] Akumu: agecold, there had only the new version [2/9/2015 11:12:29 PM] Akumu: I spent two months doing a 2.0 [2/9/2015 11:12:47 PM] Akumu: there he was standing there, he's just on a couple of servers now is [2/9/2015 11:13:02 PM] Alexey: I see, well next time, I'll pause to do that whatever claim you from the admins [2/9/2015 11:13:17 PM] Alexey: just accumulated there are now 3 or 4 frishki [2/9/2015 11:13:29 PM] Alexey: I'm on your made parallel by 2 frishki [2/9/2015 11:13:34 PM] Akumu: what I now pause to do? [2/9/2015 11:13:35 PM] Alexey: and essentially filled in for them to fix [2/9/2015 11:13:51 PM] Alexey: but your got to update earlier than planned) [2/9/2015 11:14:19 PM] Alexey: see how the admins will start to settle [2/9/2015 11:14:22 PM] Alexey: so do it [2/9/2015 11:15:45 PM] Alexey: here a idea you can project your all frishki to put [2/9/2015 11:15:51 PM] Alexey: force so to speak [2/9/2015 11:16:02 PM] Akumu: I like the way you think) [2/9/2015 11:16:19 PM] Alexey: I can upload the free version which will not be updated but will work where there is no protection ))) [2/9/2015 11:16:42 PM] Akumu: that killed all the servers? [2/9/2015 11:16:45 PM] Alexey: Yes [2/9/2015 11:16:46 PM] Akumu: rules idea [2/9/2015 11:16:49 PM] Akumu: I like [2/9/2015 11:17:05 PM] Alexey: think of all frishki your will) [2/9/2015 11:17:35 PM] Akumu: [2/9/2015 11:17:47 PM] Akumu: it would be good [2/9/2015 11:18:02 PM] Alexey: like the idea? ) [2/9/2015 11:18:08 PM] Akumu: not bad [2/9/2015 11:18:16 PM] Alexey: how you got there with bugs [2/9/2015 11:18:24 PM] Alexey: all debugged already? [2/9/2015 11:18:33 PM] Alexey: what would like averia not out [2/9/2015 11:18:36 PM] Akumu: there are a couple, but 2.0 test [2/9/2015 11:18:47 PM] Alexey: let's bring to mind [2/9/2015 11:18:56 PM] Alexey: and make a super PR ) [2/9/2015 11:19:21 PM] Akumu: in fact, only two of the current version [2/9/2015 11:19:38 PM] Akumu: 1. generator hwídah, whatever you did, it "floats" WT some juzverej [2/9/2015 11:19:39 PM] Alexey: what [2/9/2015 11:19:49 PM] Alexey: in contagion [2/9/2015 11:19:56 PM] Alexey: duck individually need [2/9/2015 11:20:02 PM] Alexey: take the screw and take the Mac [2/9/2015 11:20:08 PM] Alexey: this is a unique HVIDE [2/9/2015 11:20:09 PM] Akumu: 2. antivirus swears on Downloader. my [2/9/2015 11:20:20 PM] Akumu: either when a long file is not updating - it is in a database gets [2/9/2015 11:20:24 PM] Alexey: loader sirowan [2/9/2015 11:20:28 PM] Alexey: get protect from it [2/9/2015 11:20:32 PM] Akumu: or some on the download link [2/9/2015 11:20:38 PM] Akumu: no, the module that loads do not swear [2/9/2015 11:31:44 PM | Edited 11:31:50 PM] Akumu: in General, this situation is profitable for both of us, I figure, yeah [2/9/2015 11:32:12 PM] Alexey: you customers will be a lot easy [2/9/2015 11:32:30 PM] Alexey: because the bot kills the line for 2 days if freestuff [2/9/2015 11:32:42 PM] Akumu: [2/9/2015 11:32:42 PM] Alexey: frishki will not be recouped) [2/9/2015 11:33:10 PM] Alexey: we just need Hyde tools fix this but I will help [2/9/2015 11:33:23 PM] Akumu: Hyde tools I already burned how to detectit [2/9/2015 11:33:31 PM] Alexey: super [2/9/2015 11:33:56 PM] Akumu: I run on Windows, and it is if I open a Windows process by pid [2/9/2015 11:34:09 PM] Akumu: what's your idea on this? [2/9/2015 11:34:59 PM] Alexey: Hyde tools don't hide the process from process list? [2/10/2015 12:03:21 AM] Akumu: I've been offered, come together to engage in protection [2/10/2015 12:03:54 AM] Alexey: let himself see, hands lacking at all [2/11/2015 11:26:00 PM] Akumu: /* Adrenalin.exe (2/12/2015 12:43:59 AM) StartOffset: 0060A1E0, EndOffset: 0060A1EB, Length: 0000000C */ PubAdrenaline BYTE[12] = { 0x69, 0x42, 0x6F, 0x74, 0x43, 0x6C, 0x61, 0x73, 0x73, 0x65, 0x73, 0x02 }; [2/11/2015 11:26:10 PM] Akumu: this just in, some new will come under signo [2/11/2015 11:26:31 PM] Alexey: and you uploaded it already? [2/11/2015 11:26:42 PM] Akumu: Yes [2/13/2015 12:14:08 AM] Akumu: and you at what age by the way? [2/13/2015 12:14:15 AM] Akumu: ATO communicate, and I can't even imagine [2/13/2015 12:14:57 AM] Akumu: I'm 22, my name is Vlad and I am glad to have met you [2/13/2015 12:22:33 AM] Alexey: 29 Alex ) [2/13/2015 12:22:51 AM] Alexey: mutually [2/14/2015 2:34:31 AM] Akumu: oke [2/14/2015 2:34:43 AM] Akumu: tomorrow is the opening of lindvior on a new branch [2/14/2015 2:34:59 AM] Akumu: take all the problems if they can release [2/14/2015 2:35:05 AM] Alexey: if you sign that smartgart does not work, let the admins bought [2/25/2015 7:01:32 PM] Akumu: I Agree [2/25/2015 7:02:19 PM] Akumu: does abyss my defense placed here [2/25/2015 7:03:11 PM] Akumu: other projects want the crack has apparently gone viral [2/25/2015 7:05:58 PM] Akumu: What do you hear interesting? [3/2/2015 5:19:00 PM] Akumu: what's the point just do not understand, if you don't want Privat on him to do the same? [3/2/2015 5:19:20 PM] Alexey: why, Privat will make all friends and old customers [3/2/2015 5:19:45 PM] Alexey: Yes you can, and as usual just thinking out loud was [3/2/2015 5:20:07 PM] Alexey: you've pissed me off freeloaders [3/2/2015 5:20:08 PM] Akumu: Normally we're settled [3/2/2015 5:20:16 PM] Akumu: I milked the admins, you players [3/2/2015 5:20:27 PM] Alexey: yeah ))))) [6/16/2015 12:04:53 PM] Akumu: you want it again for half an hour to "bypass" my renewal? [6/16/2015 12:05:03 PM] Akumu: Oh, right, the bot still [6/16/2015 12:05:12 PM] Alexey: no, I don't update before 1-2 days pour [6/16/2015 12:05:22 PM] Alexey: and then whining when you start ) [6/16/2015 12:05:36 PM] Akumu: whine much? [6/16/2015 12:05:38 PM] Alexey: with the bot we need to understand more how it works [6/16/2015 12:05:48 PM] Alexey: whining when long time did not fill, sometimes you forget ) [6/16/2015 12:06:04 PM] Alexey: then begin to get quietly [6/16/2015 12:06:39 PM] Akumu: forget often) [6/16/2015 12:07:28 PM] Alexey: as it is almost 4 days did not have at home is there an update you had some duck that was then snot) [6/16/2015 12:07:51 PM] Alexey: by the way did you check why the plaque is not detected the bot [7/31/2015 10:06:44 AM] Akumu: I have a rebel customers that can't pay of adrenaline terminated normally) [7/31/2015 10:09:26 AM] Alexey: what they don't like it) [7/31/2015 10:10:15 AM] Alexey: would there be people fucking cloud [7/31/2015 10:10:25 AM] Alexey: http://joxi.ru/vAWDgVJSNgbRrW [7/31/2015 10:11:55 AM | Edited 10:13:55 AM] Alexey: you write what servers complain about bots, poemtry, how many of them and limit the window that would not nagleli. [7/31/2015 10:30:39 AM] Alexey: If you really can get cut off support for the whole server [7/31/2015 7:18:31 PM] Akumu: Yes, someone cut off, it is still more noise will be [8/22/2015 8:13:45 PM] Akumu: Hey, come on we will exchange numbers for communication [8/22/2015 8:13:57 PM] Akumu: +7908X4063XX [8/22/2015 8:15:01 PM] Akumu: tomorrow, I'll take the ticket and tell how much exactly I have [8/22/2015 8:16:16 PM] Akumu: Today, fly to GMT [8/22/2015 9:00:39 PM] Alexey: hi [8/22/2015 9:00:52 PM] Alexey: +790365X50XX my [8/22/2015 9:01:15 PM] Alexey: yeah tomorrow type then how do you know [8/23/2015 11:01:02 PM] Akumu: Sleep? [8/23/2015 11:01:47 PM] Akumu: just not like you) [8/23/2015 11:23:13 PM] Alexey: here, but was about ) [8/23/2015 11:23:49 PM] Akumu: Yes I do, about life cracked) [8/23/2015 11:23:54 PM] Akumu: sleep [8/23/2015 11:25:03 PM] Alexey: you're this, you drive call for 15-20 minutes, the train passing can be a little earlier [8/23/2015 11:29:34 PM] Akumu: OK [8/23/2015 11:30:04 PM] Akumu: Free throw [8/23/2015 11:30:31 PM] Akumu: Decided in the night to go to sleep though [8/23/2015 11:30:46 PM] Akumu: do Not sleep Sedna, the plane was trash) [8/30/2015 1:36:36 PM] Akumu: just do not understand why so to do, agreed on the updates [8/30/2015 1:36:43 PM] Akumu: and make another picture [8/30/2015 1:37:42 PM] Alexey: I told him to give only when someone asks or will whine and only old clients, he must be wrong, and everyone pitched an idiot) [8/30/2015 1:38:12 PM] Alexey: General worker my fufel need him Paepke squeal) [8/30/2015 1:38:32 PM] Akumu: if you follow this logic, I have old customers in the detector. add a bot? or those who are whining [8/30/2015 1:39:31 PM] Alexey: it is those who are whining quite a long time but take bot, these just will not burn and will not merge bot other people and admin excluded [8/30/2015 1:40:06 PM] Alexey: I understand it is easier not to give that nebylo incidents) [8/30/2015 1:40:16 PM] Alexey: let wait update [8/31/2015 11:29:02 AM] Akumu: my admins fucked to whine about the bot [8/31/2015 11:30:12 AM] Akumu: petitions already scribbling on an A4 sheet [8/31/2015 11:30:33 AM] Akumu: filthy me give an example, they say there not working [8/31/2015 11:30:36 AM] Akumu: really? [8/31/2015 11:38:37 AM] Alexey: hi [8/31/2015 11:38:45 AM] Alexey: works only simple keys are not plowed [8/31/2015 11:39:04 AM] Alexey: I will arrive tomorrow, will do as planned [8/31/2015 11:40:36 AM] Alexey: palanet of Baibatyrov and calm down) [8/31/2015 11:40:46 AM] Akumu: Oh I hope [8/31/2015 11:42:38 AM] Akumu: http://pastecode.org/index.php/view/6049c988 [8/31/2015 11:42:43 AM] Akumu: that's what the code was [8/31/2015 11:43:45 AM] Akumu: just allocate a page of memory with PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE flag for example [8/31/2015 11:43:50 AM] Akumu: and the code to put [8/31/2015 11:43:53 AM] Akumu: camrt will pick up [8/31/2015 11:47:56 AM] Alexey: understood [8/31/2015 11:48:02 AM] Alexey: all code ? [8/31/2015 11:48:04 AM] Alexey: need [8/31/2015 11:48:58 AM] Akumu: http://dl2.joxi.net/drive/0001/3646/101950/150831/96d33c4e9e.jpg [8/31/2015 11:49:01 AM] Akumu: so I checks [8/31/2015 11:49:55 AM] Alexey: yeah understood [8/31/2015 11:50:32 AM] Alexey: two DWORD to offset cecause [8/31/2015 11:50:44 AM] Akumu: and the first byte 55h [9/17/2015 9:12:38 AM] Akumu: let's all schedule MB will make some [9/17/2015 9:13:25 AM] Alexey: Yes you can come up with [9/17/2015 9:13:39 AM] Alexey: complain exactly what the server? [9/17/2015 9:13:55 AM] Akumu: they complain almost all of the clients [9/17/2015 9:14:08 AM] Akumu: what say we pay a shitload [9/17/2015 9:14:14 AM | Edited 9:14:35 AM] Akumu: and bots the server is flooded [9/17/2015 9:14:48 AM] Akumu: AFK for 15 minutes [9/17/2015 9:14:52 AM] Alexey: there's this not been updated for a free bot? [9/17/2015 9:15:03 AM] Akumu: updated like [9/17/2015 9:15:10 AM] Akumu: I'm looking for him [9/17/2015 9:15:21 AM] Akumu: http://zhyk.ru/forum/showthread.php?p=5778227#post5778227 [9/17/2015 9:15:23 AM] Akumu: here, look [9/17/2015 9:18:56 AM] Alexey: obviously, in General, the bot only works in the public do not spread) [9/17/2015 9:19:43 AM] Akumu: well, according to the master server is the last entry! this bot was detector [9/17/2015 10:18:23 AM] Akumu: by the way how is your WM doing? [9/17/2015 10:31:59 AM] Alexey: Yes, the rules, the VM with no problems nebylo, but the stick is still in the block, going to week in their office to understand. [9/17/2015 10:32:17 AM] Akumu: that's right, you have the same stick [10/11/2015 8:42:59 AM] Akumu: I write patioi offline bot for smarta, will be only a function of the trade [10/11/2015 8:43:16 AM] Akumu: on the 4th window?Yes, but if now one will bring all the part still will not start [10/11/2015 8:43:33 AM] Akumu: now new.DLL put and I think will be solved [10/15/2015 7:14:58 AM] Akumu: rivet, recommendations for the bot: [10/15/2015 7:16:02 AM] Akumu: 1. protection party (re-AGR mobs). after Pereira bot should switch to the mob with the lowest HP. now it turns out that he continues to hit second mob with full HP, and the first with 5% HP continues to pour Demag. [10/15/2015 7:17:39 AM] Akumu: 2. filter use skills/items only works on the name of the mob, I say I want to use the key from the chest only for a certain npc id [10/15/2015 7:28:06 AM] Akumu: 3. In the filter drop button "All the same" does not copy all the attributes. [10/16/2015 8:30:10 AM] Alexey: added try) [10/16/2015 8:30:16 AM] Alexey: General tab [10/16/2015 8:30:57 AM] Akumu: NAV check out) [10/16/2015 8:32:49 AM] Akumu: 10120 [10/16/2015 8:33:01 AM] Akumu: MB not disabled crc smart? [10/16/2015 8:34:35 AM] Alexey: exactly [10/16/2015 8:34:38 AM] Alexey: h [12/18/2015 12:29:18 AM] Akumu: me from all sides then shake, but still hold the Fort [12/18/2015 12:29:22 AM] Alexey: play now RPG a lot and so asterios asked to do, classic roof less [12/18/2015 12:29:24 AM] Akumu: soon will put on the forks) [12/18/2015 12:29:31 AM] Alexey: to Ilah [12/18/2015 12:29:34 AM] Alexey: also the people sitting [12/18/2015 12:29:53 AM] Akumu: how about under the smart clients do you have? [12/18/2015 12:29:56 AM] Alexey: I think if we continue to settle will be all that'll get them some prices that would be less strained [12/18/2015 12:30:16 AM] Akumu: they prices side I understand [12/18/2015 12:30:20 AM] Akumu: they hate the fact [12/18/2015 12:30:22 AM] Akumu: what works) [12/18/2015 12:30:43 AM] Alexey: Ah, well, I'll find somewhere, if so mad [12/18/2015 12:30:49 AM] Akumu: laugh like other bots in the course of the day are covered, and adrenaline for weeks) [12/18/2015 12:31:03 AM] Akumu: Yes I'm fine, hold on [12/18/2015 12:31:15 AM] Akumu: it would be good demonstrations of fire to do as an option [12/18/2015 12:31:16 AM] Alexey: it was on your server XS, but about 40% offs, 60% frishki [12/18/2015 12:31:33 AM] Akumu: well, not asterios or RPG are not my [12/18/2015 12:31:41 AM] Akumu: major, I mostly have it frishki [12/18/2015 12:32:09 AM] Alexey: Yes, it will be possible probanit then what would the admins calm down [12/18/2015 12:32:38 AM] Akumu: do you see what a joke we have [12/18/2015 12:32:43 AM] Akumu: my update disables the bot [12/18/2015 12:33:00 AM] Akumu: even if metal I would do something a bot would not work, and you need to "circumvent" protection [12/18/2015 12:33:26 AM] Akumu: and if you turn it on, and it will detectas - your clients won't understand the joke) [12/18/2015 12:34:00 AM] Alexey: Yes I will do the server switch of some sort) [12/18/2015 12:34:10 AM] Alexey: what would you like from classics to pop off) [12/18/2015 12:34:29 AM] Akumu: dangerous) [12/18/2015 12:34:50 AM] Akumu: will friends turn on)) [12/18/2015 12:34:56 AM] Alexey: too damn right.) [12/18/2015 12:35:10 AM] Alexey: is it a specific server there who is aching for you to choose [12/18/2015 12:35:14 AM] Alexey: and probanit) [12/18/2015 12:35:52 AM] Alexey: see if they have the servers and choose the time will do a demonstration bans [12/18/2015 12:35:57 AM] Akumu: not an option [12/18/2015 12:36:02 AM] Akumu: I have other client won't understand the joke) [12/18/2015 12:36:11 AM] Akumu: more sracha be [12/18/2015 12:36:16 AM] Alexey: bans by the way not everywhere tuned [12/18/2015 12:36:22 AM] Alexey: there on hand to count servers [12/18/2015 12:37:02 AM] Alexey: maybe 3-4 servers only [12/18/2015 12:37:15 AM] Alexey: so, in principle, is not dangerous [12/18/2015 12:37:38 AM] Alexey: admins lose also customers don't want to play you legiti clanleader some) [12/18/2015 12:37:48 AM | Edited 12:38:00 AM] Alexey: they don't farm but just as a radar yuzayut [12/18/2015 12:38:32 AM] Akumu: you just have to find a middle ground [12/18/2015 12:38:40 AM] Akumu: so that the players are not much whining, and administrators [12/18/2015 12:38:48 AM] Alexey: yeah [12/18/2015 12:38:51 AM] Akumu: now you have players in the oil and ride) [12/18/2015 12:39:03 AM] Akumu: in clover) [12/18/2015 12:39:20 AM] Akumu: or as it says, you know [12/18/2015 12:39:20 AM] Alexey: I do not say here for 3 days not update) such assaults ))))) [12/18/2015 12:39:52 AM] Alexey: well, that is nonsense, let them wait) [12/18/2015 12:47:22 AM] Akumu: you know what vriant by the way there is for large servers [12/18/2015 12:47:24 AM] Alexey: filthy kicks off soon again) just as they have bent serv [12/18/2015 12:47:46 AM] Akumu: do re-system intelligent detect bots, paid an expensive module for smart [12/18/2015 12:47:57 AM] Akumu: that would just like some servers [12/18/2015 12:48:36 AM] Akumu: I remember I was doing back then [12/18/2015 12:48:45 AM] Akumu: window focus and something else [12/18/2015 12:49:14 AM] Alexey: yeah, more a nuisance really, the game was nothing like that) [12/18/2015 12:49:30 AM] Akumu: well, that implementation problems) [12/18/2015 12:50:16 AM] Alexey: let's cheat until the first sales, now in NY so many people will sit at home [12/18/2015 12:50:28 AM] Akumu: Yes it certainly is [12/18/2015 12:50:35 AM] Akumu: protection I just support yet [12/18/2015 12:50:59 AM] Akumu: there modifying nothing, only your bot)) [12/19/2015 8:25:33 PM] Akumu: hearing, and as such screens do when the last update was: http://s018.radikal.ru/i509/1512/40/4c6e8b010d0b.png [12/20/2015 12:25:14 AM] Alexey: I'm 3.5 days did not update anything else on your first update, yesterday evening is different about the new server, there frishki what start, had to gash [12/20/2015 12:25:50 AM] Akumu: clear [12/20/2015 12:25:51 AM] Alexey: there's some already grandmother began to trust back, the scandal was) [12/20/2015 12:26:12 AM] Alexey: verify not completed? [12/20/2015 12:26:27 AM] Akumu: nope still [12/20/2015 12:26:31 AM] Akumu: I think tomorrow will finish [12/20/2015 12:27:01 AM] Alexey: it's great, and you say you have a person who will engage in sales? [12/20/2015 12:27:34 AM] Akumu: he was sitting a few years and a week ago found) [12/20/2015 12:27:41 AM] Alexey: )))))))))))))) [12/20/2015 12:27:47 AM] Akumu: unlikely he would want) [1/28/2016 3:53:54 AM] Akumu: I have a question [1/28/2016 3:54:10 AM] Akumu: I have noticed clients with questions on your bot [1/28/2016 3:54:15 AM] Akumu: we must do something for me [1/28/2016 3:54:15 AM] Alexey: what you write [1/28/2016 3:54:26 AM] Akumu: I write what I fucking do not [1/28/2016 3:54:54 AM] Alexey: Oh, come on, like that will solve the issue that would not have sawed [1/28/2016 3:55:03 AM] Alexey: and updates you've been doing? [1/28/2016 3:55:12 AM] Akumu: 23-24 like [1/28/2016 3:55:27 AM] Akumu: I updates every week to make that much traffic [1/28/2016 3:55:40 AM] Alexey: I can think of like that off on schedule [1/28/2016 3:55:43 AM] Akumu: so you consider 3 out of 4 weeks in a month work [1/28/2016 3:55:59 AM] Alexey: what would be expensive while nebylo [1/28/2016 3:56:26 AM] Alexey: though there is a more interesting idea even [1/28/2016 3:56:29 AM] Akumu: then you need not shutdown, and metal do [1/28/2016 3:57:24 AM] Akumu: what? [1/28/2016 3:58:34 AM] Alexey: you can try to remove from the public to protect the soft that nebylo problems from customers. to make a separate version only for the Oldies to give or REFs. [1/28/2016 3:59:14 AM] Akumu: it's conditional it would be nice, but people on my side are waiting for action [1/28/2016 3:59:30 AM] Akumu: move the horse forward [1/28/2016 4:00:12 AM] Alexey: I Think as better it to make [1/28/2016 4:00:55 AM] Alexey: can as then planned a demonstration PROBAN to do [1/28/2016 4:01:13 AM] Alexey: do after update version with a Smoking gun [1/28/2016 4:01:42 AM] Akumu: will then be old to use [1/28/2016 4:01:43 AM] Alexey: I think they will be happy [1/28/2016 4:01:50 AM] Alexey: the old will not work [1/28/2016 4:01:53 AM] Alexey: she's tied [1/28/2016 4:01:57 AM] Akumu: we'll need to catch me for something already available [1/28/2016 4:02:18 AM] Akumu: and, Yes [1/28/2016 4:02:19 AM] Alexey: are you doing update protection [1/28/2016 4:02:25 AM] Akumu: I understand you [1/28/2016 4:02:29 AM] Alexey: I 2-3 days also makes [1/28/2016 4:02:32 AM] Alexey: but yellow [1/28/2016 4:02:39 AM] Alexey: as I have now with 1 window [1/28/2016 4:02:54 AM] Alexey: in the Bank is constantly writing that the bot is not working) [1/28/2016 4:03:04 AM] Alexey: and here probant all and I think the rules will be [1/28/2016 4:03:30 AM] Alexey: what do you think? [1/28/2016 4:03:55 AM] Akumu: I think it's definitely better than just disabling the bot [1/28/2016 4:04:08 AM] Akumu: servers mostly disconnected of Botero [1/28/2016 4:04:13 AM] Akumu: or give ban for an hour for example [1/28/2016 4:04:25 AM] Alexey: banyat half) [1/28/2016 4:04:35 AM] Akumu: can we make not shutdown, and pale when updating the protection? [1/28/2016 4:04:52 AM | Edited 4:04:59 AM] Alexey: on the same option [1/28/2016 4:06:12 AM] Alexey: you tell me when the next update is going to do, I will prepare all [1/28/2016 4:06:55 AM] Akumu: thanks [1/30/2016 8:26:16 AM] Akumu: I want to return intelektualnog system of weeding out the bots, only to modify it and put a high price [1/30/2016 8:26:32 AM] Akumu: 30 thousand rubles for a protection kit with this feature [1/30/2016 8:26:44 AM] Akumu: which by definition would screen out all the bots [1/30/2016 8:27:01 AM] Akumu: you would agree on this point [1/30/2016 8:28:40 AM | Edited 8:28:40 AM] Alexey: Yes, I remember you were talking about, let's only cheat first do it ) then this will do [1/30/2016 8:29:43 AM] Alexey: and that is all ready in fact for sales [1/30/2016 8:29:46 AM] Alexey: we need to gather in a heap [1/30/2016 8:29:53 AM] Akumu: my day arrives several tens of message "for what I paid? bots as he was and is," give me skonzentrirovatsia on one [1/30/2016 8:31:29 AM] Alexey: on the week podanici a bit as planned, rest [1/30/2016 8:31:30 AM] Alexey: who spamit, a Russian server? [1/30/2016 8:31:42 AM] Akumu: everything) [1/30/2016 8:32:16 AM | Edited 8:32:17 AM] Alexey: probank, let him sit on the support Brisbane)) just calm down) [1/30/2016 8:32:52 AM] Akumu: well, God forbid) [1/30/2016 8:32:57 AM] Alexey: but we'll see [2/3/2016 5:28:49 AM] Alexey: You update in the A2 today to do wanted? [2/3/2016 5:28:55 AM] Alexey: I'm uploading a new bot today that would not trip with a new protection and palilis, when you Apache your module. A day or two to wait for that would all have time to download it [2/3/2016 5:29:14 AM] Akumu: okay, wait [2/9/2016 5:59:08 AM] Alexey: I got soap got damn I do not know what to do, at least close your project) [2/9/2016 5:59:17 AM] Alexey: calling all on me ship [2/9/2016 5:59:23 AM] Akumu: Yes, okay, sit Lux smart finish [2/9/2016 5:59:29 AM] Alexey: for all the sins I'm guilty, you see) [2/9/2016 5:59:37 AM] Alexey: what is LK? [2/9/2016 5:59:40 AM] Akumu: duck they know that you this software still sell? [2/9/2016 5:59:49 AM] Alexey: Yes, what the beast leaked [3/4/2016 9:23:29 AM] Akumu: hi, how long you wait before you upgrade the bot with smart update? [3/4/2016 9:23:45 AM] Akumu: I have been complaining for 3 hours been updated [3/4/2016 10:17:17 AM] Alexey: >how many are waiting before updating >complain that 3 hours went that's clever, let him show I am now 2-3 days at least, well spread and it is possible for the whining on the forum to understand) but after the issue with drain files and friends do, everyone is waiting for [3/4/2016 10:17:38 AM] Alexey: the icon can be changed then I first got hitched))) [3/4/2016 10:17:46 AM | Edited 10:17:20 AM] Akumu: understood, I thought that just catching the fur fly [3/4/2016 10:17:53 AM] Alexey: yeah fake 100% [3/10/2016 5:44:33 PM] Akumu: does the hype around smart rises and adrenaline) [3/10/2016 5:45:40 PM | Edited 5:45:24 PM] Alexey: what ? [3/10/2016 5:45:48 PM] Alexey: it is not working the second day already) [3/10/2016 5:46:33 PM] Alexey: what wind again plow? [3/10/2016 5:47:02 PM] Akumu: Yes, it is not clear, throw off the link to the topic) [3/10/2016 5:47:25 PM] Akumu: tipo from the boys in day updates smart drop from valakas's a bot stole [3/10/2016 5:49:10 PM] Alexey: tin) [3/10/2016 5:49:11 PM] Alexey: it may be that they didn't reset the game and sit in it with the old version of protection? [3/10/2016 5:49:35 PM] Akumu: in theory, Yes) [3/10/2016 5:50:01 PM] Alexey: do whatever got kicked) [3/10/2016 5:50:19 PM] Alexey: and then for weeks will not be restartet client [3/10/2016 5:50:24 PM] Alexey: GG by the way, very unique [3/10/2016 5:50:31 PM] Alexey: if an update has passed [3/10/2016 5:50:46 PM] Akumu: server-side kick? [3/10/2016 5:50:50 PM] Alexey: yeah [3/10/2016 5:50:52 PM] Akumu: Yes, it is necessary to do long know) [3/10/2016 5:52:21 PM] Alexey: do, and that will continue and make the brain [3/10/2016 5:52:23 PM] Alexey: I beech so never reload, there hibernacula this works all the time, you software to keep loaded. [3/10/2016 5:53:01 PM] Alexey: Chita figured out how to proclamate, the YouTube record upload)) [3/10/2016 5:53:06 PM] Akumu: Yes the servers still once a day reboot [3/10/2016 5:53:10 PM] Alexey: + spam online of course [3/10/2016 5:53:15 PM] Akumu: if the kicking game, then the game is not to go [3/10/2016 5:53:30 PM] Akumu: Yes, YouTube is well indexed by [4/4/2016 12:10:58 PM] Alexey: grey adrenaline [4/4/2016 12:11:14 PM] Akumu: just, stuff me some rubbing [4/4/2016 12:11:26 PM] Akumu: they say that on some servers, works on others [4/4/2016 12:11:33 PM] Akumu: although now I look, the servers dead [4/4/2016 12:11:50 PM] Akumu: all with online one trend in Detecto [4/4/2016 12:12:05 PM] Alexey: loads of instances of detection of statistically [4/4/2016 12:12:07 PM] Akumu: I thought maybe for the Chronicles you have some metal if update is pretty good. [4/4/2016 12:12:24 PM] Alexey: you know how there made [4/4/2016 12:12:31 PM] Alexey: if DLL samarta new [4/4/2016 12:12:40 PM] Alexey: it makes the memory in the client [4/4/2016 12:12:45 PM] Alexey: and write it in the array [4/4/2016 12:12:50 PM] Alexey: piece bot) [4/4/2016 12:13:08 PM] Akumu: well, as I frišnyh, Detecto? I then showed [4/4/2016 12:13:14 PM] Alexey: do you have the scanner running constantly? [4/4/2016 12:13:25 PM] Akumu: Yes, on the run for sure [4/4/2016 12:13:42 PM] Alexey: it's just that he writes like a window will appear on HF tested works norms [4/4/2016 12:13:56 PM] Alexey: on silts must also [4/4/2016 12:14:02 PM] Akumu: well, in the screenshot Il [4/4/2016 12:14:05 PM] Akumu: so it is working [4/4/2016 12:14:07 PM] Akumu: [4/4/2016 12:14:10 PM] Alexey: yeah [5/1/2016 9:01:44 AM] Akumu: http://l2deathwhisper.com/ here protection its they have some, they write on the forums that your bot is not working there [5/1/2016 10:53:03 AM] Alexey: I will be in the evening or morning at home, will correct. Your code will need to recognize protection stick [5/1/2016 10:53:29 AM] Akumu: it's just you, for the information [5/2/2016 12:41:26 PM] Alexey: by the way, I fixed the bot there) [5/2/2016 12:41:32 PM | Edited 12:39:46 PM] Alexey: injector firing [5/2/2016 12:41:53 PM] Akumu: 3.0.8 version, update with Jan was not, apparently stable already [5/2/2016 12:42:12 PM] Akumu: how it works there, not looking? I just vin10, nothing to do with it( [5/2/2016 12:42:27 PM] Alexey: who works? [5/2/2016 12:42:33 PM] Akumu: antibot [5/2/2016 12:42:38 PM] Akumu: you pixel [5/2/2016 12:43:13 PM] Alexey: Yes garbage in the stream traverses VirtualQuery memory page, and checks opcode in the beginning [5/2/2016 12:43:45 PM] Alexey: if Byte(Mem)^ = XX then if Byte(Mem+ 1)^ = YY then [5/6/2016 1:15:55 PM] Alexey: the way I figured out how to burn your and their protection [5/6/2016 1:16:32 PM] Alexey: fastom did.. you have 2.5 times more size, they have very lean yet [5/6/2016 1:16:39 PM] Akumu: and have you found a server with it? [5/6/2016 1:16:55 PM] Akumu: that I got rid foreign something is not right, just on the forums wrote that there is no ADR [5/6/2016 1:17:14 PM] Akumu: I'll patch then kind of threw off with protection scripts, this test server [5/6/2016 1:17:15 PM] Alexey: not found, thought you were off then))) [5/6/2016 1:17:31 PM] Alexey: apparently still does not start [5/6/2016 1:17:39 PM] Alexey: or glitches pile [5/6/2016 1:17:50 PM] Akumu: they say they have about 20 different servers now, their customers are mainly [5/6/2016 1:18:03 PM] Alexey: I would know on the forum do not write? [5/6/2016 1:18:32 PM | Edited 1:16:49 PM] Akumu: it seems no one says where it is only a test server gave (patch threw) [5/6/2016 1:18:41 PM] Alexey: usually ask the servo to do, if you do not plow somewhere, and there had never been [5/6/2016 1:19:05 PM] Akumu: how will the info, I will send you [5/6/2016 1:19:09 PM] Alexey: Oki [5/6/2016 1:19:12 PM] Alexey: and then there is the bot patch I wonder? [5/6/2016 1:19:13 PM] Akumu: they are there just as well as I did [5/6/2016 1:19:21 PM] Akumu: dsetup.dll It's just Updater protection [5/6/2016 1:19:26 PM] Akumu: the protection guard.des [5/6/2016 1:19:44 PM] Alexey: that's cunning, mow your protection [5/6/2016 1:19:46 PM] Akumu: they did the same thing, the same files, the same principle of operation, update ) [5/6/2016 1:19:54 PM] Alexey: well, I just added a size check [5/6/2016 1:20:08 PM] Alexey: if less than 3.5 MB then leftist) [5/6/2016 1:20:19 PM] Akumu: I have below 4.5 MB not happened yet, note [5/6/2016 1:20:28 PM] Akumu: and then there is the bot patch I wonder?Yes, a lot of functions in tables [5/6/2016 1:21:03 PM] Akumu: not defined it's because the hooks poses: push ebp pop ebp push XXXX retn [5/6/2016 1:21:06 PM] Alexey: AA is it gets all sorts of objects apparently [5/6/2016 1:21:34 PM] Alexey: and the tower looked? [5/6/2016 1:21:42 PM] Alexey: just do it trandets [5/6/2016 1:21:46 PM] Alexey: PL games patch) [5/6/2016 1:21:59 PM] Akumu: well, the old version Yes, watched it like a couple of years nothing has changed [5/6/2016 1:22:19 PM] Alexey: all functions of the game , the handlers of action has perekusili all [5/6/2016 1:22:27 PM] Akumu: I wonder how you play patches without changing the memory))) [5/6/2016 1:22:43 PM] Alexey: what memory? [5/6/2016 1:22:49 PM] Akumu: code [5/6/2016 1:23:13 PM] Alexey: you can also tricky to patch, Zw functions.) [5/6/2016 1:23:32 PM] Alexey: what would not sleep no debugger [5/6/2016 1:24:16 PM] Alexey: and by the way when you will make the checker [5/6/2016 1:24:19 PM] Alexey: from patches [5/6/2016 1:24:20 PM] Alexey: ? [5/6/2016 1:24:28 PM] Alexey: engine will start to test the game [5/6/2016 1:24:42 PM] Akumu: well, no, as far as I remember, a long time ago watched you the game code seems not patchy anywhere [5/6/2016 1:25:34 PM] Alexey: what you watched, Alcoy? [5/6/2016 1:25:36 PM] Akumu: plus threads you didn't create like, and any kind of follows the same logic implemented his, which causes what you need, read where you need, all without threads [5/6/2016 1:25:51 PM] Akumu: I don't know, a couple of years ago, it was [5/6/2016 2:37:10 PM] Alexey: cool [5/6/2016 2:37:52 PM] Alexey: not only have you to take them, very deshego [5/6/2016 2:38:12 PM] Alexey: subscriber every 3 months only [5/6/2016 2:38:29 PM] Akumu: do not buy more expensive one [5/6/2016 2:38:33 PM] Akumu: there is 95% homeless [5/6/2016 2:38:40 PM] Akumu: which is 10K on the server budget [5/6/2016 2:38:58 PM] Akumu: servers with a budget above 100k 20 of these things just [5/6/2016 2:39:12 PM] Alexey: it is possible for brand-new discounts to make good [5/6/2016 2:39:32 PM] Alexey: ill just say win-win [5/6/2016 2:39:43 PM] Alexey: all the friends who winter opened the norms of money podnjali [5/6/2016 2:39:57 PM] Alexey: Yes, summer beggar [5/6/2016 2:40:01 PM] Alexey: there is already a noticeable demand falls) [5/6/2016 2:40:16 PM | Edited 2:38:34 PM] Akumu: here we have also this month fell [5/6/2016 2:40:18 PM] Alexey: the currency used in all games dropped in price and demand [5/6/2016 2:40:38 PM] Alexey: and the bot is almost 2 times less than to take))) [5/6/2016 2:40:50 PM] Akumu: you need cheats to do [6/15/2016 12:26:34 PM] Akumu: hi [6/15/2016 12:26:50 PM] Akumu: Look pliz protection playertheia.com [6/15/2016 12:27:04 PM] Akumu: they seem to have updated vs adrenaline [6/15/2016 1:32:50 PM] Akumu: Update pliz [6/15/2016 4:11:09 PM] Alexey: hi [6/15/2016 4:11:22 PM] Alexey: yeah that's arrived schA look [6/15/2016 4:11:24 PM] Alexey: I have already written) [6/15/2016 5:20:21 PM] Akumu: and me this one friend is already overwhelmed by the ways your bot to detectit [6/15/2016 5:20:43 PM] Akumu: I do not know already how to get rid of it) [6/15/2016 5:21:55 PM] Alexey: ))))) [6/15/2016 5:22:22 PM] Alexey: sorted out the path of the EXE in General [6/15/2016 5:22:31 PM] Alexey: and checkout the presence of these files [6/15/2016 5:22:43 PM] Akumu tossed the way the way Bloch remote creation of threads in the process [6/15/2016 5:22:58 PM] Akumu: I'm on omen took myself) [6/15/2016 5:23:03 PM] Alexey: DLL is possible yeah [6/15/2016 5:23:10 PM] Alexey: 've seen more than once [6/15/2016 5:23:14 PM] Alexey: or to chukoti apiski [6/15/2016 5:23:30 PM] Akumu: there are two hooks we need [6/15/2016 5:23:50 PM] Akumu: and locked any thread creation from outside [6/15/2016 5:24:33 PM] Alexey: what kind of protection was this hat [6/15/2016 5:24:55 PM] Akumu: what implementation are you znakoma already? [6/15/2016 5:25:19 PM] Akumu: I want to redo a bit of smart to first after l2.exe loaded [6/15/2016 5:25:21 PM] Alexey: 1 this threadattach in dllca intercept and look where the beginning and patches [6/15/2016 5:25:27 PM] Alexey: 2. it hooks in ntdll [6/15/2016 5:25:50 PM] Akumu: how will first process loaded, you can start Bloch flows [6/15/2016 5:25:59 PM] Alexey: there is f-I is responsible for the creation of the thread even from the outside [6/15/2016 5:26:25 PM] Alexey: Yes, but there may be conflicts from third-party software, all sorts of Fraps and etc [6/15/2016 5:26:45 PM] Akumu: and a dick to them probably [6/15/2016 5:27:10 PM] Akumu: now the idea hwcit thread creation to ntdll [6/15/2016 5:27:17 PM] Akumu: and hwcit the start all the threads [6/15/2016 5:27:33 PM] Akumu: and if starts a thread which was not created through the first feature - complete it [6/15/2016 5:30:38 PM] Alexey: to kill the thread too, as it is tough) [6/15/2016 5:30:42 PM] Alexey: leakage will be the same) [6/15/2016 5:30:47 PM] Alexey: memory [6/15/2016 5:31:24 PM] Akumu: why? 1 page on what option is selected? [6/15/2016 5:32:17 PM] Alexey: well yeah a small thing but all of the LCD)) [6/15/2016 5:32:30 PM] Alexey: although I don't know how many he will allocate another thread [6/15/2016 5:32:40 PM] Akumu: not manage well [6/15/2016 5:32:48 PM] Alexey: AA you just want [6/15/2016 5:32:51 PM] Alexey: kill do [6/15/2016 5:32:53 PM] Akumu: it is not time to be transmitted [6/15/2016 5:33:04 PM] Akumu: ntdll to kill [6/20/2016 5:33:27 PM] Akumu: hi [6/20/2016 5:33:57 PM] Akumu: Hey, how come I am on the 17th doing the update, and already 18 people distributing fixes [6/20/2016 5:34:26 PM] Akumu: we've kind of agreed, but each time getting faster and faster [6/20/2016 6:48:32 PM] Alexey: hi, 1.5 days passed, on Saturday I filled [6/20/2016 6:48:51 PM] Alexey: a Bit faster Yes, but there was a reason( [6/20/2016 6:49:33 PM] Alexey: my wife etc we are for the city noted, before leaving I filled. [6/20/2016 6:50:01 PM] Akumu: clear [6/20/2016 6:50:13 PM] Alexey: 38ч passed if I'm not mistaken [6/20/2016 6:50:18 PM] Alexey: Not less [6/20/2016 6:50:26 PM] Akumu: not on time, at a time when my competitors are at hand trying to develop [6/20/2016 6:50:48 PM] Alexey: So sorry, I will keep in mind( [6/20/2016 6:51:00 PM | Edited 6:47:37 PM] Alexey: Consumerinfo immediately do [6/20/2016 6:51:17 PM] Alexey: do Not worry) [6/20/2016 6:52:39 PM] Alexey: They sensible still did nothing) [6/20/2016 6:53:03 PM] Alexey: we will Have a substitute hwídah to stir them [6/20/2016 6:53:22 PM] Alexey: works kind of Spam [6/20/2016 6:53:44 PM] Akumu: Yes, they are induce more noise [6/20/2016 6:53:49 PM] Akumu: they say we are bitching [6/20/2016 6:54:14 PM] Alexey: yeah, what children) [6/20/2016 6:54:56 PM] Alexey: Sanka said that would cekal these frishki every day, reported if that will update [6/20/2016 6:55:33 PM] Akumu: thanks [6/26/2016 3:35:08 PM] Akumu: hi, Yes, like the man says that Windows ru [6/26/2016 3:35:28 PM] Akumu: I here customers write that here we have the bot works, and that there is no defense [6/26/2016 4:05:25 PM] Akumu: I need something to do, from me under the pretext that clients are leaving [6/27/2016 7:32:58 AM] Alexey: hi, what is the server not working ? I write there and do. I only 2 a day with these Oh protection know there Sanya and constantly monitors them, everything works now. [6/27/2016 7:34:11 AM] Alexey: and now there is no reference to this defense . if not working then it is due to the peculiarities of the game client. [7/28/2016 1:39:41 PM] Alexey: Already thought long and hard about this topic and came to the conclusion that the admins have not driven on private versions of the protection and the development of new, will be more interesting to give them such an opportunity, as a service. This