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About Nochden

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  1. http://l2-battle.net CUSTOM PVP SERVER START: 2016/09/10 18:00 GMT+3 INFORMATIONS First I would like to say, that l2-battle.net project wont leave You easy. No, that wont happen! Server is designed and maintain to ensure, that unexpected wipes wouldn ot occur, but we cant promise 100% online, because of the electricity or ISP problems. It is not rapid though. We allways wanted and still want to be different from other servers, thats why our community is always growing. Chronicle: Interlude (C6) RATES Xp 2000x. Sp 2000x. Aden 1x. Drop 1x. PartyXp 1x. PartySp 1x. Starting level - 1. ENCHANT RATES Safe enchant (+5). Blessed and simple scrolls max enchant (+18). Crystal scrolls max enchant (+20). Simple enchant scrolls chance - 80%. Blessed enchant scrolls chance - 90%. Crystal enchant scrolls chance - 100%. LIFE STONES High Grade LS Chance = 15% Top Grade LS Chance = 20% UNIQUE Features Main town - Giran. Giran castle sieges. Unique aden system. Wedding system. Unique farming zones. Npc skill enchanter. Till A & S grade items for free. Two full npc buffers. Max count of buffs - 41. Max subclasses - 3. Free and no quest class change. Free and no quest sub class. Free nobless status. No weight limit. No grade limit. Online password change. Top 10 pvp/pk npc in game. Augmentation system (preconfigured). Unique monsters. Offline trade system. Interlude retail skills. Server up-time %. Perfect class balance. Farm Zones Safe Farm : Dragon Valley PvP/PK Farm : Dragon Valley Mini RBs : WaterLand Epic Jewels Farm : Fortress PvP Area : Primeval Isle Raid Bosses (there are 15 raid bosses) Party Boss (there 1 boss, need 6~5 players) Kamael wings drop only from Valakas Baium hair drop only from Anharas Dynastic Mask drop only from Party Boss Custom items Apella Armors Dynasty Armors Poseidon Armors Zeus Armors Hades Armors Forever Weapons Ancient Dusk Weapons Dusk Weapons Dusk Jewels Unique tattoos. Voiced commands .menu - Player Manager. .info - Information our server. .pin - Pincode to project account. .leave - Leave PvP Area. .tvtjoin .tvtleave - Join or leave tvt event. .ctfjoin .ctfleave - Join or leave ctf event. .dmjoin .dmleave - Join of leave dm event. .online - current online players count. .repair - repairs stuck character in world. Event System TVT event (12:00 15:00 17:00 20:00 23:00) hours. CTF event (13:00 16:00 19:00 21:00 24:00) hours. DM event (11:00 14:00 18:00 22:00) hours. Trivia event delay (60) minutes. Casino event working (24/7). Unique event shop. Olympiad Games Retail olympiad game. Competition period week. Olympiad start time end +2 GMT time zone. Vote reward: In server working vote reward online systems. After server start you can vote for server and automacilly be rewarded. So get ready for server start and for voting ! http://l2-battle.net CUSTOM PVP SERVER START: 2016/09/10 18:00 GMT+3
  2. Trusted & skilled! The best works! ;)
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