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Everything posted by xXxExosoulerxXx

  1. ............ Edit:Vey nice share !
  2. let me see this topic! EDIT: Nice share thank you ;)
  3. mid rate is the best rate for a server. because l2 is not only pvps but and exp as well xD
  4. i dont like custom armors/weapons.they just make the server unbalanced.Good luck with your server mate!!.i will not start the server cause i stopped l2 but it seems to be good. -off topic: @Bleackcode you want not to spam but you spam and have respect to others! (sorry for my english.they really sux!!)
  5. ta 2 prwta einai malakies ta songs ta spane! :P
  6. very nice!!
  7. Battle.net connecting problem Hey guys I've done a bit of homework on this problem and i know what it is but i dont know how to fix it. When i connect to battle.net it says Unable to connect to battle.net you may be trying to connect to an invalid battle.net server. If you are using a modem you may have to connect manually to the internet before connecting to battle.net. anyway, i have full legal fully paid for versions of WAR3 ROC x 2 and WAR3 TFT x 2 which i still have. one for me and one for my brother. we both play off the same ip. now our internet is fine we have checked all of the trouble shooting on network connection problems. I kept reading and i found the illegal key part. we had our mate over for a game(on our network) the other week and he used an illegal key to try to get on and play, for the record we said dont do it coz ive heard of account bannings for that stuff. my usual server is Europe and it still wont let me log on to it, but it does let me get onto to the other three servers. Can anyone help me get back onto the Europe?
  8. very nice cobra. Because of you i started l2 again which i have stopped since 4 months ago because the server is -beep-ing amazing!!. i strongly reccomend it Guys!!
  9. λοιπον για αρχη 8α ξεκινησουμε με ανιμε μετα βλεπουμε τις αμερικανικες σειρες στειλε μου σε προσωπικο μηνυμα το msn σου
  10. ναι παιδια καντε με add στο msn μου : exosouler@hotmail.com να τα πουμε απο εκει. και 8ελω να τονισω οτι ειναι μια μη κερδοσκοπικη δουλεια... :)
  11. και εγω εχω εξετασεις και για αυτο για την ωρα 8α πηγαινουμε χαλαρα
  12. ναι ρε!! 8α εχς ετοιμα σθβσ στα αγγλικα και 8α τα μεταφραζουμε στα ελληνικα
  13. 1)μιλα ελληνικα 2)τι σχεση εχει αυτη η ιστοσελιδα με το θεμα του topic? ελεος δηλαδη
  14. αγγλικα .Ολα τα ανιμε ειναι ιαπωνικα.Εμεις 8α περνουμε τουσ αγγλικουσ υποτιτλουσ και 8α τουσ μεταφραζοθμε στα ελληνικα :)
  15. Λοιπον το AnimeCult Team επειτα απο ωριμη σκεψη αποφασισε να αρχισει ομαδα για μεταφρασεις ανιμε.Για αυτο το λογο ανοιγω και αυτη την συζητηση. Για να γινω πιο συγκεκριμενος ψαχνουμε για ατομα ποθ να ξερουν καλα αγγλικα ωστε να μας βοηθησουν να μεταφρασουμε οσα περισσοτερα ανιμε γινετε. Αν ενδιαφέρεστε και 8ελετε περισοτερες λεπτομεριες για το project ας με κανετε προσθηκη στο msn-> email: exosouler@hotmail.com η απλα ας μου στειλετε προσωπικο μυνημα στο maxcheaters i sto animecult
  16. We are looking For people to join our team to help us with our anime site add me on my msn exosouler@hotmail.com btw sorry for double post
  17. Anime Lexicon These are some common words you can hear/read in the Anime coomunity. If you have a word which you think we should add then please E-mail it to me with the explenation of the word. -Chan Commonly added after the name of children. Often it's little girls, or someone you are close to. -Kun Added after the name of boys to whom you are equal age or older then. -Sama Added after the name of a person of whom you think highly of. Commonly an elderly person or anyone whom deserves a high amount of respect. -San Added after the name of someone elder and wiser. Commonly known as Miss., Mrs. or Mr. in the English language. This is to show that you have manners. Anata Means "You". You should never start a conversation with this word because it is considered ill-mannered. Anime Short for Animation. Has become the official word to describe Japanese Animated cartoons. Baka Means "Idiot", although this is an unusually nice way of saying it. Commonly used by younger girls. BG Short term for BackGround. Usually used when describing the animations in the background of an Anime. If an Anime has good background animations, it's a big plus for it. BGM Short term for BackGround Music, which is used in most media where the subject is suppose to have discreet music. Most of these media release CDs with this kind of music. (Look for O.S.T.) Bishoujo Means "Pretty Girl" in Japanese. In Anime it is usually female characters who are cute. Bishounen Means "Pretty Boy" in Japanese. Commonly used to describe handsome male characters in Anime. Con Short for "Convention". A festival or get-together for Anime fans. Many cons are