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About accalon

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  1. not workin on hellbound priv server L2J - got critical after pressing start
  2. l2.net sux big time use only if know ur way around programmin and want to spent some time understandin the language, for me the main purpose of usin bots is to save some time which i dont have so i wont be learnin programmin for l2.net for sure, whats more the developers wont create extended UI for guys like me :( as for the walker if any1 got any information about hackin hellbound please speak and i dont mean info like learn assembler for god sake
  3. yeah I looked at l2.net funny thing IG version crashing OOG seems to work but when I saw "basic" script for lvl I freaked out, I was never any good with programming so this all is mumbo jumbo for me and I dont want to get banned tryin to figure out what this script will really do with my toon waitin for some IG/OOG walker solution
  4. not workin on priv hellbound server error: Enter world timeout
  5. I play on private server with OOG and crack form vpnbot.com but for some reason it aint workin anymore, some say its protocol version error - any1 knows anything ?
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