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  1. Zacapa's post in Pin code was marked as the answer   
    Take from acis and adapt it its 5 lines code
  2. Zacapa's post in L2j Acis Experince.java help was marked as the answer   
    I will give you an example.
    Open PcTemplate.java or PlayerTemplate.java Find this @Override public final double getBaseHpMax(int level) { return _hpTable[level - 1]; } And make something like this public final double getBaseHpMax(int level) { int lvlmod = level - this._classBaseLevel; double hpmod = 0.37 * lvlmod; double hpmax = (this._hpAdd + hpmod) * lvlmod; double hpmin = this._hpAdd * lvlmod + hpmod; return this._hpInitial + (hpmax + hpmin) / 2; } Then find this private final int _classBaseLevel; And put after private final double _hpInitial; private final double _hpAdd; Find this _classBaseLevel = set.getInteger("baseLvl"); And put after this this._hpInitial = set.getDouble("hpInitial"); this._hpAdd = set.getDouble("hpAdd"); If you do this you need to remove hpTable,mptable,cptable both on PlayerTemplate.java and xml. And put something like this on xmls
    <set val="80" name="hpInitial"/>
    <set val="11.83" name="hpAdd"/>
    And you do the same for mp and cp.
  3. Zacapa's post in REQUEST [HELP] was marked as the answer   
    try to change String timeon = getPlayerRunTime(result.getInt("ch.onlinetime")); String adenas = getAdenas(result.getInt("SUM(it.count)")); to
    String timeon = getPlayerRunTime(result.getLong("ch.onlinetime")); String adenas = getAdenas(result.getLong("SUM(it.count)")); you also need to change
    static String getPlayerRunTime and
    static String getAdenas to long
  4. Zacapa's post in Help Whit Command :/ was marked as the answer   
    you can use this http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/212861-vote-reminder/ and do some changes
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