will reduce competition in the development of protection, because there is no need to be using your to put a mandatory condition of using SG servers. + as a variant still it is possible to make the software private for old men(from six months and above), but on it while pondering. [7/28/2016 1:40:23 PM] Alexey: do you think this is a sensible idea and does it make sense? [7/28/2016 1:43:37 PM] Alexey: the only disadvantage of this will increase the demand for new bots and then you have to help Therefore, the requirement please setting it to SG =) [7/28/2016 1:44:51 PM] Akumu: Well, in General, the idea is the place to be, just be warned since the beginning, I was then pounced all [7/28/2016 1:45:16 PM] Alexey: Yes, yesterday posted an ad up)) [7/28/2016 1:45:19 PM] Alexey: what you write? [7/28/2016 1:45:25 PM] Alexey: what to ask? [7/28/2016 1:45:37 PM] Akumu: Well, I am writing to say we cooperate with you [7/28/2016 1:45:47 PM] Akumu: How much does this service cost? [7/28/2016 1:46:40 PM] Alexey: that's about the price even thought it will be necessary to calculate the approximate number of users from the server and then draw conclusions [7/28/2016 1:46:53 PM] Alexey: and about threw that I can fix objavo [7/28/2016 1:47:09 PM] Alexey: SG need with the intention that would not work with older versions of the bot [7/28/2016 1:47:16 PM] Alexey: so to upgrade the defense weekly [7/28/2016 1:48:32 PM] Akumu: Yes, don't change anything yet [7/28/2016 1:49:03 PM] Akumu: are You sure that the scripts bot works? [7/28/2016 1:49:11 PM] Alexey: Yes 100% [7/28/2016 1:49:22 PM] Akumu: Because they always write what is actively for a few weeks not working [7/28/2016 1:49:31 PM] Alexey: yesterday personally tested went [7/28/2016 1:49:36 PM] Alexey: for theirs is the test server [7/28/2016 1:49:38 PM] Akumu: what server? [7/28/2016 1:49:41 PM] Alexey: h [7/28/2016 1:49:42 PM] Akumu: AA [7/28/2016 1:51:31 PM] Alexey: 24 ?July ?2016 was the update they had and worked on a couple of servers, there is a slightly different version of stood, but they did [7/28/2016 1:51:47 PM] Alexey: it is necessary to scratch HWID will [7/28/2016 1:52:15 PM] Akumu: it is Necessary to strangle them as it is, jam to muddy the water [7/28/2016 1:52:58 PM] Alexey: it will be possible to arrange a free key for these servers))) [7/28/2016 1:53:11 PM] Alexey: but they were not so many yet [7/28/2016 1:53:17 PM] Alexey: I counted 3 only [7/28/2016 1:53:37 PM] Akumu: And unable to give references? [7/28/2016 1:53:47 PM] Alexey: Yes h [7/28/2016 1:58:15 PM] Alexey: lwmix.ru exiliumworld [7/28/2016 1:58:21 PM] Alexey: this is a test [7/28/2016 1:58:32 PM] Alexey: user12345 qweqweqwe1 [7/28/2016 2:06:52 PM] Akumu: Randomid to do, Yes batchfile [8/3/2016 12:35:50 PM] Akumu: by the way update smart do not be angry, the update vin10 which broke me) [8/3/2016 12:36:22 PM] Alexey: Yes without any problems, even with you there, and so down look all [8/3/2016 12:36:26 PM] Alexey: tolerate) [8/3/2016 12:38:02 PM] Akumu: yeah, you threw me a pig [8/3/2016 12:38:14 PM] Alexey: Yes PPC never thought I would react like damn [8/3/2016 12:38:28 PM] Alexey: it is harmful just what exactly your protection we recommend to put))) [8/3/2016 12:38:35 PM] Akumu: you can have it, my competitors at the same time)) [8/3/2016 12:38:38 PM] Alexey: I have 5 server's wills) [8/3/2016 12:38:59 PM] Akumu: I think just price breaks) [8/3/2016 12:39:13 PM] Alexey: all paid already) [8/3/2016 12:39:18 PM] Akumu: and then you'll see, you will all pay, and the bot is not already) a direct bribe) [8/3/2016 12:39:30 PM] Alexey: Yes, that's a double-edged sword) [8/3/2016 12:39:44 PM] Akumu: what frishki? [8/3/2016 12:39:54 PM] Alexey: I'll add, however, that questions of fiction to you, why smart [8/3/2016 12:40:18 PM] Akumu: you figured out how to distinguish between customers on my patch?) [8/3/2016 12:40:24 PM] Alexey: of course [8/3/2016 12:40:32 PM] Alexey: module size [8/3/2016 12:40:50 PM] Alexey: you have 4+MB [8/3/2016 12:40:52 PM] Akumu: no, guard.des one for all [8/3/2016 12:41:04 PM] Akumu: I mean for the server patch [8/3/2016 12:41:10 PM] Alexey: AAA [8/3/2016 12:41:16 PM] Alexey: there is not even need [8/3/2016 12:41:25 PM] Alexey: I just to make your binding [8/3/2016 12:41:30 PM] Alexey: the remaining work will simply be [8/3/2016 12:41:49 PM | Edited 12:38:21 PM] Alexey: so im gonna have to smart to put that would be the old version of the bot fell off [8/3/2016 12:42:27 PM | Edited 12:38:57 PM] Alexey: otherwise it makes no sense to buy this service [8/3/2016 12:44:28 PM] Alexey: dobavilo check what the SG is and then there is a check of IP servers [8/3/2016 12:44:51 PM] Akumu: IP servers change often enough [8/3/2016 12:49:20 PM] Alexey: yeah, I warn them, if the change for previously reported that would [8/3/2016 12:49:33 PM] Alexey: l2Destiny wrote yesterday l2mad these also put [8/3/2016 12:49:44 PM] Alexey: still a couple there but I know the PI only some XS serv even [8/3/2016 12:51:02 PM] Alexey: Ketry also asked to start to do [8/3/2016 12:51:20 PM] Akumu: there online one of the biggest [8/3/2016 12:52:23 PM] Alexey: yeah, I didn't want of course, because there was a lot Botero PTS) [8/3/2016 12:52:26 PM] Alexey: they smart? [8/3/2016 12:52:31 PM] Akumu: Yes [8/3/2016 12:52:37 PM] Alexey: rules [8/3/2016 12:53:24 PM] Alexey: Russian there is a little, but the Euro users full [8/3/2016 12:55:03 PM] Alexey: do you like servers defined? [8/3/2016 12:55:05 PM] Alexey: build [8/3/2016 12:55:10 PM] Alexey: on the SP too? [8/3/2016 12:55:35 PM] Akumu: no, each has its own file liceenii which the patch is, it is unique for all clients [8/3/2016 12:55:42 PM] Akumu: dsetup.u can hash cecati [8/3/2016 12:56:18 PM] Alexey: yeah, it's even easier [8/3/2016 12:56:32 PM] Alexey: and then IP will change and the bot is working)) [8/3/2016 12:56:44 PM] Alexey: and it changes you? [8/3/2016 12:56:49 PM] Alexey: when renewing [8/3/2016 12:57:19 PM] Akumu: no, only if you change tariff plans or something else that requires you to re-issue kit [8/3/2016 12:57:25 PM] Akumu: change the server address does not change the file [8/3/2016 12:57:48 PM] Alexey: I understand perfectly well live [8/3/2016 12:58:35 PM] Alexey: litsuha is on a specific server? if you want to rediscover the new, the file will remain the same? [8/3/2016 12:58:46 PM] Alexey: or they will need to renew your license [8/3/2016 12:58:56 PM] Akumu: same [8/3/2016 12:59:10 PM] Akumu: one license is the address of the login server and Chronicles [8/3/2016 1:03:28 PM] Alexey: understood norms in General, Dsetup heshe will take in memory and use it to compare [8/3/2016 1:03:58 PM] Akumu: dsetup.u file [8/3/2016 1:04:29 PM] Alexey: Ah, it is not loaded anywhere? [8/3/2016 1:04:55 PM] Alexey: I think that if you got clever and threw it in the Updater) [8/3/2016 1:05:24 PM] Alexey: at first it is necessary to check the presence of SG in the memory and then the license file check [8/3/2016 1:05:35 PM] Akumu: yeah, so it will be better [8/3/2016 1:12:58 PM] Alexey: what 10ke updated not aware of? [8/3/2016 1:13:03 PM] Alexey: bot also fell off write))) [8/3/2016 1:16:08 PM] Akumu: I came off the call to the core, they were altered a little [9/5/2016 3:51:44 PM] Akumu: today I rode the train and I thought about all of this [9/5/2016 3:52:09 PM] Akumu: you recently began to provide the servers, the ability to block the bot [9/5/2016 3:52:22 PM] Akumu: I have a parallel appear competitors [9/5/2016 3:52:57 PM] Alexey: Yes I do think MB delete this feature [9/5/2016 3:53:03 PM] Alexey: while few bought [9/5/2016 3:53:08 PM] Akumu: you know why admins not willing to use your suggestion? [9/5/2016 3:53:20 PM] Akumu: because it would mean that you bent it against the man's pride [9/5/2016 3:53:32 PM] Alexey: also true [9/5/2016 3:53:41 PM] Akumu: I have a solution to this problem [9/5/2016 3:53:42 PM] Alexey: Yes, it was necessary as that on another to present [9/5/2016 3:53:47 PM] Alexey: what? [9/5/2016 3:53:54 PM] Akumu: two options [9/5/2016 3:54:40 PM] Akumu: 1. We write together a super-duper protection for L2 servers, entering the market as a new player, put a great price and guarantee that the adrenaline and all the known bots will not work. 2. Separate expensive rate on the smart, but I don't know, doubtful. [9/5/2016 3:54:44 PM] Alexey: damn epic this need to dig, not like he told me) [9/5/2016 3:55:11 PM] Akumu: total we both come out ahead, and the admin is happy that he bent adrenalin [9/5/2016 3:55:27 PM] Akumu: Although in fact he paid you to do the same [9/5/2016 3:55:28 PM] Alexey: Yes, the first is quite a good option, I agree [9/5/2016 3:55:49 PM] Alexey: but then we must think about how it's better to give them what would they take [9/5/2016 3:56:45 PM] Alexey: I thought I was going to poulett and bot anywhere else will not work [9/5/2016 3:56:57 PM] Alexey: wills of persons 5 and all ) [9/5/2016 3:57:21 PM] Akumu: just limit the range of servers to do say 10 clients limit, is no longer connected [9/5/2016 3:57:34 PM] Akumu: and they put the good [9/5/2016 3:58:48 PM] Alexey: Yes [9/24/2016 2:09:59 PM] Alexey: hi [9/24/2016 2:10:34 PM] Alexey: yeah intensified, with the morning filled fix [9/24/2016 2:10:51 PM] Alexey: Substitution on smart made? [9/24/2016 2:12:25 PM] Alexey: if there namutili [9/24/2016 2:12:48 PM] Alexey: are You still gonna update for epic to do? [9/24/2016 2:42:40 PM] Akumu: Yes, judging from the logs he samre changed HWID, any idea how did but while only speculation, the update he hasn't posted [9/24/2016 2:42:52 PM] Akumu: I will of course, where to go [9/24/2016 2:43:05 PM] Akumu: and then there is hamcast sickened, they read like something the bot fool? [9/24/2016 2:43:07 PM] Alexey: son of a bitch damn it) I wonder when I will lay out [9/24/2016 2:43:32 PM] Alexey: no, not fool, I'm just hooks all tidied up, there is sometimes podlagivala reading customer data [9/24/2016 2:43:55 PM] Alexey: I added your method from the debugger [9/24/2016 2:44:10 PM] Akumu: ))) [9/24/2016 2:44:13 PM] Alexey: let's see what happens now) [9/24/2016 2:44:18 PM] Akumu: it's probably polevo wild will [9/24/2016 2:44:24 PM] Alexey: why [9/24/2016 2:44:27 PM] Akumu: when we both updated the same chip from the debugger)) [9/24/2016 2:44:32 PM] Alexey: ahaha [9/24/2016 2:44:33 PM] Alexey: ))))))) [9/24/2016 2:44:39 PM] Alexey: well, I just did for them [9/24/2016 2:44:43 PM] Alexey: antidebug [9/24/2016 2:44:46 PM] Akumu: well I used to, so if you just have assembled) [9/24/2016 2:45:02 PM] Alexey: OK OK) to public I will make later [9/24/2016 2:45:16 PM] Alexey: MB false alarms will start [9/24/2016 2:45:21 PM] Alexey: although you have already checked all OK [10/1/2016 1:31:26 PM] Akumu: Hello, you note: smart now two branches of updates, between which can switch admins, stable and test. ie there will be two versions smart at the same time. [10/1/2016 6:53:43 PM] Alexey: hi, thank you for the info, and then nepoymu someone wrote the day he checked out all OK. Thought have not updated the MB. [10/1/2016 6:54:26 PM] Alexey: huida think what to do now? It turns out randomic screw driver [10/1/2016 6:55:14 PM] Alexey: the Scanner drivers need to stir up ? [10/1/2016 6:56:03 PM] Alexey: the Scanner altered? That would be no API to read the game? [10/1/2016 7:14:13 PM] Akumu: huida it is not clear made metal driver Yes, scan internal memory remade [10/1/2016 7:52:21 PM] Akumu: This driver can essentially bot your fool) [10/2/2016 2:07:08 PM] Alexey: hi [10/2/2016 2:07:25 PM] Alexey: yesterday you made an update, but the epic plowing say( [10/2/2016 2:08:04 PM] Alexey: or you didn't do yesterday? [10/2/2016 2:10:38 PM] Akumu: hi [10/2/2016 2:10:51 PM] Akumu: yesterday the update on the test branch was today on the release of threw [10/2/2016 2:11:01 PM] Akumu: just look on the forum complain that epic does not plow [10/9/2016 7:49:50 PM] Akumu: why bot disconnected a few minutes after entering the game after the update, smart [10/9/2016 7:50:21 PM] Alexey: do not know [10/9/2016 7:50:30 PM] Alexey: it should ban to get [10/9/2016 7:50:33 PM] Alexey: if renewal [10/9/2016 7:50:50 PM] Alexey: depending on server disconnect or ban on the server selection [10/9/2016 7:50:53 PM] Akumu: if admin allows the game to go to and no bans [10/9/2016 7:51:16 PM] Akumu: bot closes the game in a minute [10/9/2016 7:51:18 PM] Alexey: well, I except those bytes didn't do anything [10/9/2016 7:51:41 PM] Alexey: AA closure of the client is, just in case still will pass inspection. [10/9/2016 7:52:01 PM] Alexey: there in 1 minute he closes the window around [10/9/2016 7:52:27 PM] Alexey: before the plate was 20 seconds, removed it [10/9/2016 7:53:13 PM] Alexey: set timeout and more closure, but this is the case if you do the bypass file validation smarta [10/9/2016 7:53:30 PM] Alexey: or bot will break off [10/9/2016 7:53:37 PM] Akumu: just there are the admins who allowed the game to go bot [10/9/2016 7:53:47 PM] Akumu: but they do that a hell it stops working [10/9/2016 7:53:47 PM] Alexey: AA [10/9/2016 7:53:55 PM] Alexey: I understand [10/9/2016 7:53:56 PM] Akumu: so they do not understand how so [10/9/2016 7:54:04 PM] Akumu: I ask they say th there you agreed to something [10/9/2016 7:54:04 PM] Alexey: it is necessary to remove will be [10/9/2016 7:54:20 PM] Akumu: I also tell you that there are a select few which is constantly the bot works, do you treat me like email? [10/9/2016 7:54:27 PM] Alexey: no [10/9/2016 7:54:32 PM] Alexey: this is exactly the slander already [10/9/2016 7:54:42 PM] Alexey: no such even my friends relatives [10/9/2016 7:54:55 PM] Akumu: I admins л2е-global talking [10/9/2016 7:55:01 PM] Alexey: after the event don't make it anymore [10/9/2016 7:55:04 PM] Akumu: they have some privileged paki [10/9/2016 7:55:11 PM] Alexey: on eglobal I let the bot [10/9/2016 7:55:13 PM] Akumu: which bot always works [10/9/2016 7:55:18 PM] Alexey: as you yourself gvooril that would work there [10/9/2016 7:55:50 PM] Alexey: and I don't immediately update [10/9/2016 7:56:00 PM] Akumu: I direct all saddened by all these conversations with the admins [10/9/2016 7:56:11 PM] Alexey: what do they want? [10/9/2016 7:56:26 PM] Alexey: e-global because the admins themselves asked to turn on the bot right? [10/9/2016 7:56:44 PM] Akumu: just do what would always have been the same, the bot detecters not closed [10/9/2016 7:56:52 PM] Alexey: OK got it [10/9/2016 7:57:04 PM] Akumu: and they already do in the config smarta decide that infoy on detecton to do [10/9/2016 7:57:04 PM] Alexey: tomorrow update'll do [10/9/2016 7:57:22 PM] Akumu: hamcast still say 4 days is not working [10/9/2016 7:57:30 PM] Alexey: it is good that some wish that bot worked [10/9/2016 7:57:54 PM | Edited 7:53:12 PM] Alexey: on gamesthe I passed out while trusted people fix there is to redo need [10/9/2016 7:58:00 PM] Akumu: they write that it is already a part of L2, but they do not like pvp scripts [10/9/2016 7:58:15 PM] Akumu: I want to order the blocking of scripts [10/9/2016 7:58:41 PM] Akumu: how detectit did? [10/9/2016 7:58:43 PM] Alexey: by the way I was thinking to make 2 part [10/9/2016 7:58:56 PM] Alexey: bot which will make admins [10/9/2016 7:59:05 PM] Alexey: eatery will not affect gaming moments [10/9/2016 7:59:28 PM] Alexey: and otdelno radar [10/9/2016 7:59:41 PM] Alexey: which is not always going to work [10/9/2016 7:59:50 PM] Alexey: there is already pvp scripts [10/9/2016 7:59:52 PM] Alexey: I t p [10/9/2016 7:59:57 PM] Alexey: detected window [10/9/2016 8:00:19 PM] Alexey: the form with the setup and some components [10/9/2016 8:00:35 PM] Alexey: now undone, wounds that would damit all these labels [10/9/2016 8:00:45 PM] Alexey: without SW frost pour update [10/9/2016 8:00:52 PM] Alexey: and not all plows for 10ke [10/9/2016 8:00:54 PM] Alexey: no wheels [10/9/2016 8:01:53 PM] Alexey: how did you hook up that badit driver? [10/9/2016 8:02:02 PM | Edited 7:58:14 PM] Alexey: send him left-wing? [10/9/2016 8:02:31 PM] Alexey: I wonder how he did that signature not required
