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About Back3back

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    United Kingdom

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  1. please let me your contact on pm,will contact you as soon,i've got the server features and starting ideas. let me your skype information or just an simple pm. thank you
  2. i've asked for an Developer,who would be able to do anything i ask,not for couple of people have an code ready to just paste it inside. worked with Katara before,and he wrote anything i wanted. i'l ask for a bunch of diferent think's,and those 1000euro would go to the developer that will write the codes i want. edit: i have like 1-2 idea's at this moment,which i want to apply,but the project will be ready to start as far i have the ideas,and features which i want you to code ready. so you will chose one of my ideas,to code it make it done,so you can go further. also it can be done with a previous project or work you have done,what do i mean its if you have a past work,you can show me,you're previous work,or with who you've worked before.
  3. Hello,so as i said,i'am looking for an skilled Developer,L2J,to make an request i want(will work on acis source) i need you to be able to make any code i ask you too. you will make the first request for free as (Test of your skills). project budget 1000euro contact: pm
  4. added x2 more arcana maces and 1 major set +6
  5. sorc,sps,x2 major set sold. all rest available still pm !
  6. got about 30 message last 5 hours. will update topic in a while(what sold,and what remain.)
  7. 13 Characters: Sps 84 lvl mage will+protection runes/enligment rune-enligment-mage will +15 skills active/passives Sps2 84 lvl mage will+protection runes/enligment rune-enligment-mage will +15 skills active/passives Sorc 85 lvl mage will+protection runes/enligment rune/elemntal protection-enligment-mage will +15/20 skills active/passives bishop 84 lvl full runes+enligment +15 skills active/passives elder 84 lvl elemental rune +enligment +15/20 skills active/passives Domi 84 +14/15 skills enligment active/passives bd/sws lvl 83-84 +10 +/- skills active/passives soulhount 83 lvl +15 skills enligments active/passives edit: all characters are nobless,no bards,and mages bishop has at least 2 skill certificates. wc 79 lvl pony 78 lvl good agument skills in chars on items. Items: 4bilion adena 1.5k coins 4 major sets full attributed dragonic set full attributed 6 arcana mace 150 fire/water/dark duals S grade+4 150 earth attribute on dancer for high medusa chance. x9 tteo sets +3/5 good agument skills in chars on items. dc/majestic sets much more. Prices gonna be negotiable Pm me here for more info Payment can be done though: Westerunion/bank/skrill Paypal if high amount only.
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