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Posts posted by SATLV

  1. Just gonna re-post comment from pmfun for anyone like me who wondered to start here ;)


    adena rate on classic is low by default... and after the poll with 3x win u decide to make it 2.5 is bullshit... u will see half of server will leave in first weeks because nobody will have adena even for shots..
    Even with adena 4x... on classic is hard to have adena for shots... I think decisions like this should be taken after u play this chronicle ... and I'm starting to doubt any of the admins played this chronicle ..
    and btw on 1.5 teleports cost till 40... only on 2.0 teleports are free till 40..

  2. I think biggest nono of l2tales isnt the history, but the same retarded server usage of files. 

    Same bugs,same exploits which aren't fixed for idk, last time i played on that platform was 2years ago, that just shows that noone of those in charge gives a fuck .

    And not rough files im talking about but same concept doesn't change, that is why you are not getting those numbers you used to get years ago, people aren't stupid, they get bored ,add that its lineage in 2k17 which is true and stupid argument in same time, idk what i wanted to say in this , you lost me and many other as players(i guess) because of tales , mxc was way above in my eyes from c6 and zerg clan times, oh well.

  3. another tales-file made server by usual on of the 3 i guess now possible owners, Guys literally, from a guy who have spent 9 years in this game, well it will go to someone who have so much brain to even read this, Do Not Waste Your Time Here. If you want lineage which will guarantee atleast some promising content, consider classic/raidfight if it is still up idk?/if you are midrate h5 player, even averia is better option, just trust me, these kind of servers you should know by now, I can name just what comes in mind - l2destiny, l2tales, l2woa, first server of Mous when i was his gm cant remember the name, l2vadc, and hundrends which were before, they all come in one particular reason, to gain Money from people who does donate, and they are offering you a shitty scripted files,fake online to make an illusion, that there is people- so in donators mind its worth to donate there, and plus some of course new meta l2 now, which actually is old zRanger, adrenaline users.

    Take this serious or not, i will at least sleep well in night cause i have done my duty to warn you. No other response will be made after my comment, so goodluck and im out.



    Little edit to mous/and gipsy admin name(cant rmember) type of guys. Be happy that you are not in prison by what you have done.

    Because yea, you can get sued for machinations with Money.


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