----------Chapter 4: a Averia or$ 800 for 1 byte.---------- [spoiler=Averia or$ 800 for 1 byte][5/27/2014 6:41:01 PM] Akumu: Yes, my long-standing agreements on L2 [5/27/2014 6:41:27 PM] Akumu: there is no question, I promised the people a long time ago [5/27/2014 6:41:43 PM] Akumu: sewn them to draft their docletpath [5/27/2014 6:42:00 PM] Alexey: Ah, what serv? [5/27/2014 6:42:02 PM] Akumu: I've wanted to ask you by the way for this reason) [5/27/2014 6:42:22 PM] Akumu: if one today HF frishke stop working the adrenaline, you really apocalisse?) [5/27/2014 6:42:35 PM] Akumu: and you will know what to do) [5/27/2014 6:42:59 PM] Alexey: if you really gonna cry nick) [5/27/2014 6:43:10 PM] Akumu: averia project [5/27/2014 6:43:47 PM] Alexey: Yes, there are people 15-20 from me, but more on the stepper motor sits [5/27/2014 6:44:17 PM] Akumu: well, SHD I not kept [5/27/2014 6:44:38 PM] Akumu: just wanted to somehow vozimye the status quo) [5/27/2014 6:46:10 PM] Alexey: well Adra, even if it will not work sm people will do quickly, he is very well versed in this matter [5/27/2014 6:46:31 PM] Alexey: Adra, I do not know what is not pleased gmam, he's not even public) [5/27/2014 6:46:52 PM] Akumu: I direct at him specifically indicated) [5/27/2014 6:46:56 PM] Akumu: about stepper motor word was [5/27/2014 6:47:14 PM] Akumu: we have a contract with them for a year of service [5/27/2014 6:47:30 PM] Akumu: so that the felts will have to fight what you really want.. [5/27/2014 6:47:50 PM] Akumu: for obvious reasons [5/27/2014 6:47:51 PM] Alexey: and what is promised [5/27/2014 6:48:25 PM] Akumu: Yes, for me it's a chance to earn extra money [5/27/2014 6:48:30 PM] Akumu: and protection bring to mind on Ah account [5/27/2014 6:48:32 PM] Akumu: [5/27/2014 6:48:37 PM] Alexey: how? [5/27/2014 6:48:50 PM] Akumu: 30 per month [5/27/2014 6:52:50 PM] Alexey: 100k I had to ask at least [5/27/2014 6:53:01 PM] Akumu: [5/27/2014 6:53:21 PM | Edited 6:53:30 PM] Akumu: if you want to join the initiative, you are welcome to ask for 100) [5/27/2014 6:53:57 PM] Alexey: they frishki very frail raise, especially at the start [5/27/2014 6:54:44 PM] Akumu: that they start on the 30th like [5/27/2014 6:54:45 PM] Akumu: MBT [5/27/2014 6:54:59 PM] Alexey: what kind of cron [5/27/2014 6:55:03 PM] Akumu: HF [5/27/2014 6:58:49 PM] Alexey: is it even an option to hook up with GMS 100k boldly asking on and off soft, I don't care as many clients do not give this frishki) and the profit share. [5/27/2014 6:59:42 PM] Akumu: no, 100k is a little steep to be) [5/27/2014 6:59:48 PM] Akumu: not profitability [5/27/2014 6:59:54 PM] Akumu: they [5/27/2014 7:00:01 PM] Alexey: do you know how many frishka at the start gives? [5/27/2014 7:00:10 PM] Akumu: present [5/27/2014 7:00:17 PM] Akumu: 500 normal [5/27/2014 7:00:25 PM] Alexey: Averia in the first months 2.5 million+ brought [5/27/2014 7:00:48 PM] Alexey: I'm there as an investor participated ) [5/27/2014 7:01:00 PM] Akumu: )) [5/27/2014 7:01:03 PM] Akumu: even so [5/27/2014 7:01:15 PM] Akumu: so now what? [5/27/2014 7:01:42 PM] Alexey: after a few months people decided that investors no longer needed) [5/27/2014 7:02:09 PM] Akumu: and he knew about who the author of the adrenaline? ) [5/27/2014 7:02:21 PM] Alexey: I think so [5/27/2014 7:02:22 PM] Akumu: I do not understand this Union) [5/27/2014 7:02:31 PM] Alexey: although unlikely [5/27/2014 7:02:34 PM] Alexey: SHD know [5/27/2014 7:02:40 PM] Alexey: and that no [5/27/2014 7:03:49 PM | Edited 7:03:52 PM] Akumu: how do you eventually do? [5/27/2014 7:06:36 PM] Alexey: should the administrator of the trust, 30K for protection frishki is not enough, at least 2K$ to take with them) [5/27/2014 7:07:17 PM] Akumu: if you want to join, do not question, and you can revive) [5/27/2014 7:07:42 PM] Alexey: and what are the deadlines ? [5/27/2014 7:07:55 PM] Akumu: until the 30th to do a pilot version [5/27/2014 7:08:02 PM] Akumu: in fact, 99% ready [5/27/2014 7:08:17 PM] Akumu: I told them yesterday to test the threw already [5/27/2014 7:08:33 PM] Akumu: now here Vilas jamb with compatibility 8.1 [5/27/2014 7:09:01 PM] Alexey: Yes, a lot of who he uses 8ku [5/27/2014 7:09:12 PM] Akumu: here you pull the image [5/27/2014 7:09:58 PM] Akumu: and so the protection is already partially run-in [5/27/2014 7:10:15 PM] Akumu: stood on some projects for a few hundred online [5/27/2014 7:10:30 PM] Alexey: what are its advantages [5/27/2014 7:10:33 PM] Akumu: there are several known bugs that need to pay attention [5/27/2014 7:10:48 PM] Akumu: its main advantages is that it has not bypassed) [5/27/2014 7:10:56 PM] Akumu: well, there is still protection from software clicks on the window La2 [5/27/2014 7:11:56 PM] Akumu: and so all the same. traffic encryption,a control on the client [5/27/2014 7:12:06 PM] Akumu: metal of all known malware L2 [5/27/2014 7:12:20 PM] Akumu: well, the left does not give the lsp modules shipping [5/27/2014 7:12:32 PM] Alexey: from clickers useful [5/27/2014 7:12:40 PM] Alexey: many who uses all sorts of trackers [5/27/2014 7:12:50 PM] Alexey: pilots [5/27/2014 7:12:57 PM] Akumu: yeah [5/27/2014 7:13:06 PM] Akumu: clicks just don't work out [5/27/2014 7:13:23 PM] Alexey: but tracker your driver by the way) [5/27/2014 7:13:26 PM] Alexey: can work [5/27/2014 7:13:30 PM] Akumu: just see the essence of the venture with averia on my part [5/27/2014 7:13:40 PM] Akumu: I'm in a year contract with them, sloreality protection [5/27/2014 7:13:50 PM] Akumu: run-on online, will be known [5/27/2014 7:14:04 PM] Akumu: and so, you can start and open sell [5/27/2014 7:14:36 PM] Akumu: I also have the idea of the driver was, but I'm afraid not pull in solo writing [5/27/2014 7:14:58 PM] Alexey: driver to hide the gameplay? [5/27/2014 7:15:05 PM] Akumu: - type frost [5/27/2014 7:15:24 PM] Alexey: wood 7ke and the above problem will be [5/27/2014 7:15:29 PM] Alexey: there is a need to [5/27/2014 7:16:44 PM] Alexey: frost is a very interesting idea with the modules [5/27/2014 7:17:02 PM] Alexey: he knows all the game modules and does not allow to shipping the left) [5/27/2014 7:19:41 PM] Akumu: Yes, the Sert is not a problem [5/27/2014 7:19:44 PM] Akumu: $ 300 [5/27/2014 7:20:27 PM] Akumu: generally, if you're interested to do it, let's work together, I'll be glad [5/27/2014 7:23:03 PM] Akumu: you can write an elite defense [5/27/2014 7:23:12 PM] Akumu: sell big projects for expensive) [5/27/2014 7:25:42 PM] Alexey: krupny project is essentially filthy and all at the moment) [5/27/2014 7:25:53 PM] Alexey: I'm so surprised that so little was offered [5/27/2014 7:27:35 PM] Alexey: they are easy to pull 2-3K$, you will communicate if you do not mind, you can participate ) [5/27/2014 7:32:49 PM] Akumu: Yes, even for) [5/27/2014 7:33:04 PM] Akumu: just need to figure out under what sauce to submit it to them for dialogue [5/27/2014 7:33:19 PM] Akumu: I just have it in my head narisovalas plan for a couple of years)) [5/27/2014 7:34:42 PM] Akumu: you can display the elite kind of protection to sell the tops for expensive, with mandatory support) [5/27/2014 7:34:48 PM] Akumu: to guarantee the protection) [5/27/2014 7:35:09 PM] Akumu: I understand the train of thought? [5/27/2014 7:35:24 PM] Alexey: of course) [5/27/2014 7:35:44 PM] Alexey: give as accurate and they need to reason with the normal value ) [5/27/2014 7:35:59 PM] Alexey: and will take by far [5/27/2014 7:37:08 PM] Alexey: it is a pity that you price them too early to determine at least consulted XA) [5/27/2014 7:37:21 PM] Alexey: I hope the contract is signed [5/27/2014 7:41:30 PM] Akumu: well, actually, I threw I love it in the forehead [5/27/2014 7:41:42 PM] Alexey: ))) [5/27/2014 7:42:08 PM] Akumu: [20:37:23] Akumu: and why you specifically mentioned the adrenaline when protection mentioned? [20:37:57] Ranive: well, because we all yuzayut adrenaline [20:38:05] Ranive: even softery want to it didn't work [20:38:18] Akumu: softery? [20:39:17] Akumu: I in theory have access to the developers of adrenaline, Schadow [20:39:48] Akumu: we can discuss the terms of cooperation with them, but there the price will be some other [20:39:59] Ranive: Yes, no, easier protection make) [20:40:16] Akumu: cooperation not in terms of disable bot for averia [20:40:23] Ranive: and the plan? [20:40:41] Akumu: and in terms of joint development of protection [20:41:08] Ranive: you Can try [5/27/2014 7:42:13 PM] Akumu: a little polyubil true [5/27/2014 7:43:58 PM] Akumu: what do you think [5/27/2014 7:44:27 PM] Alexey: Wounding is very cunning, he must strictly ) [5/27/2014 7:44:38 PM] Alexey: you Can try this is not the answer [5/27/2014 7:45:09 PM] Alexey: about the cost, how did he react? [5/27/2014 7:45:16 PM] Akumu: I am not pleased [5/27/2014 7:45:26 PM] Akumu: I think it is necessary to discuss [5/27/2014 7:45:29 PM] Akumu: [5/27/2014 7:46:52 PM] Alexey: yeah [5/27/2014 7:48:08 PM] Akumu: [20:46:56] Akumu: in General you if you decide to, say, discuss the case for the Troy [20:47:17] Ranive: Okay, well, first, it is necessary that he it was generally interesting [5/27/2014 7:48:21 PM] Akumu: it is necessary now to wait, like I'm talking to you about this [5/27/2014 7:52:28 PM] Akumu: if we discuss, how? [5/27/2014 7:52:33 PM] Akumu: config in Skype? [5/27/2014 8:03:03 PM] Alexey: Yes you can, but a little late, now need to split [5/27/2014 8:03:27 PM] Alexey: it is the way I have been asked time and again protection make) but you're with Mr. UHL to do [5/27/2014 8:03:46 PM] Akumu: he doesn't know you by any chance?) [5/27/2014 8:03:54 PM] Akumu: ATO no good will come of it probably [5/27/2014 8:04:02 PM] Alexey: he knows me from the start averia [5/27/2014 8:04:06 PM] Alexey: ))))) [5/27/2014 8:04:09 PM] Alexey: so Yes [5/27/2014 8:04:25 PM] Alexey: XS how to make a [5/27/2014 8:04:34 PM] Akumu: so I XS) [5/27/2014 8:04:35 PM] Alexey: and you're cost-oriented it? what did he say? [5/27/2014 8:04:42 PM] Akumu: will give you the source code, and you'll roll without me) [5/27/2014 8:05:08 PM] Akumu: no, value does not say a word [5/27/2014 8:05:13 PM] Akumu: just said that the price will be different [5/27/2014 8:09:00 PM] Alexey: what [5/27/2014 8:09:07 PM] Alexey: what source he gives? [5/27/2014 8:09:19 PM] Akumu: I'm talking about myself) [5/27/2014 8:11:31 PM] Alexey: I did not understand (shake), it requests the source code of the software? [5/27/2014 8:11:47 PM] Akumu: no, of course) [5/27/2014 8:12:02 PM] Akumu: I mean, you already actuated together) [5/27/2014 8:12:17 PM] Akumu: if he asked you the protection, so sure what I can do [5/27/2014 8:12:22 PM] Alexey: ranevom? pfft [5/27/2014 8:12:23 PM] Akumu: and I will turn base adjust) [5/27/2014 8:12:49 PM] Akumu: Yes, and roll on down the road on my selections without me [5/27/2014 8:15:23 PM] Alexey: if I wanted napisali already, but I don't want one, command me more productive and interesting, atk is the same as in AA all waiting for you) ) Yes, and I do not ask you do any source [5/27/2014 8:15:51 PM] Akumu: no, this is only a thought flashed [5/27/2014 8:16:21 PM] Akumu: if you work hard to protect you, as you imagine it without outcomes represent? [5/27/2014 8:16:55 PM] Alexey: not yet imagine how, well, how do you with modules to muddy ) [5/27/2014 8:17:17 PM] Akumu: it is not productive to go) [5/27/2014 8:18:04 PM] Alexey: yeah, we SHD because brow wrote first so [5/27/2014 8:18:14 PM] Alexey: then scored on these modules [5/27/2014 8:18:15 PM] Alexey: ) [5/28/2014 3:47:09 PM] Akumu: good evening) [5/28/2014 3:47:31 PM] Alexey: Yes, no, if I'm not here doesn't mean I'm sleeping))) [5/28/2014 3:47:43 PM] Alexey: what's out there prepared to tell [5/28/2014 3:48:36 PM] Akumu: [14:42:09] Akumu: I talked yesterday with a guy [14:42:15] Akumu: it was good [14:48:03] Akumu: I'll tell you that if he is going to participate in it, it will be quite another level of protection [14:50:21] Ranive: first, two words about it? [14:50:25] Ranive: who does what? [14:50:56] Akumu: adrenaline l2shadow bots you know? [14:51:09] Akumu: that work everywhere, from interlude to Ruoff [14:51:14] Ranive: yeah [14:51:22] Ranive: so, what price he wants for the help in development? [14:51:24] Akumu: it's the person who bends all the protection, the type of frost, hackshield [14:51:43] Akumu: it is necessary to discuss together I think [14:51:49] Ranive: OK [14:51:52] Ranive: add confit it then [5/28/2014 3:48:56 PM] Akumu: and you tell me what do you think [5/28/2014 3:49:48 PM] Alexey: Yes, in konfu I am not injuring me know damn, I don't know what to do)) [5/28/2014 3:50:03 PM] Akumu: and the left ACC is? [5/28/2014 3:50:09 PM] Alexey: nope [5/28/2014 3:50:21 PM] Akumu: well, regnot never too late [5/28/2014 3:50:45 PM] Alexey: duck he knows my voice, too, even from the left if you communicate)) I then informed before the start of the averia communicate with them HD [5/28/2014 3:50:58 PM] Akumu: [5/28/2014 3:51:07 PM] Akumu: well, I understand about the voice it is not [5/28/2014 3:51:22 PM] Alexey: OK schA Regnet ACC then) [5/28/2014 3:51:31 PM] Akumu: but he's not stupid I think, want to test my words [5/28/2014 3:51:45 PM] Akumu: Malolo whom I him tulish)) [5/28/2014 3:53:57 PM] Alexey: Yes, everything it should be easier to do at the start he posomtri bots don't work, you will understand that all the rules, for the price you told him that will be later announced. And he will not exists already, either cooperate or not. [5/28/2014 3:54:22 PM] Alexey: the main thing not to pull, and he beetle like this that throw can) [5/28/2014 3:55:34 PM] Akumu: I have to think somehow, right [5/28/2014 3:56:04 PM] Akumu: but the issue with the price he think the conversation will arise [5/28/2014 3:56:21 PM] Akumu: and this question to go?) [5/28/2014 3:56:54 PM] Alexey: Yes how you like to write in the forehead))) [5/28/2014 3:57:42 PM] Alexey: up to 3K$ it will pull no problem [5/28/2014 3:57:50 PM] Alexey: new top project [5/28/2014 3:59:45 PM] Akumu: just sucks that we tell him 3K in the forehead [5/28/2014 4:00:00 PM] Akumu: and he will say like no, "then let the Akuma he writes" [5/28/2014 4:00:21 PM] Akumu: it is necessary to have a powerful argument that in his head it all came together [5/28/2014 4:01:19 PM] Alexey: and he's not going anywhere, bots will not run he will know that everything is OK) [5/28/2014 4:01:29 PM] Alexey: alternatives and is not protection [5/28/2014 4:01:42 PM] Alexey: and if you refuse to do for free bots [5/28/2014 4:01:42 PM] Akumu: and bots, and with my plow [5/28/2014 4:01:48 PM] Akumu: just you proupdater immediately [5/28/2014 4:01:48 PM] Alexey: he will start off [5/28/2014 4:01:50 PM] Akumu: )) [5/28/2014 4:02:00 PM] Akumu: well, it's blackmail already [5/28/2014 4:02:37 PM] Alexey: no, why, once we say [5/28/2014 4:02:49 PM] Alexey: and for him to decide already [5/28/2014 4:03:37 PM] Akumu: well worth a try [5/28/2014 4:03:59 PM] Alexey: I'm telling you, filthy but this new one will be 2-3 million at the start to bring)) [5/28/2014 4:04:01 PM] Akumu: just if he denies, what actions?) [5/28/2014 4:04:10 PM] Alexey: for it is garbage [5/28/2014 4:04:27 PM] Alexey: not disown believe me [5/28/2014 4:05:28 PM] Alexey: direct 200% vouch, I know this bug) [5/28/2014 4:05:45 PM] Akumu: well, let's say, once so sure) [5/28/2014 4:05:53 PM] Akumu: but theoretically, what if is still there [5/28/2014 4:06:16 PM] Akumu: it is necessary to consider the action plan) [5/28/2014 4:06:45 PM] Alexey: open your Frisco and put there [5/28/2014 4:07:05 PM] Akumu: but the thing is that I already signed up [5/28/2014 4:07:05 PM] Alexey: I can invest in the project) +to find the community some [5/28/2014 4:08:03 PM] Akumu: I have not been able to move beautifully with the theme) [5/28/2014 4:08:17 PM] Akumu: only if parallel work [5/28/2014 4:08:55 PM] Alexey: you signed the contract, what then? [5/28/2014 4:09:09 PM] Alexey: or how you and him talked about not understand [5/28/2014 4:09:22 PM] Akumu: well the deal we have with him was [5/28/2014 4:09:48 PM] Akumu: physically of course did not sign anything, just ugly will the whole community is on my side) [5/28/2014 4:11:13 PM] Alexey: Well, obviously [5/28/2014 4:11:47 PM] Akumu: yesterday, you like the fresher was) [5/28/2014 4:11:59 PM] Alexey: I think he will not give up in any case, well if you really sobriquets it can be more comprehensible the conditions of any offer) [5/28/2014 4:13:16 PM] Alexey: and what did he offer as it is not honest on his part [5/28/2014 4:14:17 PM] Akumu: and we will be able to ensure there are no bots? [5/28/2014 4:15:32 PM] Alexey: well adrenaline I'm not going to do it, but the sm not XS.) [5/28/2014 4:15:54 PM] Akumu: but you know how it works [5/28/2014 4:15:59 PM] Alexey: Yes [5/28/2014 4:16:38 PM] Akumu: just if we can give him iron guarantee that his server will not have bots at the root of your arrival, it will be a good argument [5/28/2014 4:17:11 PM] Akumu: you're like a bot. I think you know how to modify the protection in the right direction) [5/28/2014 4:17:54 PM] Alexey: Yes, we do does not matter [5/28/2014 4:18:15 PM] Alexey: the main mass of bots will not be at the start, he'll be happy ) [5/28/2014 4:18:20 PM] Akumu: vozimye have good bargaining chip for dialogue [5/28/2014 4:18:25 PM] Akumu: what do you tell him) [5/28/2014 4:28:29 PM] Akumu: well, I hope he will agree [5/28/2014 4:39:40 PM] Akumu: what? [5/28/2014 4:43:25 PM] Alexey: Yes, the heat's driving me nuts, havong cooked)) [5/28/2014 4:43:40 PM] Akumu: you there heat? [5/28/2014 4:43:54 PM] Alexey: Oh PPC under 30 in the shade I guess [5/28/2014 4:44:08 PM] Akumu: [5/28/2014 4:44:16 PM] Akumu: today we have a cool finally [5/28/2014 4:44:27 PM] Alexey: lucky) [5/28/2014 10:07:33 PM] Akumu: you're home already? [5/28/2014 10:17:51 PM] Akumu: it is more convenient when you'll be at home) [5/28/2014 10:34:23 PM] Akumu: it's your nick asks, I don't know what to say)) [5/28/2014 10:39:39 PM] Alexey: Yes, here it is in ICQ writes himself already) [5/28/2014 10:39:57 PM] Akumu: what's it say?) [5/28/2014 10:40:07 PM] Alexey: n o reason not to do the software [5/28/2014 10:40:19 PM] Alexey: on a new serv [5/28/2014 10:40:53 PM] Akumu: so what should I tell him [5/28/2014 10:40:56 PM] Akumu: about nick) [5/28/2014 10:41:10 PM] Akumu: it seems he still do not quite get the trick [5/28/2014 10:41:26 PM] Alexey: I think so, he doesn't know [5/28/2014 10:41:52 PM] Alexey: Mike, what would nichgeo not to do it on his serv )))) [5/28/2014 10:42:18 PM] Akumu: )))) [5/28/2014 10:42:24 PM] Alexey: I said think, you will discuss how best to proceed [5/28/2014 10:42:54 PM] Akumu: you're home already? [5/28/2014 10:43:19 PM] Alexey: yeah [5/28/2014 10:43:38 PM] Akumu: How nick guy? [5/28/2014 10:43:45 PM] Akumu: get yourself a nickname [5/28/2014 10:44:05 PM] Alexey: nick or Skype second? [5/28/2014 10:44:08 PM] Alexey: need [5/28/2014 10:44:21 PM] Akumu: I think he's just interested in nick [5/28/2014 10:44:25 PM] Akumu: do not tell him I pcoder [5/28/2014 10:44:47 PM] Alexey: yeah conductive chegonit will come up) [5/28/2014 10:44:55 PM] Akumu: get yourself a second personality xD [5/28/2014 10:45:07 PM] Akumu: ostrich, a screwdriver, don't know) [5/28/2014 10:45:38 PM] Akumu: simpatica too [5/28/2014 10:48:29 PM] Alexey: let it be Vicbit [5/28/2014 10:48:57 PM] Akumu: yeah, and Skype tell me [5/28/2014 10:49:14 PM] Alexey: I need to remember) [5/28/2014 10:49:28 PM] Alexey: xenonhp [5/28/2014 10:50:08 PM] Alexey: chord as Skype second download) [5/28/2014 10:50:28 PM] Akumu: on my way) [5/28/2014 10:50:30 PM] Alexey: okonek to Skype need [5/28/2014 10:50:30 PM] Akumu: I added [5/28/2014 11:00:39 PM] Alexey: hehe he wants a private development, so should pay accordingly [5/28/2014 11:00:55 PM] Akumu: I agree 100) [5/28/2014 11:02:50 PM] Alexey: talk in terms of it) [5/28/2014 11:04:30 PM] Akumu: what do we need?) [5/28/2014 11:04:44 PM] Alexey: Yes, weeks is enough for everything HD) [5/28/2014 11:04:53 PM] Alexey: the treatment of antiviri check [5/28/2014 11:05:03 PM] Alexey: add what MB new [5/28/2014 11:07:24 PM] Akumu: really? [5/28/2014 11:07:28 PM] Alexey: yeah [5/28/2014 11:07:45 PM] Akumu: cool) [5/28/2014 11:07:49 PM] Alexey: but I helped them with methods only) [5/28/2014 11:07:54 PM] Alexey: ideas tossed [5/28/2014 11:08:08 PM] Alexey: as a Walker to shoot a bunch of methods [5/28/2014 11:08:11 PM] Alexey: found) [5/28/2014 11:08:41 PM] Alexey: but there is universal not only on him rolled [5/28/2014 11:08:50 PM] Akumu: cool [5/28/2014 11:08:55 PM] Akumu: tell him the price [5/28/2014 11:09:01 PM] Akumu: I do not dare) [5/28/2014 11:09:02 PM] Alexey: what to say ) [5/28/2014 11:09:16 PM] Akumu: that it is necessary, and say) [5/28/2014 11:09:59 