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Posts posted by DargorWL

  1. Those screenshots do look like 600 online rather than "4k". Using screenshots of Giran shops also proves nothing in relevance to the amount of unique players. I can think of at least a couple of foolproof ways even a non tech savvy person would be able to work around boxing limits if there are any and have as many shops as they damn well please.


    Honestly though, I'm only here to express my annoyance with the Facebook ads. I get it, you people have a server, I'm not interested.

  2. Admins claiming "L2OFF original gold.cc files" and their oly is non class.

    hehe xd

    1 more trash server to the bin.

    I m 100% sure that it will got EF like 2 avellans ago / GC.I m waiting for their topic here and actually check their NPCs and prove that its L2J.

    Its either Avellan either siqma .no doubts about it





    I vote for Avellan staff. It's simply a perfect fit. Carelessness and incompetence.

  3. These people stated that they created/coded a 2nd antibot which will run at the same time with SG.

    Thats stupid af from a few prespectives.


    Anyway,its like 10 days left,they havent opened beta ... yet.Avellan things xd


    If it's really the Avellan staff then they are getting more and more stupid. I remember -I think- before Avellan #2 there was quite a long time of Beta "testing" where all you could do was enchant weapons at Aden. Now I guess they can't be bothered even with that.

  4. Well,these are several photos which i got overtime ...


    I wont be amazed if these people are actually L2Avellan's admins,since all of them act pretty much the same way.(Silent/Stupid announcenents)

    I saw on the other forum that people talk dogsh1t for SG/L2 OFF.The reply which i shared,is from SG Author :)


    Dont waste ur time arguing with stupids anyway,because they will never agree (because they have to be smart in the first place).




    U have to be really stupid aka L2Avellan admin ,to say something like this...

    They pretty much said that they will use 2nd antibot system + its hard to bypass it (they did tho) .LOL


    There's no such thing as 100% protection. With that being said, all a stupid/clueless staff can do is buy protection from someone and hope for the best. Their best chance though is that no one will bother to find a way around their "protection" because their server's gonna be worthless. That of course, doesn't mean there isn't a way. :)

  5. Well thats why I've edited the previous post and said that I've tested it in pvp.

    Well every real good dagger that I've faced noone moved during the pvp and had around atleast 5k hp left at the end.

    Ofcourse I do move against any other class and at the beginning I also tried moving against daggers till the moment I saw how they fight me.



    Wouldn't it be a waste of precious time trying to move vs dagger, first of all you have to move and retarget him constantly since he got mirage and second of all you're doing all the hard work for him cause he can easily retarget you since he's standing and get your side cause you're moving.


    How do you know they don't have better passives/actives than you? It's L2Damage after all.

  6. because they lie ...

    (Can someone explain whats exactly the L2OFF AdvExt?Do they mean the extender or what?)


    First of all,i have never seen a single guy saying that his server is advext l2 off.Everyone just says "l2 off" and "antibot smartguard".

    They feel ashamed for having a trance pack /shared pack and they believe that l2off is better than l2j in 2016 LUL.

    Most of the "admins" have zero knowledge but they still get shared stuff so..

    That being said,they never did their homework.Someone had to look for that post ,so they can clarify what kind of "l2 off" fits with SG.

    They never did/they never knew.

    99% of the people who say l2off + SG -> they lie.

    Dunno if u are Dargor from "l2gold" forums but trust me,noone has l2off /l2 gold "original" files.Most of these are shared or old bought from Captain.

    I dont remember any admin selling the original files,and even after the end of .cc,they never had the chance to do.


    I am Dargor from all those forums indeed, and as you can guess they removed my posting rights in their forum already. I only decided to move the discussion to this forum firstly, because they got that banner and secondly, because no one will buy their crap here nor they can ban me for simply stating the obvious. With that being said, all of the things you mentioned I already know, but the sheeple back there are so desperate for another trance pack/captain's ancient files gold copy that they made it their life's purpose to invent an idiotic explanation/excuse to whatever question I ask. In a couple of weeks their server will open. They don't have a site, they didn't have a beta testing. At least this will be amusing. Good night my friend.


    Saying disgraceful things without presenting any proof to back them up ,is, and let me quote you ,,BULLSHIT''.The fact is, you don't know if the population
    is spread evenly throughout the year or not, I don't know either , but at least I have this poll going on ,and after a long period of time it will generate
    a decent answer, hopefully .I would be fucking happy to be proven wrong , and see that in the end the population is faithful to the game regardless the
    time of year it is played.
    Then you suggested summer may be the season to go, again, without generating any proof whatsoever.I am sorry if i am mistaken on this, but i guess 
    your argument might have sounded something like this: [you know ,little kids have vacation in summer and they can sit all day and play].Well again
    i am sorry but i don't think little kids are the target audience a good server should acquire, and also i am fairly positive that the lineage base
    is mostly composed of old die-hard players.The counter argument is that people will not invest time in the summer-time because there are far better 
    things to do that sitting around all day. 
    The fact is ,everything we say at this point its just speculation. You haven't said anything productive , smart or even at least good on this topic
    because you didn't want to, or even more likely, because you can't. I think you are an uneducated , mean, little greek kid,your vocabulary reflects that, that fact 
    that you turned this( i might add , a very good question) into a flame section  , certainly reflects that.Feel free to comment everything you want next , but
    i am not going to respond to you anymore, period.



    So why are you promoting that shite l2osiris? Good servers with international communities have good activity at all times. High rate pvp servers have better activity when they start after their wipes and slowly decline till the next wipe, same goes to good low rates, only it's supposed to happen much more slowly. When you're playing gold shite copies the best time is December to February IF the server survives for more than 2 weeks. Is speculation so hard for you?

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