well known around the world, and can last for a few days, and also have special guests like directors or voice actors. Cosplay Consists of the words "Costume" and "Play". As indicating, it means that people/person dresses up into costumes of some Anime characters, and also tries to play that character. Doujinshi Manga made by amateur mangaka. Dub Short for the term "dubbed" which means that the voices in an Anime have been translated into another language. Ecchi Anime with slight erotic/sexual content. Not as extreme as Hentai. Ecchi is the pronunciation of "H", which is the first letter out of "Hentai". Ecchi also means "Pervert" or "Perverted" in Japanese. ED Short for "Ending", which means the ending of an Anime, usually it's when the credits roll. The opposite to ED is OP (Opening). Eye-Catch Short images or clips shown briefly in the beginning and ending of a break in an Anime series. Fan Service A common expression used to describe great scenes in Anime. Although it can just as well be used to describe any scene that brings good attention from the viewers. FanSub Anime which has been both translated and sub-titled by fans. This is commonly only done with Anime that has not been licensed or distributed outside of Japan. This is mostly illegal, but companies will usually allow it considering it can feel unfair to people outside of Japan. On the other hand it is not tolerated to do fansubs after they have been licensed by a company outside of Japan. It is also not tolerated to distribute fansubs, because the ones that subbed it do not deserve to get paid for something they did not make. Hentai "Pervert"or "Perverted"in Japanese. Now used to describe Anime with erotic and sexual content. Hentai now even has it's own classification, or category if you will, although it is still considered to be Anime. Kawaii Means "Cute" in Japanese. Commonly used by girls. Kigurumi A certain life-style that some people chose to take on. It includes putting on a mask of Anime characters, and sometimes even a pail suit to give the effect of light skin color. It is hard to speak under the mask, and most kigurumis chose to just use body language. Kodomo Means "Child" in Japanese. Kodomo-Anime is Anime made for children. Manga The Japanese word for Comic Book. They are usually in black and white color because of the high costs for coloring. Manga is the second most sold gender in the comic book buisness next to the Western comic book buisness, which usually is about Super-Heroes. A lot of Anime are based on Manga. Good examples are; Akira, Ghost in the Shell and Trigun. Mangaka A term used for people who make Manga. Mecha Short for Mechanical. Is a certain genre in Anime. Usually involves giant robots, but can also symbolise any type of mechinary. OAV/OVA "Original Animated Video" or "Original Video Animation". These terms mean the same thing. OAVs/OVAs are Anime that jump directly to Video stores, and passing any theatric or television market. OP Short for "Opening", it is usually a few minutes long clip to introduce an Animes name. The oposit of OP is ED (Ending). O.S.T. Short for "Original Soundtrack. These are CD with the music that is featured in Anime, including the BGM (Background Music). Otaku A term to describe an obseesed Anime fan. The correct translation is "Freak" or "Geek". And Otaku is not a nice thing to call someone in Japan. On the other hand, in other countries, it has become a way of describing obsessed fans and even fans in general. Many consider it an honer to be called an Otaku. RAW A term used for describing an Anime that has not been sub-titeled nor Voice dubbed. Seiyuu Commonly used in the Western reagon to destribe a "Voice Actor" or "Voice Actress". (Also see VA) Shoujo Means "Girl" in Japanese. Shoujo-Anime are Anime made mostly for girls. Shounen Means "Boy" in Japanese. Shounen-Anime are Anime made mostly for boys. Sub Short for "Sub-Titeled", which means that an Anime has been translated into text which is shown in the bottom of the screen. This is commonly preferred over Dubbed Anime. VA Short for "Voice Actor" or "Voice Actress". These are people who play the voices of the different characters we see in Anime. Yaoi Anime or Manga that contain homosexual thoughts and possibly even actions, between males. Yuri Anime or Manga that contain homosexual thoughts and possibly even actions, between females.
  18. i dont like sasuke!!he is capable of killing everyone to achieve his goal (itachi's death) he is so poor!
  19. Lee fanniest char ever!! Sake FTW ;)
  20. fakoykas it works in interlude now or not?
  21. if you choose Other tell us his/her name
  22. guys do you know in which episode the naruto shippuden fillers will end?
  23. try imesh www.imesh.com
  24. L2Konoha Naruto FTW!
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