PM] Alexey: schA [5/28/2014 11:14:54 PM] Alexey: ))) [5/28/2014 11:15:08 PM] Akumu: quite [5/28/2014 11:15:16 PM] Akumu: I would so beautifully wrote) [5/28/2014 11:15:51 PM] Alexey: s [5/28/2014 11:17:17 PM] Alexey: hehe Wounding the Pope hair tearing I guess, evreaux tricky) for him that penny will be at the start ))) [5/28/2014 11:24:07 PM] Alexey: you will agree, when the project is at the stage of closure and to make the price more appropriate, for example for 1K$ [5/28/2014 11:24:17 PM] Alexey: although I think they need to stamp their will be a long time [5/28/2014 11:24:22 PM] Alexey: 3 months and newer) [5/28/2014 11:27:51 PM] Akumu: as this is just to explain nicely to him) [5/28/2014 11:27:55 PM] Akumu: try [5/28/2014 11:31:22 PM] Akumu: your output) [5/28/2014 11:31:56 PM] Alexey: well comtry he wants 800, I think it's in the 1K to try to write more tomorrow I will probably pull about 1K) will be 1.5 almost the same) [5/28/2014 11:32:06 PM] Alexey: schA will write in General [5/28/2014 11:32:18 PM] Akumu: 1K per month witnes? [5/28/2014 11:32:36 PM] Alexey: well, he told me how much I want to write software private) [5/28/2014 11:32:49 PM] Alexey: questions on ICQ for me personally [5/28/2014 11:32:55 PM] Alexey: I said tomorrow will definitely tell [5/28/2014 11:32:58 PM] Akumu: then let's haggle another) 1200 [5/28/2014 11:33:19 PM] Akumu: I really Qurna go) [5/28/2014 11:33:25 PM] Akumu: pokumekat with him [5/28/2014 11:33:25 PM] Alexey: let's [5/28/2014 11:39:24 PM] Alexey: well, like the rules) [5/28/2014 11:39:34 PM] Akumu: yeah [5/28/2014 11:44:06 PM] Akumu: well, making you an account on svn? [5/28/2014 11:44:16 PM] Akumu: [5/28/2014 11:44:48 PM] Alexey: [5/28/2014 11:44:52 PM] Alexey: let's [5/28/2014 11:45:12 PM] Akumu: good friend Rania) [5/28/2014 11:46:50 PM] Alexey: yeah ))) [5/28/2014 11:47:01 PM] Alexey: in General, all captured xDDD [5/28/2014 11:47:18 PM] Akumu: [5/28/2014 11:47:42 PM] Akumu: well, look off from my heart) don't let me down) [5/28/2014 11:47:48 PM | Removed 11:49:12 PM] Akumu: This message has been removed. [5/28/2014 11:47:57 PM] Akumu: copy itself to history delete [5/28/2014 11:48:14 PM] Alexey: OK PCA) [5/28/2014 11:48:37 PM] Akumu: there are visual c++ [5/28/2014 11:48:46 PM] Akumu: you also shouldn't this be a problem) [5/28/2014 11:48:55 PM] Alexey: with the SD I think if people will do pofiksit [5/28/2014 11:49:02 PM] Alexey: there I know why and how [5/28/2014 11:49:08 PM] Akumu: yeah [5/28/2014 11:49:27 PM] Akumu: there is a very narrow place in the defense [5/28/2014 11:49:41 PM] Akumu: hwid generator-and third-party dll [5/28/2014 11:50:08 PM] Akumu: I just was not able to bring your stable method that would work on all OS [5/29/2014 8:46:52 PM] Akumu: all launched the debug process [5/29/2014 8:47:40 PM] Akumu: all sarakali the clipboard functions [5/29/2014 8:57:27 PM] Akumu: 0E8B0334 68 7C64BB0E PUSH 0EBB647C ; UNICODE "NCEditBox::IsEnableCopynPaste" [5/29/2014 8:57:32 PM] Akumu: it seems everything is much easier [5/29/2014 9:10:44 PM] Akumu: how is it with the test server do you have? [5/29/2014 9:20:10 PM] Alexey: all the rules, antiviri put the dev want to put in and customize everything to your cheto dumb bunch of anti-mold, zaklyuchat more [5/29/2014 9:20:27 PM] Alexey: UNICODE "NCEditBox::IsEnableCopynPaste" this IPA client? [5/29/2014 9:20:31 PM] Akumu: Yes [5/29/2014 9:20:38 PM] Akumu: I found it on/off [5/29/2014 9:20:42 PM | Edited 9:20:46 PM] Akumu: raneva said 800.e [5/29/2014 9:20:47 PM] Akumu: high thinking [5/29/2014 9:21:01 PM] Alexey: for a new chip? [5/29/2014 9:21:06 PM] Akumu: Yes [5/29/2014 9:21:07 PM] Alexey: ))))))) [5/29/2014 9:21:09 PM] Alexey: rules [5/29/2014 9:21:27 PM] Akumu: what [5/29/2014 9:21:33 PM] Akumu: chip mega useful [5/29/2014 9:21:39 PM] Alexey: yeah [5/29/2014 9:21:42 PM] Akumu: so only asterios [5/29/2014 9:22:00 PM] Akumu: MOV EAX,0 MOV EAX,1 patchin [5/29/2014 9:22:01 PM] Alexey: tell him emphasizes the individuality of the maker [5/29/2014 9:22:02 PM] Akumu: and profit [5/29/2014 9:22:09 PM] Akumu: [5/29/2014 10:13:05 PM] Akumu: he agreed [5/29/2014 10:27:08 PM] Alexey: cool [5/29/2014 10:27:27 PM] Akumu: [23:23:50] Ranive: if I'm still off, write Artem/root [23:24:04] Akumu: I'll text you tomorrow then [23:24:09] Akumu: I have gathered, protest and works [23:24:13] Akumu: so get the money ready) [23:25:22] Ranive: well, you can throw Artem directly [23:25:24] Ranive: let it pour [23:25:27] Ranive: I'll text you tomorrow [23:25:33] Ranive: I think the 800R is not critical amount))) [23:25:37] Ranive: how's it going with Jerry? [23:25:51] Akumu: I meant not rubles) [5/29/2014 10:27:31 PM] Akumu: yeah..))) [5/29/2014 10:27:31 PM] Alexey: almost 1K for a few bytes of code [5/29/2014 10:27:46 PM] Alexey: )))))))))))))))) [5/29/2014 10:31:42 PM] Akumu: it's epic fail) [5/29/2014 10:31:52 PM] Akumu: I'm better then the save feature) [5/29/2014 10:32:51 PM] Alexey: yeah [5/29/2014 10:33:02 PM] Alexey: I suppose rasstroilas injuring HD [5/29/2014 10:33:08 PM] Akumu: yeah [5/29/2014 10:33:17 PM] Akumu: to urge started)) http://prntscr.com/d3sr4b [6/2/2014 8:48:55 PM] Alexey: Oh here rzhach [6/2/2014 8:49:05 PM] Akumu: m? [6/2/2014 8:49:18 PM] Alexey: wounding takes me pamilco and to me it takes off [6/2/2014 8:49:27 PM] Akumu: [6/2/2014 8:49:30 PM] Alexey: ))))))))))) [6/2/2014 8:49:38 PM] Akumu: Oh lol [6/2/2014 8:55:01 PM] Akumu: konfu read?) [6/2/2014 8:55:06 PM] Alexey: h [6/2/2014 8:55:43 PM] Alexey: by the way 30K injuring himself suggested [6/2/2014 8:55:58 PM] Akumu: get that?) [6/2/2014 8:56:08 PM] Alexey: not yet [6/2/2014 8:56:23 PM] Akumu: that third free) [6/2/2014 8:57:34 PM] Alexey: not well, he asked me not to do it and then offered to pay for customers, however I don't know when another MB and will not take off ) [6/2/2014 8:57:51 PM] Akumu: [6/2/2014 8:58:01 PM] Akumu: it will fail if he finds out who is Jerry [6/2/2014 8:58:08 PM] Alexey: )))))))))))))))))))))))) [6/2/2014 8:58:15 PM] Alexey: doesn't recognize) [6/3/2014 10:25:51 PM] Akumu: protection after parting with averia you can satelite 2-3 projects in the top, and to seize on the support of the good. [6/3/2014 10:27:21 PM] Alexey: Yes injuring against it) [6/3/2014 10:27:37 PM] Alexey: his private development of the same [6/3/2014 10:27:55 PM] Akumu: well, we sooner or later will say goodbye to him [6/3/2014 10:28:11 PM] Akumu: you count for free 1K per month snapped off [6/3/2014 10:28:12 PM] Akumu: [6/3/2014 10:28:26 PM] Alexey: Yes, unknown)) [6/3/2014 10:28:34 PM] Alexey: will you pay this beetle [6/3/2014 10:28:38 PM] Alexey: it och tricky [6/3/2014 10:28:40 PM] Akumu: unknown pay?) [6/3/2014 10:28:54 PM] Akumu: do not pay they will cut off the gas to Ukraine [6/3/2014 10:29:01 PM] Alexey: ))))))))))))))) [6/3/2014 10:29:13 PM] Akumu: are there any connections through my domain then [6/3/2014 10:29:19 PM] Akumu: and updating the cache to 5 minutes [6/3/2014 10:29:33 PM] Alexey: rules [6/3/2014 10:29:54 PM] Alexey: if you pay 1K more, it as promised in half then chop) [6/3/2014 10:30:03 PM] Alexey: at the 50K count will be ) [6/3/2014 10:30:16 PM] Akumu: bot? [6/3/2014 10:30:28 PM] Alexey: yeah [6/3/2014 10:30:32 PM] Akumu: rules [6/3/2014 10:30:43 PM] Akumu: kickbacks kickbacks [6/3/2014 10:30:59 PM] Alexey: what kind of rollback? [6/3/2014 10:31:12 PM] Akumu: well, the usual rollback) [6/3/2014 10:31:22 PM] Akumu: I'm the "client" led, I rolled back [6/3/2014 10:32:27 PM] Alexey: Yes, no, I love that everything for that was honestly [6/3/2014 10:32:34 PM] Akumu: well, I meant that metaphorically, you're actually nothing should) [6/3/2014 10:32:37 PM] Alexey: wounding on the game prey [6/3/2014 10:32:40 PM] Alexey: we are on it [6/3/2014 10:32:44 PM] Akumu: [6/3/2014 10:37:40 PM] Akumu: how do you spam Nicky collect? [6/3/2014 10:46:09 PM] Alexey: Yes memory reads [6/4/2014 10:33:05 PM] Alexey: in General there is just bonalno all [6/4/2014 10:33:11 PM] Akumu: [21:46:19] Deze 123: in accordance with your Titles I will answer briefly , give the source of the clipboard developers of protection if you don't want I hack. [21:46:27] Deze 123: if you want , of course I can [21:48:41] Pablo Korteze: so wait)) [21:48:47] Pablo Korteze not quite understand, let's get a little more [21:52:20] Deze 123: Protection of a block hook my nWindow.dll [21:53:12] Deze 123: I certainly can get around it , but as it is not comme Il faut , I just "hackern" I give an open loophole [21:55:08] Deze 123: new Averia Guard stirs up their cases with the patch [21:55:18] Deze 123: in brief [6/4/2014 10:34:17 PM] Alexey: mm, did you check dug the hook of the buffer? [6/4/2014 10:34:24 PM] Akumu: nope, that's just funny [6/4/2014 10:34:32 PM] Alexey: ha, but what if [6/4/2014 10:34:35 PM] Alexey: it does not come out [6/4/2014 10:34:39 PM] Akumu: XS, NDS it [6/4/2014 10:34:43 PM] Alexey: okay [6/4/2014 10:34:44 PM] Akumu: huchet apparently do not [6/4/2014 10:34:57 PM] Alexey: AA he's probably on the old averia tries [6/4/2014 10:34:59 PM] Alexey: where is LH [6/4/2014 10:35:03 PM] Alexey: and that checks [6/4/2014 10:35:05 PM] Akumu: no [6/4/2014 10:35:09 PM] Akumu: LH he did [6/4/2014 10:35:13 PM] Akumu: we have just does not work [6/4/2014 10:35:18 PM] Akumu: what LH checks? [6/4/2014 10:35:23 PM] Alexey: API for hooks [6/4/2014 10:35:42 PM] Alexey: MB he's not the buffer and yet something stirs [6/8/2014 12:21:43 AM] Alexey: we of course [6/8/2014 12:21:49 AM] Alexey: do the rules protect [6/8/2014 12:21:53 AM] Alexey: why such questions [6/8/2014 12:22:08 AM] Alexey: just knowing Rania he can throw [6/8/2014 12:22:24 AM] Alexey: I warned you once) [6/8/2014 12:22:25 AM] Akumu: Yes, I already get exhausted one to be picked ) [6/8/2014 12:22:44 AM] Akumu: do not throw it, his balls in a vise clamped [6/8/2014 12:22:59 AM] Akumu: all servers on our defense [6/8/2014 12:23:10 AM] Akumu: I can at any time redirect traffic back to your login server [6/8/2014 12:23:15 AM] Akumu: to merge all passwords ever [6/8/2014 12:23:19 AM] Akumu: and put them gdenit [6/8/2014 10:57:09 PM] Alexey: in the game I suppose silence schA [6/8/2014 10:57:14 PM] Alexey: no spam [6/8/2014 10:57:23 PM] Akumu: love [6/8/2014 10:57:29 PM] Akumu: is that my software [6/8/2014 10:57:37 PM] Akumu: but there are sales gulkin nose [6/8/2014 10:57:54 PM] Akumu: by the way I've met 1 player [6/8/2014 10:57:59 PM] Alexey: put it in my scanner) [6/8/2014 10:58:06 PM] Akumu: his PC is recognized as a virtual [6/8/2014 10:58:11 PM] Akumu: [6/8/2014 10:58:13 PM] Alexey: tin [6/8/2014 10:58:22 PM] Akumu: and I don't know what to do with it) [6/8/2014 10:58:33 PM] Akumu: yuzaem verot-ovsky function [6/8/2014 10:58:43 PM] Akumu: but he himself raised the problem) [6/9/2014 2:53:11 PM] Akumu: Generally Akum, we are switching servers for LH, because the test is not can this online and stacks losses. For the money you decide in the evening, for your and Jerry services [6/9/2014 3:03:41 PM] Alexey: well do not worry, bots will do [6/9/2014 3:05:43 PM] Akumu: time spent by pity [6/9/2014 3:07:37 PM] Alexey: duck, I said he is a vampire another one) [6/9/2014 3:11:23 PM] Akumu: you there remember said [6/9/2014 3:11:26 PM] Akumu: what if you don't pay [6/9/2014 3:11:30 PM] Akumu: do free bot [6/9/2014 3:20:36 PM] Akumu: it was? [6/9/2014 3:30:13 PM] Alexey: yeah [6/9/2014 3:30:30 PM] Akumu: what do you think? [6/9/2014 3:32:04 PM] Alexey: they're gonna SAG like you wouldn't believe and so) [6/9/2014 3:32:16 PM] Alexey: many are now the keys are working [6/9/2014 3:32:40 PM] Akumu: moved Val [6/9/2014 5:48:49 PM] Alexey: heh you should have seen the happy faces of Botero DD [6/9/2014 5:49:05 PM] Alexey: all rejoice as the PPC) [10/20/2014 4:19:47 PM] Alexey: by the way averia [10/20/2014 4:19:59 PM] Alexey: I am blown away you know? [10/20/2014 4:20:03 PM] Alexey: it was zadumali ) [10/20/2014 4:20:04 PM] Akumu: Yes? do not vkurse [10/20/2014 4:20:06 PM] Akumu: ha ha [10/20/2014 4:20:08 PM] Alexey: and my friends [10/20/2014 4:20:18 PM] Akumu: Oh fun) che dup?) [10/20/2014 4:20:28 PM] Alexey: what is with fakes [10/20/2014 4:20:32 PM] Alexey: split [10/20/2014 4:20:34 PM] Alexey: and trade [10/20/2014 4:20:36 PM] Alexey: associated [10/20/2014 4:20:39 PM] Akumu: clear) [10/20/2014 4:20:49 PM] Akumu: well, dick with them, rightly so [6/30/2015 3:42:25 PM] Alexey: charge ' em a x2 rate for strained the more you soft already hotpixel completely, now no bugs. [6/30/2015 3:42:29 PM] Alexey: Yes of course [6/30/2015 3:43:07 PM] Alexey: I strain these homeless people who still bot resell and send us to the forest, they say we fuck to pay when everything is working( [6/30/2015 3:44:24 PM] Akumu: hell, you put me in front of a difficult choice [6/30/2015 3:45:28 PM] Alexey: I'm a filthy gaijin, so these pricks to teach Oh how I want [6/30/2015 3:48:39 PM] Akumu: I want Rania Ko. to teach for their disregard for others [6/30/2015 3:50:15 PM] Alexey: I totally understand. seems you already got schooled, their servers bent over a month) [6/30/2015 3:50:35 PM] Akumu: who the fuck knows, they vlupit abonentku 10K a month [6/30/2015 3:50:47 PM] Alexey: not less [6/30/2015 3:52:25 PM] Akumu: that's it you understand what I wrote its forest sent? [6/30/2015 3:55:26 PM] Alexey: I wrote the other day that serv want to open a new and asked to talk to you, he was afraid because it knows you're offended by them. [6/30/2015 3:57:01 PM | Edited 3:57:16 PM] Alexey: Tracy with them the premium version + bonuses it will pay you. [6/30/2015 3:57:27 PM] Akumu: Yes I already sent today [6/30/2015 3:57:45 PM | Edited 3:57:51 PM] Alexey: you spoke with him? [6/30/2015 3:57:57 PM] Akumu: yeah, he day wrote today [6/30/2015 3:59:09 PM] Alexey: here cherd, well, in General, decide for yourself as is your business. but my personal opinion, I would not lost, because it is too full of pros from this. [6/30/2015 3:59:25 PM] Akumu: and to write to him now and say that I changed my mind is quite strange [6/30/2015 3:59:43 PM] Alexey: if you want, I will communicate with him [6/30/2015 4:01:11 PM] Akumu: Ala I convinced him to change his mind? [6/30/2015 4:02:01 PM] Alexey: no, explain what they were wrong and that they will have a x2 rate [6/30/2015 4:03:35 PM] Akumu: does not leave me feeling that you were with him either in the topic or share [6/30/2015 4:05:36 PM] Alexey: what about wounding payments makes I told you half the amount at the start of the averia made when it was just beginning, he somehow makes me the payment as if the investor starts a new serv. [6/30/2015 4:06:36 PM] Alexey: I have only one goal that the protection was your is to punish the scum, nothing more. [6/30/2015 4:07:17 PM] Alexey: the defense was pushing pretty good, other frishki will start to put. [6/30/2015 4:07:24 PM] Alexey: anyway you decide, I'm all for) [6/30/2015 4:07:38 PM] Akumu: well, talk to him, I agree on 20K in the starting fee and 10K a month abonentka. [6/30/2015 4:07:45 PM] Alexey: OK [6/30/2015 4:12:52 PM] Alexey: it agree, but at the start of the 10K will be able to pay for, because the finances are tight, old serv bent. The remaining amount after start the server will give as income will start to bring a server. [6/30/2015 4:14:23 PM] Alexey: OK, I ran off, going after 23 00, Volker dig [6/30/2015 4:14:44 PM] Alexey: at the expense of the installment, you not against? [6/30/2015 4:15:43 PM] Akumu: let the full amount looking for, we already had a fun financial experience, continue 100% prepayment [7/20/2015 9:24:31 AM] Alexey: it is strange that no one even wrote another bot) [7/20/2015 9:25:43 AM] Akumu: They're on the window title settings are you shooting at? [7/20/2015 9:25:55 AM] Akumu: I saw the window title to the boat [7/20/2015 9:26:05 AM] Akumu: a Bunch of its variations) [7/20/2015 9:26:41 AM] Alexey: Yes, Yes I saw that too, long whinnying))) [7/20/2015 9:27:13 AM] Alexey: then apparently tired of added and added Options )))) [7/20/2015 9:28:21 AM] Akumu: The funny thing is [7/20/2015 9:28:48 AM] Akumu: That developed this protection about me still on the forums isleway [7/20/2015 9:28:55 AM] Akumu: Ala I do not fucking know how [7/20/2015 9:29:08 AM] Akumu: Shit* [7/20/2015 9:29:33 AM] Alexey: tin [7/20/2015 9:29:52 AM] Alexey: and what he writes though [7/20/2015 9:30:07 AM] Akumu: Yes NAV can't find [7/20/2015 9:30:18 AM] Akumu: But the context I said) [7/20/2015 9:30:45 AM] Akumu: There in the code was the path to the pdb, and then the name of the project [7/20/2015 9:31:00 AM] Akumu: Apparently this is it [7/20/2015 9:32:50 AM] Alexey: in vain they clamped on norms of protection, sup sorrow with this samopalnoy) [7/20/2015 9:35:45 AM] Akumu: I think here is not asked a thing [7/20/2015 9:36:13 AM] Akumu: Clamped* [7/20/2015 9:37:30 AM] Akumu: I'm glad anyway, and sell, and your bot is cracked clearly learn Bloch [7/20/2015 9:37:54 AM] Akumu: And that grief clearly grab, duck chose your path [7/20/2015 9:38:15 AM] Akumu: Bot fixed already on their miracle detecta? [7/20/2015 9:45:16 AM] Alexey: Yes stupidly renamed form) [7/20/2015 9:45:23 AM] Alexey: and everything is OK [7/20/2015 9:45:51 AM] Alexey: it is impossible to have even the packages are not protected [7/20/2015 9:46:09 AM] Alexey: can the batch file to hang and go lay down. [7/20/2015 9:51:17 AM] Akumu: Well, I think encryption is not picking [7/20/2015 9:51:56 AM] Akumu: And so I think Yes, nothing complicated will not be there [7/20/2015 10:39:57 AM] Akumu: what kind of automation America asked for? [7/20/2015 12:38:18 PM] Alexey: Yes Manager to finalize what would ACCA, you can import the proxy to drive the pin code that was entered in General detail bundle) [7/20/2015 12:55:28 PM] Akumu: Clear) [8/1/2015 8:21:24 PM] Akumu: averia look undestanding that the protection needs of avtoapdeyt) [8/1/2015 8:21:38 PM] Akumu: and title bars disappeared) [8/1/2015 8:23:50 PM] Alexey: )))))))) [8/1/2015 8:23:51 PM] Alexey: hi [8/1/2015 8:24:04 PM] Alexey: Yes, there is no autoupdater [8/1/2015 8:24:11 PM] Alexey: all stupidly common Updater [8/1/2015 8:24:16 PM] Alexey: it is necessary, fullcheck to do [8/1/2015 8:24:26 PM] Akumu: no [8/1/2015 8:24:27 PM] Akumu: there is [8/1/2015 8:24:31 PM] Alexey: the window titles are left [8/1/2015 8:24:38 PM] Akumu: [8/1/2015 8:24:39 PM] Alexey: just became less [8/1/2015 8:24:44 PM] Alexey: probably ran into something [8/1/2015 8:24:45 PM] Akumu: [8/1/2015 8:25:12 PM] Alexey: it is strange I have not updated ever [8/1/2015 8:25:21 PM] Alexey: only when the General ran [8/1/2015 8:25:27 PM] Akumu: well, try the new DLL, maybe you looked older [8/1/2015 8:25:34 PM] Alexey: they even the traffic is not encrypted) [8/1/2015 8:25:42 PM] Akumu: well, can not be [8/1/2015 8:25:48 PM] Alexey: Yes)) [8/1/2015 8:25:50 PM] Alexey: check [8/1/2015 8:26:04 PM] Akumu: I don't even run it) [8/1/2015 8:26:21 PM] Alexey: blinded from what it was ) [8/1/2015 8:26:26 PM] Akumu: I want to pull the source code protection? [8/1/2015 8:26:37 PM] Alexey: why there is a complete mess [8/1/2015 8:26:39 PM] Alexey: and everything is clear [8/1/2015 8:26:40 PM] Akumu: they developed will clearly be your bot to run) [8/1/2015 8:26:49 PM] Alexey: I even know their HWID) [8/1/2015 8:26:52 PM] Akumu: I find the way you say it srsam) [8/1/2015 8:26:59 PM] Akumu: hehe [8/1/2015 8:27:08 PM] Alexey: but somtret there just nothing [8/1/2015 8:27:16 PM] Alexey: nothing interesting [8/1/2015 8:27:16 PM] Akumu: demoralize) [8/1/2015 8:27:20 PM] Alexey: ))))))))))) [8/1/2015 8:27:35 PM] Alexey: well, you can upload them on the site [8/1/2015 8:28:40 PM] Alexey: Windows searched via FindWindow ) [8/1/2015 8:29:21 PM] Akumu: changed? [8/1/2015 8:29:22 PM] Alexey: and then just the headline could read [8/1/2015 8:29:43 PM] Alexey: Yes, now through Cui, f-u all sorted [8/1/2015 8:29:49 PM] Alexey: what would be the class to watch [8/1/2015 8:30:23 PM] Akumu: uresti [8/1/2015 8:30:28 PM] Akumu: I have a lot of time killing [8/1/2015 8:30:31 PM] Akumu: to API not using almost [8/1/2015 8:30:39 PM] Akumu: I implement them) [8/1/2015 8:31:00 PM] Alexey: well, they have FEMA [8/1/2015 8:31:09 PM] Alexey: pretty advanced stuff [8/1/2015 8:31:19 PM] Alexey: there appy svarichevska is [8/1/2015 8:31:28 PM] Alexey: you API won't see how yuzayutsya [8/1/2015 8:31:32 PM] Alexey: no intercept [4/12/2016 6:03:54 AM] Akumu: Healthy! Then say you averia agreed [4/12/2016 9:56:25 AM] Alexey: hi, not yet) still thinking [4/12/2016 9:57:06 AM] Alexey: about the protection of communicated with Ranevom that nebylo to distribute it, so don't worry [4/12/2016 9:58:22 AM | Edited 10:09:43 AM] Alexey: for the sake of experiment would leave 1 window, that would be all convinced that the server no donation will be bent much faster With averia is a double-edged sword is that I have customers with the same demand will be the bar will raise [4/25/2016 2:19:31 AM] Akumu: so, I start to write, why averia not running a bot, and we have a [4/25/2016 2:29:55 AM] Akumu: ie still does not work there? [4/25/2016 3:13:55 AM] Akumu: Updater has stopped working [4/25/2016 6:26:42 AM] Alexey: hi [4/25/2016 6:27:04 AM] Alexey: it Seems payment has ended in the Updater [4/25/2016 6:27:26 AM] Alexey: averia working together, just different keys [4/25/2016 6:27:39 AM | Edited 6:28:36 AM] Alexey: me direct or Sanka if any problems [4/25/2016 6:28:13 AM] Alexey: I did that would be a simple key was not working like yours [4/25/2016 6:30:40 AM] Akumu: Yes, no, customers just used that bot works everywhere, asking questions [4/25/2016 6:31:08 AM] Alexey: Let the game go )) there bots darkness) [5/10/2016 5:30:12 PM] Alexey: where it's about the filthy writing? checked everything is OK, protection is not updated it seems [5/10/2016 5:30:22 PM] Alexey: and where do you sorcy found on services throw the link also swing [5/10/2016 5:30:34 PM] Akumu: Yes, they write on the forums, already 5 times came across [5/10/2016 5:30:40 PM] Akumu: what bot averia doesn't work at all [5/10/2016 5:30:51 PM] Alexey: key yuzayut 1 window miser [5/10/2016 5:30:54 PM] Akumu: accept, agreed with ranevom [5/10/2016 5:30:57 PM] Alexey: I made two like yours [5/10/2016 5:31:02 PM] Akumu: I essentially no difference since then) [5/10/2016 5:31:19 PM | Edited 5:29:26 PM] Alexey: no, it works honestly [5/10/2016 5:31:36 PM] Alexey: check you have the keys) two just rock [5/10/2016 5:31:42 PM] Alexey: that would not 1 the window was [5/10/2016 5:31:48 PM] Akumu: I have no keys) [5/10/2016 5:31:59 PM] Alexey: as there is no I in classics you threw a bunch then) [5/10/2016 5:32:04 PM] Alexey: you couldn't have them all poyuzat) [5/10/2016 5:32:14 PM] Akumu: Yes, I have lost all my computers damn..) [5/10/2016 5:32:26 PM] Akumu: you can kill if you are registered with me what is not activated [5/10/2016 5:33:04 PM] Alexey: L2BTXCLSXKW696N4XHAL55JL3F7UNLQMT L2BTXCLSW3YZRX7SCKD56KGVFV73M46HQ L2BTXCLSASKHPDQFQ72CJTYB9LP9TYE4F L2BTXCLSJZ9E7Y9FNV38YU98NHTRTTHM7 L2BTXCLSVWHVRSWWYUCUKWH2ZTRKUT7CQ L2BTXCLSWFMSPZ7QAL58YKLTHQ5HQ3KN5 L2BTXCLSV2K6Q7PU4NDWAZG2P7KD3GNAQ L2BTXCLSGUY5RDNQCKY4HRPUKQNYYKKX3 L2BTXCLSGZ77YQWZTKBBLRK4R3GLWBD94 L2BTXCLSZTWVT5NL4GAAK2K6APDSMURTP [29.10.2015 12:58:01] Alexey: catch it if you still need to do) [5/10/2016 5:33:12 PM] Alexey: that's according to history did)) [5/10/2016 5:33:23 PM] Alexey: should work if not yuzal [5/10/2016 5:33:26 PM] Akumu: they not only work on the classics? [5/10/2016 5:33:31 PM] Alexey: not everywhere [5/10/2016 5:33:43 PM] Alexey: it's just 1 window [5/10/2016 5:36:10 PM] Alexey: what is your server merged? [5/10/2016 5:36:13 PM] Alexey: jabowski [5/10/2016 5:36:22 PM] Akumu: a, server [5/10/2016 5:36:37 PM] Akumu: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/l2jmobius/subversion/source [5/10/2016 5:36:54 PM] Akumu: OpenSRS, quite often update [5/10/2016 5:37:02 PM] Alexey: ATP [5/10/2016 5:56:51 PM] Alexey: http://coldfilm.ru/news/igra_prestolov_6_sezon_3_serija_smotret_onlajn/2016-05-10-4474 ...............................................................
----------Chapter 3: How Pcoder helped put smart on his feet?---------- [spoiler=How Pcoder helped put smart on his feet?][4/30/2014 1:14:10 PM] Akumu: I wanted to ask you something [4/30/2014 1:14:17 PM] Akumu: about L2 and language [4/30/2014 1:14:28 PM] Akumu: you're in it tinkering obviously [4/30/2014 1:15:30 PM] Alexey: what is it [4/30/2014 1:15:54 PM] Akumu: on the basis of which it generates the hwid? [4/30/2014 1:16:05 PM] Akumu: there is a need to randomize [4/30/2014 1:16:23 PM] Alexey: screw seems, but I didn't do the substitution in the bot [4/30/2014 1:16:53 PM] Alexey: try a screw to replace [4/30/2014 1:17:02 PM] Alexey: should help on the idea [4/30/2014 1:17:47 PM] Akumu: I will look, thank you [5/29/2014 4:50:58 PM] Akumu: I have had an idea, though I don't know how antivirus will react on it [5/29/2014 4:53:02 PM] Akumu: injectate in all processes of a DLL that will huchet and OpenProcess return NULL for our processes [5/29/2014 5:01:00 PM] Akumu: loss) [5/29/2014 6:39:29 PM] Akumu: a particular loss [5/29/2014 6:58:42 PM] Alexey: here) [5/29/2014 6:58:49 PM] Alexey: think like Innova [5/29/2014 6:58:59 PM] Alexey: they already took with this hassle [5/29/2014 6:59:05 PM] Alexey: inject into all processes [5/29/2014 6:59:15 PM] Akumu: refused in the end? [5/29/2014 6:59:26 PM] Alexey: yeah, a lot of glitches there) [5/29/2014 6:59:33 PM] Alexey: it intervened in all processes [5/29/2014 6:59:56 PM] Alexey: it worked for a while [5/29/2014 7:00:14 PM] Alexey: but in the end refused) a lot of people whined [5/29/2014 7:00:18 PM] Alexey: error always rained [5/29/2014 7:00:40 PM] Alexey: must improcom associated with [5/29/2014 7:00:48 PM] Alexey: more precisely they have FEMA [5/29/2014 7:01:15 PM] Alexey: injectate necessary in all processes, and if the service zahrenachit, he might fall) [5/29/2014 7:01:35 PM] Alexey: in the services sometimes not all of the standard DLL loaded [5/29/2014 7:02:34 PM] Alexey: can be done as an include f-her [5/29/2014 7:02:44 PM] Alexey: pure zatestit and if not it goes to cut off) [5/29/2014 7:03:01 PM] Akumu: I have thought was [5/29/2014 7:03:09 PM | Edited 7:03:13 PM] Akumu: let's say we have 2 Windows working [5/29/2014 7:03:23 PM] Akumu: and both scanet system, too [5/29/2014 7:03:29 PM] Akumu: thought to bring protection service [5/29/2014 7:06:06 PM] Alexey: load less than what would have happened? [5/29/2014 7:06:22 PM] Alexey: if banged) [5/29/2014 7:06:34 PM] Alexey: all Windows will disappear [5/29/2014 7:06:40 PM] Alexey: through him all traf? [5/29/2014 7:10:18 PM] Akumu: Yes, tie the client to the service [5/29/2014 7:10:41 PM] Akumu: traffic is accepted to start as you said [5/29/2014 7:10:41 PM] Alexey: scanners all there to push [5/29/2014 7:10:44 PM] Akumu: yeah [5/29/2014 7:10:50 PM] Alexey: and the traffic on the clients as is [5/29/2014 7:11:11 PM] Akumu: we need to figure out how tightly to tie the client to the service [5/29/2014 7:11:27 PM] Akumu: to a slew of services primarily to 100% customer Crete [5/29/2014 7:12:27 PM] Akumu: what we have right now? ) [5/29/2014 7:12:34 PM] Akumu again to ufksit?) [5/29/2014 7:13:50 PM] Alexey: do a ping with data sifrovanie [5/29/2014 7:13:58 PM] Alexey: and if no answer XX time kicks [5/29/2014 7:14:15 PM] Alexey: I now put the client [5/29/2014 7:14:20 PM] Alexey: test [6/5/2014 5:27:32 PM] Akumu: long HWID to do? [6/5/2014 5:27:45 PM] Akumu: guys in a couple of hours want to live to put [6/5/2014 5:41:36 PM] Alexey: uh e [6/5/2014 5:41:42 PM] Alexey: tomorrow is planned))) [6/5/2014 5:41:52 PM] Alexey: BIOS as a rake [6/5/2014 5:42:08 PM] Alexey: everything else is there, nepoymu why DLL is buggy wmi [6/5/2014 5:42:29 PM] Alexey: by the way if not hwídah what to write? [6/5/2014 5:42:35 PM] Alexey: 0000000000000000 simply ? [6/5/2014 5:43:15 PM] Akumu: Yes BIOS forget it [6/5/2014 5:43:26 PM] Akumu: how is it not hwídah? [6/5/2014 5:43:42 PM] Alexey: sometimes the same cases when it is not on the dev you yourself wrote [6/5/2014 5:44:05 PM] Akumu: Oh, the hilarity) [6/5/2014 5:44:15 PM] Akumu: I thought there is some other method you have [6/5/2014 5:44:24 PM] Akumu: the idea should not be) [6/5/2014 5:45:35 PM] Alexey: I do not understand what are you talking about [6/5/2014 5:45:49 PM] Alexey: just BIOS and makemore not be [6/5/2014 5:45:59 PM] Alexey: new widow [6/5/2014 5:46:02 PM] Alexey: that will be added [6/5/2014 5:46:12 PM] Akumu: BIOS does not matter, can be without it [6/5/2014 5:46:22 PM] Alexey: just a sequence that would keep [6/5/2014 5:46:25 PM] Alexey: I need to write something [6/5/2014 5:46:31 PM] Akumu: how MAC mozhdet not to be, a man without a network card to connect?) [6/5/2014 5:46:39 PM] Alexey: IAC will [6/5/2014 5:46:43 PM] Alexey: here BIOS) [6/5/2014 5:46:56 PM] Akumu: BIOS we are not told what to do [6/5/2014 5:47:02 PM] Alexey: AA OK OK [6/5/2014 5:47:03 PM] Akumu: I spoke only about the hdd, cpu and mac [6/5/2014 5:47:08 PM] Alexey: then 3 will bring [6/5/2014 5:47:16 PM] Alexey: 8 8 8 [6/5/2014 5:47:18 PM] Akumu: 3 8 in hex [6/5/2014 5:47:20 PM] Akumu: yeah [6/5/2014 5:50:20 PM] Alexey: once without testing will be the setting? [6/5/2014 5:50:24 PM] Alexey: cheto wounding burns as always) [6/5/2014 5:50:36 PM] Alexey: the VLT has already closed? [6/5/2014 5:50:42 PM] Akumu: Yes, the MBT seems to have boomkatalog. Yes, closed [6/5/2014 5:50:47 PM] Alexey: OK [6/5/2014 5:51:08 PM] Akumu: hvid not to screw up ) [6/5/2014 5:51:21 PM] Alexey: well, the format's gonna change [6/5/2014 5:51:32 PM] Akumu: not that I customized will have [6/28/2014 4:52:44 PM] Akumu: be a friend, make classic (inlove) [6/28/2014 4:53:38 PM] Akumu: I would have resuply user and NPC info whether the batch file, so static analysis is barados.. [6/28/2014 4:59:16 PM] Alexey: Yes ACC throw. [6/28/2014 4:59:42 PM] Alexey: no, there is not Respubliki NPC nobody randomly for example) [6/28/2014 4:59:50 PM] Alexey: I just reverse all done [6/28/2014 5:00:03 PM] Alexey: there are about 5-6 flagowych bytes [6/28/2014 5:00:15 PM] Alexey: they vary dynamically in the beginning [6/28/2014 5:00:26 PM] Alexey: and depending on the flags, add up the data [6/28/2014 5:00:32 PM] Alexey: which next come in the package [11/4/2014 2:46:22 PM] Akumu: Yes 4бот may have heard, they sell for 450 rubles per month [11/4/2014 2:46:38 PM] Alexey: Yes, these reptiles do not. [11/4/2014 2:46:43 PM] Alexey: and for life) [11/4/2014 2:46:50 PM] Alexey: here they kill the server rules) [11/4/2014 2:47:03 PM] Akumu: well, my proposal is, to kill them) [11/4/2014 2:47:08 PM] Akumu: to crack, to put on the public [11/4/2014 2:47:13 PM] Alexey: well with them I will be happy to help [11/4/2014 2:47:24 PM] Akumu: and you plus clientele popribavilos [11/4/2014 2:47:42 PM] Akumu: and me plus when all servers are not under my protection will be total botovodstvo [11/4/2014 2:48:12 PM] Akumu: well, in General, a competitor will be less [11/4/2014 2:48:31 PM] Alexey: Yes, they do not quack necessary, and detectors Volcker if he plows you have to add just [11/4/2014 2:48:36 PM] Alexey: you did from Welker's defense just do? [11/4/2014 2:48:47 PM] Alexey: although encryption is [11/4/2014 2:48:55 PM] Alexey: he was supposed to fall off [11/4/2014 2:49:04 PM] Akumu: no, on the same LH plow [11/4/2014 2:49:07 PM] Alexey: but there are some muddy crawls need to know [11/4/2014 2:49:14 PM] Akumu: I have it palitsya on the attempt to send the packet [11/4/2014 2:49:20 PM] Alexey: they have plows on all Il [11/4/2014 2:49:26 PM] Alexey: and here heard to the GF got [11/4/2014 2:49:44 PM] Akumu: that's where I looked, there is a standard DLL Volcker, and their module [11/4/2014 2:49:58 PM] Akumu: and what valker I have not studied [11/4/2014 2:50:14 PM] Alexey: over to buy to try ) [11/4/2014 2:50:39 PM] Alexey: although ask from friends [11/4/2014 2:50:41 PM] Akumu: actually, let's kill them like that [11/4/2014 2:50:43 PM] Alexey: I know exactly [11/4/2014 2:50:46 PM] Akumu: so very tired [11/4/2014 2:50:53 PM] Alexey: yeah [11/4/2014 2:52:26 PM] Akumu: well, then you can back to our sheep [11/4/2014 2:52:59 PM] Alexey: on will think when start more current budet [11/4/2014 2:53:10 PM] Alexey: because now roof this [12/10/2014 7:36:44 PM] Akumu: I have a question for you [12/10/2014 7:37:02 PM] Akumu: we've decided passivity Ruoff [12/10/2014 7:37:19 PM] Akumu: just need the packages in a pure form, without the ability to send [12/10/2014 7:37:28 PM] Akumu: you will be able to help in this direction? [12/10/2014 8:44:48 PM] Alexey: Yes, it is possible in principle [12/10/2014 8:44:54 PM] Alexey: what you need to do the batch file? [12/10/2014 8:45:28 PM] Akumu: Well, ideally with AA then [12/10/2014 8:45:35 PM] Alexey: OK [12/10/2014 8:45:39 PM] Akumu: so you can just log [12/10/2014 8:46:04 PM] Akumu: Financial issue to discuss? [12/10/2014 8:46:21 PM] Akumu: I just really need to go) [12/10/2014 8:47:24 PM] Alexey: okay look and so [12/10/2014 8:47:29 PM] Alexey: this is for frishki need? [12/10/2014 8:47:44 PM] Akumu: Yes, pacatku to disassemble [12/10/2014 8:47:58 PM] Akumu: Well snipity with Ruoff [12/10/2014 8:49:04 PM] Akumu: I just understand, the output should entry into the world at least to do [12/10/2014 8:49:17 PM] Alexey: mm and what is [12/10/2014 8:49:39 PM] Akumu: Yes the other guys work is out of this [12/10/2014 8:49:59 PM] Alexey: you free the client doing? [12/10/2014 8:50:06 PM] Alexey: server* [12/10/2014 8:50:20 PM] Akumu: Yes, ptsco [12/10/2014 8:50:50 PM] Akumu: Now all in Paceco rested [12/10/2014 8:51:49 PM] Akumu: You tell me, when will be able to see it? So if I do that then other options are looked for [12/10/2014 8:52:48 PM] Alexey: I can do tomorrow [12/10/2014 8:53:38 PM] Akumu: Well, I could kiss you) [12/10/2014 8:53:55 PM] Akumu: When MSK will be? Whiskey awaits [1/22/2015 5:35:41 PM] Alexey: HideTools add in forbidden at [1/22/2015 5:35:48 PM] Alexey: Pref [1/22/2015 5:38:20 PM] Akumu: Pref [1/22/2015 5:38:32 PM] Akumu: Yes, there is a need to do metal on the downloaded driver [1/22/2015 5:39:04 PM] Alexey: all yuzayut say [1/22/2015 5:39:07 PM] Alexey: this crap [1/22/2015 5:39:21 PM] Akumu: and what yuzayut? [1/22/2015 5:39:24 PM] Alexey: duck driver check for a long time or what [1/22/2015 5:39:30 PM] Akumu: it only works on XP also [1/22/2015 5:39:36 PM] Alexey: any [1/22/2015 5:39:44 PM] Akumu: no, not on any sure [1/22/2015 5:39:44 PM] Alexey: 7ka 8ka [1/22/2015 5:39:49 PM] Alexey: x32 [1/22/2015 5:39:51 PM] Alexey: any [1/22/2015 5:39:57 PM] Akumu: hmm [1/22/2015 5:40:24 PM] Akumu: we need to think how to get a list of firewood loaded [1/22/2015 5:41:04 PM] Akumu: and what yuzayut say? [1/22/2015 5:41:15 PM] Akumu: what hides behind them) [1/22/2015 5:41:16 PM] Alexey: Yes hide [1/22/2015 5:41:22 PM] Alexey: clickers, etc. [1/22/2015 5:41:27 PM] Alexey: pkh [1/22/2015 5:41:40 PM] Akumu: HRP will work even if you hide [1/22/2015 6:35:22 PM] Akumu: well, thank you for the info, I will be aware [10/2/2016 2:48:39 PM] Akumu: I have never thought about the way his defense? [10/2/2016 2:49:05 PM] Akumu: nah, it should be entirely memory cecati already, I do not see where else to build metal hooks [10/2/2016 2:50:56 PM] Alexey: on the development of protections do not see the interest, this is your realm, I prefer soft to do. Can help with something or I will throw up ideas detecta. [10/2/2016 2:51:14 PM] Alexey: the way you have added metal window in the game? [10/2/2016 2:51:18 PM] Alexey: left Windows [10/2/2016 2:51:23 PM] Akumu: nope, did not
