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About Nitiri

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  1. Friendly and 100% trusted, he is good boy ;)
  2. Another attempt to scam, the image is in Spanish, but this guy "Revery Famell" with mail "framella@mail.ru", he sent me a request to pay a bill for 780€, and he has the balls to say, that I tried to scam him. Another scamer -> Mollo778
  3. This person has tried to scam me "digitaldemlurg". I've searched on google, and this person has tried to scam more people. I attach image where you can see the scammer's skype, be careful guys.
  4. Hi, I'm looking for deals to sell the following (I will update the post daily, if there has been news) Adena (1b = 10€) ⁃ 30b (the last in stock) Armor ⁃ Full PvP Set Robe +8 SOLD ⁃ Full PvP Set Light +8 SOLD ⁃ Blessed HV R99 Set +8 SOLD Jewels ⁃ Blessed Valakas' Necklace SOLD ⁃ Earth Wyrm Heart Ring SOLD ⁃ Frintezza's Soul Necklace SOLD ⁃ Blessed Antharas' Earring SOLD ⁃ Tauti's Ring SOLD Others stuff ⁃ Talisman - Anakim SOLD ⁃ Talisman - Abundance Lv. 1 (High-grade) SOLD ISS 101 with POM SOLD I'm also interested in selling an account 103 (Dagger) / 102 (Yul), for more details pm here or add me to skype. SOLD The payment method that I accept is by paypal. Method: Money to friends or family. If you want to contact me, you can send a message in the forum, send an email or add me to skype. tecomocari@outlook.es
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