----------Chapter 2: Akuma was is and will be the client of Pcoder---------- [spoiler=the Akuma was, is and will be a customer of Podere][10/13/2013 6:44:26 PM] Akumu: hi [10/13/2013 6:44:30 PM] Akumu: well, I rebutals [10/13/2013 6:53:35 PM] Akumu: do not worry with dll, there is a bypass client [10/13/2013 6:53:50 PM] Alexey: are you sure that they checkout [10/13/2013 6:53:53 PM] Alexey: A.dll ? [10/13/2013 6:53:56 PM] Akumu: Yes [10/14/2013 3:43:52 PM] Alexey: well check it now) update on the tales [10/14/2013 3:44:07 PM] Alexey: let's see how they will now find A.dll ) [10/14/2013 3:54:27 PM] Akumu: removed DLCO? [10/14/2013 3:54:37 PM] Akumu: or did the injection with dynamic name? [11/9/2013 3:44:44 AM] Alexey: Pref [11/9/2013 1:55:18 PM] Akumu: Pref) [11/9/2013 1:55:23 PM] Akumu: sell key, my over already [11/9/2013 2:04:05 PM] Alexey: hi [11/9/2013 2:04:07 PM] Alexey: OK) [11/9/2013 2:04:20 PM] Alexey: R101444968820 [11/9/2013 2:04:43 PM] Akumu: how many are there? [11/9/2013 2:05:07 PM] Alexey: as yet [11/9/2013 2:05:18 PM] Akumu: I do not remember [11/9/2013 2:05:27 PM] Alexey: 15$ [11/9/2013 2:06:17 PM] Akumu: sign up for 2 keys [11/9/2013 2:07:10 PM] Akumu: CeTO thinks VM [11/9/2013 2:07:36 PM] Akumu threw [11/9/2013 2:08:04 PM] Alexey: ctr [11/9/2013 2:08:06 PM] Alexey: h [11/9/2013 2:08:27 PM] Alexey: TNH27X2HJHQMV7YZJ3TRQM352 7M4WZTGYLUTTE4KLZ9V7Z483J [11/9/2013 2:08:47 PM] Alexey: how's all the rules, no bugs? [11/9/2013 2:09:02 PM] Alexey: and the odd silent) [11/9/2013 2:09:09 PM | Edited 2:09:14 PM] Akumu: well, I am now on interlude going to play, did not play this time [12/10/2013 1:27:18 PM] Akumu: hi, the key to extend [12/10/2013 1:27:29 PM] Alexey: private [12/10/2013 1:27:30 PM] Alexey: OK [12/10/2013 1:28:57 PM] Akumu: tell me where [12/10/2013 1:29:01 PM] Akumu: wmr [12/10/2013 1:30:09 PM] Alexey: R101444968820 [12/10/2013 1:31:57 PM] Akumu threw [12/10/2013 1:32:10 PM] Akumu: TNH27X2HJHQMV7YZJ3TRQM352 prolong this if not difficult [12/10/2013 1:32:15 PM] Akumu: not to restart [12/10/2013 1:32:36 PM] Alexey: L2ZMB6XC8EDCZZ59RCU4CY2RB [1/21/2014 3:38:19 PM] Akumu: hi [1/21/2014 4:10:31 PM] Akumu: we you a month ago got rid of 300 rubles for the key [1/21/2014 4:10:34 PM] Akumu: so it never got [1/21/2014 4:10:44 PM] Akumu: what's the joke? [1/21/2014 4:46:46 PM] Alexey: hi [1/21/2014 4:47:00 PM] Alexey: it is strange did not see the message [1/21/2014 4:47:16 PM] Alexey: now payment check [1/21/2014 4:51:56 PM] Akumu: I have several times predispersal [1/21/2014 4:52:09 PM] Akumu: [24.12.2013 16:46:48] Akumu: hi [24.12.2013 16:46:52] Akumu: there 320 took off for the key [24.12.2013 16:46:59] Alexey: OK Pref [1/21/2014 5:07:16 PM] Alexey: QMVFTYBDT5YPBK82CN3WBUK4M [3/14/2014 12:53:11 AM] Akumu: hi, and thank you for AA bot not do? [3/14/2014 12:54:06 AM] Akumu: ATO I would take [3/14/2014 9:48:18 AM] Alexey: do the NEGP will be on sale [3/14/2014 2:14:02 PM] Akumu: today? [3/14/2014 2:16:29 PM] Alexey: Yes [3/14/2014 2:17:21 PM] Akumu: super, and read somewhere about it? [3/14/2014 3:09:35 PM] Alexey: not yet [3/14/2014 3:09:57 PM] Akumu: and the description is what he does? [3/14/2014 3:11:50 PM] Alexey: farm collection [3/14/2014 7:10:23 PM] Akumu: when you can buy? [3/14/2014 7:30:38 PM] Alexey: it is already possible [3/14/2014 7:30:51 PM] Akumu: that what? [3/14/2014 7:30:55 PM] Akumu: what to translate? wmr [3/14/2014 7:32:04 PM] Alexey: R922716705302 500r [3/14/2014 7:33:18 PM] Akumu: left [3/14/2014 8:02:16 PM] Akumu: and the key needs it? [3/14/2014 8:03:58 PM] Alexey: AABOT25M8SFQEUFYR8D6F68DWZDX69X [3/15/2014 4:37:20 PM] Akumu: I would like 3-4 Windows have [3/15/2014 4:37:58 PM] Alexey: with discount 800R will [3/15/2014 4:38:05 PM] Alexey: all [3/15/2014 4:38:34 PM] Akumu: ie 300 rubles dokinut? [3/15/2014 4:38:36 PM] Alexey: yeah [3/15/2014 4:38:47 PM] Akumu: tell wmr again [3/15/2014 4:38:54 PM] Alexey: R922716705302 [3/15/2014 4:40:21 PM] Akumu: 4 Windows, right? sent [3/15/2014 4:43:14 PM] Alexey: OK sec [3/15/2014 4:46:01 PM] Alexey: AABOT4AJUK7XBR7ZHPKQTP57TACM9A [4/16/2014 3:41:55 PM] Akumu: I have a key to ran the bot? [4/16/2014 3:42:00 PM] Akumu: AABOT4AJUK7XBR7ZHPKQTP57TACM9A [4/16/2014 3:44:14 PM] Alexey: just the same, this option will not overwrite) [4/16/2014 3:44:26 PM] Alexey: can protection to roll only and encrypted raw packets [4/16/2014 3:44:47 PM] Alexey: yeah ended) [4/16/2014 3:44:55 PM] Akumu: sadness) [4/16/2014 3:44:57 PM] Alexey: updated [4/16/2014 3:45:05 PM] Akumu: [10/4/2014 1:40:17 PM] Akumu: how do you have a bot worth it? [10/4/2014 1:40:25 PM] Akumu: something out of boredom decided to play [10/4/2014 1:41:47 PM] Alexey: HY, for you free HD) [10/4/2014 1:42:05 PM] Akumu: wsoc) [10/4/2014 1:43:09 PM] Alexey: L2BOTQCTXTBUFDG2S7CW5TSMYSNSD3 [10/4/2014 1:43:21 PM] Alexey: I wonder when the classics will start on the rush [12/5/2014 9:35:36 PM] Akumu: how do you have keys for classics? [12/5/2014 9:35:41 PM] Akumu: I would love it [12/5/2014 9:54:21 PM] Alexey: how? [12/5/2014 9:54:41 PM] Akumu: I would have 4 pieces I bought [12/5/2014 9:54:52 PM] Alexey: will do now [12/5/2014 9:55:02 PM] Akumu: where the loot throw) [12/5/2014 9:55:17 PM] Alexey: Yes, Nenad, you're in AA helped rules) [12/5/2014 9:55:30 PM] Akumu: (inlove) [12/5/2014 9:55:30 PM] Alexey: L2BTXCLSQ592GL4Y4J4GHU2HSUG8SLEHA L2BTXCLSYNCSCV79PJBE49KDMY6LRWZFZ L2BTXCLSG6CB5842LRYXWEHCTA6FUCR42 L2BTXCLSEA6UGMSS865THLR2AAWGYZSPE [5/6/2016 1:31:20 PM] Akumu: plan already written code [5/6/2016 1:31:21 PM] Alexey: there's a hook plate one [5/6/2016 1:31:41 PM] Alexey: I'd like to finish, write at least)) [5/6/2016 1:31:46 PM] Alexey: although you still need to test [5/6/2016 1:31:57 PM] Alexey: and I will fill and start a panic ) [5/6/2016 1:31:57 PM] Akumu: you have a boat fall off it? [5/6/2016 1:32:29 PM] Alexey: if only engine vryat [5/6/2016 1:32:44 PM] Alexey: I have л2ехе Hucal something [5/6/2016 1:32:54 PM] Alexey: here it procces if it is likely to fall off [5/6/2016 1:32:57 PM] Akumu: well, I just engine plan [5/6/2016 1:33:06 PM] Alexey: it was OK then) [9/19/2016 2:53:45 PM] Akumu: I want to ask about error when you start adrenaline good but smart, put it [9/19/2016 4:19:37 PM] Alexey: to completely remove it ? [9/19/2016 4:19:54 PM] Alexey: I will do today [9/19/2016 4:20:02 PM | Edited 4:15:30 PM] Alexey: epic found how to detectit? [9/19/2016 4:20:42 PM] Akumu: well, is it better to as agreed after the latest update the bot just detectice [9/19/2016 4:21:06 PM] Akumu: epic I have a couple of signatures pushed new Yes file on disk it is [9/19/2016 4:21:19 PM] Akumu: entitledto added all the rules [9/19/2016 8:36:20 PM] Akumu: Look, arheydzhe question [9/19/2016 8:36:44 PM] Akumu: Euro trade Adenau relevant?
sorry bad english. auto translate google. Hello, glad to meet you with your community. Happy New Year !!! My name is Dmitry, I represent the community of the revelations, "Stop Deception". Previously played and was an administrator at some L2 servers, encountered the so-called Pcoderа and Akumu , I think everyone in this area know about them, many times we were svidetelyami strange and suspicious action on their part. So, to your attention we want them to open the Cervia razoblachenii of how they fool everybody's head, selling air. Just note in the subject did not respond, I hope there adequate administration, will take appropriate measures, as such deceptions should not go on forever. If "dear" comrades, want to refute and write that everything is fabricated, let them try, will be immediately posted so much more interesting about them. Good luck and good mood, expect more revelations ! --------------------------------------------------- Prologue: includes: 1. Evidence of a tight friendship and shenanigans between Akuma-pcoder(Vladislav Aleksey). 2. a Database of messages between them. (will be posted later, if they do anything stupid) 3. Theses are the most important quotes in between. All the dialogues are identical to the original. With respect to personal information of the parties, here you will find only quotes the most significant streaks in the direction of the entire community in General and averia in particular no personal information. We are ready to go and on our wards know that it is better to hide, so better not to climb them here. so there you go Chapter by Chapter: ----------Chapter 1: Akuma-a mega coder? Or just a faker, cheater and boter?---------- [spoiler=Akuma - mega coder or just a faker, cheater and boter ?][11/26/2013 2:24:09 AM] Akumu: here? [11/26/2013 2:24:23 AM] Akumu: can you solve the mystery [11/26/2013 2:24:54 AM] Akumu: Shadow (aka l2bot), very similar to adrenaline [11/26/2013 2:25:07 AM] Akumu: and in the price lists of your contacts [11/26/2013 2:25:13 AM] Akumu: what is the focus? [11/26/2013 2:25:56 AM] Alexey: what do you exactly not understand? [11/26/2013 2:26:24 AM] Alexey: Adra is my personal bot, SHD the public, it was done along with a brow [11/26/2013 2:27:35 AM] Akumu: tobish you left development or simply a private make? [11/26/2013 2:27:53 AM] Akumu: Yes, I am interested in opportunities where more functionality [11/26/2013 2:27:58 AM] Akumu: I'm trying to understand the pros and cons [11/26/2013 2:29:22 AM] Alexey: well this is what we usually banim at HVIDE and block access [11/26/2013 2:29:27 AM] Alexey: to all [11/26/2013 2:29:33 AM] Alexey: that jump start [11/26/2013 2:29:50 AM] Alexey: and twirl nose, where it is better or worse than [11/26/2013 2:29:55 AM] Akumu: that's what I wonder [11/26/2013 2:30:11 AM] Akumu: no one twirls, you probably do not understand correctly [11/26/2013 2:31:00 AM] Alexey: what's not clear what [11/26/2013 2:31:10 AM] Akumu: well, then I don't understand what such a reaction [11/26/2013 2:31:58 AM] Akumu: I told you how many customers got, and you give me ban for threatening God knows what [11/26/2013 2:33:43 AM] Akumu: what did I asked? [11/26/2013 2:34:21 AM] Alexey: we do not like such people who can not sit still, that's about what I [11/26/2013 2:35:33 AM] Akumu: that is, if I suddenly want to try another item from the categories I get a ban for huidu? [11/26/2013 2:36:00 AM] Alexey: here you started asking which is better which is worse than you are now bad, because your question you are already all to what I was referring to [11/26/2013 2:36:21 AM] Alexey: I'm not specifically talking about you and about the ban [11/26/2013 2:36:23 AM] Alexey: and what about these people [11/26/2013 2:36:26 AM] Alexey: [11/26/2013 2:37:18 AM] Alexey: how do we come to such [11/26/2013 2:37:20 AM] Akumu: I see that the functionality is different from the bots. I asked for clarification why the bot was divided into two parts and with different functionality. [11/26/2013 2:37:50 AM] Alexey: the bot is not shared, both bots one. [11/26/2013 2:37:51 AM] Akumu: since there are your contacts, then you're obviously there and earn. so what do you care where I make money. from the adrenaline or from Schadow. [11/26/2013 2:38:08 AM] Alexey: the second option is private, made to specific people [11/26/2013 2:38:40 AM] Akumu: your reaction to a simple question put me in an even more perplexing [11/26/2013 2:38:51 AM] Akumu: well, okay. it is a taboo subject for discussion [11/26/2013 2:39:01 AM] Akumu: I shall study the details then [11/26/2013 2:40:10 AM] Alexey: I see you did not understand anything) [11/26/2013 2:41:37 AM] Akumu: apparently the night makes itself known) [12/9/2013 12:33:14 PM] Akumu: hi, help me find where to put Podil sumona [12/9/2013 12:33:52 PM] Alexey: read the manual [12/9/2013 12:33:53 PM] Alexey: Pref [12/9/2013 12:34:37 PM] Akumu: Yes, I iscovered the entire interface, I can't find [12/9/2013 12:36:36 PM] Alexey: damn well that it is easier to add skill and then tick Samon [12/9/2013 12:36:44 PM] Alexey: and well condition HP < 80 [12/9/2013 12:37:45 PM] Akumu: I'm sorry, the emphasis is not seen [4/2/2014 5:16:44 PM] Akumu: I'm one by the way I can not understand, your Adrenaline hwcit EnterCriticalSection. why? [4/2/2014 5:16:58 PM] Akumu: so Sori for the study, it was interesting [4/2/2014 5:17:49 PM] Alexey: Yes, it is a lot hwcit))) [4/2/2014 5:17:53 PM] Alexey: just not visible [4/2/2014 5:18:28 PM | Edited 5:18:29 PM] Akumu: well, the scanners only export functions checkout [4/3/2014 1:35:38 AM] Alexey: if you are good with analysis of traffic make friends, you can continue to participate in the development and help to develop the project, getting a specific part from it [4/3/2014 1:36:03 AM] Alexey: you n write and what by the way? [4/3/2014 1:38:13 AM] Akumu: he wrote also: java, c#, c/c++ [4/3/2014 1:38:28 AM] Akumu: no knowledge of asm and reverse [4/3/2014 1:38:44 AM] Akumu: quickly master the new [4/3/2014 1:40:18 AM] Akumu: syntax Delphi understand, but the software never wrote. [4/3/2014 1:40:39 AM] Alexey: OK understood [5/27/2014 10:42:50 PM] Alexey: encryption all the way from HRP over the first thing to do) [5/27/2014 10:42:56 PM] Alexey: and then duperow a bunch of crawling [5/27/2014 10:43:01 PM] Akumu: Yes this is done [5/27/2014 10:43:09 PM] Akumu: she was standing on battle projects [5/27/2014 10:43:22 PM] Akumu: interlude especially where any duperow bulk [5/27/2014 10:43:25 PM] Akumu: no problem [5/27/2014 10:44:03 PM] Akumu: http://joxi.ru/JeuEU_3JTJD3U9ZOPwY [5/27/2014 10:44:47 PM] Akumu: protection work is almost not there [5/27/2014 10:45:16 PM] Akumu: you main task will be to conduct a security audit, if it will work [5/30/2014 1:37:11 AM] Akumu: get spam will only fit in General chat [5/30/2014 1:37:23 AM] Alexey: I have shamilka before get spasilk xD [5/30/2014 1:37:36 AM] Akumu: I have a working shamilka) [5/30/2014 1:37:43 AM] Alexey: well, you can potestit) [5/30/2014 1:37:52 AM] Alexey: checkbox M2 [5/30/2014 1:37:56 AM] Alexey: and forward) [5/30/2014 1:38:00 AM] Alexey: no packages [5/30/2014 1:38:04 AM] Alexey: nothing more [5/30/2014 1:38:50 AM] Alexey: che it [5/30/2014 1:38:55 AM] Akumu: my [5/30/2014 1:39:51 AM] Akumu: just sells it for me dude [5/30/2014 1:39:56 AM] Akumu: I don't want this software to burn [5/30/2014 1:40:55 AM] Alexey: HY [5/30/2014 4:37:37 AM] Alexey: but how much of today's evening fix kilowatts of energy saved [5/30/2014 4:37:46 AM] Alexey: percent sigh) [5/30/2014 4:37:50 AM] Akumu: ahh) [5/30/2014 4:38:02 AM] Akumu: miner stuff [5/30/2014 4:38:05 AM] Akumu: no one will notice [5/30/2014 4:38:10 AM] Alexey: yeah) [5/30/2014 4:38:14 AM] Alexey: or DDoS system [5/30/2014 4:38:20 AM] Akumu: [5/30/2014 4:38:21 AM] Alexey: many protection make [5/30/2014 4:38:23 AM] Alexey: so [5/30/2014 4:38:25 AM] Alexey: frishki [5/30/2014 4:38:48 AM] Alexey: competition d Albat) [5/30/2014 4:38:51 AM] Alexey: at the start [5/30/2014 4:39:02 AM] Akumu: their own players, rules [5/30/2014 4:39:08 AM] Alexey: yeah)) [6/2/2014 4:45:02 PM] Alexey: Hey then can be muddy, ddoser protection) [6/2/2014 4:45:17 PM] Alexey: to fight back who will attack [6/2/2014 4:45:19 PM] Alexey: [6/2/2014 4:45:47 PM] Alexey: at the start like it will be such [6/2/2014 4:45:54 PM] Akumu: at the server?) [6/2/2014 4:46:00 PM] Akumu: or averia? [6/2/2014 4:46:12 PM] Alexey: Yes, protection is simply a tool to be added) [6/2/2014 4:46:28 PM] Alexey: can the bot also do ) [6/2/2014 4:46:40 PM] Akumu: well, as an option) [9/15/2014 12:47:29 PM] Alexey: I was in L2 the idea is interesting [9/15/2014 12:47:48 PM] Alexey: to supply all customers who are looking snipery routes Levitov [9/15/2014 12:47:55 PM] Alexey: and throw them n a serv [9/15/2014 12:47:59 PM] Alexey: then database to do some [9/15/2014 12:48:08 PM] Alexey: and search for the nearest bot [9/15/2014 12:48:17 PM] Akumu: ) [9/15/2014 12:48:42 PM] Akumu: and why should the customer is churned [9/15/2014 12:48:49 PM | Edited 12:48:51 PM] Akumu: when on the server frishki to put [9/15/2014 12:49:06 PM] Akumu: the server always knows the position of the client and its path can track [9/15/2014 12:51:32 PM] Akumu: generally, if necessary, I can search to help [11/15/2014 12:53:25 PM] Akumu: how are you customer live, not intercepting anything [11/15/2014 12:53:29 PM] Akumu: Softpedia a talkie? [11/15/2014 12:53:42 PM] Alexey: Yes, the census memory [11/15/2014 12:54:08 PM] Alexey: but the memory of the client, this rewritable [11/15/2014 12:54:16 PM] Alexey: it is the client changes as well [11/15/2014 12:54:26 PM] Akumu: well, this does not consume [11/15/2014 12:54:33 PM] Akumu: no driver for sure [11/15/2014 12:54:48 PM] Alexey: you know what [11/15/2014 12:55:06 PM] Alexey: I left LineageII.exe [11/15/2014 12:55:12 PM] Alexey: it can burn [11/15/2014 12:55:31 PM] Akumu: it's running? [11/15/2014 12:55:33 PM] Alexey: yeah [11/15/2014 12:55:46 PM] Akumu: and if you close the driver dies? [11/15/2014 12:55:53 PM] Alexey: Yes [11/15/2014 12:56:05 PM] Akumu: well, then hash, right [11/15/2014 12:56:19 PM] Alexey: yeah it's very simple to add signatures [11/15/2014 12:56:21 PM] Alexey: all [11/15/2014 12:56:39 PM] Akumu: Oh, wait [11/15/2014 12:56:45 PM] Akumu: I lineage2.exe protected? [11/15/2014 12:56:46 PM] Alexey: damn just preferably not earlier classics of this case turbidity)) [11/15/2014 12:56:51 PM] Alexey: not protected [11/15/2014 12:57:06 PM] Akumu: well [11/15/2014 12:57:36 PM] Alexey: fast shakes by the way is half [11/15/2014 12:58:01 PM] Akumu: hardware talkie not to burn? [11/15/2014 12:58:07 PM] Akumu: or you there is also provided) [11/15/2014 12:58:51 PM] Akumu: I just sooner or later will start to use these questions to deepen [11/15/2014 12:59:29 PM] Alexey: Yes you can [11/15/2014 12:59:31 PM] Alexey: but it's hard [11/15/2014 12:59:57 PM] Akumu: I suggested to you and in this way to cooperate, I give you green light on the software as we agreed, and you tell me what to improve in defence [11/15/2014 1:00:10 PM] Alexey: OK ) [11/15/2014 1:00:24 PM] Alexey: come on ACC and where to pay [11/15/2014 1:00:31 PM] Akumu: and everyone is happy [11/15/2014 1:00:34 PM] Alexey: yeah [11/15/2014 1:00:41 PM] Akumu: http://www.item4trade.com/ru/cdk.php?gameId=81 [11/15/2014 1:00:44 PM] Akumu: ACC NAV [11/15/2014 1:01:14 PM] Alexey: Lineage 2 Classic Kr 100% safe account Price : $ 9.9 Add to cart [11/15/2014 1:01:16 PM] Alexey: it is? [11/15/2014 1:01:22 PM] Akumu: account: mpmk@sohu.com password: qwqw8888 password Persian: 900800 [11/15/2014 1:01:26 PM] Akumu: does the Orc [11/15/2014 1:01:28 PM] Akumu: 12+ [11/15/2014 1:01:33 PM] Alexey: that's all? [11/15/2014 1:01:37 PM] Akumu: no, not the lot [11/15/2014 1:01:42 PM] Akumu: Premium Lineage II Game Time 7days [11/15/2014 1:02:02 PM] Akumu: there when you pay need to comment to put the data from your account [11/15/2014 1:02:07 PM] Akumu: just a password from the Persian lodges [11/15/2014 1:02:17 PM] Alexey: I understand [11/15/2014 1:02:19 PM] Alexey: username only [11/15/2014 1:02:19 PM] Akumu: how to pay, tell me order ID [11/15/2014 1:02:28 PM] Akumu: I in ICQ support throw, kick them [11/15/2014 1:02:35 PM] Akumu: soap and password they need [11/15/2014 1:02:37 PM] Alexey: tell mail [11/15/2014 1:02:39 PM] Alexey: [11/15/2014 1:02:41 PM] Akumu: and the password from Persian, don't let [11/15/2014 1:02:45 PM] Akumu: me@akumu.ru [11/15/2014 1:03:24 PM] Akumu: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/30815/An-Anti-Reverse-Engineering-Guide#BpHardware [11/15/2014 1:05:55 PM] Alexey: yeah [11/15/2014 1:06:53 PM] Alexey: so check your mail [11/15/2014 1:07:19 PM] Akumu: nothing yet [11/15/2014 1:09:10 PM] Akumu: soap exactly? [11/15/2014 1:09:14 PM] Akumu: smoke'm [11/15/2014 1:14:22 PM] Alexey: Yes [11/15/2014 1:14:33 PM] Alexey: but they probably do [11/15/2014 1:14:52 PM] Alexey: I once on the boat there took Kay waited for the clock) [11/15/2014 1:16:58 PM] Akumu: there is nothing on the soap [11/15/2014 1:17:07 PM] Akumu: you the order number copied? [11/15/2014 1:28:06 PM] Alexey: Order number : I4t20141115279096 (2014-11-15 19:06:27) Product : Lineage II Game Time 7days Premium(Quantity:1) Full Name : Anonymous Email Address : me@akumu.ru Telephone Number : Amount : $14.00 Payment Note : login: mpmk@sohu.com password: qwqw8888 Payment Method : webmoney [11/15/2014 1:28:14 PM] Alexey: I already downloaded the game [11/15/2014 1:28:29 PM] Akumu: OK, the NAV will throw the caliper [11/15/2014 1:33:28 PM] Akumu: answered, zhdems [1/16/2015 8:25:56 PM] Akumu: Privat [1/16/2015 8:26:03 PM] Akumu: and th-then the bot does not plow GF :( [1/16/2015 8:37:46 PM] Akumu: help earn it) [1/16/2015 10:43:32 PM] Alexey: hi [1/16/2015 10:43:35 PM] Alexey: what for write GF [1/16/2015 10:43:41 PM] Akumu: http://l2.bnb.gr/index.php [1/16/2015 10:43:55 PM] Akumu: there are rules so people [1/16/2015 10:44:08 PM] Akumu: bot window cling [1/16/2015 10:44:12 PM] Akumu: but it still remains [1/16/2015 10:44:16 PM] Akumu: tipo... [1/16/2015 10:58:56 PM] Alexey: I will make SEG [2/10/2015 1:09:30 AM] Akumu: in 2.0, Yes [2/10/2015 1:09:40 AM] Akumu: I have two types of modules anticline [2/10/2015 1:09:45 AM] Akumu: for mouse and Claudia [2/10/2015 1:09:56 AM] Akumu: for the mouse is available for 1.0 and 2.0 [2/10/2015 1:10:07 AM] Akumu: for Claudia now only tested on 2.0 [2/10/2015 7:52:18 PM] Akumu: let's do the substitution hwídah under lame to me for a spammer, you got in the bot and other software to deliver, all vygadnoe [2/10/2015 7:52:49 PM] Akumu: or even you can sasarai to the edge to kill all http://joxi.ru/12M1XVOSKJaV2J [2/13/2015 10:25:23 AM | Edited 10:25:51 AM] Alexey: what a joke [2/13/2015 10:27:07 AM] Akumu: left hanging? [2/13/2015 10:37:32 AM] Akumu: const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER* pDosHdr = reinterpret_cast<const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*>(pBuffer); if(pDosHdr->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { const IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32* pNtHdr = reinterpret_cast<const IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32*>(pBuffer + pDosHdr->e_lfanew); if(pNtHdr->Signature == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE && (WORD*)(pNtHdr + 4) == 0x14C && (WORD*)(pNtHdr + 0x18) == 0x10B) { } } [2/13/2015 10:37:37 AM] Akumu: so all sorts of beautiful) [2/13/2015 10:49:56 AM] Alexey: Yes )))))))))))) [3/23/2015 9:34:20 PM] Akumu: I have one minus the fat in [3/23/2015 9:34:27 PM] Akumu: it is not loaded together with enginei [3/23/2015 9:34:46 PM] Akumu: and at the moment my module is not loaded, and Engin uploaded - daily what you want [3/31/2015 5:56:34 PM] Akumu: I'm just sitting here lame pick [3/31/2015 5:56:50 PM] Alexey: wow [3/31/2015 5:56:50 PM] Akumu: I think as in this iron to replace [3/31/2015 5:56:53 PM] Alexey: what is there to dig [3/31/2015 5:57:00 PM] Alexey: AA [3/31/2015 5:57:05 PM] Alexey: why is it you [3/31/2015 5:57:15 PM] Akumu: for the fifth time asking [3/31/2015 5:57:20 PM] Akumu: pamilco finish [3/31/2015 5:57:47 PM] Akumu: I think as quiet Jucati to not sleep [10/11/2015 7:43:04 AM] Akumu: well, only as shown - sucks it works) [10/11/2015 7:43:15 AM] Akumu: I suffer with a month with вмп3 for one program [10/11/2015 7:43:19 AM] Akumu: a bunch of instances of detection and bugs [10/11/2015 7:43:23 AM] Akumu: in the end, too, fell back [10/11/2015 7:43:31 AM] Alexey: )))))))) [10/11/2015 7:43:31 AM] Akumu: thank God that smart to not put [10/11/2015 7:43:41 AM] Alexey: it would be fun) [10/11/2015 7:43:43 AM] Akumu: yeah [10/11/2015 7:43:53 AM] Akumu: 100k users per day [10/11/2015 7:44:00 AM] Akumu: and where you can view the scripts for the bot? [10/11/2015 7:44:12 AM] Akumu: for pumping out characters [10/11/2015 7:44:13 AM] Alexey: what you need [10/11/2015 7:44:19 AM] Alexey: AA pumping [10/11/2015 7:44:27 AM] Akumu: 1-20 1-40 will be enough) [10/11/2015 7:44:34 AM] Akumu: well, or where to buy [10/11/2015 7:44:38 AM] Akumu: MB they are not present in the ball [10/11/2015 7:44:43 AM] Alexey: I can ask the skripter, as will be the network that would do anything for you [10/11/2015 7:44:46 AM] Akumu: I'm dense [10/11/2015 7:45:00 AM] Akumu: there they share at all? [10/11/2015 7:45:04 AM] Akumu: Chronicles? classes? [10/11/2015 7:45:26 AM] Alexey: uh, I don't know rasposo more and will unsubscribe [10/11/2015 7:45:34 AM] Alexey: what you need? [10/11/2015 7:45:37 AM] Akumu: if not more difficult) [10/11/2015 7:45:53 AM] Akumu: I for interlude, spoilers Yes of buffer to deflate [10/11/2015 7:46:10 AM] Alexey: I understand that frishka? [10/11/2015 7:46:23 AM] Akumu: http://l2.bnb.gr/index.php [10/11/2015 7:46:34 AM] Akumu: I told you, I have occasionally rolls to play (porotiti) [10/11/2015 7:46:43 AM] Akumu: smart like one of the top online [10/11/2015 7:47:03 AM] Alexey: Yes frishka standards [10/11/2015 7:47:10 AM] Alexey: my friends play there [10/11/2015 7:47:50 AM] Alexey: there is the classical interlude I understand it? [10/11/2015 7:48:04 AM] Akumu: yeah, X10 [10/11/2015 7:48:54 AM] Alexey: I wonder how many people will go to database server [10/11/2015 7:48:56 AM] Alexey: I will see tomorrow according to your statistics) [10/11/2015 7:49:05 AM] Akumu: ))) [10/11/2015 7:49:24 AM] Akumu: Wang ~25-35% decline in online [10/11/2015 7:50:29 AM] Alexey: yeah at least [10/11/2015 7:50:45 AM] Alexey: the truth on calculators where people can't play will remain in L2 ) [10/11/2015 8:29:49 AM] Alexey: 3+ window not working? [10/11/2015 8:29:53 AM] Alexey: what writes? [10/11/2015 8:30:08 AM] Akumu: Yes, there is smart in the config on the server, a limit on 3 Windows [10/11/2015 8:30:13 AM] Akumu: with bots all the rules [10/11/2015 8:30:22 AM] Akumu: it is necessary to change hwid to let [10/11/2015 8:30:30 AM] Alexey: AA duck I didn't do the substitution ( [10/11/2015 8:30:41 AM] Alexey: can't help here :( [10/11/2015 8:30:57 AM] Akumu: duck myself, but the adrenaline penalize new guard.des same [10/11/2015 8:31:07 AM] Alexey: AA realized realized okay [10/11/2015 8:31:23 AM] Akumu: not very stressful to you? [10/11/2015 8:31:27 AM] Alexey: it 5 seconds [10/11/2015 8:31:39 AM] Akumu: ATO came arrogant, loaded with questions and requests) [10/11/2015 8:33:03 AM] Alexey: Yes, trivia) [10/11/2015 8:33:19 AM] Alexey: if you need something in the f-Yam bot don't hesitate to ask [10/11/2015 8:33:33 AM] *** *** [10/11/2015 8:33:57 AM] Akumu: it is not necessary so to speak, ATO I did not leave then)) [10/11/2015 8:35:06 AM] Alexey: OK, I love listening to all sorts of wishes for improvement [10/11/2015 8:35:29 AM] Akumu: while authorlogin crit/disconnect)) [10/11/2015 8:36:22 AM] Alexey: can do [10/11/2015 8:36:34 AM] Alexey: only PTS have trouble will [10/11/2015 8:36:49 AM] Alexey: on some frishki is advanced password [10/11/2015 8:37:11 AM] Akumu: in fact I'm kidding, to me it does not matter, but in General it would be a usable feature [10/11/2015 8:37:24 AM] Akumu: at first, I think without the pin will go [10/11/2015 8:37:42 AM] Alexey: Yes relogin can stir up, the way a script d elali ) [10/11/2015 8:37:58 AM] Akumu: chattering on the window? [10/11/2015 8:38:04 AM] Akumu: - but I can not ride) [10/11/2015 8:38:21 AM] Alexey: Yes clicks [10/11/2015 8:38:26 AM] Alexey: SendMessage [10/11/2015 8:38:38 AM] Akumu: that won't work with smart [10/11/2015 8:39:12 AM] Alexey: anticlinal work ? [10/11/2015 8:39:29 AM] Akumu: yeah [10/11/2015 8:39:31 AM] Akumu: there are two modules [10/11/2015 8:39:38 AM] Akumu: one for the keyboard, another for mouse [10/11/2015 8:39:50 AM] Akumu: if the client they are purchased - will not work [10/11/2015 8:40:14 AM] Akumu: well, at least should not) [10/11/2015 8:40:31 AM] Alexey: understand zhlobskie frishki works only) [10/11/2015 8:40:36 AM] Akumu: ))) [10/11/2015 8:40:45 AM] Akumu: very best term, it is necessary to remember [10/11/2015 8:40:51 AM] Alexey: what customers don't complain if remote want to like the game to go [10/11/2015 8:41:01 AM] Akumu: complain [10/11/2015 8:41:08 AM] Alexey: it is not convenient also [10/11/2015 8:41:10 AM] Akumu: well, it's the lesser of two evils [10/11/2015 8:41:18 AM | Edited 8:41:25 AM] Akumu: so, what bots rule [10/11/2015 8:41:34 AM] Alexey: OK, bots are also needed [10/11/2015 8:41:40 AM] Akumu: no deductible consider clicker bot is not working [10/11/2015 8:41:46 AM] Alexey: the markets empty of all [10/11/2015 8:41:50 AM] Akumu: well, the bots also Nainital let it be yours [10/28/2015 3:48:04 PM] Akumu: I recently wrote guys requested under the left title defense [10/28/2015 3:48:13 PM] Akumu: I gave them the Java code and told himself to adapt) [10/28/2015 3:48:16 PM] Akumu: MB they were [3/10/2016 1:50:45 PM] Akumu: duck and che they should emulate. that is a client of L2 reading [3/10/2016 1:51:23 PM] Akumu: I read the pieces and save the file [3/10/2016 1:51:32 PM] Akumu: now decided deeper in the A2 to get [3/10/2016 1:52:14 PM] Alexey: correct, but it seems to me if you want and can, sampit, be it somewhere in memory settles [3/10/2016 1:52:23 PM] Akumu: Yes of course [3/10/2016 1:52:29 PM] Akumu: but what about the higher skills needed [3/10/2016 1:52:49 PM] Akumu: I completely replace the client class which reads the file to your [3/10/2016 1:52:54 PM] Akumu: and all under dev will throw [3/10/2016 1:52:59 PM] Akumu: let them understand th where there [3/10/2016 1:53:51 PM] Alexey: yeah, it will be more difficult already. what is there you can just do hide new in these files. [3/10/2016 1:54:11 PM] Alexey: texture to do something new) [3/10/2016 1:54:16 PM] Alexey: or translation [3/10/2016 1:54:17 PM] Akumu: Yes this software buy crack modders for L2 [3/10/2016 1:54:30 PM] Akumu: that shaking your wings and other vomiting [3/10/2016 1:54:37 PM] Alexey: )))))))))))))) [3/10/2016 1:55:01 PM | Edited 1:54:23 PM] Akumu: and what, we are not proud, only cash up front [3/10/2016 1:56:10 PM] Alexey: I remember these wings in a patch was when it supported high drop and other heresy, and with them went the second wing of kamaelia) [3/10/2016 1:56:16 PM] Alexey: there is nothing new in General, not yet invented) [4/23/2016 8:10:52 AM] Akumu: do you see no purpose in a smart poking around [4/23/2016 8:10:59 AM] Akumu: so I would also think many found [4/23/2016 8:12:00 AM] Akumu: I'm not cracker, my head in the wrong direction thinking often. and the view is already blurry [4/23/2016 8:21:19 AM] Alexey: My opinion, if all good and no bugs, and you have no competition in fact, you need on another project to work on and develop. If you need assistance in the new chips I'll help, but you know, the more bells and whistles the more problems in the end) I have a great desire cheats to learn and also to help to write in other games. And BNS soft to muddy to start. [4/23/2016 8:22:59 AM] Akumu: No, I work smart, not long ago in fact, only small fixes. Yesterday an old friend wrote, told him that half a year ago ordered the software for smart, and told that as a Yes I have patchy. Here I sit some moments I think how to fix [4/23/2016 8:23:51 AM] Akumu: I also now focused on the cheats, but I lack a bit of experience in reversing and analyzing the application, though it turns out like - but for a long time [4/23/2016 8:25:01 AM] Akumu: I suggest to you, again already, let's fully disclose the cards to each other, tasarim SORS to the shared repository, so it will be much more productive. So we have something like together, and the like obtained separately. [4/23/2016 8:26:01 AM] Alexey: And what patcher, files decrypt? You kind of remade already [4/23/2016 8:26:47 AM] Akumu: He spammers any software ordered. Patchy hwid and a module for protection against emulation of keyboard input. [4/23/2016 8:27:53 AM] Akumu: hwid krasava in General, I have md5 hashit data, he patchel constants in md5 at random, here's random HWID [4/23/2016 8:27:55 AM] Alexey: There are clickers that work by the way [4/23/2016 8:28:10 AM] Alexey: Can you find out what [4/23/2016 8:28:33 AM] Akumu: customers don't complain and fuck the clickers [4/23/2016 8:28:47 AM] Alexey: Also true))) [4/23/2016 8:29:51 AM] Akumu: I want two things to complete to protect, it cecati memory for patches and protect sysenter.. [4/23/2016 8:31:05 AM] Alexey: Now patch you can do? [4/23/2016 8:31:11 AM] Akumu: But that's in LP mode will do all [4/23/2016 8:31:38 AM] Akumu: I there it is some areas, but not all. So want as you then suggested, all memory. [4/23/2016 8:35:31 AM] Akumu: I have already partly even invented, and wrote as cecati memory under amidou, isklyuchaet her relate and debris [4/23/2016 8:49:10 AM] Alexey: Yes, delete all the transitions and theme. [4/23/2016 8:50:37 AM] Akumu: You tell me, you and I have a barrier there is what? In terms maybe you think that we can interests then go away and we'll be on different sides of the barricade [4/23/2016 8:54:38 AM] Alexey: do not Even think about this))) [4/23/2016 8:55:06 AM] Alexey: rather try to help than I can) [5/8/2016 9:36:18 AM] Akumu: and how a record of the last called, do you know? [5/8/2016 9:37:07 AM] Alexey: infinite odyssey seems to be [5/8/2016 9:37:25 AM] Akumu: they have 2 or 3 under that name was) [5/8/2016 9:37:41 AM] Akumu: Hymn fo the Soul is, and it seems like he's Underground [5/8/2016 9:38:05 AM] Akumu: I've confused myself what was happening [5/8/2016 9:49:45 AM] Alexey: the classic of the way and ininiti it's the same client [5/8/2016 9:49:57 AM] Alexey: it is possible to distinguish only one variable [5/8/2016 9:50:04 AM] Alexey: there's a Core there [5/8/2016 9:50:08 AM] Akumu: Yes, I'm aware of [5/8/2016 9:50:24 AM] Akumu: the classic protection costs $500 bucks [5/8/2016 9:50:29 AM] Akumu: and IO is worth $250 [5/8/2016 9:50:46 AM] Akumu: [5/8/2016 9:51:02 AM] Alexey: rules, the main thing that has not learned to substitute the variable)) [5/8/2016 9:51:37 AM] Akumu: well, if you learn, I update ebnu, and all players will lose time [5/8/2016 9:52:05 AM] Alexey: )))))))) [6/16/2016 11:54:51 AM] Akumu: and the second thought was - it's a botnet to do mining [6/16/2016 11:54:59 AM] Alexey: that's the theme, Yes)) [6/16/2016 11:55:12 AM] Alexey: the more you can stir up in defense)))) [6/16/2016 11:55:16 AM] Alexey: I am in bot ahaha [6/16/2016 11:55:19 AM] Akumu: ))))) [6/16/2016 11:55:32 AM] Akumu: I have been to bitcoin at the time [6/16/2016 11:55:39 AM] Alexey: but they say iron invented [6/16/2016 11:55:43 AM] Alexey: USB flash drive of some sort [6/16/2016 11:55:44 AM] Akumu: 4 bitcoin nominal [6/16/2016 11:55:50 AM] Akumu: Yes, but you count [6/16/2016 11:55:56 AM] Alexey: that makes a bunch of top-end cards running at the same time [6/16/2016 11:56:00 AM] Akumu: I made a fake website for cheats for games that pushed the miner [6/16/2016 11:56:15 AM] Akumu: most PC games, Mainila on the graphics card [6/16/2016 11:56:30 AM] Alexey: the class that users will not burn the load [6/16/2016 11:56:34 AM] Alexey: video only strains [6/16/2016 11:56:38 AM] Akumu: 20 good PC in a botnet and you have more capacity than if you buy any hardware [9/5/2016 3:51:44 PM] Akumu: today I rode the train and I thought about all of this [9/5/2016 3:52:09 PM] Akumu: you recently began to provide the servers, the ability to block the bot [9/5/2016 3:52:22 PM] Akumu: I have a parallel appear competitors [9/5/2016 3:52:57 PM] Alexey: Yes I do think MB delete this feature [9/5/2016 3:53:03 PM] Alexey: while few bought [9/5/2016 3:53:08 PM] Akumu: you know why admins not willing to use your suggestion? [9/5/2016 3:53:20 PM] Akumu: because it would mean that you bent it against the man's pride [9/5/2016 3:53:32 PM] Alexey: also true [9/5/2016 3:53:41 PM] Akumu: I have a solution to this problem [9/5/2016 3:53:42 PM] Alexey: Yes, it was necessary as that on another to present [9/5/2016 3:53:47 PM] Alexey: what? [9/5/2016 3:53:54 PM] Akumu: two options [9/5/2016 3:54:40 PM] Akumu: 1. We write together a super-duper protection for L2 servers, entering the market as a new player, put a great price and guarantee that the adrenaline and all the known bots will not work. 2. Separate expensive rate on the smart, but I don't know, doubtful. [9/5/2016 3:54:44 PM] Alexey: damn epic this need to dig, not like he told me) [9/5/2016 3:55:11 PM] Akumu: total we both come out ahead, and the admin is happy that he bent adrenalin [9/5/2016 3:55:27 PM] Akumu: Although in fact he paid you to do the same [9/5/2016 3:55:28 PM] Alexey: Yes, the first is quite a good option, I agree [9/5/2016 3:55:49 PM] Alexey: but then we must think about how it's better to give them what would they take [9/5/2016 3:56:45 PM] Alexey: I thought I was going to poulett and bot anywhere else will not work [9/5/2016 3:56:57 PM] Alexey: wills of persons 5 and all ) [9/5/2016 3:57:21 PM] Akumu: just limit the range of servers to do say 10 clients limit, is no longer connected [9/5/2016 3:57:34 PM] Akumu: and they put the good [9/5/2016 3:58:48 PM] Alexey: Yes [9/25/2016 3:32:14 PM] Akumu: what is the way to do epic, will update if the adrenaline will fall off [9/25/2016 3:32:21 PM] Akumu: Monday to wait? [9/25/2016 3:33:25 PM] Alexey: if the upgrade did fix, hi I too then will a little more wait and will post [9/25/2016 3:33:44 PM] Alexey: changed signatures again? [9/25/2016 3:33:46 PM] Akumu: not ready, almost [9/25/2016 3:33:55 PM] Akumu: no, he flow in a smart "put") [9/25/2016 3:34:04 PM] Alexey: Ah that's how [9/25/2016 3:34:11 PM] Alexey: so, and went before? [9/25/2016 3:34:17 PM] Alexey: check signature [10/1/2016 1:31:26 PM] Akumu: Hello, you note: smart now two branches of updates, between which can switch admins, stable and test. ie there will be two versions smart at the same time. [10/1/2016 6:53:43 PM] Alexey: hi, thank you for the info, and then nepoymu someone wrote the day he checked out all OK. Thought have not updated the MB. [10/1/2016 6:54:26 PM] Alexey: huida think what to do now? It turns out randomic screw driver [10/1/2016 6:55:14 PM] Alexey: the Scanner drivers need to stir up ? [10/1/2016 6:56:03 PM] Alexey: the Scanner altered? That would be no API to read the game? [10/1/2016 7:14:13 PM] Akumu: huida it is not clear made metal driver Yes, scan internal memory remade [10/1/2016 7:52:21 PM] Akumu: This driver can essentially bot your fool)